Thursday, October 26, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 81

 My lady makes her escape

One day, without any prior warning, the capital was jolted by a sound resembling the shattering of delicate glasswork.

As people looked up at the sky, they witnessed an astonishing sight: the grand protective barrier that had safeguarded the kingdom for centuries was splintering, dissolving into tiny points of light, and vanishing into thin air. This unexpected event left the citizens in a state of shock and plunged the entire capital into turmoil.

"Is there still no word from the messenger we dispatched to the headquarters? Hurry with the deployment of the golem units!" Despite the chaos, the knights of the defense force near the eastern gates of the capital were quickly moving into position. Their leader energetically issued commands to keep their ranks organized.

The eastern region of the kingdom was known for its rich concentration of magical energy, and it was home to various dangerous monsters, like those dwelling in the menacing Magic Forest. This area was susceptible to hostile magical monsters making their way toward the capital, which made the defense of the eastern border especially crucial. As a result, the knights stationed here were all elite and handpicked for their roles.

Even in this highly unusual situation, they remained level-headed and diligently carried out their duties.

"Captain, do you really think there might be an enemy attack?"

"It's hard to say for sure. The fact that the capital's protective barrier has disappeared is unprecedented. We need to prepare for the worst."

As the adjutant delivered their report, the captain's face grew stern.

Losing the protective barrier they were duty-bound to uphold was unheard of, even for an experienced knight like the captain.

An attack by magical creatures on the city at this point would result in significant damage.

Despite the mages reinforcing the city walls with every enhancement spell they could muster and rapidly assembling defensive golems, there was uncertainty about how effective these measures would be.

"I hope this is just a needless concern..."

It would be best if nothing happened at all.

In the worst-case scenario, the captain would simply have to admit their worries.

However, considering the ongoing inability to make contact with headquarters, there was an unsettling premonition that couldn't be ignored.

And as it turned out, that premonition was well-founded.

"Ugh, it's happening after all!"

When the sudden tolling of the bell echoed from the watchtower, tension coursed through the entire unit.

The meaning of the bell, as relayed by the watchtower, was clear: a magical monster attack. And not just one or two; it was a horde-level threat.

"What's the situation?"

"Magical creatures are approaching from the direction of the Trial Forest! The number is... What on earth is this!?"

Immediately, the captain contacted the knight on watch through the communication crystal. However, it seemed the watchman was quite shaken, and their report lacked clarity.

"What's going on? Provide an accurate report."

"A massive horde of magical creatures! This scale... it's a major monster flood!"


The captain couldn't help but exclaim at the report delivered in a trembling voice by the knight who had somehow regained composure.

This was an unmistakable abnormal situation.

Typically, magical creatures didn't form hordes with other species. But what they were facing was a massive flood – an event that broke that norm. Various types of magical creatures were flooding into human territory, wreaking havoc and causing the worst kind of disaster.

"Ca, Captain!"

"Don't panic! There are citizens behind us who need protection! We must stop them here. Magician squad, prepare the wide-area extermination spell!"

"Y-Yes, understood!"

The captain immediately issued orders to prepare for the counterattack, but his expression was stern. A major monster flood was a calamity that should ideally be prevented by gathering the kingdom's elites in a well-prepared state. However, today, the execution site's security had drawn away personnel, and they had lost contact with headquarters. Now that even the king's capital-guarding trump card, the Great Barrier, had been lost, there would undoubtedly be significant damage.

"What have the extermination teams been doing? Another flood occurred just half a year ago."

Originally, the extermination teams were supposed to regularly thin out the magical creatures in the forests surrounding the capital to prevent such a situation. The captain involuntarily voiced his resentment toward those who weren't present, but complaining wouldn't change the situation.

"Captain! At the front of the horde of magical creatures, there's a group being chased!"


When the horde of magical creatures came within view, covering the plain, one of the subordinates reported. By channeling magic into his eyes to observe, he could see a group desperately riding horses, pursued relentlessly by the magical creatures. Most likely, they had been caught up in this disaster. If they were not rescued, the magical creatures would undoubtedly run them down.

"Rescue them immediately!"

"We have no choice... No, wait, that's not...!"

Just as the captain was about to order the rescue teams to move, a strong sense of foreboding washed over him. He directed his gaze back to the group being pursued. When he saw them again, they had already drawn their bows. What was even more unsettling was that their targets were not the horde of magical creatures chasing them but the direction of the defense units preparing to intercept.

"Take them down!"

The command was shouted just as they released their arrows. Enhanced by magic, countless arrows came straight at the city gate. The magician unit's response was slightly delayed as they were preparing for the counterattack. Some of the knights fired sporadic spells, managing to shoot down a few arrows. However, one of the arrows ruthlessly pierced the city gate.

"Just ordinary arrows? No, this... 'Monster Attractor'?"

Immediately after, the captain braced himself for the magic attached to the arrow to trigger, but there was no sign of it activating. The captain was puzzled by the lack of any detonation. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that a small pouch was attached to the tip of the arrow. Simultaneously, he caught a faint scent, and his face turned pale.

If this flood had been intentionally triggered, the captain couldn't even begin to imagine the scale of it.

"You damn bastaaards!"

The people who caused this situation had disappeared, leaving only the frenzied horde of magical creatures. As the magical creatures came within range, a series of annihilation spells were cast, casting a blinding white light over the area, and the battle commenced.

"I thought I was going to die... They're as ruthless as ever!"

Slightly south of the eastern gate of the royal capital, on a small hill overlooking the plains to the east, the members of the third knight brigade led by Jerald, who were supposed to be Isabella's guards, looked exhausted. Since the ducal family had fallen, they were supposed to lose their positions as well. However, they had been ordered by Crow to use the monster attraction for the past week to gather monsters around the royal capital.

Their task was to bring the gathered horde of monsters to the defense forces of the royal capital. It was a monumental task, and it had just been completed. Their faces were drained, and the situation was grim due to the corpses scattered around them.

"Wow, they're really at it. Crow's strategies are always something else..."

They managed to recover their strength enough to stand up and check the results of their week-long efforts. Below them, on the plains, a fierce battle was unfolding. Monsters were pushing against the city gate, and the defense forces were doing their best to hold them back. Countless spells were being cast from the gate, creating large gaps in the horde of monsters with each explosion. However, the monsters coming from behind quickly filled those gaps, making it seem like an endless battle.

The monsters, in an excited state due to the effects of the monster attraction, charged recklessly toward the gate, disregarding the sacrifices of their fellow creatures. In the face of such an overwhelming horde covering the plains, it was impressive that the elite defense forces managed to maintain a standstill.

"Captain, the purification work is complete."

"Alright, we've earned our retirement pay. We shouldn't stick around here any longer. Let's get out of here."


The team members confirmed the success of their mission to keep the defense forces entirely focused on the eastern gate, and they began to pack up as the purification of the monster attraction was completed.

After causing such a commotion, the members of the knight brigade, including their captain, couldn't stay in the kingdom any longer. They were already wanted due to being knights of the Valiaz family.

"Captain, what do we do now?"

"Well, I've had enough of serving in the palace. Maybe we should become mercenaries somewhere... Let's discuss it as we move forward."

As they left the royal capital they had been familiar with for so long, leaving behind the ongoing battle of the defense forces, they embarked on the road ahead, contemplating their uncertain future.


"Milady, come this way!"

He took her delicate hand and led her through a labyrinth of narrow alleyways. Fortunately, their efforts to stir chaos seemed to have gone unnoticed so far, and her escape hadn't been uncovered. But in their current predicament, the entire capital city had become their enemy, and they needed to get out before their pursuers closed in.

Right after the execution of her family, the protective barrier shrouding the capital city, as planned, had disappeared, causing turmoil at the execution site. Seizing the opportunity amidst the chaos, they had managed to slip away from the scene and make their way to the western commercial district, where they hoped to find a means to leave the city.


Yet as they ran, I couldn't help but sneak glances at Milady trailing behind me. Moments ago, she had been so spirited while causing a scene, but now she walked beside him in silence. Her eyes, once filled with determination, had lost their spark, leaving her looking like an empty shell, devoid of spirit.

Clearly, I shouldn't have shown her that. As repulsive as her family might have been, they were beloved to her. Witnessing the loss of her family had left her in shock, unresponsive.

Given the circumstances, I knew there hadn't been any other option. They couldn't afford to save her family, and all they could do was watch the situation unfold.

Still, I couldn't help but wonder if there had been a better way.

Clutching my hand as if her life depended on it, Milady's vulnerable state makes me acutely aware of my powerlessness.

If only I were stronger, could I have spared her from this heart-wrenching ordeal?

"Hide!" I urgently tell her.

Breaking free from my self-blame, we finally spot the exit of the narrow alley. Just before we step onto the main street, I instinctively pull her into the alley's shadows, protecting her in my arms. With only a hint of my face visible, I observe the situation on the street. What I see is not the usual bustling activity but sheer chaos.

"Yahoo! Let's get 'em!"

Several shops along the street show signs of looting, with some reduced to ruins by fires. The once-busy street, where people once freely roamed, is now filled with frantic residents fleeing the scene. They are pursued by lecherous, disheveled men wearing vulgar grins.

Judging by their appearances, these men are likely slum dwellers. They have emerged from the shadows, unleashing indiscriminate assaults and violence on the frightened residents, indulging their desires without restraint. Similar chaos is unfolding in various parts of the city, as screams echo from all directions.

"Damn it, where are these people coming from?"

Naturally, the knights attempt to defend the citizens. However, they were primarily assigned to guard the central plaza, and they are limited in number. Moreover, in the heart of the city, they cannot employ their potent magic to avoid collateral damage. In contrast, the slum residents, crazed madmen with nothing to lose, intentionally use the terrified citizens as shields, attacking in groups. The foolish knights, distracted by this tactic, are subdued by multiple assailants, rendering them helpless against what should have been an easy victory over these underhanded foes.

"Sure, I told you to cause a commotion, but this is overdoing it," I mutter as I observe the chaotic situation. It's challenging to keep up with the knights, let alone handle this situation. I had entrusted "him" with disrupting the knights in this district, but now it seems that it's not just the knights who are in danger.

Milady is not in her usual condition, and it's up to me to protect her.

"Hmm? Bro, you've got a fine lady with you!"

They've noticed us. We've been cautiously monitoring them as we try to figure out how to reach the rendezvous point, but the men, their eyes wandering for prey, have spotted us. With a sly grin, they slowly approach, showing off their weapons, directed at us.

"Hey, how about lending us that maid for a bit? Don't worry, we'll give her right back when we're done."

I prepare to confront the men, protecting Milady behind me, but before that, a carriage suddenly crashes in from the side, the horses nearly out of control. The reckless carriage plows through the men mercilessly, leaving no room for escape, and then makes a U-turn to come back.

The double-horse carriage eventually comes to a stop right in front of us, and someone familiar descends from the driver's seat.

"Well, you didn't show up at the agreed time, so I got worried and came to fetch you, Sir Crow. Are you injured?"

"It's Selpan, huh? Given the circumstances, I assume you're behind all this."

"Hmm, whatever do you mean? While there are rumors about looting due to the light security in the commercial district today, I genuinely have no knowledge of the situation."

The man, the chairman of the Libra Trading Company, the kingdom's largest trading company and a major underworld force, wears his usual shady grin as he talks. He's triggered such a catastrophe, and yet he doesn't appear to be concerned at all.

"Leaving that aside, as you requested, I've prepared an escape carriage for you. We've loaded the carriage with a disguise, some merchandise from our company, alongside regular merchant goods, enough not to arouse suspicion."

"As expected, you're a lifesaver."

"Not at all. If it's a request from our esteemed customer, Sir Crow, we can prepare as much as you need."

Selpan hands over a product catalog, and I skim through it. The preparations for the two of us to go on a journey and a selection of items that wouldn't raise suspicion as products handled by merchants. The inclusion of relatively lightweight items is likely to ensure they won't obstruct our escape.

Given his background as a merchant, you can trust him when it comes to the merchandise he provides.

"Finally, with all this commotion, the North Gate should be less guarded. Regina and the others are probably managing it well. You should safely escape from the capital city from there."

"Ah, please pass on my regards to her."

"Of course. Please continue to favor our company in the future."

With a signature, I return the documents. Once Selpan receives them, he unfolds a map to outline our escape route from here. It seems that not only Selpan but also another collaborator not present here have acted in response to my request. After conveying my gratitude to the absent person, Selpan smiles, bows, and steps aside to clear the way for us.

"Shall we go, Milady?"


Having obtained the carriage we needed for our purpose, there's no need to linger here any longer. Leading the unresponsive Milady, I board the carriage, take the reins, and set our journey into motion.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...