Thursday, September 14, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 1

Milady is in a foul mood

 "My, my, Maria, are you alright?"

The Kingdom of Farrant, the largest country in the world, lies in the centre of the continent.

In a corner of the capital city, there was a school with a beautiful courtyard. In that courtyard, a peerless beauty stood gracefully, hiding her mouth behind a fan she had opened.

Her luxurious, golden hair extended down to her waist in vertical rolls, and she smiled elegantly even with her mouth covered by the fan. She wore the school's designated uniform, which had pure white with golden embellishments,  and her outstanding figure was clearly visible even over her uniform. Her name is Isabella Valiaz, she is the daughter of Duke Valiaz, one of the three dukes of the kingdom, and the master whom I serve.

"You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping in a place like this, you know?" Lady Isabella feigns concern as she calls out to the girl lying in front of her.

However, her slanted, emerald eyes clearly revealed her contempt for the person before her.

"Wasn't all of this your doing from the start!?"

Perhaps having sensed the true feelings behind the Milady's attitude, the girl with cherry blossom-colored hair displayed her anger openly.

She is Maria Norton, the illegitimate child of Baron Norton, who had been taken in from an orphanage and brought to this academy at the beginning of the year.

While Milady possesses an alluring beauty combined with a strong countenance, Lady Maria, on the other hand, had a lovely appearance that could evoke a man's protective instincts.

However, the present Lady Maria had collapsed into a puddle on the ground, her once pure white uniform and sweet face now covered in mud and in ruins.

"How terrible. You fell on your own, yet you're blaming Lady Isabella, who was worried about you...."

"As expected, commoners are inferior in terms of dignity."

"Truly... as expected, a former commoner isn't fitting for this school."

The three girls encircling Lady Isabella responded to Lady Maria's statement, placing the blame on her.

They all hailed from the household of Duke Valiaz, the same as Lady Isabella, and they were perpetually by her side.

"Don't be absurd! Who would do something like suddenly creating a puddle on the ground out of nowhere?"

"Oh dear... I'm frightened..."

"Did you just happen to miss your step?"

The girls sneered at Lady Maria with eyes that seemed to regard her as no more than bugs crawling on the floor, maintaining their stance that she had fallen due to Lady Maria's carelessness.

However, as I observed the entire scene from behind, just as Lady Maria was about to walk past the young ladies, I caught sight of the rings worn by the girls around her emitting a light.

Shortly after, Lady Maria stumbled over an unnatural dip in the ground and lost her balance momentarily.

A gust of wind blew, as if delivering another blow, causing Lady Maria to lose her balance entirely, and before she knew it, she tumbled into a puddle that had formed on the ground.

"How dare you use magic for such a purpose!"

Just as Lady Maria had stated, the hole in the ground, the gust of wind, and the puddle were all phenomena caused by the girls' "magic."

This power is supernatural and allows them to manipulate the world at will, whether it's conjuring fire from nothing, inducing rain, creating wind, or shaping the earth.

Aristocrats like the young ladies are born with an energy known as "magic power," which serves as the source of their abilities, enabling them to perform magic.

For generations, the nobility of this land has used magic to develop the territory, repel foreign invaders and monsters, and safeguard their people.

Consequently, the nobles take pride in their magical abilities, while the commoners who have reaped the benefits both fear and hold them in reverence.

The sons and daughters of such aristocrats attend the Farrant Royal Magic Academy, where they undergo diverse training, including magic, to become the future guardians of the kingdom, serving as knights and wizards.

However, in the case of high-ranking aristocratic families like Milady, they receive private tutoring and specialized education from childhood. Consequently, their attendance at the academy is often more about networking for their future.

That said, Maria, who had been thrown into this academy due to her family's circumstances, completely lacks the etiquette, manners, and education expected in noble society. She is seen as a clear outsider, and for many students who take pride in their noble heritage, she is an unwelcome and bothersome presence.

Among these nobles, Isabella, who holds the highest social status and possesses an especially strong sense of pride, had no reason to acknowledge Maria's presence. It was inevitable for Milady to attempt to remove her.

"What are you doing!"

Just as the young ladies and Lady Maria continued to exchange glances for a moment, a man who could be regarded as the "other reason" for this situation intervened with an angry voice.

The man's name is Albert Farrant, possessing radiant blond hair, crystal-clear blue eyes, and a charming demeanor that captivates people.

Regrettably, he is also the First Prince of the Kingdom of Farrant and Lady Isabella's fiancé.

"Are you alright, Maria?"

"Yes, His highness Albert..."

Disregarding Lady Isabella, who was supposed to be his betrothed, the Prince approached Lady Maria first and lifted her up, disregarding the state of her soiled uniform.

Lady Maria, now in the prince's embrace, blushed and squirmed shyly, while the prince gazed at her with an affectionate expression.

Observing them in this manner, it would be hard for anyone to assume they were merely friends.

This was the other reason why Lady Maria had become the target of hostility.

Lady Maria entered the academy a few months ago, and in the blink of an eye, she became acquainted with several young men and formed connections with them.

In the aristocratic society of this country, where unmarried women are prohibited from associating with men who are not their betrothed, the presence of Lady Maria, who interacts with numerous men, draws attention and leads to frustration among many students, including Milady. They are displeased with her behavior.

Furthermore, the individuals Lady Maria approached, including the Prince, were the sons of the Knights Commander and the Magic Division Commander, all of whom could be regarded as future leaders of the country, making Maria's actions even more unsuitable.


Witnessing her fiancé flirting with another woman right in front of her, it's no wonder that the proud Isabella felt a surge of anger.

Although she maintained the façade of a young lady with a poised smile, the fan she clenched in her hand trembled as if it were screaming.

"Good day, Your Highness Albert."

"I noticed a group of all of you hurrying toward Maria and wondered what was happening."

Superficially, the two appeared composed as they conversed, yet there was no trace of a smile in either of their eyes.

Although their relationship was determined by family circumstances, the connection between the two had reached its lowest point, despite being engaged since childhood.

Milady's family, the Valiaz, is plagued by various dark rumors.

They were said to abduct their subjects and sell them as slaves.

They were rumored to be involved in illicit drug trade.

They were believed to have connections with criminal organizations.

The list goes on and on.

The Prince, driven by an unnecessarily strong sense of justice, has harbored a deep-seated resentment toward the Valiaz family and Milady raised within it.

Conversely, Milady had solely been attracted to the prince's good looks and his position as the future king. There was no conceivable way for the two to establish a harmonious relationship.

"Well, we were just concerned about Lady Maria, who fell down. Isn't that right, everyone?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

"Lady Isabella is so kind."

"Don't pretend you don't know! You most likely bullied Maria again!"

A red-haired man with a well-built physique interjected, addressing Milady and her companions.

"Leon Russell." The son of Count Russell, leader of the Kingdom's Knights and Prince Albert's bodyguard. This man, too, is one of those who have been entranced by Lady Maria.

"You're saying the same thing as Lady Maria. If you accuse me unilaterally without any evidence, then I, being a duke's family, will take appropriate actions. Do you understand?"


Leon was left speechless, and the moment he finally spoke up with a forceful tone, Milady fixed him with cold eyes.

No matter how close he might be to the prince, he remains merely a child of an earl's family. There's no way a person of that status can rival a young lady who is the daughter of a duke.

"Stand back, Leon."

"Kuh...! Understood..."

"My, my, despite speaking with such enthusiasm, is it already over? I was hoping to enjoy it a bit longer..."

*giggle... giggle*

Milady chuckled softly at Leon, who silently withdrew at the prince's words, and the girls around her followed suit, adding to the mockery.

"Would you please stop insulting my friend?"

This time, the Prince stepped forward as if to shield Leon.

Externally, the prince was attempting to maintain his composure, but he couldn't conceal the fact that his cheeks betrayed signs of anger, twitching slightly.

"Oh my, did I say something wrong? Your Highness, it's wiser to select your companions carefully. If you associate with someone of a lower rank, it may cast doubt on His Highness's dignity."

"...! Regardless of who I'm with, it has nothing to do with you."

"It's quite significant. Being His Highness's fiancée, it is my duty to shield him from unwanted pests."


The smile that had managed to linger until that moment shattered, and the prince glared at Milady with a fierce expression. However, she responded with a composed smile, effectively deflecting it.

At this juncture, it was evident who held the advantage.

"Oh, it's about time."

"...It appears so."

The prolonged standoff between the two was interrupted by the sound of a bell signaling the end of the lunch break.

"Well, Your Highness, we have the next class, so please excuse us. Let's go."

"Yes, Lady Isabella!"

Milady, accompanied by her group of girls, swiftly moved past the prince and left the courtyard.

"Excuse me."

If Milady isn't present, there's no reason for me to remain here.

I offered a slight nod to the prince, who were gazing at Milady's departing figure with stern expressions, and then followed suit.


Nevertheless, I couldn't help but wonder why Lady Maria was always looking at me instead of Milady.

That was the sole matter that was troubling me.


Magic is usually split into two main types.

One is known as 'Release-Type Magic' where individuals release their inner magical energy outward to create various phenomena, like those girls around Milady did earlier.

The other category is referred to as 'Augmentation-Type Magic' where magical energy is channeled into the body or objects to enhance them. Currently, the young lady is utilizing this very type of magic.

"What's up with that little girl!"


Dimly lit by a magical aura, the pointed tip of Milady's leather shoe pierced into my abdomen, causing my body, which had been crouching on the ground, to lift slightly.

"That's right, you're just a commoner, an upstart, and you dare oppose me!"

"Guh... gah, hah...! Cough!"

To release her uncontainable fury, Milady stomped on my back while I remained crouched on the ground. Each time, my body received a jolt akin to being struck by an iron hammer.

Though Milady possesses a feminine and delicate frame, to a mere commoner like me, each magically reinforced kick packs enough force to be lethal.

The fact that I was still alive was solely because the young lady had shown restraint at the very last moment.

After departing from the courtyard alongside the prince, Milady did not make her way back to the lecture hall.

Upon arriving at the less popular garden, her smile faded, and her fury erupted towards me.

Her fury was so potent that the girls accompanying her had already fled in fear of being caught in the crossfire.

"His Highness is also at fault! Why would he be so infatuated with such a young girl! How can he find her more attractive than me!?"

"Cough, ...!"

As she hysterically screamed, her long, flowing golden hair thrashing wildly, a dense aura of magic emanated from her body in response to her fury, causing the surrounding plants to tremble violently in its wake.

Isabella who possessed both enviable beauty and noble lineage, was the epitome of a perfect woman. However, if one were to point out a single flaw, it would be her tendency to throw tantrums and lash out at those around her when things didn't go her way. This was likely due to being raised as the daughter of a duke with no shortage of privileges and having her every desire catered to.

Until now, Milady had consistently employed her wealth and influence to acquire whatever she desired, no matter how costly or rare it might be, even if it rightfully belonged to someone else.

On the other hand, those she took a disliking to would be eliminated by any means necessary, and there were quite a few whose lives had been ruined by the whims of this young lady.

In Isabella's life, the fact that she couldn't simply dispose of a Baron's daughter, even if she was from a commoner background, was simply inconceivable.

As for her, under the protection of her prince, the only recourse left for Milady is to harass her. However, even this course of action is thwarted, just as before, by the men accompanying her.

Lately, she's been growing increasingly stressed as things fail to go her way, and I've been finding myself more often on the receiving end of her frustrations.

"Who do you think I am? I am Isabella Valiaz of the Duke of Valiaz, the most prominent aristocrat in this realm!"


In response to her explosively surging magical power, I reacted swiftly, using my arms to guard against her sudden kick. This was a skill honed through experience. Accompanied by a shock much greater than before, there was a sickening sound of my arm bones breaking.

"Gah...! Gah...! Gufu...!"

My body, sent flying like a ball, bounced and rolled across the ground several times until it finally crashed into a nearby tree, coming to a stop.

Excruciating pain coursed through my entire body, and when I attempted to breathe, my insides felt damaged, causing only raspy breaths to escape my lips.

This might be quite problematic...

"Good grief... I spent too much time dealing with that little girl."

In my fading consciousness, I gradually sank into darkness while watching Milady's back as she dashed out of the garden without a care in the world.

ToC    Next Chapter

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...