Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 78

 My lady has been kidnapped

"Ugh, seriously. We were supposed to have the day off today, but why the heck are we stuck doing security in this dreary place?"

"Hey, that's because they had to allocate manpower from the town's security detail for the execution of some former duke. Besides, this guy here is my last opponent."

"Wait just a minute!"

"I'm not waiting. The world of duels is ruthless."

"Darn it, one more round!"

In the underground dungeon of the royal castle, where many dangerous criminals were held, near the entrance, two knights on duty were slacking off from their boring security job. They were playing a board game while sipping from glasses of alcohol, in the middle of a bright sunny day.

Despite their assignment to guard the prison, there were plenty of other knights patrolling the royal castle. The prisoners, on the other hand, were bound by magic-inhibiting restraints. Moreover, the cell bars were made of a special metal that could withstand even the most potent magical attacks. No incidents had ever occurred in this prison, and the atmosphere among the guards had become quite relaxed over time.

A week had passed since the National Founding Day party turmoil. The revelation of the Valiaz family's betrayal, one of the three major ducal families that had supported the Farrant Kingdom for generations, had sent shockwaves throughout the nation. As their numerous wrongdoings came to light, the hatred towards the Valiaz family swelled, particularly among those who had suffered silently from their actions.

Meanwhile, the fact that Prince Albert and his entourage had exposed these atrocities, along with the announcement of his engagement to a former commoner who had supported him, led to widespread admiration for their bravery. People celebrated the birth of new leaders, and the mood across the country turned festive.

In the midst of this, the impending execution of the former duke and his family had drawn crowds to the capital to witness the downfall of the corrupt duke and the appearance of the prince's new fiancée. For security, numerous knights had been dispatched.

"By the way, have you seen that lady in the farthest cell here?" The middle-aged knight, now somewhat tipsy after a few rounds of drinking and gaming, lowered his voice and pointed towards the staircase leading deeper into the cells.

"You mean the lady from the traitorous former ducal family, right? I've heard all sorts of rumors about her, but I've never actually seen her. Do you have a thing for her, senior?"

Asked by his junior, the young knight refilled his glass while thinking about the rumors spreading among the common folk. The lady from the ducal family was infamous for her beauty, but her reputation was marred by a demanding and harsh personality. Many people had their lives turned upside down by her capricious whims.

"Hey, I saw something amazing at a party we were assigned to guard a while back."

"Amazing... What do you mean?"

Intrigued, the younger knight leaned closer, his face earnest as the senior knight spoke in a hushed tone. Being the fifth son of a minor noble, he rarely encountered high-ranking nobility, and the senior's dramatic storytelling piqued his curiosity.

"It's about a girl's, um, assets – her breasts! That girl, despite being so young, had an unbelievably large pair!"

The senior knight used his hands to gesture the size, circling in front of his chest, trying to convey the memory of the impressive bust. He might have been exaggerating a bit, but if what the senior said was true, the young lady in question probably had a rather impressive bosom.

"Really, that big?"

"Absolutely! She had a slightly stern face, but she was stunningly beautiful, and her chest and rear were incredibly large, while her waist was so slim it looked like it might snap. Honestly, that girl is on par with Yuna-chan, if not even more..."


The young knight, still a novice, was no stranger to such conversations. He had visited brothels a few times with his senior and had even seen the city's top-class courtesan, who was stunningly beautiful. Yet, imagining a lady who surpassed her left the young knight a bit awe-struck.

"Oh man, wouldn't it be great if I could have a go at that girl, even just once..."

"Well, that's practically impossible. If we mess with that merchandise, our heads won't be the only things rolling."

Unlike the other members of her family, she had somehow escaped execution, but after being stripped of her status, she was already scheduled to be auctioned off as a criminal slave. Nobles rarely got a chance to lay their eyes on a duchess's daughter, and if she was as beautiful as the senior knight praised, many wealthy individuals would bid generously to possess her.

Doing anything foolish to reduce her value and jeopardizing the situation would only spell disaster for their minor noble status.

"Alright, I get it. But come on, can't we at least imagine it?"

"Well, there are rumors that her personality is pretty tough."

"Geez, you... wouldn't it be fun to bring a spirited lady like her to her knees in the bedroom?"

"Is that so?"

"My, my... You two seem to be having quite an entertaining discussion."

Under the influence of alcohol and indulging in their lewd banter, an unfamiliar voice suddenly interrupted them. As both knights turned to face the uninvited guest, they realized a fellow knight had appeared at the entrance to the lookout room.

"Oh... is it time for the shift already? Huh? You're alone?"

"Yeah, there were originally two of us, but on the way here, my partner had an upset stomach and had to rush to the restroom, so I came ahead."

Checking the clock, it was a bit early, but it was about time for the shift change. However, they were supposed to be on duty in pairs, so when the senior knight noticed that only one of them had arrived, he inquired about it. The lone knight shrugged his shoulders with a troubled expression, even if his helmet concealed his face.The tone suggested a wry smile.

"Well, since we have some time until the other one arrives, would you mind if I joined in on your previous conversation? I have some alcohol prepared as well."

Nonetheless, it was hardly appropriate to change shifts while one of the pair was missing. The two knights exchanged glances, pondering their options. The lone knight reached into a bag he had with him, took out a bottle of liquor, and placed it on the table.


Seeing the label on the bottle, both of them were suddenly more alert. The liquor on the table was a famous high-quality brand that even the destitute could recognize. As they couldn't see his face, they couldn't make any judgments, but was this knight possibly a member of a high-ranking noble family?

"I had initially planned to share this with my partner, but since they're absent, there's no other option."

"Oh... alright..."

With a sly tone, the knight smoothly uncorked the bottle. A fragrant, deep red liquid was poured into the modest glasses the two of them held. Even the seasoned senior knight felt somewhat overwhelmed by the value of a few gold coins in that single drink. The rookie, on the other hand, appeared visibly flustered and confused.

"Is... Is this really fine?"

"Yes, it's absolutely fine."

"Okay, then, I won't hold back!"

"Ah, it's such a shame!"

The senior knight, having received permission again, seemed to gather his resolve and took a sip from his glass. Given his rather unrefined and rough way of drinking, it wasn't surprising that the rookie couldn't help but let out a surprised cry.

"Oh, this is incredible..."


The senior knight was engrossed in the taste, finally releasing his lips from the glass. His expression relaxed into a blissful state, almost unsettling.

Seeing his senior's reaction, the rookie knight, who had steeled himself, began to savor the drink with small sips.

"So, what were we talking about?"

"It was about the former duke's daughter, senior."

"Oh, right! That's it! Those arrogant girls need to be disciplined in bed... You agree, right?"

"Well, women like that tend to show surprisingly cute reactions in bed, you know."

As more alcohol filled their glasses, the cheerful senior continued the conversation. The knight who had been silently observing their drinking habits joined in with a bottle in hand.

The way he spoke was fervent, as though he had firsthand experience, possibly hinting that someone of his high nobility might have encountered women of similar status. It was quite envy-inducing.

"I see...? I can't even imagine that girl turning out like... that..."


The rookie knight was lost in thought, contemplating the girl's transformation, and then his senior's body suddenly swayed. He saw him collapse, letting go of his glass, and slumping onto the table.

"Why is this happening all of a sudden...? Wait, what's this...? My body... can't move..."

In a panic, he rushed to his senior, shaking his shoulders. However, a sensation of weakness overcame his own body. He collapsed just before reaching him, leaning against the table. Disregarding the scattered board game, he struggled to maintain consciousness and keep himself from falling.

Amid their abnormal situation, his dazed thoughts began to circulate. Their gazes met with the other knight who had caused them to suddenly lose their strength. No doubt, this man was the cause of the overwhelming fatigue. He must have laced their drinks with some kind of drug. He couldn't help but clench his teeth at his own lack of vigilance.

"Oh, you're still conscious, I see. Don't worry, it's just a sleeping draught. You'll wake up soon if you behave. Well, that's assuming you're still alive by then."

The sudden change in his tone, from calm to an eerie coldness, made the rookie knight shudder. Ultimately, he couldn't resist the drowsiness creeping over him, and his consciousness faded away.


The young knight slumped over the table in front of him, finally succumbing to a rhythmic, deep slumber.

Their drowsiness was a direct result of the drugged drink I had offered. This sleep potion, typically reserved for nobility, was remarkably potent. It had been tested successfully on Isabella, my lady, despite her innate magical resistance. It took a bit longer to take effect on the young knight, who had consumed only a small amount of alcohol, but it proved remarkably powerful, as expected. It's easy to see why such a potion was forbidden in the kingdom.

"Now, then..."

I retrieved a keyring from the belt of the slumbering middle-aged knight. With that in hand, I departed from the surveillance room.

Their fate was uncertain, but it wasn't my concern. After all, they deserved this consequence for their disrespectful comments about Milady. The reason I didn't eliminate them on the spot was simply due to time limits.

Descending the stone staircase to the lowest level, I paid no attention to the other prisoners along the way and proceeded directly to the cell at the very end.


Inside the cell, there was a young girl wearing a tattered dress, clutching a ragged blanket as she lay on the cold floor.

With the stolen key, I unlocked the cell and slowly approached the girl.

Her life in restraints hadn't been kind to her; her once magnificent scarlet dress was now covered in grime, blackened by dust, and her radiant golden hair had lost its shine.

As I examined her with a heavy heart, I knelt down to check on her. In that moment, her emerald eyes, previously closed, opened.


"Easy there..."

I quickly grabbed the dagger that was thrust through the opening in my helmet for better visibility.

It seemed she had been pretending to be asleep, maybe in hopes of finding a chance to escape. Quite daring for someone without magical abilities.

"Ugh... Kill me! I'd rather die here than be a plaything for those lowlifes!"

"No, what nonsense are you talking about, Milady?"


Even though I had come to rescue her, My lady Isabella seemed to blurt out something odd. Milady herself, frozen in her tracks, stared at me with a baffled expression.

"Ah... I see. Just wait for a moment. I'll take this off," I said, realizing that Milady couldn't see my face with my helmet on. I let go of her hand and began to remove the stuffy helmet.


When I revealed my face from under the helmet, Milady reacted as if she had seen a ghost.

What could be so surprising? She should have expected my arrival to rescue her.

"I apologize for the delay in coming to your rescue," I said, still on my knees and respectfully bowing my head to the still-stunned Milady.

Understanding the kingdom's security schedule, securing an escape route, and making preparations had taken some time. Eventually, today was the best day to execute the escape plan, as the castle's security was at its weakest due to the reduced manpower assigned for the execution event.

After infiltrating the castle disguised as a knight, eliminating two guards on duty, and taking their places, we had finally reached this point. Looking back, I had certainly put in considerable effort.

While I'm not asking for a reward, it would be nice if Milady could at least offer some words of praise...

"You're way too late! You fool!"

"I apologize, Milady," I responded.

Of course, such faint hopes couldn't be fulfilled. Instead, Milady began playfully patting my chest. Since I was wearing armor, it didn't bother me at all. In fact, her unprotected hands were likely more vulnerable to pain.

I gently took her hand and stopped her. I then used the key to remove her handcuffs.

"Well, it's fine. Let's get out of this place and show those bastards who plotted against me a thing or two!"

"W-wait, my lady!"

"What is it?"

As soon as she was free from restraints, Milady's spirit returned, and she seemed ready to storm off to confront the foolish princes. I hurriedly grabbed her arm to stop her.

Indeed, true to her noble nature, she showed no remorse for her role in tormenting Maria. But, even more importantly, if Milady were to confront the princes now, she'd likely be captured by the knights again. All my efforts would be in vain, given our already precarious situation.

"Going straight to His Highness without a plan would only get you recaptured as a criminal. Right now, it's more important to retreat and regroup."

"Ugh... You're right."

As I desperately held her hand to stop her, she seemed to calm down.

Milady had her flaws, with her high pride and a tendency to be emotional, but she wasn't a fool.

...Just a bit unfortunate.

With a bitter expression, she reluctantly acknowledged the validity of my argument.

"Then, please guide me to the exit quickly. I don't want to stay in this dusty place any longer."

"Understood. We have prepared a mansion, and there's a bath ready. Once we escape, I'll help you refresh."

"Oh, you certainly understand me. Let's go, Crow."


Wearing my helmet again, I led her out of the dimly lit dungeon.

"Hey, hey, taking only that girl with you is unfair! Let us out too!"

"Hey, Mr. Knight, if you're planning to sell us anyway, how about having some fun with us first? We'll beg for it, so come on!"

"Hey, your little thing is no match for mine, right?"

"Shut up, you premature ejaculating jerk!"

"What...? What are you people saying..."

Milady's cell was inconveniently situated at the deepest part of the prison. As we ascended to the surface, we inevitably passed the cells of other prisoners. They couldn't help but react to the sight of the exceptionally beautiful Milady, immediately shouting and making obscene comments.

Some even directed lewd words at her, and Milady, who had no tolerance for such behavior, turned bright red and became flustered.

"It's just nonsense from these scumbags. Please ignore them. Let's keep moving."

"Yes, yes..."

Honestly, I'd like to dispose of them all right here, but time is running out. I gave the rowdy prisoners a quick glance, then firmly held Milady's hand and led her out of the prison.

"Both of you, follow me."

"What's the situation?"

"No problems, everything's going smoothly."

After our escape from the underground prison and reaching the surface, we managed to find one of the warehouses inside the royal castle. We had successfully avoided the watchful eyes of the guards. From this point, we were just a short distance away from leaving the castle.

When we reunited with Eins, who had been waiting for us to prepare our escape, Milady's expression showed some relief.

"Milady, we're about to leave the royal castle. Are you ready?"

"Ready? But this place is just a warehouse."

Milady's question was quite valid. Ordinarily, to exit the royal castle, one would need to leave through one of the four gates surrounding it. These gates were heavily guarded by knights. Although the prison guards we encountered earlier were understaffed due to their focus on other security issues, and their incompetence allowed us to slip past them, the same wouldn't apply to the castle gates. That's why, instead of heading directly to the castle gates, we came to this warehouse.


"Yes, Sir Crow."

Following my orders, Eins touched the nearby floor and channeled her magic. This action caused a portion of the stone floor to slide away, revealing a staircase leading underground.

"A hidden passage!?"

"Yes, it seems to be an emergency escape route."

The chief butler had informed me that there were several secret escape routes like this within the royal castle. Only the royal family and the three major ducal houses involved in the founding of the kingdom were aware of the existence of these passages. Naturally, the castle's knights had no knowledge of them. Using this passage should allow us to safely escape the castle grounds.

"I'm relying on you for the rest. Also—"

"Isn't Eins coming with us?"

"She has some more work to do here. We plan to meet up with her later, so don't worry."

After quietly instructing Eins before our escape, Milady looked concerned about leaving her behind. She would help buy us time by ensuring that Milady's escape went unnoticed and distract the castle's security. However, I had full confidence in Eins's abilities.

"I see. Please take care."

"You too, Mistress."

"Let's go, Milady."

"Alright, I understand."

With Eins left behind, we proceeded to descend the underground staircase.


"What's going on now? We've had quite a few visitors today."

The sound of footsteps descending the underground prison staircase caught the attention of the inmates. Apart from a recent exception like the young lady who had left earlier, most of the people here were hardened criminals, serving life sentences. It was unusual for anyone to visit outside of meal times.

The inmates turned their focus towards the staircase, curious about who was coming and for what reason. When the newcomer finally appeared, they were taken aback. A maid, an unusual sight in this grimy, filthy prison, stood before them. The previous blonde noblewoman was indeed a beauty, but this maid, with her ashen gray hair, had her own unique charm.

Her presence surprised the inmates, and they cheered with delight.

"What's a maid doing here?"

"It's at the request of my mistress that I've come to offer you an opportunity."

"An opportunity? Are you saying you'll help us get out of here, Miss Maid?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

"Haha! Seriously? That's fantastic!"

The inmates burst into laughter and made lewd remarks. They didn't know the purpose of their release, but they were notorious criminals who had shocked the capital. The fate of the lone and lovely maid standing before them seemed all too clear. Most of the inmates were already sizing her up as their prey.

"But first... you, you, you, and you over there."

Amid the inmates' lecherous stares, the maid pointed out a few individuals among the prisoners. Those selected, known for their notorious crimes, willingly stepped forward, wearing smirks as they looked down at the maid.

"What's up? You fallen for me, sweetheart? I'll be your company right aw—"

"You're not needed."

"What the—!?"

As the maid made a certain gesture, the inmates' heads were suddenly crushed by an overwhelming force, leaving them twisted on the floor.

"Ugh! Uwaaaah!"

With their heads separated from their bodies and their strength drained, the remaining inmates were thrown into chaos. A few discerning inmates realized that the ones executed were the same men who had earlier made lewd comments to the noblewoman who had left the prison, but their realization came too late.

Although the inmates themselves were far from upstanding citizens, it was impossible for them to comprehend that the delicate beauty they had seen as their prey was, in fact, an unimaginable monster. She had taken several lives right before their eyes without a hint of emotion.

"Now, you're free to do as you please. Have your way with them."

With another wave of her hand, the maid effortlessly tore through the supposedly unbreakable iron bars. The prisoners were now released, but they had lost any determination to confront the monstrous figure before them.

As they used the keys she had thrown at them to unlock their restraints, fear gnawed at them. They couldn't help but shudder, worried they might be the next to die. All they could do was maintain their composure and avoid doing anything to upset the monstrous being before them.

— They had no other choice.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...