Monday, October 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 88

 My lady becomes a cat -Second Half

"That being said, I've never taken care of a cat before..."


(Even I've never imagined turning into a cat.)

As Crow left the workshop and walked through the mansion's corridor, he muttered to himself. In his arms, Isabella had turned into a cat and was quietly being held.

Since she had been left behind by Eins, the only one who knew her situation, Isabella, who didn't want Crow to discover her secret, had no choice but to play the part of a cat.


(Curse you, Eins...)

"Is there something troubling you, Master?"

"Oh, it's a cat. What's wrong, Master? Are you going to eat it?"

As Isabella, still harboring her resentment towards Eins, adopted the role of a cat, the maids who noticed her presence from the other side of the corridor called out.

"Zwei and Drei huh... Well, Milady asked me to take care of it. But I've never had a cat before, so I'm not sure what to do... So, I won't eat it, Drei."

These two, whom Isabella had seen before, were Crow's maids, just like Eins. Crow took this opportunity to explain what Eins had told him, all the while cradling Isabella. He also made sure to caution the maid who had made a potentially dangerous comment.

"I see. In that case, there might be a book on how to take care of cats in the mansion's library."

"Indeed, it wouldn't be surprising if they had one there."

Zwei, the knowledgeable maid, was the one who answered Crow's question.

The Duke's mansion had an extensive library with a wide range of books, including ones on magic and practical topics. Given the vast collection in the mansion's library, it wouldn't be surprising to find at least one book on how to take care of a cat.

"If you require, we can look for it."

"No, this is a task assigned to me by Milady. You must have other tasks to attend to."


"By the way, sir, what is this one's name?" 

While Crow conversed with Zwei, another brash maid named Drei leaned over and peered at Isabella's face. Her fierce, carnivorous-like gaze made Isabella uncomfortable. Drei had made some unsettling comments earlier about eating the cat, which only added to Isabella's unease. Also, the longer she was scrutinized, the more likely it became that her true identity as not being a cat would be exposed. So, she had to be cautious.

"Name... come to think of it, I didn't ask Eins."

"Since we didn't see this child until yesterday, it's possible the name hasn't been decided yet."

"Hmm... You're right."

In reality, it wouldn't be appropriate for her to use her human name Isabella in her current state, as she was a cat without an official name. Feeling it was inconvenient not to have a name, Crow took Zwei's suggestion seriously and began contemplating a suitable name.

"How about Nekojirou?"


(Isn't that absurd!)

Upon hearing the name, Isabella couldn't help but lose her temper after some consideration.


"Oh, she's angry."


Isabella scratched Crow's face with her sharp claws, causing him to scream and collapse onto the carpeted hallway.

Drei watched the scene nonchalantly, while Zwey, alarmed, rushed to assist.

"Are you alright? I'll perform healing magic now!"



(Hmph, he deserved it.)

While Zwei administered healing magic and comforted the wounded Crow, Isabella, the culprit, remained aloof, turning her head away as if uninvolved. The three had vastly different reactions, turning the situation into chaos.

"Still, if it were the usual Master, that wouldn't have caused such a reaction."


(What? What do you mean by that?)

Drei seemed lost in thought as if something was bothering her, quite indifferent to the owner. Then, out of the blue, she lifted Isabella and stared intently at her.

"...Ah, I see now. I can relate, but Master's naming sense has been disastrous since forever. Forgive him, Mistress."

"Nya, nya...?"

(What are you talking about?)

Drei, apparently coming to terms with something on her own, began defending Crow to Isabella, who was pretending to be a cat as if she assumed the cat understood her words.

Perhaps the mention of "Mistress" was merely coincidental. Inwardly sweating and desperately maintaining the act, Isabella allowed herself to be carried over to Crow. She realized that scratching someone over a name was going too far. It wasn't because she was afraid of being exposed by Drei, who was currently holding her.

"Tsk... it's just something a cat did. No use getting mad."


After the treatment, Crow, now back on his feet, made a face that could have killed, muttered a curse, and clicked his tongue. Isabella flinched, her heart pounding as she saw the fury in his eyes. However, Crow soon returned to his usual self, and Isabella felt relief wash over her.

"By the way, what was that about the 'Milady' earlier?"

Fully recovered, Crow raised an eyebrow in response to Drei's previous words. From Crow's perspective, since Isabella wasn't supposed to be in this place, it was perplexing that someone suddenly brought up something unrelated to the situation.

"Ah, about that... Well, earlier, she reacted to the mention of Mistress, so I think she might believe it's her name..."


(Th-that's right!)

In truth, Isabella hadn't put much thought into her name, but she quickly agreed with Drei's explanation. It might be a bit of a stretch, but for now, she had to go along with it.

".....Sure, that works."

"Is it okay?"

"It's just a temporary name until Milady decides on a formal one. If she's fine with it, then it's good enough."

Although Crow had noticed Drei's strange reaction, he decided to accept the name without further questioning. Zwei also gave her approval, and since Crow couldn't think of a better name himself, there was no need to object.

"Come on, Mistress, try not to cause too much trouble for master."


(Alright, I understand!)

With the name settled, Crow took Isabella back into his arms after parting ways with the two maids and headed towards the library.


"Now, I hope to find that book I'm looking for..."

Crow had left Zwei and the others behind and found himself in the dimly lit mansion library, facing an intimidating expanse of bookshelves. In a world where knowledge equaled power, books held immense value, and the Valiaz family, who treasured information, had amassed an extensive collection. It ranged from everyday reference guides to banned grimoires sourced from the farthest corners of the world.

This library, with its countless tomes, had evolved into a kind of maze, and there were persistent rumors that staff members disappeared within its labyrinthine depths every year.

"'How Wyverns Feel,' 'The Life of Griffins,' 'Together with Pegasuses'... I can't seem to find it."


(What's with these titles...)

With Isabella perched on his shoulder, Crow embarked on the quest to locate the book. Amid the overwhelming sea of books, finding the specific one he sought proved no easy task. Crow climbed a ladder, pulled a book from its shelf, flipped through its pages, checked its contents, and then carefully returned it. This process repeated several times.

Isabella observed his work over his shoulder for a while, but eventually, boredom led her to embark on a quiet exploration of her own.

"What are you doing, Mr. Crow?"




A little later, Crow and Isabella were suddenly addressed from below.

Isabella, who had been peacefully napping, got startled by the familiar voice and accidentally slipped off Crow's back. However, he quickly extended his arm to catch her, avoiding any mishaps.

"Oh, it's the head maid, Martha. What do you need?"

"I have many things to say, but what about that cat, sir?"

"Well, I was asked to take care of her, so I thought I'd look for a book on how to care for cats."

Martha, the mansion's head maid, greeted Crow as he landed on the floor with Isabella in his arms. When she noticed the cat, she raised an eyebrow in mild disapproval.

"All the books here are quite valuable. Bringing an animal in here is far from commendable."

"My apologies."


(Isn't it fine? It's just this much.)

In response to Martha's reprimand, Crow apologized by lowering his head. Isabella grumbled in protest, but for the two people present, Isabella was just a cat at the moment. There was a legitimate concern that her antics might damage valuable books in this environment.

"Ah... a book on how to raise cats, right? Wait here for a moment."

Martha, perhaps understanding Crow's predicament, let out a small sigh, turned her back, and disappeared into the dimly lit space.

Seeing her resolute departure, Crow and Isabella exchanged surprised looks. Could it be that she knew exactly where everything was in this vast library?

"This should suffice. It should contain all the basics."

"Thank you, Head Maid."


(That's amazing...)

After a while, Martha returned with a book, which she handed to Crow. It was indeed the book he had been seeking. Crow expressed his gratitude, and Isabella once again marveled at the Head Maid's excellence.

"In this matter and in general, Crow, you're spoiling Mistress Isabella too much. Remember, she is the daughter of the Duke's household."


At Martha's warning, Isabella couldn't retort. Yes, Crow did indeed show an excessive amount of leniency towards Isabella. And she understood it could be excessive for a regular servant.

Considering Isabella's position, it would be more appropriate to maintain some distance. Even Crow would have a hard time dealing with the Duke's displeasure. Besides, no one in their right mind would want to earn the Duke's enmity.

So, Martha's advice was sound. Isabella realized she harbored mixed feelings about it.

"I apologize, but I believe my duty is to fulfill the wishes of My lady Isabella."

Despite his words, Crow firmly rejected Martha's counsel.

"Even if it goes against Master's intentions?"

"Of course. If I were to be hesitant over such matters, I wouldn't be fit to serve Milady."



His response could be construed as an act of rebellion against the Duke's wishes. However, Crow's unflinching gaze met Martha's, showing no trace of hesitation.

"Ah... If you go too far, we might not be able to cover for you. Keep indulging her in moderation."

"Thank you, Head Maid."

Once Martha understood Crow's determination, she sighed deeply. Her role as Head Maid required her to be stern at times, but deep down, she likely shared in the indulgence.

"Mr. Crow."


"Please, promise me that you'll always stand by Mistress Isabella's side."

As they were about to leave the library, Crow was called to a halt. Martha's expression was unusually serious, which made Isabella feel an unexplainable sense of unease.

"That's been my plan from the start."

"I'm relieved to hear that."

Without hesitation, Crow responded firmly, and Martha's serious demeanor transformed into a warm smile. Isabella felt reassured by that familiar smile and her earlier anxieties dissipated.



(Why am I doing this?)

Alone in Crow's room, Isabella, now in the form of a cat, faced her most significant challenge since her transformation. Before her were dishes containing specially prepared cat food from the mansion's head chef.


(Eating like an animal... I won't forget this when I return to my true self...)

As a cat, Isabella resembled a typical house pet, and this meal was designed for direct consumption, as no elegant utensils like knives and forks were available. Isabella hesitated to approach her food directly, finding the idea unbecoming.

However, her growling stomach made her hunger undeniable.


(Grrr... it smells so good...)

The tantalizing aroma of the chef's exquisite meal, even in its cat-friendly form, was evident to her sensitive senses. She could almost taste its deliciousness without taking a bite. Still, she couldn't bring herself to dive headfirst into the dish, aware that it was far from ladylike behavior.


(I am Isabella Valiaz, after all!)

Her hunger had reached its limits, but she couldn't yield to such temptation. With her dignity and pride as a noblewoman at stake, Isabella mustered her courage and let out a resolute meow.

"I'm back... Wait, what's wrong?"


(Just don't ask, please...)


Crow had returned to his room after completing his tasks and found an empty plate along with Isabella, who appeared disheartened in the corner. He tilted his head in confusion.

"I brought various cat-related items from the head maid..."

While Crow didn't understand the full context of Isabella's mood, he could tell that something was bothering her. In an effort to lift her spirits, Crow placed a paper bag he had been carrying on the table and began to examine its contents.

"How about this?"


(What are you talking about? Why would I be interested in something like that?)

From the bag, Crow pulled out a toy known as a cat teaser or feather wand, typically used to engage cats in play. However, Isabella, despite her current feline appearance, was still human on the inside. She regarded the toy with an uninterested expression.

"Um, how about this?"


(Why am I falling for this...)

With a book on cat care in one hand, Crow playfully moved the cat teaser. At first, Isabella wasn't interested, but over time, she unconsciously started following the cat teaser, which moved like a real creature.

"Come on, swish-swish."


(Oh no! My body is reacting on its own!)

Despite her initial resistance, Isabella couldn't resist her instincts. Before she knew it, she leaped toward the tip of the cat teaser that was being waved in front of her.

"Here we go!"

"Meow, meow, meow!"

(Stop escaping like that!)

Crow skillfully manipulated the cat teaser, trying to elude Isabella's eager pounces. At this moment, there was no trace of the duchess's dignity, only a playful cat enchanted by a toy.



(Is it... me?)

Isabella slowly awakened on the bed. It seemed that she had fallen asleep after playing.

When was the last time she played until she was so tired that she fell asleep?

Isabella looked around the room for Crow, who had been with her, and found him sitting at the desk, working on paperwork under the light of a lamp.


(What are you doing at this hour?)

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I can't relax if I'm not working."

Upon hearing Isabella's call, Crow lifted his face from the documents. A massive pile of paperwork was stacked high on the desk, but what caught Isabella's attention was a photo frame placed in the corner.


(Is this...?)

"Are you curious about that photo? It's my precious Milady. She's undergoing treatment, and we can't see her right now."

Crow spoke with a gentle yet somewhat lonely tone. In the photo, Isabella looked a bit younger than she did now, probably taken before she even entered the academy. She hadn't known that he treasured such a thing.

"I've never been separated from Milady for this long, so honestly, I'm not sure what to do. I really hope she's alright."

Crow had been by Isabella's side since he found her, and the thought of her being away for so long was unsettling. While Isabella was physically well, she couldn't help but feel guilty about deceiving him, given his genuine concern.


(Well, I suppose I can't help it.)

"What's this, trying to console me? Thank you."

As Crow comforted her, Isabella nestled against his chest.

"Purr, purr, purr..."

With every gentle stroke, Isabella couldn't resist the soothing sensation, and her throat emitted a gentle purring sound.

"Oh, right, I should put this on."


(Wh-what is that!?)

While continuing to pet Isabella, Crow remembered something and began searching through a nearby paper bag, eventually pulling out a bright red cat collar.

"You're becoming a Valiaz family cat, so you need to wear a collar to show proper ownership."

"Mew, Meow!"

(Gah, stop it! How could I, an heiress of the Valiaz family, wear a collar?)

The logic behind it was understandable, and Isabella had endured various humiliations up to this point. But this was where she drew the line. If she allowed Crow to put a collar on her, it would essentially make her his property, something that was absolutely unacceptable for a Valiaz family heiress.

"Alright, alright, you're a good girl."

"Nyoo... Purrrrr..."

(Ahhh.... No, being petted like that makes my head feel all fuzzy...)

However, no matter how much she wanted to resist, Crow's persistent petting left Isabella with no will to fight back. She even found herself presenting her neck, almost like she was ready to have the collar placed on her.


Then, a sudden small explosion disrupted the scene, enveloping Isabella's body in white smoke. When the smoke cleared, the human form of Isabella was back on Crow's lap.

"Wait... Milady? Why are you here? What happened to the cat?"


Still trying to grasp the situation, Crow stared at the naked Isabella standing in front of him, completely baffled. On the other hand, Isabella remained frozen in the position she had been in while trying to put on the collar.

"Oh... I see, this is quite a mess, isn't it?"

Finally, Crow seemed to understand the situation. When he observed the situation calmly, he realized he was in the middle of trying to put a collar on Isabella.

"Forget everything! Forget it all!"

"Right, I thought it so  —oof!?"

Right after, overcome by embarrassment, Isabella's face turned bright red, and she released her emotions in the form of a magical blast.

Taking the direct hit, Crow wore a resigned smile, flew out of the window, and landed outside.

"Pant, pant, pant..."

"Excuse me... I thought the timing was just right."

Isabella had just been blown out of the window and was catching her breath when Eins entered the room.

Upon seeing the chaotic scene, Eins nodded in apparent agreement.

"Eins, you left me behind! How could you?"

"I apologize. Given the circumstances, it seemed like the best option."

Despite her lingering resentment and past issues, Isabella couldn't help but cling to Eins. With a bit more composure, she could understand why becoming a cat was necessary to conceal Crow's true identity.

Nevertheless, understanding the necessity didn't mean she had to be happy about it.

"Well, after turning into a cat, I went through so much trouble! My body moved on its own, forcing me to do such humiliating things..."

"That does sound peculiar."

"What's so peculiar about it?"

In response to Isabella's heartfelt complaint, Eins simply tilted her head quizzically. Annoyed, Isabella furrowed her brows and asked again.

"When using transformation potions to become an animal, it's true that instincts tend to have a greater influence, even if rationality remains intact."

"See? It was the potion's fault."

Isabella breathed a sigh of relief, knowing her mealtime behavior was due to the potion's effects. While it wasn't exactly comforting, having a reason behind her actions was better.

"No, in fact, that's exactly it. There's no impact on the mind like brainwashing magic, and you won't act against your own will. If there were actions conflicting with your will, they were likely just expressions of latent desires..."


Isabella couldn't help but recall the moment when she almost allowed Crow to put a collar on her. She had, indeed, offered her neck to him, wanting him to put the collar on.

Was that her own desire?

"N-No, that's not it! I don't want something like that!"

As she reached this conclusion, Isabella's face grew even hotter.

"Yes, I completely understand."

Isabella, with her ears burning red, attempted to explain, but Eins listened calmly, his expression unchanged. Though his perennially stoic face made it hard to gauge her emotions, it was pretty clear she didn't believe her words.

"Stop with that 'I'll pretend I believe you' expression!"

"Yes, I understand."

"You definitely don't understand!"

Even after Isabella's earnest attempts to clear up Eins's misunderstanding, it remained unresolved.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...