Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 90

 The former lady of the duke wants to observe

While gazing at the vast snowy landscape beneath us, the ship carrying us slowly ascended towards the imperial capital.

"Handling aerodynamics, managing defensive barriers, all while simultaneously processing them...? The person who created these magical symbols must be a genius," Isabella exclaimed as she observed the runes adorning the ship's hull.

Ordinary magical tools could usually only manage a single type of magic per tool. However, propelling a ship of this size through the air required a complex array of runes, even though I wasn't well-versed in the subject. Isabella, the former Duchess of the Kingdom, renowned worldwide for her magical expertise, made this statement, making it unquestionably credible.

"Yes, that's right! After all, this ship was crafted by our empire's brilliant magical engineer, Mr. Nikolai," Hanna replied with pride.

"Isn't he the Empire's top magical engineer?"


Listening to Hanna's boastful words, I glanced at the bracelet secured on my left arm.

Magical engineers, specialists responsible for creating and maintaining magical tools, are quite common in the Empire. The name of the top magical engineer is well-known even in the Kingdom.

They say that His Highness recognized his exceptional talent. He's achieved many groundbreaking inventions and is known as a genius who reached the top position at a remarkably young age. I believe he's the one who crafted this enhancement runic bracelet for me. Frankly, I'm not sure why such a remarkable person took an interest in me, but I've been grateful for his magical tools in various situations. If I ever get the chance to meet him, I'd like to express my gratitude.

"But, you might wonder if it's okay for us to be on such an incredible ship. Isn't it classified for military use?" Isabella asked.

"Well, it's primarily designed for military purposes, but they've opened it up to civilians to some extent. Plus, when you're a guest of His Highness, it's only natural to have access to something like this," Hanna replied.

In a world where most travel on foot or horseback, flying through the air is a significant advantage, particularly in the snowy regions of the Empire, where it allows for easier movement during emergencies.

While we may not have the agility of the Kingdom's familiars, that privilege is reserved for a select few among the upper classes and can't accommodate large groups like our magical battleship can. It's simply a matter of national tradition.

"Wait a moment," Isabella interrupted.

"What's the matter?" 

Suddenly, Isabella, who had been listening to our conversation, seemed to notice something. She turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"Crow, I just realized that you haven't told me much about your employer in the Empire."

She approached me closely, and I instinctively took a step back. It was true; amidst all the chaos during our escape, I had forgotten to mention it.

"Did you forget to explain this to me?" she inquired.

"I was planning to discuss it once we'd settled down," I responded.

"Explain it now," she demanded firmly.

"Why is the heir to the throne casually studying abroad? That's utterly incomprehensible..."

I sighed. "I truly have no words to defend that."

In the guest cabin prepared for us, we sat on a sofa as I began to explain the situation regarding Dixon, now known as Prince Dietrich in the Kingdom. Isabella, having heard the story, held her head in disbelief.

It appeared that, much like Isabella, Dixon's decision to study abroad was made independently. People born into privilege often exhibited strong-willed behavior, resolute in their choices once made, causing inconvenience to those around them.

"Oh dear... I'm not sure what to do now."

"By the way, Isabella, you seemed rather close to His Highness."

"We're not close at all. Quite the opposite, actually... I said some disrespectful things, and even though I didn't know, it's no excuse."

I knew that Deitrich had some interaction with Isabella, but it seemed that she had made a mistake during that time. Perhaps she treated him with her usual high-handed attitude, thinking of him as just another servant.

His Highness might not mind such things, but...

"That would be for the best..."

Certainly, having a disrespectful attitude towards a royal family member was inappropriate, but in this situation, the one concealing their true identity was the prince himself. As Hanna said, Deitrich was not the kind of man to be bothered by something like this, but telling that to Isabella now wouldn't provide much comfort.


Indeed, it was an unavoidable situation. I understood that, but knowing that he was privy to a side of Isabella that I was not aware of created a faint pang deep within me.

"Oh? Could it be, Crow, that you're feeling jealous?" Isabella, perceptive as ever, noticed the change in me and watched my reaction with a touch of amusement.

I thought I had been doing a decent job hiding my emotions, but had I really been so transparent?

"...And if I said yes?"

"Well, then, I might owe you an apology," Isabella replied with a playful smile.

If she could see through my feelings, then there was no point in denying them. I confessed my inner thoughts honestly. In response, Isabella leaned in closer, offering her alluring body without any defenses, and as a man, there was no way I could resist.

"Should we, um, step away from our seats in this situation?"

"That's probably a good idea."

I wrapped my arms around Isabella's waist, pulling her closer. At that moment, I buried my face in her neck, no longer concerned about any external voices.


"Ah... hah..."

I caressed Isabella's supple thigh as she surrendered herself to me. Countless kisses rained down on her neck, driven by excitement. 

──Bang, bang, bang!

But then, a loud, incessant ringing of bells resounded throughout the ship, throwing the entire vessel into turmoil.

"What's happening?"

"It's a monster attack! We'll handle it from here. Please, you two stay in this room and wait," Hanna, stationed outside, entered the room with a frantic expression.

Despite my frustration at the interruption, I turned my attention to the situation outside. It seemed that no matter if it was the kingdom or the empire, the threat of monsters remained the same.

"Well, this is our chance to see the Empire's battle skills. We're going, too," Isabella said as she immediately adjusted her focus upon receiving the report. She squinted her eyes and gracefully slipped out of my arms, standing up.

Regrettably, it appeared that we were being put on hold for the moment.

"Wait, it's too dangerous!"

"Why are you saying that? Isn't this why you're here as our escorts?"

"She's just like His Highness, not even listening..."

As we attempted to leave the room to observe the battle against the monsters, Hanna, our guard, tried desperately to stop Isabella. But Isabella ignored the attempts to restrain her.

"Where are the enemies?"

When we reached the deck, the soldiers were frantically preparing for the counterattack. Ballistae installed on the deck were activated, and a large amount of supplies were being transported from the ship's interior.

"They're coming from that direction."

"I can't see..."

While searching for the monsters and scanning the sky, Isabella pointed in a certain direction. However, even when I focused on that area, I could only make out tiny specks in the distance with my eyesight.

"Sire Crow, here, please use these."

"Ah, I'm sorry."

Feeling empathy for my struggle, Eins handed me a pair of binoculars, and I gazed in the direction he indicated. Through the magnified view, I could clearly see a formation of dragons heading straight towards us.

"Seems like wild wyverns."

"Well then, let's watch how the Imperial warriors handle them."

These magical creatures, known as familiars, were something we were known with, even though they posed a threat. We observed how the Imperial soldiers dealt with the incoming dragons. Suddenly, the back of the ship became quite chaotic.

"What's going on?"

"Those are flying troops—elite forces responsible for protecting this ship."

As I looked, I noticed soldiers riding peculiar magical tools that resembled frame-only bikes, soaring around the ship. Their presence in the sky indicated they were here to safeguard the vessel.

"Are those magical tools too?"

"Yes, they're officially known as 'Authorized Flight Magical Tools,' but most people just call them 'brooms.'"

"Ah, like witch's brooms."

"Yeah, now that you mention it."

If you thought of the part the soldiers straddled as the broom's handle and the nozzle-like propulsion device at the back of the magical tool as the broom's bristles, they did indeed resemble a witch's broom to some extent.

In this world, the concept of witches exists, much like the traditional image from my previous life: women wearing black robes and pointed hats, brewing potions, flying through the sky on brooms, and so on. Their various knowledge, especially in the field of magical potions, still persists in this world.

"It's ridiculously easy for them to fly through the air. It leaves little room for magicians to stand out."

Watching them freely soar through the skies, Isabella couldn't help but smile wryly as she commented.

Normally, mastering flight magic is a relatively advanced skill, and only a few people can achieve it. Isabella could do it, but that was the result of her relentless efforts. Seeing people without magical abilities flying through the air so easily must have stirred complex feelings in her.

"I'm more interested in their weapons than those monsters."

"Did you notice?"

The flying troops had gotten closer without us realizing, and the soldiers were now aiming their 'guns' at the wyverns.

"They're using magic guns that shoot bullets with magic power. Although it's still in the early stages of deployment, they've already achieved significant results. The Empire plans to adopt it as their next primary weapon."

"...So, those belong to this country, after all."

Their weapons were rifles, unlike the pistol I had, but the fact that they operated guns in a world where swords and magic were the norm was quite unusual.

As we discussed this, the soldiers continued to attack the wyverns, gradually inflicting damage primarily on their relatively thin wings.

"The Empire relies on numbers to compensate for the lack of power in their weaponry, after all."



Suddenly, a cannon on the ship's side roared to life, and Isabella, nestled in my arms, let out a startled yelp and stumbled.

The cannonball struck the wyverns, which were already slowed by the soldiers' attacks, tearing their bodies into scattered fragments.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, was that a cannon just now? I've never seen one before."

Watching the scene unfold, Isabella, still in my arms, had wide eyes.

While guns were a familiar sight, cannons had seen use in the Kingdom during past conflicts with the Empire. Although their operation was challenging, the power they packed rivaled that of conventional magic. Nevertheless, there hadn't been a war between the two nations for a long time due to a peace treaty. Isabella's unfamiliarity with cannons was understandable.

"By the way, these cannons are not common in the Kingdom, are they?"

"In the Kingdom, they prefer to use magic. It's more efficient."

It appeared that some magic users were on the ship, casting spells alongside the cannonfire and ballistae. However, their numbers were relatively low, and the quality of their magic seemed unremarkable.

In the Kingdom, a single powerful magic user could likely handle a situation like this on their own, or they would deploy an array of magic spells that would cover the entire sky. This stark contrast highlighted the Empire's reliance on magical technology over traditional magic.


As the battle raged on, the wyvern group was gradually diminishing in number, systematically defeated by the soldiers. In the end, a flying soldier wielding a bayonet charged the last remaining wyvern, slashing its throat to deliver the final blow.

The wyvern succumbed to the attack, falling lifelessly to the ground. The soldiers on the deck erupted into victorious cheers.

"How was that? What do you think of our army's performance?" 

"It was an impressive battle, but it seems like it would cost a fortune," Isabella observed in the corner of the deck as the cheers echoed around them.

Indeed, the main drawback of these magical tools was their high cost. They consumed magical gemstones as a power source, which were significantly more expensive than the magical energy harnessed by magic users. Continuous use of these tools in a battle could quickly deplete their financial resources. Furthermore, the Empire, with its lower natural magical energy flow compared to the Kingdom, had a limited supply of these gemstones. Continuing such battles would lead to financial troubles for the Empire.

"This ship, as well as the latest magical tools, are powered by magic stones derived from monsters rather than magical gemstones, so there's no issue."

"Ah, I see. So, if it doesn't involve humans, using magic stones is not a problem. It's something unique to magical tools, I suppose."

I don't fully grasp it, but it appears they use magic stones generated within monsters instead of magical gemstones. 

While these magic stones do share the quality of holding magic and offer the advantage of nearly limitless availability as long as there are monsters, it seems there were various problems with using them, which discouraged their use in the Kingdom.

"Um, I don't quite get it..."

"Well, how should I put it? Natural magic in the world is usually colorless and transparent. But when it enters a living being, it takes on different attributes. For example, my magic might have different attributes compared to Eins. Same magic, but our abilities differ, you see?"

"Ah, I see. So with magic stones, it's because the magic inside monsters is attuned to them, which is why regular humans can't use them effectively, right?"

"That's right. Technically, they could be used, but the conversion efficiency is just too poor."

"I see."

Amidst my confusion, Isabella patiently explained. Frankly, it was all quite baffling, but it seemed there were various types of magic within the world, and I wondered if I'd understand it better if I had magic myself.

"But with magical tools, there's no need for humans in the process of casting spells, so they can use magic from monsters without a hitch... In fact, they seem to be tuned for magic stones. I'd need to look into it more closely to be sure, but that's probably how it works."

"If it piques your interest, would you like me to guide you to the engine room later?"

Isabella seemed genuinely curious, and to her surprise, Hannah offered to show her around. While the engine room was indeed a critical part of the ship, was it really okay to offer access to such an area?

"Um, is that really okay?"

"Yes, as His Highness has instructed us to accommodate your requests to the best of our abilities."

Isabella asked what I was thinking, and it seemed that this decision was based on the prince's authority. Well, given the prince's character, it wasn't entirely unexpected.

"Hey, Crow... What on earth did you do?"

"Well, I have nothing to say..."

"Usually, they wouldn't reveal such classified information to newcomers. The extent to which His Highness favors you is rather terrifying..."

"But, you know, I really have no idea..."

To Isabella, though, this must all seem quite bizarre. She whispered quietly, not wanting Hannah to overhear, but the truth was, I didn't fully understand why Dieterich had taken such a liking to me.

As Isabella regarded me with skeptical eyes, all I could do was offer a somewhat awkward smile.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...