Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 80

 My lady is in despair

Deep beneath the Royal Capital's Magic Academy lies a hidden chamber unbeknownst to the students.

In front of a massive steel door that towered above them, two knights, responsible for security, stood perplexed. One of them held a communication crystal, attempting to make contact.

"Headquarters, respond! Damn it! Why won't it connect? How about you?"

"No luck; communication with the surface has been completely cut off."

"What on earth is happening..."

They struggled to establish contact with headquarters, which had been unreachable for some time, as well as with their fellow knights on the surface. The bewildered knights could only mutter their confusion as they saw their colleagues shake their heads.

Little did they know that their headquarters had been devastated, and their comrades on the surface were under attack by the enemy.

"I apologize, but could you please step aside?"

Startled by the appearance of a maid among them, the knights quickly raised their swords. The bespectacled, intelligent-looking maid named Zwei made an elegant bow that nearly left them in awe. However, they couldn't ignore the fact that they were in a restricted area, and the presence of a maid in this location was peculiar.

"What's behind this door? Do you understand what's at stake before making such a request?"

"Yes, my business lies in the room beyond."

"In that case, we cannot allow you through."

"That's quite a predicament. Unlike Drei, I'm not skilled in combat, but..."

Faced with the vigilant knights, Zwei placed a hand on her cheek and muttered, looking somewhat troubled.

In reality, unlike the battle-hungry Drei, Zwei's primary role was to provide support from the rear, rather than engaging in combat. Even though she was here due to a shortage of personnel, being pulled into such a situation was not her preference.

"In that case, you'd better surrender peacefully. We'd rather not resort to violence."

"Thank you for your courtesy. However, as it is an order from my master, I can't simply back down so easily."

"Prepare yourself!"

Yet, this was a mission personally ordered by her master. While not as fervent as Eins, she had loyalty toward her beloved master. As Zwei raised her staff against the knights' warnings, they grew even more cautious.

"Oh, by the way... Are you sure it's fine to focus all your attention on me?"


The knights, who were on high alert, didn't quite understand the meaning of her words as Zwei, with magic-infused into the gem on the tip of her staff, gave them a faint smile.

Before the knights could grasp the meaning of her words, figures suddenly leaped out from the shadows.




Behind the knights, distracted by Zwei, masked girls launched a surprise attack.

Their weapons charged with magic, they swung with all their might, landing direct blows on the defenseless backs of the knights, who collapsed on the spot.

"D-did it... work?"

Seeing the fallen knights, the other girl cautiously observed the outcome of their sneak attack.

Having taken an enhanced blow infused with magic, the knights, no matter how strong they were, were rendered completely defenseless.

"Yes, you both did wonderfully."

"Well done, Nora!"

"You idiot! What's the point of hiding our identities when you call me by name!?"

While the masked girls, Elina and Nora, who were Isabella's entourage, were making a commotion, Zwei narrowed her eyes.

After the Valiaz family was exposed and fell from grace, many noble families who had served them severed ties with them. Naturally, Isabella's entourage, made up of many students, followed suit and abandoned Isabella, switching their allegiance to the prince.

Originally, they had approached the Valiaz family to gain favor and benefits, so it was only natural for them to move away when their purpose was no longer valid.

However, even in those circumstances, there were still students who remained loyal to Isabella. Some wanted to repay the favor they received, while others admired her charisma. The reasons varied, but what was certain was that they chose to stand by Isabella's side, even against the country's wishes, and were now risking their lives to save her.

"Hey, is everything okay over there?"


While Elina and the others chatted noisily, students who had been engaged in battles with the knights on the surface gathered. They were all battered and bruised from intense battles, but their expressions conveyed pride.

"Miss Zwei, we've successfully secured the surface, following the plan. We've left some guards behind who can still move."

"Thank you all. Let's proceed."


With everyone now assembled, Zwei approached the formidable door that had been guarded by the knights. Slowly, she pushed it open. As it creaked, a dense surge of magic poured out through the gap, prompting the students to instinctively shield their faces.

When they finally opened their eyes, they were met with a mysterious sight. The first thing they noticed was a colossal rock at the center of the grand hall, so enormous that it resembled a mountain. Upon closer inspection, they realized it was a massive cluster of magical gemstones. The entire floor was covered in intricate magical symbols that emitted a soft, radiant magical glow, with the central cluster serving as its core.

"This is the heart of the Grand Barrier..." A student couldn't help but mutter.

This place was the central part of the grand magical barrier that had protected the royal capital for hundreds of years since its founding. It absorbed an immense amount of magic from the earth's ley lines, creating a protective barrier that encompassed the entire royal capital.

It was thanks to this barrier that people could live in peace within this land plagued by the presence of monsters.

"Alright, I'll handle the spellwork. During that time, I'll need all of you to control the flow of magic."

With a spellwork of this scale, the difficulty of controlling it was secondary to the sheer volume of magic involved. It was comparable to the force of a raging river, and one wrong move could easily engulf the feeble human consciousness in the flow of magic.

That's why it was essential to have the cooperation of students with vast reserves of magical power to contain the flow while Zwei focused on rewriting the massive magical array.

On that day, the Grand Barrier, which had protected the royal capital since its founding, disappeared.


"I've been searching you, Milady."

In the chase, we quickly located Milady. The central plaza, where the execution was set to take place, was bustling with eager spectators. Amid the crowd, Milady's striking golden hair and beauty made her easily noticeable, drawing the gazes of those around.

"What... Let go of me!"

"Leaving your master behind, that's not very good for a maid, is it?"

I caught up with her and held her hand firmly. She struggled to break free, but I couldn't afford to let her escape. I tightly wrapped my arm around her waist to restrict her movements.

Simultaneously, we made sure to emphasize our master-servant relationship loud enough for those around us to hear. The onlookers, who had been paying attention to Milady, lost interest and redirected their gaze towards the central square.

Fortunately, the crowd consisted of common people, and it appeared that none of them recognized Milady's face. Although we might have raised some suspicion, the notion of a noble's daughter disguising herself as a maid was beyond anyone's imagination.

"Who do you think you are, calling me your maid?"

"Milady, please be quiet for now. It would be troublesome if the knights on guard notice us."


Enraged by her treatment as a servant, Milady attempted to forcefully separate me, but causing a disturbance at this moment was highly undesirable.

I subtly signaled the guards around us. Milady seemed to recall the situation and let out a frustrated growl before complying.

I was eager to leave this location immediately, but Milady showed no intention of moving. I'd have to seize an opportunity to escort her away.

"Listen, everyone! These individuals held noble positions responsible for protecting our nation, yet they oppressed the common people, enriching themselves, and even conspired with the Empire, plotting treason against our royal family!"

While this was happening, there was commotion in the central square. Members of the Valiaz family, including Lord Duke, were forcibly brought onto the execution platform by the knights. The prince, who had ascended the platform, began enumerating their crimes.

"Father, mmmph!"

Upon witnessing this, Milady attempted to call out for her father, but I promptly covered her mouth.

"Mmph, nnngh!"

"What are you doing? If you call for your father here, they'll instantly expose our presence!"

Milady, with her mouth covered, glared at me and protested in a muffled voice. However, I couldn't afford to be concerned about that.

I found myself using a raised voice, forgetting to maintain the discreet tone I had intended when I scolded her quietly to avoid drawing attention.

In this square, numerous knights were on standby for security, and they were within earshot. While Milady was undoubtedly skilled, I had no illusions about confronting all of these knights. If we were caught, all our efforts would be in vain.

"Don't screw with us!"

"We're not your tools!"

"This murderer!"

"Give me back my daughter!"

"Where did you stash the money you stole from us?"

As the prince listed the charges against Lord Duke and the others, the emotions of the surrounding crowd continued to escalate.

People began hurling insults at the Duke and the others, almost as if they were venting their pent-up frustrations. Some even started throwing stones. This fury spread like wildfire among the citizens present, and a frenzied atmosphere engulfed the execution site.

The cries grew louder and more sinister:

"Die already!"

"Yes, yes! Just get it over with!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

The crowd's chants became an unsettling crescendo of "Kill them!" and "Die!"

"What's going on with these people?"

Initially, Milady had struggled in an attempt to free herself from my grip, giving menacing looks to the surrounding crowd. However, as the enraged mob began shouting, she became thoroughly frightened, clutching my clothes while wearing an anxious expression.

"Now, do you have any last words?"

"Do you even comprehend how disastrous it would be for this country to lose me? Think for once with your empty heads! I might consider sparing you if you release these restraints right away and execute these annoying and worthless scoundrels!"


Even at this late stage, Duke maintained an unwavering, confrontational stance, venting his anger toward the prince. It seemed the prince, overwhelmed by the rage of a man who was rumored to hold power in this country almost equal to the king's, was somewhat shaken.

If His Majesty the King had been present, he might have considered Duke's demands due to the influence held by the Valiaz Ducal House. However, in this moment, only the foolish prince, driven by a superficial sense of justice, and his entourage were in attendance.

"In the end, trash will always be trash. Very well, prepare yourself."


Milady's trembling voice, naturally, didn't reach the prince and his companions. Meanwhile, the executioners, following orders, forcibly restrained the resistant Duke and proceeded to drag their struggling bodies toward the guillotine.

"Lies... No, please... Stop... I beg you, stop..."

"Ugh... Milady!"

"Do it."

Despite Milady's desperate pleas, as I held her close, the prince callously issued the execution order. The executioners operated the guillotine, and with a dull thud, the heavy blade precisely severed the criminal's head from his body. The three severed heads, along with their gushing blood, hung momentarily in the air.

"No... No..."

In the hushed hall, everyone watched in suspense as the heads of the corrupt Valiaz ducal family, who had tormented so many, rolled grotesquely on the ground.

"No... No... No... No... No... No... No... No..."



"""All Hail His Higness Albert"""

In an instant, the square erupted with exuberant cheers from the crowd, celebrating the prince's actions. In the shadow of the celebration, the anguished cries of a girl who had lost her family were drowned out and went unheard by anyone.

TLNOTE: day off cancelled. Thanks to someone I had to work overtime

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...