Sunday, October 29, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 86

 My lady and the maid

"The sages abandoned the foolish people who had grown overconfident in the artifacts they were given. The sages disappeared from public view. Without the sages' protection, the country fell victim to marauding monsters. The once thriving capital of the ancient magical civilization has long been known as the 'Forest of Magic.'"

Isabella stood at the lectern, delivering her explanations with a commanding voice that held the students' attention. Her clear and well-structured explanations, complete with annotations, seemed to have a magical power that naturally captivated the students.

"Shall we stop here for today?"

"Are we done already?"

"Isabella, your explanations were very clear and helpful. Thank you."

Although Isabella had captivated the entire classroom, a female teacher standing next to her signaled that it was time to end the lecture. In reality, she could have continued for several more hours, so the teacher's intervention was a prudent choice. Isabella gracefully bowed to the slightly frustrated teacher and returned to her seat at the front row.

"Seriously, if they wanted my attention, they could have been more straightforward..."

Isabella sat in her seat, muttering her grievances as the teacher continued with the uninteresting lecture. It seemed the teacher was irritated by Isabella's disinterested demeanor, and they might have been attempting to embarrass her.

The content they discussed was quite complex for the average student, but Isabella had already covered it in her royal education. In fact, she was more than capable of taking over the lecture in place of the teacher who was evidently boring her.

"...This is so dull."

Isabella's mind had already drifted from the tedious lecture to how she could fill the time. Usually, she'd chat with Crow during these breaks, but he wasn't in the classroom now.

Crow, being a commoner, required these breaks due to his lower stamina, and Isabella understood this. Nevertheless, she didn't find it particularly engaging to be left alone during this period.

"Why does Crow even insist on calling that cunning man his friend?"

While she could call Crow back forcibly if she wanted, the more significant concern was Crow's recent association with the foreign servant. Isabella vividly remembered the man scolding her when Crow had been reckless during their training expedition.

If she summoned Crow in front of the man, she was bound to face another reprimand.

Nevertheless, Isabella had no intention of calling Crow, even with that cunning man absent. In fact, Crow would come running at her call, regardless of the situation. But Isabella didn't want to push him too hard, fearing that he might overexert himself and collapse once again.

Previously, finding a replacement for Crow wouldn't have been a challenge, but Isabella had come to realize the value of a servant who pledged unwavering loyalty. Only recently did she understand how far Crow was willing to go for her, even risking his life. Such dedication was expected of a servant, but it was also a lord's responsibility to ensure their subordinates' well-being.

Particularly for someone like Crow, who often seemed to disregard his own life and appeared reckless, it was crucial for Isabella to keep a watchful eye on him.

(Now that I think about it, I don't know much about that maid...)

Thinking about her subordinates, Isabella shifted her attention to the maid seated at the adjacent desk.

If she recalled correctly, the maid's name was Eins. She had been brought to Isabella by Crow a few years ago and usually served as Crow's assistant, assisting him with his duties.

During Crow's absence, Eins took on the responsibility of caring for Isabella, and they had quite a history together. However, Isabella realized she didn't know much about her.

In fact, she hadn't paid much attention to Crow, her longest-serving subordinate, until recently. So it wasn't surprising that she knew very little about Eins.

"Is there something you need from me?" Eins inquired with her emerald eyes, noticing Isabella's lingering gaze.

"No, it's nothing," Isabella replied, feeling a bit self-conscious under Eins's scrutinizing gaze.

If Isabella exuded the radiance of the sun, Eins, with her serene beauty, was like the moon. She possessed a different kind of charm, and even Isabella couldn't help but admire her, despite being of the same gender.

Isabella thought she could understand why her brother, Zane, was so taken with Eins. It seemed that men had a penchant for such refined and demure women. And it wasn't any different for Crow.


Deep in thought, Isabella couldn't help but furrow her brow as she felt an unexpected, uncomfortable sensation bubbling up in her chest. During Crow's absence, she found herself grappling with this inexplicable feeling.


"My, what's this?"

This happened a few days later. After finishing her lunch, Isabella decided to spend her break in the school's garden. As she approached a bench to sit down, she noticed a book that had been left behind.

"'The Adventures of Shirley Holmes'?"

"It seems to be a popular novel in the capital recently," Eins, who was standing in for Crow, mentioned.

"Yes, I've heard that these kinds of novels are trending among the students," Isabella recalled the students' discussions about these popular novels.

However, Isabella, as the daughter of a duke, had never had the opportunity to read such lowbrow entertainment novels. Her father and teachers had always discouraged her from spending her time on anything they deemed unworthy.

"Well, I have some free time, so I might as well take a quick look. Let me determine just how vulgar it is," Isabella decided.

People often become curious when told not to do something. Since Crow was absent and Isabella had nothing better to do, she sat down on the bench and started reading the book.

"Mistress, Mistress."

"What is it? I'm at an interesting part. Please don't disturb me."

After a while of reading, Isabella finally raised her head from her book when Eins called her. Her irritation at being interrupted was evident, but Eins continued unfazed.

"I'm sorry, but it's the end of the break time. Is that okay with you?"


Eins' reminder made Isabella realize that she had lost track of time while engrossed in her book. There were no signs of other students around, and the only people left in the garden were Isabella and Eins.

"Hmph...... Well, for a lowbrow entertainment novel, it wasn't that bad."

"Though you were so engrossed that you didn't even hear the bell."

"Hey, maid!?"

"I apologize."

Isabella, embarrassed by her own fascination with the novel she had looked down upon, tried to play it cool, but Eins saw through her. Isabella blushed and yelled in response.

Eins calmly accepted Isabella's anger and bowed.

"Uh, since I'm at an interesting part, can I read a bit more?"

"What are you two doing here?"

Even with her curiosity about the continuation of the story, Isabella hesitated, reluctant to put the book down. However, a sudden interruption from someone lurking nearby stopped her.


"Isabella! How lamentable it is to see someone from a noble family like you engrossed in such lowbrow literature!"

The appearance of the female teacher who had shown a strong aversion to Isabella left her in shock. Amid the astonishment, the teacher forcefully confiscated the novel Isabella was holding.

"Wait a minute! I just found it on the ground; it's not even mine!"

"Do you think such excuses will work? I will report this to your family."


Isabella was left speechless, overwhelmed by the enraged teacher. While she cared little for the teacher's opinion, she realized that a report to her family would be disastrous. It would undoubtedly lead to her father's anger.

"Isn't this going too far?"



A flustered Isabella tried to backtrack, but the teacher remained unyielding. It was the novel's fault for being so captivating. She'd never usually show such a lapse in her behavior, but she had gotten engrossed in the story.

"May I have a word?"

Terrified of her father's reprimand, Isabella's mind was on the verge of going blank. Seeing her distress, Eins, who had been quietly observing the situation, stepped in to support her.

"Oh, how may I assist you?"

"Well, first of all, I think there might be a misunderstanding here, teacher."

"What misunderstanding? Isabella's undeniable obsession with this lowbrow book is quite clear."

The teacher hesitated briefly when confronted by the sudden appearance of the beautiful girl. However, she quickly regained her composure, interpreting Eins's words as a feeble attempt to make excuses and dismissed them with a triumphant expression.

"Oh? It seemed to me that Mistress was simply reading a regular spellbook."

"Why are you saying such foolish things? Where in this book does it look like a spellbook? Oh?"

Prompted by Eins, the teacher inspected the book she was holding. To her surprise, instead of the lowbrow novel she had seen earlier, she was now holding a genuine spellbook. Isabella herself had clearly been reading a novel just moments ago, so what could possibly explain this?

"Why, how did this happen? Just a moment ago, it was definitely..."

"Is something the matter?"

"Was it your doing?"

"Now, what are you talking about? I have no idea."

Eins calmly gazed at the bewildered teacher. Most likely, Eins had used some means to switch the novel with a spellbook. While the teacher seemed to reach the same conclusion and wanted to confront Eins, the beautiful maid remained unfazed, without changing her expression. Even if they pursued this further, there was no evidence left of the novel, so there was nothing more the teacher could do.

"You thought you could outsmart me with something so trivial? I have clear evidence that Isabella was reading a book here!"

"What!? A recording crystal?"

"By playing this, you see, it's evident that Isabella was reading something that was unmistakably not a spellbook."

"Ugh... how..."

The teacher produced a recording crystal, which she appeared to have prepared in advance. The crystal contained a clear image of Isabella engrossed in reading the novel, providing undeniable proof of her actions.

"You were quite well-prepared. It's as if you knew from the start that Mistress would find and read that book here."

However, Eins' cold voice pointed out the oddity. Carrying a recording crystal at all times is unusual, especially considering its high cost. It implied that the teacher had intended to record this footage from the beginning.

"By the way, why do you have such footage in the first place? It implies that you were observing us until you decided to intervene."

With these developments, Isabella couldn't help but harbor suspicions. Normally, one should address such issues immediately upon discovery, but the teacher seemed to have been recording this footage for a considerable amount of time.

"Teacher, was that book originally provided by you, wasn't it?"

The teacher stumbled in her response as both Isabella and Eins pointed out the inconsistency. Her reaction indicated that their assumptions were correct.

"Hmm... but why are you so intent on treating Mistress as your adversary? Could you explain that to us?"

To the teacher, who remained silent, Eins altered her approach by posing a different question. If she had gone to such lengths to trap Isabella, there must be a significant grudge involved.

"Of course it's like that! You constantly belittle my classes! Other students, influenced by her, are starting to neglect my lessons. It's all your fault!"

"Seems like Mistress brought this upon herself..."


The teacher's emotional outburst, teary-eyed, was met with Eins' increasingly cold gaze, causing Isabella to grow slightly anxious.


"Wait a moment! Are you trying to escape by yourself!?"

"Of course not."

Eins remained silent, activated a magical formation, and her body slowly began to be engulfed by shadows.

Realizing this, Isabella instinctively grabbed Eins by the collar and forcibly pulled her out of the encroaching shadows, even though part of Eins had already disappeared into them.

Despite being captured, Eins displayed no sign of remorse, further infuriating Isabella.

"...So, what's your real intention?"

"I thought perhaps Mistress could benefit from facing some challenges around here..."

"Benefit? There's nothing beneficial about it!"

Despite their brief exchange, Isabella couldn't shake the suspicion that Eins showed her no respect. Having lived as a noble her entire life, Isabella was used to being treated with deference. Eins' attitude was starkly different.

"Aren't you supposed to be my servant?"

"...Not exactly?"


With just one word, the conversation took an unexpected turn. Eins remained unfazed in both expression and tone, yet the sheer weight of her presence left Isabella frozen in place.

"In that case, I'm leaving," Eins declared.

During this brief moment, Eins once again activated her magic and vanished from Isabella's sight. Isabella could only watch in astonishment as Eins disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

"Hehehe, even your maid has abandoned you. It seems you lack charisma."

"W-What do you..."

With Eins gone, the teacher realized the situation had shifted in her favor. She took the opportunity to taunt Isabella with a triumphant tone.

Isabella attempted to reply, but she couldn't deny the fact that she had been abandoned by Eins.

"You may be a noble's daughter, but you're still just a child. Perhaps I should make you listen to me from now on?"

"Whatever you may think, it's your prerogative, but perhaps it's best to leave it at that."

"What the... Kya!?"

Startled by the voice that had suddenly come from behind, the teacher turned around, only to find her face gripped tightly by a white hand.

"Did you just abandon her and run away?" the teacher exclaimed.

Eins calmly responded, "I'm merely following the orders of my master to take care of Mistress."

The teacher, still shocked, tried to free her face from Eins's grip that had suddenly appeared. Despite Eins's slender arms, her grip remained unyielding.

Eins then proposed, "It's quite unfortunate. How about we both agree to forget today's events and retreat peacefully?"

"Who do you think you are?" the teacher retorted angrily.

Having come this far, the teacher realized she needed to maintain the upper hand, or her own situation might become precarious.

"That's truly unfortunate. 『Mind Hack』."


Eins had apparently anticipated the teacher's response. At the moment when negotiations broke down, Eins infused her hand with magic and placed it on her head.

The teacher screamed as the dense, palpable magic overwhelmed her, a sight that even Isabella, as a bystander, could clearly see.

"Is there... something inside of me? Could this be... a mind control spell?" The teacher stammered.

Eins replied, "I apologize, but would you kindly refrain from resisting? I'm not particularly skilled in this technique."

As Eins's magic slowly invaded the teacher's mind, Isabella felt a shiver run down her spine. Mind control spells were the darkest and most malevolent kind of forbidden magic, allowing one to manipulate and control another's thoughts and actions through magical intrusion.

"Is she really just a maid? Is it possible she learned such a spell?" Isabella couldn't help but wonder.

"Confirming the deployment of the barrier... Destruction. Initiating interference with the core."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, please!"

Fueled by fear of the magic, the panicked teacher struggled desperately, but her every attempt was thwarted by an invisible barrier that had materialized between her and Eins. It prevented her attacks from reaching their target.

During this time, Eins continued to execute the magical incantation mercilessly.

"Completion of the takeover."


Finally, as Eins's spell reached its completion, the once-flailing teacher abruptly convulsed and then collapsed on the spot, like a marionette whose strings had been cut.

Eins exclaimed, "Spell successful. I was worried about what might happen if she turned into a hopeless case."

In the tense silence that followed, Eins, who had just let go of the teacher's face, casually made a chilling comment.

Eins took the crystal and the magic book from the teacher, replacing them with the novel she had produced from who knows where.

"Now, you saw nothing here today. Understand?"

"Yes, I didn't see anything."

"Good girl. You're free to go now."

With the preparations complete, Eins leaned down and issued her final command in a dispassionate, emotionless tone into the teacher's ear. The teacher, her vacant eyes showing compliance with the order, unsteadily rose to her feet and left the garden.

"Well, how are you feeling, Mistress?"

"Do you always do things like that?"

"Yes, if needed."

"I see..."

As the cleanup wrapped up, Isabella instinctively moved back when she turned to Eins. It was understandable; anyone would be shocked by such a sight.

Her decision to stay put was a result of her aristocratic pride.

"Goodness, what a hassle it was. Perhaps I should continue that novel for a change... Oh, right, my book was taken, too."

Deciding not to think further about the troublesome maid, Isabella switched her thoughts. Thanks to that teacher, quite some time had already passed, and she wouldn't make it to class on time.

So, she considered skipping and continuing the novel... but she sighed when she remembered that the teacher had taken it.

"If you want to continue, why not buy it yourself?"

"No, it's a bad idea. If Father finds out I have such a book, he'll scold me."

"I see."

Eins' suggestion to buy it if she didn't have it was reasonable, but Isabella feared her father's reprimands. What if he found out she bought such a vulgar novel? If he were just angry, it would be one thing, but if he were disappointed, Isabella might never recover.

"Ugh... it was just getting interesting," Isabella lamented. She couldn't help but feel regret for stopping at the most intriguing part, especially now that she finally knew who the culprit was.

"...Well, I guess there's no other option," Isabella sighed like a child. Seeing Isabella's frustration, Eins let out a small sigh herself.

"If you find it that interesting, maybe I should buy it later too?"


Out of the blue, Eins made this offer to the despondent Isabella. She gave him a disapproving look, wondering why she was teasing her when she couldn't even read the book. But Eins continued undeterred.

"But I'm quite busy, and I might accidentally leave it in your room while taking care of you, Mistress."


At this point, Isabella, sensing something different, looked puzzled.

"If someone were to find the forgotten book and check its content, there's not much we can do, right?"


With such a clear statement, Isabella finally understood. Eins was suggesting that she could buy the novel for Isabella and let her read it under the pretense of it being found accidentally, just like today.


"What's going on? This is just a hypothetical scenario."

"But... if you do something like that, father might..."

Isabella might be able to avoid responsibility, but if this ever got out, Eins would likely face consequences. Unlike Isabella, who was an aristocrat, Eins was a commoner, and it's easy to imagine her punishment being much harsher.

"It's just a passing thought... I'm not a servant of the Duke's household, so I don't care about what the Duke says. Besides, as long as we don't get caught, that's what matters."

Despite Isabella's concerns, Eins confidently expressed his viewpoint. In reality, Crow and Eins were the ones looking after Isabella, so there was no need to worry about her revealing anything.

Even so, it could be seen as disrespectful not to fear the head of the Duke's household's anger.


Isabella couldn't help but laugh at Eins' surprisingly carefree attitude.

"Is something wrong?"

"Well, I think... I like you, Eins. I'll make you my personal servant!"

"I have to decline."

"Why not!?"

Isabella was taken aback by the swift rejection and let out a surprised cry.

Becoming the Duke's personal servant came with top-notch pay and perks, not to mention numerous other privileges. To dismiss it like that... was quite something.

Well, Isabella couldn't help but wish Eins would at least pretend to consider her a bit more.

"Why, you see, I serve only Sir Crow."

"Well, but Crow is my servant, though...?"

Isabella couldn't grasp Eins' explanation. If she was Crow's servant, then she should also be her servant, right?

"So what?"

"Am I misunderstanding something...?"

Feeling perplexed by Eins' nonchalant attitude, Isabella struggled to convince herself that there must be something special about her, considering how confidently she was being treated.

TLNOTE (EDITED): I forgot to add the Author's Note for this chapter. This chapter is meant to be a short story set after the summer holidays.

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  1. Wait, what father? Did I miss something or what the fuck is actually happening?

  2. Thank you for all of you work translating the series up until now!


Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...