Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on

"Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country."

The castle grounds are vast, and walking takes time. Like in the kingdom, we use magical vehicles instead of carriages for transportation.

As I ride in the car driven by the escort, Luke, and sit in the back seat, I pay attention to Dietrich's words as the car sways.

"I've heard that the second prince, who lost in the succession dispute in the old Farland Kingdom, fled with his followers and founded a country in the harsh northern land."

"Yeah, that's about right. They faced the tough environment of this land after escaping. In the past, the kingdom was quite turbulent, with power struggles causing the country to split multiple times."

Especially in succession disputes, it turned into a country-dividing struggle, and the winner faced a tough reality in exchange for glory, awaiting the defeated.

The surviving members of the second prince and his faction managed to escape pursuers, crossed the border mountains, and came to the barren northern land of the continent, barely clinging to life.

"Fortunately, the magical energy flowing through the ley lines isn't scarce, thanks to the nearby Enchanted Forest. Using this magic, people created a basic survival environment, but that was the limit. In this tough setting, there was no room for distinctions between nobility and commoners, so they collaborated to develop the country."

Magic originates from the Magic Forest in the east and spreads throughout the land via ley lines. Although not as abundant as in the kingdom, cultivating the once barren northern lands was still a challenge.

In the empire, where magic and resources were scarce compared to the kingdom, nobles and commoners had to collaborate to survive. It became a country where even commoners could rise in a meritocratic system, unlike the kingdom's one-sided nobility-commoner relationship.

"However, this couldn't last. Few nobles could handle magic, and their abilities diluted with each generation. The king sought something to replace magic."

"That's the magical devices, right?"

"Yes, luckily, there was a precedent known as artifacts. They researched and successfully developed magical devices even commoners could use."

Magic is inherited through blood. In the kingdom, nobles are precious for their magical blood, but in the empire, where the nobility-commoner boundary blurred, magical power diminished as blood thinned.

Since the empire couldn't secure high-quality magicians, the policy inevitably became to compensate with quantity. Originally, as artifacts were tools created for the common people of ancient times, their development might not have been so difficult.

"So, by researching and developing magical devices continuously, this country has become the powerful nation it is today, and that won't change in the future."

"I get how important magical devices are here, but I don't know anything about developing them."

While I've been hearing about the history of magical devices in this country, it doesn't mean I can do anything about it. I'm good at breaking things, but creating them? Not my strong suit.

"I'm not asking for anything too complicated. I want your perspective as a magical device user. You're probably better at using magical devices in combat than anyone else here. Alongside your secretary duties, I'd like you to share your knowledge now and then."


I don't remember teaching him, but Deitrich casually mentioning my combat skills leaves me speechless. He probably dug into my background while I was in the kingdom. Ah, so that's why he wanted me. No wonder I've been treated so well on this journey.

"Now, we're here. This is the research building of the Magical Technology Research Institute, where our country's top-notch magical technology is developed."

While figuring out how to respond, the magical vehicle we were in stopped in front of a building. After hopping out, I followed Deitrich, and as we descended, constant mechanical sounds came from the research building. The Empire is known for developing more mechanical magical devices, so the smell of oil in the air, unlike the herbal scent in the kingdom's institutes, caught my interest.

"Oh, Your Highness! Welcome! What brings you here today?"

It seems someone noticed our arrival, and a middle-aged technician in work clothes hastily approaches from inside the building. Clearly sleep-deprived and with a pale complexion, only their eyes shine with excitement, which is oddly unsettling.

"I'm sorry, but is Nikolai around?"

"If you mean the Chief Engineer, he's been holed up in his usual room for the past few days."

"Thanks for letting me know. Well, let's go then."

It appears Nikolai is the person Deitrich is looking for, as he casually heads towards the depths of the research institute after getting the necessary information. Luke and I follow suit.

"Getting to meet that genius magical engineer."

I've heard the name Nikolai mentioned in conversations before since coming to the empire, so I'm familiar with it. He is the leading magical technician in the current empire, a genius who has invented numerous magical devices, including magical battleships.

"It might seem a bit odd, but he's an exceptional talent."

"...Coming from you?"

At least, that's what I end up saying, considering the person I know who is most deserving of being called eccentric. Luke, standing next to me and nodding deeply, seems to agree. So, I guess it's not a misguided judgment.

"I'll be intruding."

"Busy right now, come back later. If you manipulate the formula here like this..."

Upon reaching a room on the top floor of the research building, Deitrich enters without knocking. Reluctantly following him inside, I find a scholar-like man in a lab coat working at a table piled high with countless magical devices in the back of the room. He is struggling with something that appears to be a magical device, completely ignoring Deitrich, even though he is a prince.

"Is that him?"

"Yeah, he's Nikolai, the Chief Magical Engineer, pride of our country. He's directly under me, so I guess he's a colleague of yours, Crow."

The foremost magical technician, Nikolai, turns out to be a surprisingly young boy, probably around 14 or 15 judging by his appearance. According to the stories, he was granted the position of Chief Magical Engineer three years ago due to his achievement of creating a magical battleship at the age of 12. This showcases his genius.

"He seems a bit busy now, so let's wait here until he finishes his work."

Deitrich doesn't seem bothered by Nikolai's usual attitude of not paying attention to us. He casually pulls out a nearby chair and sits down. I follow suit, observing the room in an attempt to pass the time. The inventions scattered around the room are unlike anything I've seen in the kingdom. However, what catches my attention is that among them are a few items I feel like I've seen before.

From a vacuum cleaner to a fan, something resembling a stove, and is that a chainsaw? Given the nature of this world, it's not so surprising, but for some reason, being here makes me feel like I'm back in my past life.

"This is..."

Among the various items, what particularly caught my eye was the magical device hanging on the wall. The six-barreled revolver with its robust design is not just familiar—it's the same one I own. Judging by the empty spot on the wall, it seems this was its place of origin.

"Ugh, this is bad!"


About to reach for the gun, I instinctively turn around at the hurried voice from behind. Looking at the source, magical light leaks from the parts in Nikolai's hands, accompanied by an unusual sound.

It's a scene I'm very familiar with, and by the time I realize it's a magical surge, it's already too late. The light spreads in an instant, filling the room with a shock.

"Are you both okay, Your Highness? And Sire Crow?"

"Yeah, thanks, Luke."

"We're fine too."

It was on the brink of turning into a disaster, but thanks to Luke swiftly deploying a barrier to shield us, we somehow come out unscathed. However, the area around the workbench, the epicenter of the explosion, is now filled with thick smoke.

"Cough, cough! Damn, did it again."

Despite the near-death experience from the massive explosion, Nikolai emerges unscathed from the smoke.

It's not surprising, considering that even in the kingdom, Isabella often explodes magical potions and remains unharmed. Magic users are remarkably sturdy.

"This time you really went all out."

"Huh? Dee. When did you get here?"

"Just a moment ago. You seemed busy, so I waited without permission."

Deitrich's address catches Nikolai's attention, and he looks at us with a surprised expression, seemingly absorbed in his work and unaware of our arrival.

"Oh, right. I came today to introduce him to you. See, he's Crow, brought from the kingdom. He'll be under my command from today."

"Nice to meet you."

"Oh, right, weren't you studying in the kingdom until recently? I'm Nikolai Hyde, technically a magical engineer in this country."

With a cheerful smile, Deitrich nudges me forward, and I step up in front of Nikolai. Despite Deitrich mentioning that he's a bit different, Nikolai seems surprisingly normal as he extends his hand for a handshake. I reciprocate, and for someone described as eccentric by Deitrich, Nikolai appears quite decent.

"Did they drag you here against your will too? Tough luck huh, this prince is pretty rough with people, so you better be prepared."

After the introductions, Nikolai warns me with a sympathetic look, as if he's seen something pitiful.

Even though it's a bit rich coming from me, he's using quite harsh language toward his master.

"Wow, did I do something that warrants that kind of comment?"

"He grabbed an ordinary civilian apprentice magician and kidnapped them to a place like this. What do you think?"

"Oh, come on. I confirmed your willingness, didn't I?"

"I'm just a commoner, there's no way I could refuse a prince!"

I may not know the details of their situation, but most likely, similar to my case, they forcibly scouted Nikolai when he was just an ordinary technician.

Even with the relatively relaxed social hierarchy in the empire, refusing a prince is likely impossible.

Maybe I made a mistake in choosing my workplace.

"He's a specialist in magical devices, so if you ever find yourself in a bind, you should ask him, Crow."

"Is that so... Well, I do have one request."

"Oh, already? What is it?"

Though I have many things I'd like to say to Deitrich, it seems futile. Instead, I should make the most of this opportunity to meet the man at the pinnacle of the empire's magical engineers.

"I've run out of bullets for this guy, so if you have any, I'd appreciate it."

Saying this, I take out the same magical gun hanging on the wall from my wristband. It ran out of bullets in previous battles, but if the man in front of me made it, he should be able to make bullets for it.

The grammar in your text is mostly correct, but there are a few improvements that can be made for better clarity and fluency:

"Oh... ohhhh!"

"What's going on?"

Contrary to my expectations, Nikolai suddenly exclaimed with excitement as soon as I showed him the magical gun. Deitrich and the others also seemed surprised, their eyes widening.

"You... you bastard! How dare you steal someone else's work! I'll knock you out!"

"Hey, calm down!"

I effortlessly dodged Nikolai's sudden attack, but it didn't end there. He tried to follow up with another strike, and it was only when Luke hastily intervened, restraining Nikolai, that the situation finally came under control.

"What's going on all of a sudden?"

"Hey, Crow? Where did you get that magical gun?"

Perplexed by the unexpected assault, I tilted my head in confusion. Deitrich, with a bemused smile, asked me about the gun.

Is the gun the cause of this uproar?

"I found it. Why?"

"There's no way! That was stolen a year ago, and including the one hanging there, there are only two of them in the world!"

"Yeah, yeah, calm down. Luke, keep restraining him. Crow, could you explain a bit more accurately?"

Still excited, even while being held in check by Luke, Nikolai struggled. But perhaps due to his nature as a researcher or his physical weakness, he couldn't escape Luke's firm and swift hold.

While trying to pacify Nikolai, Deitrich, with a serious expression, asked for an explanation. Despite his seemingly earnest demeanor, the slight trembling of his shoulders and the suppressed laughter betrayed the fact that he was thoroughly enjoying this situation.

This guy is definitely enjoying this moment, isn't he.

"Let's see... I kind of knocked out the one the crime boss was using in the kingdom's slums and, well, borrowed it, I guess?"

"Could it be the one from the disappearance incident?"

"Yeah, that's it. I didn't know it was that important. If that's the case, I'll return it."

I don't remember every opponent I've taken down, so my recollection is a bit hazy, but it does seem to match when described. Considering Nikolai's reaction, it must be something quite valuable, so I'll return it without making a fuss. It was a handy weapon, but without a way to replenish the bullets, it was just collecting dust in the bracelet.

"Oh... welcome back, Miranda! I'm so happy to see you again."

"...He's quite eccentric."

"Haha... well, even so, his skills are undeniable."

Nikolai, receiving the gun from me, immediately began rubbing his cheek against the barrel in joy, causing me to instinctively step back. I take back what I said; he's definitely eccentric. While Luke releases Nikolai from restraint and offers some support with a wry smile, he doesn't specifically deny my words.

"Um, sorry for suddenly attacking earlier."

"I understand the situation. Don't worry about it."

After a while, Nikolai seemed to return to his senses from the joy of the reunion. He calmed down and sincerely bowed his head, offering an apology. It was surprising, but since there was no harm done to us, there's no need to dwell on it.

"Well, it can't be helped... By the way, you mentioned 'using' this earlier?"

"That's right. What about it?"

While Nikolai repeatedly tried to apologize, he suddenly lifted his head as if he just realized something, looking at me. It's true that I used it a bit in combat, but was it wrong to do so without permission?

"By the way, in what way did you use it?"

"In what... Well, I confronted the boss of the crime organization I mentioned earlier, landed a hit on him, and then fired three shots at some kingdom knights. Is there a problem?"

"You faced kingdom knights!? Did you... win!?"

"Technically, they were just knight trainees, so yeah, I won. Is there an issue?"

Answering the questions as they come, Nikolai reacts excessively, seemingly surprised. I don't think it's that big of a deal, so what's he so amazed about?

"...Hey, Dee? This guy doesn't have magic, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. He has no aptitude for magic."

"Hey, what's with the sarcasm?" 

Nikolai asked Deitrich in a hushed tone, right in front of me. Criticizing things people are sensitive about, especially when it comes to a prince, isn't a good idea. Even if it's a fact, it struck a nerve.

"That's insane..."

"Exactly, that's why it's interesting, isn't it?"

After hearing the explanation, Nikolai looks at me as if I'm some unbelievable lunatic. Why must people treat me like some monster just because I don't have magic? From my perspective, those with magical abilities are much more peculiar.

"...In fact, now that I take a closer look, I recognize the magical devices this guy is wearing."

He notices the enchanted bracelet on my arm and scrutinizes me, walking around to observe. Come to think of it, there were various things going on, and I forgot about it.

"I heard that you were the one who made these magical devices. I want to express my gratitude for your help. I'm always relying on them."

"Oh, so it was you. I see."

For reasons unknown to me, at some point, the chief mage of the empire began making my magical devices. This guy in front of me must be the creator of the magical tools I currently possess. I reveal a knife from the bracelet, showing it to Nikolai, who nods repeatedly as if he understands.

"I'll confirm this just to be sure, but you're the one regularly buying those explosive magical devices, right?"

"Huh? Yeah, that would be me. I find them handy, so I use them often..."

I don't know why he suddenly started using polite language, but he's probably referring to those explosive throwing knives. Indeed, unlike other conventional magical devices, those knives had remarkably superior performance. I wonder if he made those as well.

"Thank you for your regular purchases!"

Upon learning this, Nikolai bows even deeper than before. Given that I've been using the Duke's funds to buy a considerable amount regularly, I must be quite a valued customer. Considering that, his attitude makes some sense... maybe?

"I'm thinking of making Crow a special advisor for this research institute. Remember, you said you were looking for such talent before, right?"


"Hey, it's not confirmed that he's accepting yet..."

As the conversation reaches a suitable point, Deitrich interjects from the side. Nikolai, upon hearing this, cheers with joy, but it's not confirmed yet.

"Please! I humbly request your assistance!"

"What the hell is going on here!"

"If there's anything you desire, I'll sincerely and wholeheartedly make it for you! Please!"

"Let go, damn it!"

Nikolai suddenly clings to my feet, and despite my efforts to peel him off, his magical strength makes it challenging! I have no interest in entertaining a man clinging to me!

"Well, for the advancement of the Empire's magical technology, I'd appreciate your help. ...I've facilitated various things for you, right?"

"Isn't it unfair to bring up that now!?"

While Deitrich watches us with laughter, bringing up the Isabella matter out of the blue is just low. In fact, he probably intended to do so from the start.

"Okay, okay! I get it, so I'll accept, right!?"


While it feels like a trick, considering the various favors I've received, not accepting is almost not an option. Reluctantly agreeing, Nikolai vigorously celebrates with a triumphant pose.

"Right away, I have several prototype devices I want you to try!"


With shining eyes, Nikolai rummages through the rubble in the room, presenting me with various magical devices. Feeling the weight of the numerous magical devices pressed upon me, I can only muster a weary expression.

...I want to go home.


Nikolai Heydrich

In his past life, he was a tired programmer in a black company, but after overworking to the point of death, he was reborn into an ordinary family in the Empire.

Despite having some magical ability, he wasn't powerful enough to be a soldier, so he chose a different path. He became an apprentice at a local workshop, aiming to be a magical engineer.

Things took a funny turn when his mentor, an eccentric guy obsessed with making unpopular explosive weapons, misunderstood what a typical magical engineer does.

Without realizing it, he used my programming skills to tweak spells and create new magical tools, unintentionally becoming a bit of a production genius.

The Empire's prince, who enjoyed collecting talented folks, noticed him and brought him to the imperial research institute. When he found out that he could use the prince's huge funds however he liked, he went wild with my experiments.

Nikolai only truly realized the extent of what He had done when he completed a magical battleship. Suddenly, he was praised for his work, made Chief Magical Engineer, and, to top it off, engaged to the Empire's princess.

TLNOTE: Sorry for the delay. To sum it up, my desktop broke down, only to find out days later that one of my RAM slots had a short circuit. Not to mention, year-end works keep piling up. Anyway, I have already taken my paid vacation, and tomorrow I want to take a breather for a day.

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you can update this soon. Your previous updates to this series was practically immediate before, so thanks alot for your effort.


Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...