Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 77

 My lady is left alone

Dealing with nobles, especially at the Duke's level, isn't as simple as it sounds. Proper preparations are required for the execution, and the execution has been scheduled for exactly one week from now. That means we need to rescue the young lady before that.

"Here's the place..."

I arrived in a corner of the noble district, holding a note in one hand, and looked up at the mansion in front of me. It was an old-fashioned mansion, not as grand as the Valiaz family mansion, but it had been repaired when handed over to the current owner, so it was far from shabby. Instead, it exuded a certain dignity that reflected its history.

This place was granted by the kingdom to the empire and served a role similar to an embassy.

Eins had stayed behind, claiming to have business in the Duke's mansion, so I was here alone. Frankly, I didn't want to resort to these methods, but given the situation, I couldn't be choosy.

The problem was how to meet 'him.'

"I am Crow, a servant of the Valiaz Duke's family. Could you arrange a meeting with the owner of this residence, please?"

For now, just standing around here wouldn't achieve anything. It was a long shot, but as an official approach, I approached the guards at the mansion's gate with a friendly smile and conveyed my wish to have an audience with the owner.

Still, I had visited without any prior notice, so there was no way this would go smoothly...

"Oh, it's Mr. Crow, isn't it? My master told us to let you in. I'll summon someone to guide you; please wait a moment."

"Um, yes. Thank you very much."

I was unexpectedly allowed through quite easily, leaving me a little taken aback as I had been contemplating how to persuade the soldier in front of me. It seemed that they were already aware of my arrival. I wasn't sure whether to praise their foresight or consider them a cautious opponent.

Regardless, since I had the chance to meet, there was no reason not to do so. I followed the servant who had brought me and stepped inside the mansion.

"Please wait here for a while," the servant said as they led me to the waiting room.

Once I was alone in the room after the servant left, I settled into the high-quality sofa and took a sip of the tea that had been served. I had to pass the time quietly until my host arrived, but there was a commotion all around that made it quite difficult.

Ever since I entered the mansion, I had been hearing busy noises from servants hurrying around here and there. It was as if they were moving for a relocation.

It was not surprising. With the recent events exposing the relationship between the Valiaz family and the Empire, they were undoubtedly involved. Given their shared history, the current ceasefire state with the Empire was rare. The situation was delicate, and the Valiaz case could potentially lead to a sudden deterioration of relations between the Kingdom and the Empire. It was no wonder they were in such a hurry.

After all, here is──

"We're sorry for the delay. It's been quite hectic."

"Hello, Crow. I'm glad you came to visit."

Time had passed unnoticed, and when there was a knock on the room's door, I rose from the sofa to greet them.

Entering the room were two familiar faces I had gotten to know well over the past few months, Dixon and another man with a serious demeanor.

The other man, displaying a serious expression, was likely Luke, Dee's master.

"Excuse me, Dee, I'm the one talking now. Could you please behave?"

"It's alright, you know. We have a friend visiting, and a little socializing won't hurt."

"That's not the issue..."

Dee's casual attitude towards me and their close bond revealed a friendship rather than a mere master-servant relationship.

"I'm sorry, Crow. It seems he often causes trouble..."

I hadn't interacted with Luke much before, as I usually spent time with Dee. It appeared that Luke had his hands full dealing with Dee's free-spirited behavior. I couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards Luke, who wore a tired smile on his face.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I've been wanting to talk to him today."

In fact, the main reason for my visit today was related to Dee. If he was willing to talk, it worked well for me.

"So, I apologize, Luke. Could you please step aside?"

"Aren't you here to talk to me?"

"I came here for the master of this place. I'm sorry, but we don't have time to entertain your little act."

"…If it's the master you want to speak to, then it should be me who deals with it, right?"

Luke appeared reluctant to move forward, insisting that he should handle the situation. However, I wanted to send him away.

In response to my request, Luke furrowed his brows and appeared cautious, subtly adjusting his hand on his sword hilt. He was clearly a skilled protector, but he was meant to defend, not to confront.

"Let me make it clear. I'm here to see the young prince of this place."

"Kh! Behind me!"

In an instant, Luke drew his sword to shield Dee behind him and pointed it at me. I couldn't help but admire how quickly he fulfilled his role as a guardian, even though we were fellow servants in a foreign land.

Inside Maria's notebook, there was a wealth of information about this world, including details about the game's capture targets. Among these, what caught my attention was the information about two hidden characters in the game.

One was the game's villainess, Isabella's, attendant, Crow – that's me. The other was an exchange student from the Empire, Dee.

However, Dee's true identity was none other than the heir to the Imperial throne, Prince Dietrich.

From the first place! Why in the world! A member of the royal family here?!"

.....Even though our countries have relatively good relations now, it's quite inappropriate for someone from a nation we were at odds with not too long ago to be in a place like this.

"What's your purpose...... A-and what's with that look...."

Dee's presence here, concealed under the guise of a servant, seemed to be entirely his own doing. I couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for Luke, who was working so hard as his protector....

"It's surprising that you've even guessed my true identity."

"Your Highness?!"

"It's fine. If he intended to harm me, he would have done so by now. By the way, how did you figure it out?"

Dixon, who had stepped forward, diffused the tension between us. Luke was still on edge, but Dee, as always, maintained his casual demeanor and spoke to me as if nothing were amiss.

"Your behavior was far more fitting for a master than a servant. In fact, the likes of you should never be a servant in the first place."

From the beginning, I had a sense that Dee didn't act like a typical servant. Now, knowing his true identity, his conduct, which left his supposed master, Luke, unattended, made perfect sense.

"Is that so... But just based on that, you wouldn't know that I'm a prince, right?"

"My subordinates are highly skilled."

"I see, it's no surprise from the Valiaz's family spy."

While I couldn't reveal that I knew about his true identity from my past life's game knowledge, I gave a vague response. However, Deitrich seemed impressed by my explanation and nodded. In reality, Eins and the others were my personal subordinates, not spies for the Valiaz's family, but from an outsider's perspective, it probably looked similar.

"Since I've been exposed, let me reintroduce myself. I am Deitrich von Granz, the First Prince of the Granz Empire. Nice to meet you, Crow."

Without warning, Deitrich's previously friendly smile disappeared, and he fixed me with cold, ruthless eyes. The atmosphere instantly shifted, and I felt an overwhelming pressure that made me nearly buckle at the knees. It occurred to me that this was the same kind of charisma that my lady possessed, a ruler's charisma that could make most ordinary people submit.

I met his gaze head-on, resisting the urge to yield to that level of pressure.

"I apologize for my earlier rudeness, Your Highness."

"Please, stop it. It feels weird when you're so formal with me. You can still call me Dee as before," Deitrich replied with a soft smile, despite my earlier display of loyalty to Isabella, my true lady.

"Now, let's get to the point. You've gone through the trouble of visiting me, so I assume you have something important to discuss?"

".....You see, there was a previous conversation where you expressed interest in having me. Is that offer still valid?"

"We always welcome talented individuals. While you turned us down before, does this mean you've had a change of heart?"

"Yes, but I have some conditions."

With the three of us finally seated on the sofa, Deitrich urged me to continue. Given Milady's criminal status in the kingdom, the Empire was the logical place to seek assistance. Fortunately, this Empire's prince seemed to have a peculiar interest in me. Most likely, Maria was supposed to fill this role, but with the change in the scenario, I decided to make the best use of this opportunity for the sake of Milady.

"Please, tell me anything you need. Remember, I'm a prince, and I can often use my royal authority to push through most unreasonable requests!" Dee said confidently.

Despite turning to him for help, Dee's self-assured statement left me feeling somewhat uneasy. Why did I have this nagging doubt?

".....Hey, is he really up for this?" I asked, directing my question to Luke, who was Dee's loyal subordinate.

He hesitated for a moment, then responded with a sheepish grin, "Haha, well, he should be fine. He might act this way, but he's usually quite capable."

"Wouldn't it be better not to discuss such matters within the person itself?" 

I looked at Luke, who was seated next to Dee. He wore a knowing smile, indicating he grasped our concerns. It seemed like this was a common scenario.

Can we truly rely on the Empire? That thought continued to trouble me.

"I wish to seek asylum in the Empire for Isabella, my lady, and myself," I finally declared.

"Ah, for the girl who was captured as a traitor, right? Of course, we'll welcome her, along with both of you," Dee immediately agreed, showing no surprise. It seemed he had anticipated my request to some extent, even though Isabella's capture had taken place just moments ago.

"You sure heard about it quickly."

"What can you expect? We were at that event too. That Prince is a real troublemaker. Thanks to him, we're now in a rush to prepare for our return."

Apparently, it was just a matter of attending the national celebration party. Dee and the others were present as Empire representatives. I couldn't help but wonder why that foolish Prince had to reveal such critical information in a place like that, and it gave me a headache.

It seemed that the Empire had a similar reaction, as the mansion's staff members were in a hurry to facilitate Dee's escape. It was only natural, considering that if the Prince suddenly decided to make the Empire his enemy in this incident, their kingdom would immediately become hostile territory for them.

"So you don't ask for our assistance in rescuing her."

"I won't trouble you that much. Firstly, doing so now could easily lead to another war."

To be honest, while their help would be greatly appreciated, I was primarily concerned with ensuring the safety of Milady. If the Kingdom and the Empire were to enter a state of war, her seeking refuge in the Empire would become meaningless.

"Instead, I'd like you to guarantee Milady's status in the Empire."

"That was my plan from the beginning. Oh yes, I believe there was a vacant baron title. I'll give you that. Having a noble title can be quite useful in various ways."

"What!? ...Is that really okay?"

"Hmm? Ah... Didn't I say? Acquiring a noble title in the Empire is surprisingly easy. I'll just give you one of the titles I hold. There won't be any problems."

In return, Dee casually offered me noble status, even though it was under the Empire's jurisdiction. I was left speechless. This must be another instance where there were differences in perception between the Kingdom and the Empire. I had finally achieved my dream of becoming a noble, but it didn't feel real yet. Nevertheless, knowing that my lady's foundation in the Empire was secured, I decided to accept it for now.

"Is there anything else you want?"

"Anything else? Not really..."

"No, there must be more."

I had conveyed my requests and finished the negotiation, so I was ready to leave. However, Dee asked me for additional conditions, and I tilted my head in confusion. Milady's safety was guaranteed, and I had been granted noble status. I thought it was more than enough to offer in exchange.

"Really, you... You seem to have no idea of your own worth."

However, it seemed that Dee's perspective was different. He wore an expression of exasperation as if he couldn't fathom why I didn't see my own value. What kind of excessive evaluation was this man making of someone like me, who could barely do anything beyond being a butler and occasionally engaging in violence in the slums?

"If you're going to say that, let me make one promise."

"Anything, go ahead."

Honestly, I'm too scared to ask about the content of that evaluation, but if the person in question doesn't mind, I'll make one more request.

"In the future, if—"

And so, I presented my final request to Dee.


After the party, Isabella's past sins came to light, leading to her imprisonment in the depths of the underground dungeon beneath the royal castle. In contrast to the nobility who were incarcerated in a separate, more privileged section, Isabella found herself confined with the most ruthless criminals.

Inside the dimly lit cell, Isabella felt disheartened and contemplated her past actions—

"Let go... Argh!"

—However, there was no revelation of that sort. Instead, Isabella wrestled with the magic-restraining shackles binding her wrists, struggling to break free. But with her magic sealed, she had been reduced to a powerless young girl, and her efforts to remove the unyielding shackles were in vain.

"Your struggles are in vain. You must be aware of that, right?"


Isabella, still attempting to liberate herself, heard a cold voice from outside her cell. When she looked up, she saw Maria standing before the iron bars—the mastermind behind her predicament, the one who had incarcerated her in this place.

Maria had arrived alone, without her usual entourage, to face Isabella directly. There was no need for pretense, as there were no other onlookers. Instead of her usual amicable smile, Maria now wore a sadistic grin, her gaze looking down on Isabella within the cell.

"You've got some nerve! Get me out of here, now!"

"Why should I? I'm the one who should be furious here. You've been a constant nuisance, you little thief!"

"What are you saying? Those are my lines, you flirtatious woman!"

Still seething with anger, Isabella tried to lunge at Maria, but the iron bars that separated them prevented her from getting any closer. Despite this physical barrier, Isabella glared at Maria, who reciprocated with an equally intense gaze, and their ugly exchange of insults continued through the metal grating.

"You probably forced Dee and Crow to be by your side! In reality, both of them should have been mine!"

"…? Why are you bringing up Crow's name all of a sudden?"

As the two of them continued their verbal sparring across the iron bars, Isabella suddenly mentioned her own servant's name, leaving Maria bewildered.

"Hah! Even at this point, you're still delusional? Crow actually likes me! You just snatched him away by force, didn't you?"


Attempting to dismiss Maria's words as nonsense, Isabella realized she couldn't find the right words. She couldn't make sense of it. After all, Crow had never shown any signs of such feelings before. More importantly, why was she so shocked to learn that he might like Maria?


Isabella felt humiliated admitting this, but the princes seemed to be more attracted to Maria than to her. So, if Crow, who was also a man, was attracted to Maria, it shouldn't be that surprising.

After all, Crow was just a servant, and it shouldn't matter to Isabella who he chose to be with. Yet, why did it hurt so much deep inside?

"Have you finally come to terms with your position? But it's too late. As a token of my gratitude for all the times you've meddled in my affairs, I've decided not to execute you, but instead, to sell you as a slave. You'll be lucky if some pervert buys you and you spend the rest of your life as a sex slave."

Unable to comprehend her own emotions, Isabella slumped to the floor, weakened.

Seeing Isabella's vulnerable state, Maria wore a triumphant smile and began explaining the details of Isabella's impending punishment with a hint of delight.

For Isabella, born into the ducal family and dedicating her entire life to becoming the queen of this country, this was an overwhelmingly tragic conclusion.

"Oh, don't worry about Crow. Even after you're gone, I'll make sure to love him properly."

"Wait! Stop joking around! Give me back my Crow!"

"Don't you understand it's futile? You're already useless. It's about time you exit my story."

Isabella attempted to reach out to reclaim Crow through the gaps in the iron bars, but the handcuffs on her wrists obstructed her. Maria ridiculed Isabella's futile attempts and, with a final taunt, turned her back to the cell, losing interest.

"Why, why Crow? You have so many others, isn't that enough?"

Isabella, despite being adored by many and having everything she could desire, couldn't understand why Maria wasn't content. Why did she have to take Crow?

Isabella impulsively grabbed the iron bars, shouting after Maria as she walked away. But her words fell on deaf ears.

As Maria's footsteps gradually faded, the cell returned to its original silence.

"Without Crow, I... I'll be all alone again."

Alone in the cell, Isabella sat in the center, hugging her knees, trembling with a deep sense of loneliness.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...