Tuesday, October 31, 2023


I'll be temporarily stopping the translation for 'Listen to my lady's story' (ウチのお嬢様の話を聞いてくれ) until the author writes another chapter. In the meantime, I'll be translating other works, although I haven't made a final decision on which ones yet. I believe I can work on up to two titles simultaneously. While my workload has increased, I've asked someone I know to help with editing on their Discord channel. However, ultimately, I will need to ensure the quality before posting it, so the release will be consistent with my usual standards.

When it comes to the works I should translate next, I'd appreciate your suggestions on which titles you would recommend. While I'm not particularly skilled at translating adult or smut novels, please refrain from suggesting BL or Yuri. Additionally, I'm only considering Japanese Light Novels or WEB Novels. If you know of any interesting titles, please feel free to share them with me, whether they were dropped by other translators or haven't been translated yet.

Lastly, regarding quality, I'd appreciate your feedback on this site or the translation. Whether the content or the Japanese meaning is conveyed properly. Any input would be greatly appreciated, as user feedback is important, after all. I've been doing all of this in Notepad during my free time (which is mostly at work), and I believe I'm getting proficient at it, which is why I'm working on two titles. Also, I'm not very keen on conversation, so I tend to avoid pointless talk. Sorry in advance, I guess?

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 90

 The former lady of the duke wants to observe

While gazing at the vast snowy landscape beneath us, the ship carrying us slowly ascended towards the imperial capital.

"Handling aerodynamics, managing defensive barriers, all while simultaneously processing them...? The person who created these magical symbols must be a genius," Isabella exclaimed as she observed the runes adorning the ship's hull.

Ordinary magical tools could usually only manage a single type of magic per tool. However, propelling a ship of this size through the air required a complex array of runes, even though I wasn't well-versed in the subject. Isabella, the former Duchess of the Kingdom, renowned worldwide for her magical expertise, made this statement, making it unquestionably credible.

"Yes, that's right! After all, this ship was crafted by our empire's brilliant magical engineer, Mr. Nikolai," Hanna replied with pride.

"Isn't he the Empire's top magical engineer?"


Listening to Hanna's boastful words, I glanced at the bracelet secured on my left arm.

Magical engineers, specialists responsible for creating and maintaining magical tools, are quite common in the Empire. The name of the top magical engineer is well-known even in the Kingdom.

They say that His Highness recognized his exceptional talent. He's achieved many groundbreaking inventions and is known as a genius who reached the top position at a remarkably young age. I believe he's the one who crafted this enhancement runic bracelet for me. Frankly, I'm not sure why such a remarkable person took an interest in me, but I've been grateful for his magical tools in various situations. If I ever get the chance to meet him, I'd like to express my gratitude.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 89

The former lady of the duke is seeking asylum

The frigid land of the Granz Empire, a kingdom of magic, lay beyond the northern Border Mountains of the realm.

At the heart of the capital city, Ehre, rose the formidable Onyx Castle, the residence of the imperial family who ruled the empire.

Hanna, a member of the Imperial Guard, hurriedly navigated through the austere hallways teeming with soldiers and bureaucrats.

"Hey there, it's been a while," she said.

Although she had come to the office for her usual work, there was an unexpected guest today.

The silver-haired young man seated at the desk turned toward Hanna, sporting a relaxed smile.

"Your Highness!? And Captain too, it's been a long time. Have you returned?" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, I just got back on the latest flight," he replied with an easygoing grin.

"I apologize for leaving things to you in my absence."

Deitrich, the first imperial prince, and his guardian, Luke, who was also the leader of the Imperial Guard, had been studying abroad in another kingdom for nearly a year. In response to their return, Hanna promptly straightened up and saluted.

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 88

 My lady becomes a cat -Second Half

"That being said, I've never taken care of a cat before..."


(Even I've never imagined turning into a cat.)

As Crow left the workshop and walked through the mansion's corridor, he muttered to himself. In his arms, Isabella had turned into a cat and was quietly being held.

Since she had been left behind by Eins, the only one who knew her situation, Isabella, who didn't want Crow to discover her secret, had no choice but to play the part of a cat.


(Curse you, Eins...)

"Is there something troubling you, Master?"

"Oh, it's a cat. What's wrong, Master? Are you going to eat it?"

As Isabella, still harboring her resentment towards Eins, adopted the role of a cat, the maids who noticed her presence from the other side of the corridor called out.

"Zwei and Drei huh... Well, Milady asked me to take care of it. But I've never had a cat before, so I'm not sure what to do... So, I won't eat it, Drei."

These two, whom Isabella had seen before, were Crow's maids, just like Eins. Crow took this opportunity to explain what Eins had told him, all the while cradling Isabella. He also made sure to caution the maid who had made a potentially dangerous comment.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 87

 My lady becomes a cat -First Half


Inside a room at the Duke's mansion, which served as a magical workshop, Isabella stirred a bubbling, eerie-colored liquid in a large cauldron, wearing a mischievous smile.

"Last time, I made mistakes, but I won't repeat them."

Taking the lessons learned from the previous chaotic incident into account, the room was now neatly organized. There was no chance of unintended materials getting mixed in. Most of the necessary ingredients were already in the cauldron, and now it was time for the final touches.

"Now, with this..."

To add the final ingredient, Isabella briefly stepped away from the cauldron and approached a shelf along the wall. She grabbed a potted plant placed there and casually plucked its leaves, pulling them out with a swift motion.


As soon as the plant was uprooted from its pot, a piercing scream echoed through the room.

It was a plant-like magical creature with a humanoid root structure, a Mandragora. Its scream, filled with magical energy, directly attacked the minds of those who heard it, capable of causing death.

"Oh my, no matter how much you scream, it's useless."

But Isabella, who should have been close enough to hear the cries of impending death, remained calm and wore a smirk.

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 86

 My lady and the maid

"The sages abandoned the foolish people who had grown overconfident in the artifacts they were given. The sages disappeared from public view. Without the sages' protection, the country fell victim to marauding monsters. The once thriving capital of the ancient magical civilization has long been known as the 'Forest of Magic.'"

Isabella stood at the lectern, delivering her explanations with a commanding voice that held the students' attention. Her clear and well-structured explanations, complete with annotations, seemed to have a magical power that naturally captivated the students.

"Shall we stop here for today?"

"Are we done already?"

"Isabella, your explanations were very clear and helpful. Thank you."

Although Isabella had captivated the entire classroom, a female teacher standing next to her signaled that it was time to end the lecture. In reality, she could have continued for several more hours, so the teacher's intervention was a prudent choice. Isabella gracefully bowed to the slightly frustrated teacher and returned to her seat at the front row.

"Seriously, if they wanted my attention, they could have been more straightforward..."

Isabella sat in her seat, muttering her grievances as the teacher continued with the uninteresting lecture. It seemed the teacher was irritated by Isabella's disinterested demeanor, and they might have been attempting to embarrass her.

The content they discussed was quite complex for the average student, but Isabella had already covered it in her royal education. In fact, she was more than capable of taking over the lecture in place of the teacher who was evidently boring her.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 85

 My lady devotes herself

"Ugh... Aah..."

It's difficult to estimate how much time has passed since then. As I came to my senses, the morning sun had already risen, and the room was growing brighter. Despite the passage of time, the room still resonated with sensual moans.

"What do you think? Does it feel good inside me?"

"Ugh... Uuh..."

Straddling me while I lay there, drained of energy, Isabella moved her hips and flashed a seductive smile.

To be honest, I had underestimated her capabilities. Being a commoner, I initially believed I stood no chance against a noble like Isabella in a straightforward physical match. But beyond that, Isabella's intelligence was astounding. She quickly learned how to please a man through our encounters, and she excelled at it.

Initially, I had the upper hand, but the situation reversed. Now, she had the upper hand, and I was at her mercy.

And above all...

"I underestimated you, Isabella, and your lewdness."

"Who's being lewd?"


Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 84

 Together with my lady

Pushing Isabella down onto the cheap bed, it creaked under our combined weight. Her golden hair shimmered in the moonlight that lit up the room, and her emerald eyes locked onto mine.

"Are you really going to... embrace me?"

"Yes, I want to make you completely mine, Milady."

She asked with a hint of nervousness, and I responded with a reassuring smile. My fingers gently brushed her cheek, as if to ease her tension.

"Your tastes are quite unique, desiring someone like me when most men prefer someone cute and charming like Maria, don't they?"


Taken aback by my immediate response, Isabella let out a sigh of exasperation.

"I'm not questioning your feelings. But, given that His Highness and the other men were all infatuated with that girl..."

Isabella seemed to understand my concerns, offering a reassuring smile. Yet, beneath that smile, her eyes revealed lingering worries about Maria's impact on our relationship and whether I might drift away like the princes.

"That's simply because they lacked the proper appreciation. Milady, you're an incredibly attractive woman."

"D-do you really think so?"

However, such concerns were baseless.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 83

 My lady is being exploited


I slowly regained consciousness, my vision clearing as I stared at an unfamiliar ceiling. As I awoke, I remembered the situation we were in.

We were in one of the cities within Valiaz's territory. This city was a crucial link between the capital and major cities in the northern part of the kingdom. In the past, it had served as a supply depot for goods bound for the front lines along the border. After the war ended, it had transformed into a bustling trade hub in the northern part of the kingdom.

The place they were staying was a small inn tucked away in a corner of the city. At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary inn, but in reality, it served as one of the Empire's operational bases within the kingdom. Imperial spies typically used it.

They had arrived at this inn, their designated meeting point, just the previous night. As we entered our assigned room, I immediately collapsed onto the nearby bed, overwhelmed by exhaustion, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Even with healing elixirs that served as energy boosters, nearly a week of non-stop carriage travel had left us utterly drained.


Recognizing the current situation, I turned my attention to the presence that had clung to my chest moments ago.

The room, dimly lit as if it were nighttime, was illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, casting a gentle glow on the glistening golden hair.

When I pulled back the sheets, my suspicions were confirmed: My lady, who had snuggled into the same bed, was now resting her head against my chest, her breaths steady, as if seeking comfort.

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 82

 My lady falls asleep

"Don't lose heart! We must stand our ground here at all costs!"

At the eastern gate of the royal capital, a fierce battle raged on between the defending forces and the relentless waves of monsters. The captain urged his troops to press on, but the strain on his face was evident.

Despite the considerable time that had passed since the battle began, the scene in front of them remained unchanged. The monsters continued their unceasing assault, and the signs of exhaustion were increasingly visible among the defenders. These warriors, no matter how elite, were still human and couldn't maintain their magical output without rest.

Adding to their plight, they had lost contact with their headquarters, and reinforcements seemed like an impossible hope. The relentless monster horde showed no signs of receding. The situation was precarious, and it was taking a toll on the spirits of the team members.

"Oh no!"

In this precarious situation, it was only a matter of time before a flying monster exploited a brief opening and breached the city walls, making its way into the capital.

While just a single monster, it posed a significant threat to the defenseless citizens who had no means to fight back. Leaving this monster unchecked would likely result in many casualties.

However, the knights were already fully occupied with the monsters right before them, and they had no room to deal with this new threat.

"Stop it!"

The malevolent glee in the monster's expression was evident as it prepared to strike at the helpless citizens below. Ignoring the anguished cry of the captain, the creature lunged at its prey.

—Just as its sharp claws were about to pierce a person walking in the street, a sudden flash of light from an unknown source shot through the monster's body.


"What in the world...?"

The monster was struck dead center in the chest, crashing to the ground with a forceful impact. The source of the blinding flash remained a mystery to the captain, but he noticed several figures soaring from a great distance in the sky, moving towards them.

"Sky Knights!"

As someone in the unit identified their saviors, an exhilarating cheer erupted among everyone present.

Mounted on white-winged pegasus, the Sky Knights flew through the skies in perfect harmony with their steeds. They crossed the city gate and dived into the mass of monsters, swiftly exterminating the threat.

These Pegasus-mounted knights were a rare and precious asset in the kingdom, and they belonged to the direct service of the royal family. They were the kingdom's trump card, a formidable force.

The arrival of such powerful reinforcements significantly boosted the low morale of their beleaguered comrades.

"Can you hear me? We've sent reinforcements your way."

"That voice, is it the Vice-Commander?"

The arrival of the Sky Knights excited the knights, and the captain received a message through his communication crystal.

The voice on the other end undoubtedly belonged to the Vice-Commander, the second-in-command of the Kingdom Knights.

"I apologize for the delay. I understand your current situation."

"What in the world is happening?"

"Time is limited, so I'll be brief. The capital is currently under attack by an unidentified hostile force."


The captain had already realized it was an extraordinary situation, but the fact that the capital itself was under attack exceeded their expectations. It left him momentarily speechless.

"At the moment, our Knight Order's headquarters is engaged in combat with the enemy. Hence, I'm taking command in their absence."

Despite the captain's astonishment, the Vice-Commander continued speaking from the other side of the crystal.

The captain had anticipated that the Vice-Commander would step up to lead in the Commander's absence. However, it was clear that the group currently attacking the capital was incredibly powerful, considering they had compelled the Vice-Commander to take charge.

"We currently have our magicians working on repairing the grand barrier, but it will still take some time before we can redeploy it. Until then, we need you to hold your ground at all costs. We're also doing our best to send reinforcements your way from here."

"Understood! The rest of you, endure a little longer. We must defend this position until the grand barrier is restored!"


The enemy might be powerful, but there was no way they would allow themselves to be defeated, especially now that they had received reassuring support and reinforcements.


"Kingdom's knights are putting up quite a fight. Is this also thanks to your influence?"


The man groaned in response.

In a room within a mansion in the capital, Regina listened to reports from knights through a communication crystal. She casually used her heel to crush a man who was now lying on the floor.

This man, once a vice-commander of the Royal Knights, was now being gleefully trampled by the queen of the slums. His transformation from a dignified leader to a humiliated victim was quite unexpected.

"So, what happened to that boy?"

"He's safe, Mother. The carriage carrying Sir Crow and the others has successfully passed through the northern gate and left the capital."

"That's a relief."

Regina shifted her attention to her daughter, Yuna, who was reading through incoming reports. While not experts in espionage like Selpan and Crow, Regina and her associates had their own unique ways of fighting.

Currently, they controlled the capital's sex industry and had many men under their influence, from low-ranking knights to high-ranking figures. This included the vice-commander who was now at Regina's feet.

This hidden advantage allowed them to disperse the kingdom's knights by exploiting their admirers. It was a useful tool for securing Crow and his group's escape routes without much trouble.

"How are those kids doing?"

"I contacted them earlier, and they are preparing to escape. However, it seems that Miss Drei is still in a confrontation with the Commander of the Knights."

"She's quite the handful... Tell Eins to recover her as soon as possible."

"Yes, right away."

Yuna understood whom her mother was truly concerned about, and she smiled softly while contacting Ains and the others.

Observing her daughter's reaction, Regina couldn't help but feel a bittersweet emotion. She leaned back in her chair and rechecked the situation in various locations.

"This is just a disaster. The capital is in complete chaos. Our business is going to suffer terribly because of this."

The incoming reports were all about the extensive damage to the capital. It would take a long time for the city to recover, and this would undoubtedly affect Regina and her associates, who had also been involved in the recent disturbance. They were looking at significant losses in the coming days.

"Mother, you seem quite pleased."

"Do I look that way?"

However, Yuna noticed something different in Regina's expression. It wasn't tinted with resentment or negativity; instead, there was a gentle smile.

"Well, yes. To make enemies of nations for the sake of a single woman, he's quite a character. If I were as young as you, I might have tried to charm him myself."

"Oh, Mother."

In reality, despite all the chaos caused by Crow's actions, his ultimate goal was to rescue a single woman. From an outsider's perspective, it might seem like a foolish affection, but Regina, who had been a prostitute and witnessed the ugly desires of men for so long, understood the positive aspect of it.

"Indeed, it's no wonder that she fell for him."

That's likely why Eins followed him. Thinking of the image of her late best friend in her mind, Regina muttered something that sounded somewhat melancholic.


"Milady, let's make camp here for the night."

They had been riding without rest since their escape from the capital, and with the surroundings growing dark, they decided to halt the carriage at the road's edge.

In truth, they'd have liked to put more distance between themselves and the capital, but the horses were showing signs of fatigue after the constant ride. With several more days of travel ahead, pushing the horses too hard wasn't an option.

Magical creatures like Wyverns or Bicorns could travel continuously for three days and nights without a hitch. However, such creatures were too conspicuous for an escape, and besides, they wouldn't heed the commands of a non-magical human. In reality, Crow couldn't use them even if he wanted to.

"Prepare for the long journey and have something to eat."


Milady, seated on the ground, gazed vacantly into the distance, showing no response to my words. With spoon in hand, I decided to feed her by gently lifting the soup to her lips.

"I'm sorry we could only prepare this. If our cook were here, we could have had something much better. I should have learned more about cooking; it would have been helpful in situations like this."

Our rations consisted of dried meat, a simple herbal soup, and hard bread that was difficult to eat without softening. These provisions were intended for long journeys but fell far short of Milady's usual meals. Under normal circumstances, she might have been furious enough to flip the entire pot.


Milady, however, showed no reaction to the simple meal. She mechanically consumed the soup and softened bread when fed, as if caring for a bedridden patient. Knowing her usual liveliness, seeing her like this was painful.

"We should be safe for a while. There's no reason for them to send pursuers amidst the chaos in the capital. Let's make some progress during this time."

"At this pace, we should reach our destination in about five more days. It will be an exhausting journey, but please endure it a little longer."

Afraid of the distressing image that came to mind when I looked away from her, I kept talking to Milady. She remained unresponsive, but I didn't mind. Otherwise, My own anxiety might crush him.

"It's getting cold outside, Milady. Please rest in the back of the carriage, and I'll stand guard outside."

After they finished the meal, I decided to let Milady rest in the carriage's cargo bed. Despite the warming magical equipment, it was winter, and shielding her from the wind in the enclosed cargo bed was a better choice. I wanted to stay by her side, but the possibility of an attack at any moment required me to keep watch. Most of the nearby creatures were likely drawn to the capital, but there was still a slim chance of an attack. Although the night was growing late, the biting wind was exceptionally cold. It was still an improvement from my time on the streets in the slums.


I attempted to drape an insulated coat over Milady and step outside, but my motion was abruptly halted as a hand latched onto my sleeve from behind.

Upon turning around, I discovered Milady, who had remained unresponsive until that moment, gazing at me with vacant eyes.

"N... o...."

Desperation laced her feeble plea as she clung to my hand, her voice barely audible. For Milady, who had lost her family and now found herself utterly alone, it appeared she had no option but to seek solace from someone like me.

"Well, I suppose there's no helping it. It's chilly, but would you like to remain outside with me?"


Nevertheless, the mere fact that Milady displayed any response, no matter how slight, was a source of comfort at that moment.

After discerning her faint nod in acknowledgment of my suggestion, I carefully transported her outside onto the cargo bed.

"Don't worry; I won't go anywhere. I'll stay right by your side."


Seated together by the still-burning campfire, we drew closer to each other to evade the cold. As I gently ran my fingers through her golden hair, I offered a silent prayer that the profound despair in her heart might, if only slightly, begin to dissipate.

Seemingly comforted by my soothing touch, she nestled her head upon my shoulder, her breathing gradually softening.


I maintained a silent vigil, tending to the fire and ensuring that Milady, who had drifted into peaceful slumber, would not be awakened until the morning sun graced the sky.

Previous Chapter    ToC    Next Chapter

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 81

 My lady makes her escape

One day, without any prior warning, the capital was jolted by a sound resembling the shattering of delicate glasswork.

As people looked up at the sky, they witnessed an astonishing sight: the grand protective barrier that had safeguarded the kingdom for centuries was splintering, dissolving into tiny points of light, and vanishing into thin air. This unexpected event left the citizens in a state of shock and plunged the entire capital into turmoil.

"Is there still no word from the messenger we dispatched to the headquarters? Hurry with the deployment of the golem units!" Despite the chaos, the knights of the defense force near the eastern gates of the capital were quickly moving into position. Their leader energetically issued commands to keep their ranks organized.

The eastern region of the kingdom was known for its rich concentration of magical energy, and it was home to various dangerous monsters, like those dwelling in the menacing Magic Forest. This area was susceptible to hostile magical monsters making their way toward the capital, which made the defense of the eastern border especially crucial. As a result, the knights stationed here were all elite and handpicked for their roles.

Even in this highly unusual situation, they remained level-headed and diligently carried out their duties.

"Captain, do you really think there might be an enemy attack?"

"It's hard to say for sure. The fact that the capital's protective barrier has disappeared is unprecedented. We need to prepare for the worst."

As the adjutant delivered their report, the captain's face grew stern.

Losing the protective barrier they were duty-bound to uphold was unheard of, even for an experienced knight like the captain.

An attack by magical creatures on the city at this point would result in significant damage.

Despite the mages reinforcing the city walls with every enhancement spell they could muster and rapidly assembling defensive golems, there was uncertainty about how effective these measures would be.

"I hope this is just a needless concern..."

It would be best if nothing happened at all.

In the worst-case scenario, the captain would simply have to admit their worries.

However, considering the ongoing inability to make contact with headquarters, there was an unsettling premonition that couldn't be ignored.

And as it turned out, that premonition was well-founded.

"Ugh, it's happening after all!"

When the sudden tolling of the bell echoed from the watchtower, tension coursed through the entire unit.

The meaning of the bell, as relayed by the watchtower, was clear: a magical monster attack. And not just one or two; it was a horde-level threat.

"What's the situation?"

"Magical creatures are approaching from the direction of the Trial Forest! The number is... What on earth is this!?"

Immediately, the captain contacted the knight on watch through the communication crystal. However, it seemed the watchman was quite shaken, and their report lacked clarity.

"What's going on? Provide an accurate report."

"A massive horde of magical creatures! This scale... it's a major monster flood!"


The captain couldn't help but exclaim at the report delivered in a trembling voice by the knight who had somehow regained composure.

This was an unmistakable abnormal situation.

Typically, magical creatures didn't form hordes with other species. But what they were facing was a massive flood – an event that broke that norm. Various types of magical creatures were flooding into human territory, wreaking havoc and causing the worst kind of disaster.

"Ca, Captain!"

"Don't panic! There are citizens behind us who need protection! We must stop them here. Magician squad, prepare the wide-area extermination spell!"

"Y-Yes, understood!"

The captain immediately issued orders to prepare for the counterattack, but his expression was stern. A major monster flood was a calamity that should ideally be prevented by gathering the kingdom's elites in a well-prepared state. However, today, the execution site's security had drawn away personnel, and they had lost contact with headquarters. Now that even the king's capital-guarding trump card, the Great Barrier, had been lost, there would undoubtedly be significant damage.

"What have the extermination teams been doing? Another flood occurred just half a year ago."

Originally, the extermination teams were supposed to regularly thin out the magical creatures in the forests surrounding the capital to prevent such a situation. The captain involuntarily voiced his resentment toward those who weren't present, but complaining wouldn't change the situation.

"Captain! At the front of the horde of magical creatures, there's a group being chased!"


When the horde of magical creatures came within view, covering the plain, one of the subordinates reported. By channeling magic into his eyes to observe, he could see a group desperately riding horses, pursued relentlessly by the magical creatures. Most likely, they had been caught up in this disaster. If they were not rescued, the magical creatures would undoubtedly run them down.

"Rescue them immediately!"

"We have no choice... No, wait, that's not...!"

Just as the captain was about to order the rescue teams to move, a strong sense of foreboding washed over him. He directed his gaze back to the group being pursued. When he saw them again, they had already drawn their bows. What was even more unsettling was that their targets were not the horde of magical creatures chasing them but the direction of the defense units preparing to intercept.

"Take them down!"

The command was shouted just as they released their arrows. Enhanced by magic, countless arrows came straight at the city gate. The magician unit's response was slightly delayed as they were preparing for the counterattack. Some of the knights fired sporadic spells, managing to shoot down a few arrows. However, one of the arrows ruthlessly pierced the city gate.

"Just ordinary arrows? No, this... 'Monster Attractor'?"

Immediately after, the captain braced himself for the magic attached to the arrow to trigger, but there was no sign of it activating. The captain was puzzled by the lack of any detonation. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that a small pouch was attached to the tip of the arrow. Simultaneously, he caught a faint scent, and his face turned pale.

If this flood had been intentionally triggered, the captain couldn't even begin to imagine the scale of it.

"You damn bastaaards!"

The people who caused this situation had disappeared, leaving only the frenzied horde of magical creatures. As the magical creatures came within range, a series of annihilation spells were cast, casting a blinding white light over the area, and the battle commenced.

"I thought I was going to die... They're as ruthless as ever!"

Slightly south of the eastern gate of the royal capital, on a small hill overlooking the plains to the east, the members of the third knight brigade led by Jerald, who were supposed to be Isabella's guards, looked exhausted. Since the ducal family had fallen, they were supposed to lose their positions as well. However, they had been ordered by Crow to use the monster attraction for the past week to gather monsters around the royal capital.

Their task was to bring the gathered horde of monsters to the defense forces of the royal capital. It was a monumental task, and it had just been completed. Their faces were drained, and the situation was grim due to the corpses scattered around them.

"Wow, they're really at it. Crow's strategies are always something else..."

They managed to recover their strength enough to stand up and check the results of their week-long efforts. Below them, on the plains, a fierce battle was unfolding. Monsters were pushing against the city gate, and the defense forces were doing their best to hold them back. Countless spells were being cast from the gate, creating large gaps in the horde of monsters with each explosion. However, the monsters coming from behind quickly filled those gaps, making it seem like an endless battle.

The monsters, in an excited state due to the effects of the monster attraction, charged recklessly toward the gate, disregarding the sacrifices of their fellow creatures. In the face of such an overwhelming horde covering the plains, it was impressive that the elite defense forces managed to maintain a standstill.

"Captain, the purification work is complete."

"Alright, we've earned our retirement pay. We shouldn't stick around here any longer. Let's get out of here."


The team members confirmed the success of their mission to keep the defense forces entirely focused on the eastern gate, and they began to pack up as the purification of the monster attraction was completed.

After causing such a commotion, the members of the knight brigade, including their captain, couldn't stay in the kingdom any longer. They were already wanted due to being knights of the Valiaz family.

"Captain, what do we do now?"

"Well, I've had enough of serving in the palace. Maybe we should become mercenaries somewhere... Let's discuss it as we move forward."

As they left the royal capital they had been familiar with for so long, leaving behind the ongoing battle of the defense forces, they embarked on the road ahead, contemplating their uncertain future.


"Milady, come this way!"

He took her delicate hand and led her through a labyrinth of narrow alleyways. Fortunately, their efforts to stir chaos seemed to have gone unnoticed so far, and her escape hadn't been uncovered. But in their current predicament, the entire capital city had become their enemy, and they needed to get out before their pursuers closed in.

Right after the execution of her family, the protective barrier shrouding the capital city, as planned, had disappeared, causing turmoil at the execution site. Seizing the opportunity amidst the chaos, they had managed to slip away from the scene and make their way to the western commercial district, where they hoped to find a means to leave the city.


Yet as they ran, I couldn't help but sneak glances at Milady trailing behind me. Moments ago, she had been so spirited while causing a scene, but now she walked beside him in silence. Her eyes, once filled with determination, had lost their spark, leaving her looking like an empty shell, devoid of spirit.

Clearly, I shouldn't have shown her that. As repulsive as her family might have been, they were beloved to her. Witnessing the loss of her family had left her in shock, unresponsive.

Given the circumstances, I knew there hadn't been any other option. They couldn't afford to save her family, and all they could do was watch the situation unfold.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if there had been a better way.

Clutching my hand as if her life depended on it, Milady's vulnerable state makes me acutely aware of my powerlessness.

If only I were stronger, could I have spared her from this heart-wrenching ordeal?

"Hide!" I urgently tell her.

Breaking free from my self-blame, we finally spot the exit of the narrow alley. Just before we step onto the main street, I instinctively pull her into the alley's shadows, protecting her in my arms. With only a hint of my face visible, I observe the situation on the street. What I see is not the usual bustling activity but sheer chaos.

"Yahoo! Let's get 'em!"

Several shops along the street show signs of looting, with some reduced to ruins by fires. The once-busy street, where people once freely roamed, is now filled with frantic residents fleeing the scene. They are pursued by lecherous, disheveled men wearing vulgar grins.

Judging by their appearances, these men are likely slum dwellers. They have emerged from the shadows, unleashing indiscriminate assaults and violence on the frightened residents, indulging their desires without restraint. Similar chaos is unfolding in various parts of the city, as screams echo from all directions.

"Damn it, where are these people coming from?"

Naturally, the knights attempt to defend the citizens. However, they were primarily assigned to guard the central plaza, and they are limited in number. Moreover, in the heart of the city, they cannot employ their potent magic to avoid collateral damage. In contrast, the slum residents, crazed madmen with nothing to lose, intentionally use the terrified citizens as shields, attacking in groups. The foolish knights, distracted by this tactic, are subdued by multiple assailants, rendering them helpless against what should have been an easy victory over these underhanded foes.

"Sure, I told you to cause a commotion, but this is overdoing it," I mutter as I observe the chaotic situation. It's challenging to keep up with the knights, let alone handle this situation. I had entrusted "him" with disrupting the knights in this district, but now it seems that it's not just the knights who are in danger.

Milady is not in her usual condition, and it's up to me to protect her.

"Hmm? Bro, you've got a fine lady with you!"

They've noticed us. We've been cautiously monitoring them as we try to figure out how to reach the rendezvous point, but the men, their eyes wandering for prey, have spotted us. With a sly grin, they slowly approach, showing off their weapons, directed at us.

"Hey, how about lending us that maid for a bit? Don't worry, we'll give her right back when we're done."

I prepare to confront the men, protecting Milady behind me, but before that, a carriage suddenly crashes in from the side, the horses nearly out of control. The reckless carriage plows through the men mercilessly, leaving no room for escape, and then makes a U-turn to come back.

The double-horse carriage eventually comes to a stop right in front of us, and someone familiar descends from the driver's seat.

"Well, you didn't show up at the agreed time, so I got worried and came to fetch you, Sir Crow. Are you injured?"

"It's Selpan, huh? Given the circumstances, I assume you're behind all this."

"Hmm, whatever do you mean? While there are rumors about looting due to the light security in the commercial district today, I genuinely have no knowledge of the situation."

The man, the chairman of the Libra Trading Company, the kingdom's largest trading company and a major underworld force, wears his usual shady grin as he talks. He's triggered such a catastrophe, and yet he doesn't appear to be concerned at all.

"Leaving that aside, as you requested, I've prepared an escape carriage for you. We've loaded the carriage with a disguise, some merchandise from our company, alongside regular merchant goods, enough not to arouse suspicion."

"As expected, you're a lifesaver."

"Not at all. If it's a request from our esteemed customer, Sir Crow, we can prepare as much as you need."

Selpan hands over a product catalog, and I skim through it. The preparations for the two of us to go on a journey and a selection of items that wouldn't raise suspicion as products handled by merchants. The inclusion of relatively lightweight items is likely to ensure they won't obstruct our escape.

Given his background as a merchant, you can trust him when it comes to the merchandise he provides.

"Finally, with all this commotion, the North Gate should be less guarded. Regina and the others are probably managing it well. You should safely escape from the capital city from there."

"Ah, please pass on my regards to her."

"Of course. Please continue to favor our company in the future."

With a signature, I return the documents. Once Selpan receives them, he unfolds a map to outline our escape route from here. It seems that not only Selpan but also another collaborator not present here have acted in response to my request. After conveying my gratitude to the absent person, Selpan smiles, bows, and steps aside to clear the way for us.

"Shall we go, Milady?"


Having obtained the carriage we needed for our purpose, there's no need to linger here any longer. Leading the unresponsive Milady, I board the carriage, take the reins, and set our journey into motion.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 80

 My lady is in despair

Deep beneath the Royal Capital's Magic Academy lies a hidden chamber unbeknownst to the students.

In front of a massive steel door that towered above them, two knights, responsible for security, stood perplexed. One of them held a communication crystal, attempting to make contact.

"Headquarters, respond! Damn it! Why won't it connect? How about you?"

"No luck; communication with the surface has been completely cut off."

"What on earth is happening..."

They struggled to establish contact with headquarters, which had been unreachable for some time, as well as with their fellow knights on the surface. The bewildered knights could only mutter their confusion as they saw their colleagues shake their heads.

Little did they know that their headquarters had been devastated, and their comrades on the surface were under attack by the enemy.

"I apologize, but could you please step aside?"

Startled by the appearance of a maid among them, the knights quickly raised their swords. The bespectacled, intelligent-looking maid named Zwei made an elegant bow that nearly left them in awe. However, they couldn't ignore the fact that they were in a restricted area, and the presence of a maid in this location was peculiar.

"What's behind this door? Do you understand what's at stake before making such a request?"

"Yes, my business lies in the room beyond."

"In that case, we cannot allow you through."

"That's quite a predicament. Unlike Drei, I'm not skilled in combat, but..."

Faced with the vigilant knights, Zwei placed a hand on her cheek and muttered, looking somewhat troubled.

In reality, unlike the battle-hungry Drei, Zwei's primary role was to provide support from the rear, rather than engaging in combat. Even though she was here due to a shortage of personnel, being pulled into such a situation was not her preference.

"In that case, you'd better surrender peacefully. We'd rather not resort to violence."

"Thank you for your courtesy. However, as it is an order from my master, I can't simply back down so easily."

"Prepare yourself!"

Yet, this was a mission personally ordered by her master. While not as fervent as Eins, she had loyalty toward her beloved master. As Zwei raised her staff against the knights' warnings, they grew even more cautious.

"Oh, by the way... Are you sure it's fine to focus all your attention on me?"


The knights, who were on high alert, didn't quite understand the meaning of her words as Zwei, with magic-infused into the gem on the tip of her staff, gave them a faint smile.

Before the knights could grasp the meaning of her words, figures suddenly leaped out from the shadows.




Behind the knights, distracted by Zwei, masked girls launched a surprise attack.

Their weapons charged with magic, they swung with all their might, landing direct blows on the defenseless backs of the knights, who collapsed on the spot.

"D-did it... work?"

Seeing the fallen knights, the other girl cautiously observed the outcome of their sneak attack.

Having taken an enhanced blow infused with magic, the knights, no matter how strong they were, were rendered completely defenseless.

"Yes, you both did wonderfully."

"Well done, Nora!"

"You idiot! What's the point of hiding our identities when you call me by name!?"

While the masked girls, Elina and Nora, who were Isabella's entourage, were making a commotion, Zwei narrowed her eyes.

After the Valiaz family was exposed and fell from grace, many noble families who had served them severed ties with them. Naturally, Isabella's entourage, made up of many students, followed suit and abandoned Isabella, switching their allegiance to the prince.

Originally, they had approached the Valiaz family to gain favor and benefits, so it was only natural for them to move away when their purpose was no longer valid.

However, even in those circumstances, there were still students who remained loyal to Isabella. Some wanted to repay the favor they received, while others admired her charisma. The reasons varied, but what was certain was that they chose to stand by Isabella's side, even against the country's wishes, and were now risking their lives to save her.

"Hey, is everything okay over there?"


While Elina and the others chatted noisily, students who had been engaged in battles with the knights on the surface gathered. They were all battered and bruised from intense battles, but their expressions conveyed pride.

"Miss Zwei, we've successfully secured the surface, following the plan. We've left some guards behind who can still move."

"Thank you all. Let's proceed."


With everyone now assembled, Zwei approached the formidable door that had been guarded by the knights. Slowly, she pushed it open. As it creaked, a dense surge of magic poured out through the gap, prompting the students to instinctively shield their faces.

When they finally opened their eyes, they were met with a mysterious sight. The first thing they noticed was a colossal rock at the center of the grand hall, so enormous that it resembled a mountain. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a massive cluster of magical gemstones. The entire floor was covered in intricate magical symbols that emitted a soft, radiant magical glow, with the central cluster serving as its core.

"This is the heart of the Grand Barrier..." A student couldn't help but mutter.

This place was the central part of the grand magical barrier that had protected the royal capital for hundreds of years since its founding. It absorbed an immense amount of magic from the earth's ley lines, creating a protective barrier that encompassed the entire royal capital.

It was thanks to this barrier that people could live in peace within this land plagued by the presence of monsters.

"Alright, I'll handle the spellwork. During that time, I'll need all of you to control the flow of magic."

With a spellwork of this scale, the difficulty of controlling it was secondary to the sheer volume of magic involved. It was comparable to the force of a raging river, and one wrong move could easily engulf the feeble human consciousness in the flow of magic.

That's why it was essential to have the cooperation of students with vast reserves of magical power to contain the flow while Zwei focused on rewriting the massive magical array.

On that day, the Grand Barrier, which had protected the royal capital since its founding, disappeared.


"I've been searching you, Milady."

In the chase, we quickly located Milady. The central plaza, where the execution was set to take place, was bustling with eager spectators. Amid the crowd, Milady's striking golden hair and beauty made her easily noticeable, drawing the gazes of those around.

"What... Let go of me!"

"Leaving your master behind, that's not very good for a maid, is it?"

I caught up with her and held her hand firmly. She struggled to break free, but I couldn't afford to let her escape. I tightly wrapped my arm around her waist to restrict her movements.

Simultaneously, we made sure to emphasize our master-servant relationship loud enough for those around us to hear. The onlookers, who had been paying attention to Milady, lost interest and redirected their gaze towards the central square.

Fortunately, the crowd consisted of common people, and it appeared that none of them recognized Milady's face. Although we might have raised some suspicion, the notion of a noble's daughter disguising herself as a maid was beyond anyone's imagination.

"Who do you think you are, calling me your maid?"

"Milady, please be quiet for now. It would be troublesome if the knights on guard notice us."


Enraged by her treatment as a servant, Milady attempted to forcefully separate me, but causing a disturbance at this moment was highly undesirable.

I subtly signaled the guards around us. Milady seemed to recall the situation and let out a frustrated growl before complying.

I was eager to leave this location immediately, but Milady showed no intention of moving. I'd have to seize an opportunity to escort her away.

"Listen, everyone! These individuals held noble positions responsible for protecting our nation, yet they oppressed the common people, enriching themselves, and even conspired with the Empire, plotting treason against our royal family!"

While this was happening, there was commotion in the central square. Members of the Valiaz family, including Lord Duke, were forcibly brought onto the execution platform by the knights. The prince, who had ascended the platform, began enumerating their crimes.

"Father, mmmph!"

Upon witnessing this, Milady attempted to call out for her father, but I promptly covered her mouth.

"Mmph, nnngh!"

"What are you doing? If you call for your father here, they'll instantly expose our presence!"

Milady, with her mouth covered, glared at me and protested in a muffled voice. However, I couldn't afford to be concerned about that.

I found myself using a raised voice, forgetting to maintain the discreet tone I had intended when I scolded her quietly to avoid drawing attention.

In this square, numerous knights were on standby for security, and they were within earshot. While Milady was undoubtedly skilled, I had no illusions about confronting all of these knights. If we were caught, all our efforts would be in vain.

"Don't screw with us!"

"We're not your tools!"

"This murderer!"

"Give me back my daughter!"

"Where did you stash the money you stole from us?"

As the prince listed the charges against Lord Duke and the others, the emotions of the surrounding crowd continued to escalate.

People began hurling insults at the Duke and the others, almost as if they were venting their pent-up frustrations. Some even started throwing stones. This fury spread like wildfire among the citizens present, and a frenzied atmosphere engulfed the execution site.

The cries grew louder and more sinister:

"Die already!"

"Yes, yes! Just get it over with!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The crowd's chants became an unsettling crescendo of "Kill them!" and "Die!"

"What's going on with these people?"

Initially, Milady had struggled in an attempt to free herself from my grip, giving menacing looks to the surrounding crowd. However, as the enraged mob began shouting, she became thoroughly frightened, clutching my clothes while wearing an anxious expression.

"Now, do you have any last words?"

"Do you even comprehend how disastrous it would be for this country to lose me? Think for once with your empty heads! I might consider sparing you if you release these restraints right away and execute these annoying and worthless scoundrels!"


Even at this late stage, Duke maintained an unwavering, confrontational stance, venting his anger toward the prince. It seemed the prince, overwhelmed by the rage of a man who was rumored to hold power in this country almost equal to the king's, was somewhat shaken.

If His Majesty the King had been present, he might have considered Duke's demands due to the influence held by the Valiaz Ducal House. However, in this moment, only the foolish prince, driven by a superficial sense of justice, and his entourage were in attendance.

"In the end, trash will always be trash. Very well, prepare yourself."


Milady's trembling voice, naturally, didn't reach the prince and his companions. Meanwhile, the executioners, following orders, forcibly restrained the resistant Duke and proceeded to drag their struggling bodies toward the guillotine.

"Lies... No, please... Stop... I beg you, stop..."

"Ugh... Milady!"

"Do it."

Despite Milady's desperate pleas, as I held her close, the prince callously issued the execution order. The executioners operated the guillotine, and with a dull thud, the heavy blade precisely severed the criminal's head from his body. The three severed heads, along with their gushing blood, hung momentarily in the air.

"No... No..."

In the hushed hall, everyone watched in suspense as the heads of the corrupt Valiaz ducal family, who had tormented so many, rolled grotesquely on the ground.

"No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No..."



"""All Hail His Higness Albert"""

In an instant, the square erupted with exuberant cheers from the crowd, celebrating the prince's actions. In the shadow of the celebration, the anguished cries of a girl who had lost her family were drowned out and went unheard by anyone.

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 79

 My lady will disguise herself

"Send the standby troops to support the royal castle. In the meantime, tell the castle's defense forces to prioritize protecting non-combatants."


The messenger left the commander's office, and Gunther, the Commander of the Royal Knights, sighed as he leaned back in his chair.

Just a moment ago, the Royal Knights' headquarters received a report that prisoners had escaped from the royal castle's underground prison. The prison was heavily guarded, making an escape seem impossible from the inside. However, it was likely that someone had helped them escape from the outside.

Even though they had gathered personnel for an execution in the castle square today, the castle's defenses should have been more than enough.

"It seems they've decided to attack here."

Most likely, it was the remaining members of the Valiaz family. Considering their skills and the timing of today, Gunther was quite certain. Their goal was probably to rescue Galious and the others in the execution courtyard. The disturbance in the royal castle was likely a distraction to divert attention from the execution courtyard.

He understand, but can't just ignore it. They've sent backup units from headquarters just to be safe, but it'll take time to bring the situation under control.

Even though they might be acting as decoys, the escaped prisoners are all dangerous criminals. Unfortunately, there have already been many casualties in the royal castle, mostly among non-combatants like maids and civil servants. And sadly, these casualties are likely to increase in the future.

"Your Highness, wasn't this a bit too rushed..."

The previous members of the Valiaz family wouldn't have taken such extreme measures. They were certainly a force of evil, but their presence also maintained a certain level of order within the kingdom.

That's why the King and his predecessors had gradually reduced their influence over time. But it seems the Prince found this approach too lenient. However, the methods used this time seem overly forceful.

Considering the Valiaz family's influence, the consequences of their downfall will likely lead to significant chaos within the kingdom. This incident is probably just the beginning.


With these thoughts in mind, Gunther felt uneasy and raised his head.

 ──Quiet, way too quiet.

Despite deploying many personnel throughout the royal capital, including the execution site and sending reinforcements to the royal castle, the Knights' headquarters was bustling with personnel coordinating information from various places. Normally, the sounds of their activities could be heard, but now, there was an unsettling silence.


In the unnerving silence, Gunther suddenly focused as a knock came from the door.

At this moment, who could it be?

"Commander, I've brought some tea."

"Ah, please come in."

Though he reflexively tensed, it was one of the maids who had come to serve tea. Gunther allowed her to enter and, simultaneously, reached for the nearby shield and sword.

"Excuse me."

"『Flame Slash』!"

As the doorknob turned slowly and the door opened slightly, Gunther's magical slash shattered it. He didn't think the threat was over.

With his sword at the ready and no room for complacency, Gunther stared at whatever might be lurking behind the dissipating smoke.

"Darn it! How did you find out?"

A red-haired maid emerged from the smoky haze.

Kicking the shattered door remnants in frustration, Drei, one of Crow's henchmen, glared at Gunther, who was on guard.

"I'm sorry, but I'm more of a coffee person."

"I don't care about your preferences! My master likes tea!"

All the staff working at the Knights' headquarters knew that the Knight Commander always drank coffee when doing paperwork. Bringing tea in the middle of this unusual situation felt like she was declaring herself an enemy.

"What about the others?"

Gunther calmly asked Drei, who didn't hide her irritation.

If she had made it to the Knight Commander's office, she must have run into her fellow knights along the way. With the lack of sounds for a while, Gunther gripped his sword, fearing the worst.

"Huh? If it's the folks outside, they're all peacefully asleep. They put up a fight, but... well, they're probably not dead."

"I see..."

Gunther felt some relief in Drei's words, which seemed sincere. If what she said was true, it meant that all the personnel at the Knights' headquarters were incapacitated.

Despite the main forces being away, the personnel at the headquarters were far from weak. Leaving them alive but powerless indicated that Drei, or her associates, were quite skilled.

"So, coming here means you're after me, right?"

"Well, that's correct. Your presence was causing problems for the plan, so it's an order from my master. I don't hold a grudge, but you're not getting out of here alive."

With a savage, predatory grin, Drei clenched her fist.

It seemed their goal was indeed to eliminate the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights and disrupt the command structure of the knights in various locations.

"Besides, I've always wanted to face you."


In this situation, it seemed likely that she had other allies beyond the Royal Castle and the headquarters.

Gunther had been focused on defeating the immediate threat to take command, but he couldn't hide his surprise at Drei's excitement and anticipation.

"You're the hero of this country, right? So, if I beat you, I'll be known as the hero slayer too."


Gunther's eyes widened at her words.

What did she just say?

Her phrasing, saying "I'll be known as the hero slayer too," hinted at the existence of someone else who had slain heroes, much like him.

The only person that came to mind was the other hero who had fought in the war against the Empire twenty years ago. He had disappeared about a decade ago, and his whereabouts were still unknown in the kingdom. There had been unfounded rumors that he was killed by slum children at one point, but surely...

"Wait, what do you mean by—"

"No more talking. Get ready to die!"


Drei abruptly cut off the conversation and swung her fist, which Gunther blocked with his shield at the ready.

A surge of powerful magic between them sent shockwaves that pushed everything around them away.


"Say, Crow?"

"Yes, Milady?"

Standing behind Milady, who sat comfortably in a chair, Crow answered as he carefully brushed her damp, golden hair after her bath.

During their captivity, it seemed she hadn't been allowed to bathe, judging by the rather damaged state of her beautiful blonde hair. It was painful to see.

After leaving Eins, they managed to escape from the royal castle unnoticed through a hidden passage. The exit of the hidden passage led to the garden of an old mansion that had long been considered abandoned in the noble district.

Despite its worn exterior, the interior was relatively well-maintained, showing signs of regular upkeep.

Considering the presence of a hidden passage, it was likely originally meant to be a royal refuge.

Since it was suitable for their use, Crow had prepared a bath in advance and thoroughly cleaned Milady, who was covered in dust. They also changed her into clothes prepared earlier, which had just been completed a short while ago.

"I understand that disguising yourself is effective in our current situation, and I did agree with that idea..."

"Yes, Milady, your beauty tends to attract attention, for better or worse."

While continuing their conversation, Crow adjusted her hairstyle by gently combing her silky hair and tying a black ribbon that had been prepared.

Although we had successfully escaped from the royal castle, many knights were still patrolling in the town below. Taking Milady, who was already conspicuous, out in the open would likely lead to her quick capture.

Therefore, I had disguised Milady to evade surveillance, and this time, I had sealed her trademark vertical rolls as part of the disguise.

Initially, Milady's grooming had always been handled by Eins and the others, but now they were all away, diverting the attention of the knights stationed in the region as part of a strategic diversion.

Naturally, there were other servants in the mansion. However, as soon as they were informed of their masters' arrest for treason, almost all of them fled, with only a few exceptions. This alone underscored the Duke's lack of popularity, which was almost comical.

Considering the outcome was that I had to take care of Milady all by myself, it was far from amusing...

"Well, I do understand. I do..."

With trembling shoulders, Milady muttered to herself in a hushed voice, as if reminding herself.

In the meantime, as I continued to brush her hair on the left side after tying the ribbon on the right, I worked efficiently.

Milady's fair neck, now exposed, quickened my heart rate, but I barely managed to maintain a composed demeanor at the last moment.

Even though I was already feeling quite stirred up from bathing with her, Milady remained oblivious and vulnerable, simply allowing me to continue.

I could feel my restraint waning as I touched Milady's body, and if it weren't for the urgency of the situation, I would have undoubtedly acted on my desires.

"Alright... we're done, Milady."

"But, you see..."

As I finished setting her hair, Milady suddenly stood up from the chair. She gazed at me in silence, then flashed a bewitching smile.

I was frozen in place by her smile at such close range, and Milady gently reached out to me──

──And then, she grabbed my collar.

"Why, of all times, must I, of all people, wear a servant's attire?"


Milady's pent-up anger burst out, her beautiful smile contrasting with the veins bulging on her forehead as she vigorously shook me.

In my shaking field of vision, Milady wore a maid's outfit, primarily navy and white, similar to what Eins and the others were wearing. Her golden hair was styled in twin tails and adorned with a white headband.

As for me, I had disguised myself as a merchant. I had originally planned for Milady to play the role of my maid, but it seemed she couldn't stand the servant's attire, despite it being part of our act.

"My apologies, Milady..."


After an extensive round of apologies, I was finally released, allowing me to observe Milady from head to toe once more.

Although it was a costume designed for our disguise, upon closer examination, it unmistakably resembled a "noble lady dressed as a servant." Milady's inherent nobility was so pronounced that it couldn't be concealed, making her look every bit the aristocrat she was.


I felt like pulling my hair out when I realized the situation. While we might be able to fool commoners and lower-ranking noble knights who didn't recognize Milady's face, there was a risk of being recognized by high-ranking noble knights. We needed to pray we wouldn't get caught.

But there was a more pressing issue to tackle.

"...Is there something wrong?" 

Milady, who had been openly displaying her displeasure since earlier, maintained her stern gaze with her arms crossed in front of her.

Time was running out, and unless I managed to convince her somehow, we wouldn't be able to leave this place.


I took a deep breath to shift my mindset. In this situation, I had to praise and flatter Milady as much as possible, aiming to have her accept the role of a maid at least until we left the capital.

"Ugh....! My apologies, Milady! Your charm is truly outstanding. Regular attire can't hide your remarkable nobility."

I continued to offer exaggerated praise, with gestures, dedicated to being Milady's jester. As a butler to Milady, it was essential to set aside any personal pride or self-consciousness.

"H-hmph.... Well, I guess being too attractive might have been a problem. Being too beautiful can be a crime..."

Milady seemed satisfied, placing her hand on her cheek after my flattery had worn away my mental strength. It's clear she's easily swayed, as expected of Milady.

"Alright, I suppose I can tolerate it for now. So, what's the plan from here?"

"Well, I intend to head to the Empire."

"The Empire?!"

Once we successfully convinced her, we discussed our next steps. However, when I mentioned the Empire, Milady's face contorted. Her family's connection to the Empire led to their capture, so her complicated feelings toward that country were understandable.

But with Milady being pursued as a traitor, we couldn't stay in the Kingdom any longer. The only choices left were to go north or west. Between the two, going to the Empire, which at least rivals the Kingdom, seemed like the better option than dealing with the endless squabbles of the smaller western states.

In that sense, it could be said that meeting Dee in the academy was a fortunate encounter in the grand scheme of things.

"We've already made contact with people on the other side and negotiated to ensure they'll accept us. Milady, we must endure this for now..."

"Considering the current situation, staying in the Kingdom is difficult, and there doesn't seem to be any other choice..."

"Yes. We've arranged a carriage in the commercial district, so let's use that to escape from the capital."

Once we leave the capital, along with the disruptions caused by Eins and the others, the Kingdom won't be able to track us immediately. If we continue and meet up with the Empire's assistance along the way, the Kingdom will likely have no way to reach us beyond its borders.

With that settled, we should take action right away. However, Milady had a pensive look on her face, hesitating to move.

"Wait... What about my father and the others?"


I wished to escape without Milady noticing, but it seems it won't be easy.

The reason I succeeded in rescuing Milady was mainly due to the fact that many knights were deployed to guard the execution of Duke Valiaz. Without that, even with the skills of Eins and the others, we couldn't have outmaneuvered the Kingdom's knights with my limited force.

The situation remains the same, and it's crucial for my master to keep the guards' attention until the end.


While my expression hadn't changed, it appeared she understood my thoughts. Milady raised an eyebrow and stepped closer.

With her current attitude, the persuasion I used earlier probably wouldn't work anymore.

"You... Are you planning to abandon my father and the others!?"

"I apologize. With my abilities, I can only do my best to save you, Milady."

Our gazes locked at close range, and within her emerald eyes was an anger I'd never seen before. Still, I didn't avert my eyes; I faced it head-on.

Milady must understand this logically. However, like a sulking child, she refuses to accept a reality where everything doesn't go her way.

Even though she no longer has the same power as before and not everything can go as she wishes...

"Don't be foolish! This is an order. Go help Father immediately!"

"I cannot obey that order..."

"Why not!"

Despite Milady's protest, the impossible remained impossible. While it might have been possible to take action if we could use the Duke's skilled spies, our current predicament prevented us from issuing any orders, given that the chief butler, the only one who could communicate with them, had been exposed as a traitor.

Even though they were individuals who would unconditionally obey any command, with our Lord, who should issue these instructions, currently captured, they were immobilized without orders. The organization of spies had probably never faced such a situation since its establishment and was likely in the midst of chaos.

"This useless servant! Fine, I'll do it alone!"


Understanding that I would never follow the order, Milady forcibly pushed me aside and left the room. She probably went to rescue Lord Duke by herself.

However, the time for his execution was drawing near. Even if she went now, it was likely already too late.

"That spoiled brat!"

Muttering in frustration, I left the room to follow Milady.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 78

 My lady has been kidnapped

"Ugh, seriously. We were supposed to have the day off today, but why the heck are we stuck doing security in this dreary place?"

"Hey, that's because they had to allocate manpower from the town's security detail for the execution of some former duke. Besides, this guy here is my last opponent."

"Wait just a minute!"

"I'm not waiting. The world of duels is ruthless."

"Darn it, one more round!"

In the underground dungeon of the royal castle, where many dangerous criminals were held, near the entrance, two knights on duty were slacking off from their boring security job. They were playing a board game while sipping from glasses of alcohol, in the middle of a bright sunny day.

Despite their assignment to guard the prison, there were plenty of other knights patrolling the royal castle. The prisoners, on the other hand, were bound by magic-inhibiting restraints. Moreover, the cell bars were made of a special metal that could withstand even the most potent magical attacks. No incidents had ever occurred in this prison, and the atmosphere among the guards had become quite relaxed over time.

A week had passed since the National Founding Day party turmoil. The revelation of the Valiaz family's betrayal, one of the three major ducal families that had supported the Farrant Kingdom for generations, had sent shockwaves throughout the nation. As their numerous wrongdoings came to light, the hatred towards the Valiaz family swelled, particularly among those who had suffered silently from their actions.

Meanwhile, the fact that Prince Albert and his entourage had exposed these atrocities, along with the announcement of his engagement to a former commoner who had supported him, led to widespread admiration for their bravery. People celebrated the birth of new leaders, and the mood across the country turned festive.

In the midst of this, the impending execution of the former duke and his family had drawn crowds to the capital to witness the downfall of the corrupt duke and the appearance of the prince's new fiancée. For security, numerous knights had been dispatched.

"By the way, have you seen that lady in the farthest cell here?" The middle-aged knight, now somewhat tipsy after a few rounds of drinking and gaming, lowered his voice and pointed towards the staircase leading deeper into the cells.

"You mean the lady from the traitorous former ducal family, right? I've heard all sorts of rumors about her, but I've never actually seen her. Do you have a thing for her, senior?"

Asked by his junior, the young knight refilled his glass while thinking about the rumors spreading among the common folk. The lady from the ducal family was infamous for her beauty, but her reputation was marred by a demanding and harsh personality. Many people had their lives turned upside down by her capricious whims.

"Hey, I saw something amazing at a party we were assigned to guard a while back."

"Amazing... What do you mean?"

Intrigued, the younger knight leaned closer, his face earnest as the senior knight spoke in a hushed tone. Being the fifth son of a minor noble, he rarely encountered high-ranking nobility, and the senior's dramatic storytelling piqued his curiosity.

"It's about a girl's, um, assets – her breasts! That girl, despite being so young, had an unbelievably large pair!"

The senior knight used his hands to gesture the size, circling in front of his chest, trying to convey the memory of the impressive bust. He might have been exaggerating a bit, but if what the senior said was true, the young lady in question probably had a rather impressive bosom.

"Really, that big?"

"Absolutely! She had a slightly stern face, but she was stunningly beautiful, and her chest and rear were incredibly large, while her waist was so slim it looked like it might snap. Honestly, that girl is on par with Yuna-chan, if not even more..."


The young knight, still a novice, was no stranger to such conversations. He had visited brothels a few times with his senior and had even seen the city's top-class courtesan, who was stunningly beautiful. Yet, imagining a lady who surpassed her left the young knight a bit awe-struck.

"Oh man, wouldn't it be great if I could have a go at that girl, even just once..."

"Well, that's practically impossible. If we mess with that merchandise, our heads won't be the only things rolling."

Unlike the other members of her family, she had somehow escaped execution, but after being stripped of her status, she was already scheduled to be auctioned off as a criminal slave. Nobles rarely got a chance to lay their eyes on a duchess's daughter, and if she was as beautiful as the senior knight praised, many wealthy individuals would bid generously to possess her.

Doing anything foolish to reduce her value and jeopardizing the situation would only spell disaster for their minor noble status.

"Alright, I get it. But come on, can't we at least imagine it?"

"Well, there are rumors that her personality is pretty tough."

"Geez, you... wouldn't it be fun to bring a spirited lady like her to her knees in the bedroom?"

"Is that so?"

"My, my... You two seem to be having quite an entertaining discussion."

Under the influence of alcohol and indulging in their lewd banter, an unfamiliar voice suddenly interrupted them. As both knights turned to face the uninvited guest, they realized a fellow knight had appeared at the entrance to the lookout room.

"Oh... is it time for the shift already? Huh? You're alone?"

"Yeah, there were originally two of us, but on the way here, my partner had an upset stomach and had to rush to the restroom, so I came ahead."

Checking the clock, it was a bit early, but it was about time for the shift change. However, they were supposed to be on duty in pairs, so when the senior knight noticed that only one of them had arrived, he inquired about it. The lone knight shrugged his shoulders with a troubled expression, even if his helmet concealed his face.The tone suggested a wry smile.

"Well, since we have some time until the other one arrives, would you mind if I joined in on your previous conversation? I have some alcohol prepared as well."

Nonetheless, it was hardly appropriate to change shifts while one of the pair was missing. The two knights exchanged glances, pondering their options. The lone knight reached into a bag he had with him, took out a bottle of liquor, and placed it on the table.


Seeing the label on the bottle, both of them were suddenly more alert. The liquor on the table was a famous high-quality brand that even the destitute could recognize. As they couldn't see his face, they couldn't make any judgments, but was this knight possibly a member of a high-ranking noble family?

"I had initially planned to share this with my partner, but since they're absent, there's no other option."

"Oh... alright..."

With a sly tone, the knight smoothly uncorked the bottle. A fragrant, deep red liquid was poured into the modest glasses the two of them held. Even the seasoned senior knight felt somewhat overwhelmed by the value of a few gold coins in that single drink. The rookie, on the other hand, appeared visibly flustered and confused.

"Is... Is this really fine?"

"Yes, it's absolutely fine."

"Okay, then, I won't hold back!"

"Ah, it's such a shame!"

The senior knight, having received permission again, seemed to gather his resolve and took a sip from his glass. Given his rather unrefined and rough way of drinking, it wasn't surprising that the rookie couldn't help but let out a surprised cry.

"Oh, this is incredible..."


The senior knight was engrossed in the taste, finally releasing his lips from the glass. His expression relaxed into a blissful state, almost unsettling.

Seeing his senior's reaction, the rookie knight, who had steeled himself, began to savor the drink with small sips.

"So, what were we talking about?"

"It was about the former duke's daughter, senior."

"Oh, right! That's it! Those arrogant girls need to be disciplined in bed... You agree, right?"

"Well, women like that tend to show surprisingly cute reactions in bed, you know."

As more alcohol filled their glasses, the cheerful senior continued the conversation. The knight who had been silently observing their drinking habits joined in with a bottle in hand.

The way he spoke was fervent, as though he had firsthand experience, possibly hinting that someone of his high nobility might have encountered women of similar status. It was quite envy-inducing.

"I see...? I can't even imagine that girl turning out like... that..."


The rookie knight was lost in thought, contemplating the girl's transformation, and then his senior's body suddenly swayed. He saw him collapse, letting go of his glass, and slumping onto the table.

"Why is this happening all of a sudden...? Wait, what's this...? My body... can't move..."

In a panic, he rushed to his senior, shaking his shoulders. However, a sensation of weakness overcame his own body. He collapsed just before reaching him, leaning against the table. Disregarding the scattered board game, he struggled to maintain consciousness and keep himself from falling.

Amid their abnormal situation, his dazed thoughts began to circulate. Their gazes met with the other knight who had caused them to suddenly lose their strength. No doubt, this man was the cause of the overwhelming fatigue. He must have laced their drinks with some kind of drug. He couldn't help but clench his teeth at his own lack of vigilance.

"Oh, you're still conscious, I see. Don't worry, it's just a sleeping draught. You'll wake up soon if you behave. Well, that's assuming you're still alive by then."

The sudden change in his tone, from calm to an eerie coldness, made the rookie knight shudder. Ultimately, he couldn't resist the drowsiness creeping over him, and his consciousness faded away.


The young knight slumped over the table in front of him, finally succumbing to a rhythmic, deep slumber.

Their drowsiness was a direct result of the drugged drink I had offered. This sleep potion, typically reserved for nobility, was remarkably potent. It had been tested successfully on Isabella, my lady, despite her innate magical resistance. It took a bit longer to take effect on the young knight, who had consumed only a small amount of alcohol, but it proved remarkably powerful, as expected. It's easy to see why such a potion was forbidden in the kingdom.

"Now, then..."

I retrieved a keyring from the belt of the slumbering middle-aged knight. With that in hand, I departed from the surveillance room.

Their fate was uncertain, but it wasn't my concern. After all, they deserved this consequence for their disrespectful comments about Milady. The reason I didn't eliminate them on the spot was simply due to time limits.

Descending the stone staircase to the lowest level, I paid no attention to the other prisoners along the way and proceeded directly to the cell at the very end.


Inside the cell, there was a young girl wearing a tattered dress, clutching a ragged blanket as she lay on the cold floor.

With the stolen key, I unlocked the cell and slowly approached the girl.

Her life in restraints hadn't been kind to her; her once magnificent scarlet dress was now covered in grime, blackened by dust, and her radiant golden hair had lost its shine.

As I examined her with a heavy heart, I knelt down to check on her. In that moment, her emerald eyes, previously closed, opened.


"Easy there..."

I quickly grabbed the dagger that was thrust through the opening in my helmet for better visibility.

It seemed she had been pretending to be asleep, maybe in hopes of finding a chance to escape. Quite daring for someone without magical abilities.

"Ugh... Kill me! I'd rather die here than be a plaything for those lowlifes!"

"No, what nonsense are you talking about, Milady?"


Even though I had come to rescue her, My lady Isabella seemed to blurt out something odd. Milady herself, frozen in her tracks, stared at me with a baffled expression.

"Ah... I see. Just wait for a moment. I'll take this off," I said, realizing that Milady couldn't see my face with my helmet on. I let go of her hand and began to remove the stuffy helmet.


When I revealed my face from under the helmet, Milady reacted as if she had seen a ghost.

What could be so surprising? She should have expected my arrival to rescue her.

"I apologize for the delay in coming to your rescue," I said, still on my knees and respectfully bowing my head to the still-stunned Milady.

Understanding the kingdom's security schedule, securing an escape route, and making preparations had taken some time. Eventually, today was the best day to execute the escape plan, as the castle's security was at its weakest due to the reduced manpower assigned for the execution event.

After infiltrating the castle disguised as a knight, eliminating two guards on duty, and taking their places, we had finally reached this point. Looking back, I had certainly put in considerable effort.

While I'm not asking for a reward, it would be nice if Milady could at least offer some words of praise...

"You're way too late! You fool!"

"I apologize, Milady," I responded.

Of course, such faint hopes couldn't be fulfilled. Instead, Milady began playfully patting my chest. Since I was wearing armor, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, her unprotected hands were likely more vulnerable to pain.

I gently took her hand and stopped her. I then used the key to remove her handcuffs.

"Well, it's fine. Let's get out of this place and show those bastards who plotted against me a thing or two!"

"W-wait, my lady!"

"What is it?"

As soon as she was free from restraints, Milady's spirit returned, and she seemed ready to storm off to confront the foolish princes. I hurriedly grabbed her arm to stop her.

Indeed, true to her noble nature, she showed no remorse for her role in tormenting Maria. But, even more importantly, if Milady were to confront the princes now, she'd likely be captured by the knights again. All my efforts would be in vain, given our already precarious situation.

"Going straight to His Highness without a plan would only get you recaptured as a criminal. Right now, it's more important to retreat and regroup."

"Ugh... You're right."

As I desperately held her hand to stop her, she seemed to calm down.

Milady had her flaws, with her high pride and a tendency to be emotional, but she wasn't a fool.

...Just a bit unfortunate.

With a bitter expression, she reluctantly acknowledged the validity of my argument.

"Then, please guide me to the exit quickly. I don't want to stay in this dusty place any longer."

"Understood. We have prepared a mansion, and there's a bath ready. Once we escape, I'll help you refresh."

"Oh, you certainly understand me. Let's go, Crow."


Wearing my helmet again, I led her out of the dimly lit dungeon.

"Hey, hey, taking only that girl with you is unfair! Let us out too!"

"Hey, Mr. Knight, if you're planning to sell us anyway, how about having some fun with us first? We'll beg for it, so come on!"

"Hey, your little thing is no match for mine, right?"

"Shut up, you premature ejaculating jerk!"

"What...? What are you people saying..."

Milady's cell was inconveniently situated at the deepest part of the prison. As we ascended to the surface, we inevitably passed the cells of other prisoners. They couldn't help but react to the sight of the exceptionally beautiful Milady, immediately shouting and making obscene comments.

Some even directed lewd words at her, and Milady, who had no tolerance for such behavior, turned bright red and became flustered.

"It's just nonsense from these scumbags. Please ignore them. Let's keep moving."

"Yes, yes..."

Honestly, I'd like to dispose of them all right here, but time is running out. I gave the rowdy prisoners a quick glance, then firmly held Milady's hand and led her out of the prison.

"Both of you, follow me."

"What's the situation?"

"No problems, everything's going smoothly."

After our escape from the underground prison and reaching the surface, we managed to find one of the warehouses inside the royal castle. We had successfully avoided the watchful eyes of the guards. From this point, we were just a short distance away from leaving the castle.

When we reunited with Eins, who had been waiting for us to prepare our escape, Milady's expression showed some relief.

"Milady, we're about to leave the royal castle. Are you ready?"

"Ready? But this place is just a warehouse."

Milady's question was quite valid. Ordinarily, to exit the royal castle, one would need to leave through one of the four gates surrounding it. These gates were heavily guarded by knights. Although the prison guards we encountered earlier were understaffed due to their focus on other security issues, and their incompetence allowed us to slip past them, the same wouldn't apply to the castle gates. That's why, instead of heading directly to the castle gates, we came to this warehouse.


"Yes, Sir Crow."

Following my orders, Eins touched the nearby floor and channeled her magic. This action caused a portion of the stone floor to slide away, revealing a staircase leading underground.

"A hidden passage!?"

"Yes, it seems to be an emergency escape route."

The chief butler had informed me that there were several secret escape routes like this within the royal castle. Only the royal family and the three major ducal houses involved in the founding of the kingdom were aware of the existence of these passages. Naturally, the castle's knights had no knowledge of them. Using this passage should allow us to safely escape the castle grounds.

"I'm relying on you for the rest. Also—"

"Isn't Eins coming with us?"

"She has some more work to do here. We plan to meet up with her later, so don't worry."

After quietly instructing Eins before our escape, Milady looked concerned about leaving her behind. She would help buy us time by ensuring that Milady's escape went unnoticed and distract the castle's security. However, I had full confidence in Eins's abilities.

"I see. Please take care."

"You too, Mistress."

"Let's go, Milady."

"Alright, I understand."

With Eins left behind, we proceeded to descend the underground staircase.


"What's going on now? We've had quite a few visitors today."

The sound of footsteps descending the underground prison staircase caught the attention of the inmates. Apart from a recent exception like the young lady who had left earlier, most of the people here were hardened criminals, serving life sentences. It was unusual for anyone to visit outside of meal times.

The inmates turned their focus towards the staircase, curious about who was coming and for what reason. When the newcomer finally appeared, they were taken aback. A maid, an unusual sight in this grimy, filthy prison, stood before them. The previous blonde noblewoman was indeed a beauty, but this maid, with her ashen gray hair, had her own unique charm.

Her presence surprised the inmates, and they cheered with delight.

"What's a maid doing here?"

"It's at the request of my mistress that I've come to offer you an opportunity."

"An opportunity? Are you saying you'll help us get out of here, Miss Maid?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

"Haha! Seriously? That's fantastic!"

The inmates burst into laughter and made lewd remarks. They didn't know the purpose of their release, but they were notorious criminals who had shocked the capital. The fate of the lone and lovely maid standing before them seemed all too clear. Most of the inmates were already sizing her up as their prey.

"But first... you, you, you, and you over there."

Amid the inmates' lecherous stares, the maid pointed out a few individuals among the prisoners. Those selected, known for their notorious crimes, willingly stepped forward, wearing smirks as they looked down at the maid.

"What's up? You fallen for me, sweetheart? I'll be your company right aw—"

"You're not needed."

"What the—!?"

As the maid made a certain gesture, the inmates' heads were suddenly crushed by an overwhelming force, leaving them twisted on the floor.

"Ugh! Uwaaaah!"

With their heads separated from their bodies and their strength drained, the remaining inmates were thrown into chaos. A few discerning inmates realized that the ones executed were the same men who had earlier made lewd comments to the noblewoman who had left the prison, but their realization came too late.

Although the inmates themselves were far from upstanding citizens, it was impossible for them to comprehend that the delicate beauty they had seen as their prey was, in fact, an unimaginable monster. She had taken several lives right before their eyes without a hint of emotion.

"Now, you're free to do as you please. Have your way with them."

With another wave of her hand, the maid effortlessly tore through the supposedly unbreakable iron bars. The prisoners were now released, but they had lost any determination to confront the monstrous figure before them.

As they used the keys she had thrown at them to unlock their restraints, fear gnawed at them. They couldn't help but shudder, worried they might be the next to die. All they could do was maintain their composure and avoid doing anything to upset the monstrous being before them.

— They had no other choice.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...