Monday, October 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 89

The former lady of the duke is seeking asylum

The frigid land of the Granz Empire, a kingdom of magic, lay beyond the northern Border Mountains of the realm.

At the heart of the capital city, Ehre, rose the formidable Onyx Castle, the residence of the imperial family who ruled the empire.

Hanna, a member of the Imperial Guard, hurriedly navigated through the austere hallways teeming with soldiers and bureaucrats.

"Hey there, it's been a while," she said.

Although she had come to the office for her usual work, there was an unexpected guest today.

The silver-haired young man seated at the desk turned toward Hanna, sporting a relaxed smile.

"Your Highness!? And Captain too, it's been a long time. Have you returned?" Hanna asked.

"Yeah, I just got back on the latest flight," he replied with an easygoing grin.

"I apologize for leaving things to you in my absence."

Deitrich, the first imperial prince, and his guardian, Luke, who was also the leader of the Imperial Guard, had been studying abroad in another kingdom for nearly a year. In response to their return, Hanna promptly straightened up and saluted.

"In the original plan, you were supposed to be in the kingdom, weren't you?"

"That's right, but various issues came up over there. Regrettably, I had to cut my study abroad short."

Hanna recalled that it would still be a while before they returned. Their term of study at the academy was not over yet. She voiced her doubts, and Deitrich shrugged, looking troubled.

"Is it still related to the Valiaz family issue?" Hanna asked.

"Oh, you catch on quickly," Deitrich replied.

Hanna had her suspicions as well. The rumor was that the Valiaz family, a major noble house in the kingdom, had been condemned and dissolved. Although it was an unverified rumor, the prince's reaction seemed to confirm its veracity.

The Valiaz family was a well-known major noble house in the empire, famous for being the shadow guardians of the kingdom. In the past, when the empire attempted an invasion of the kingdom, their every move was thwarted by the actions of this family. If such a prominent noble house had been dismantled, it was undoubtedly a matter of concern for the prince.

"While that matter is indeed related, there's something else I'd like to ask you," Deitrich continued. "Please, Hanna, I'd like you to help me with something."

"Of course, please feel free to give your orders." Hanna understood that when the prince adopted such a serious demeanor and put aside his usual frivolity, the task he was about to assign her was of utmost importance. Nervous, she waited for the prince's words.

"We have a defector from the kingdom, and I'd like to ask for your help in providing security."

"A defector?"

When Hanna heard the word "defector," she immediately thought of the prince's habit of recruiting talented individuals. The prince openly admitted that he had a penchant for talent scouting. In fact, most of his subordinates, including Hanna, were people whose talents had been recognized by the prince. However, this was usually confined to individuals within the empire. It was quite unexpected to think that the prince would be interested in someone from the kingdom.

The prince's keen eye for talent was well-known, and the people he brought into his service were all exceptionally skilled, as exemplified by the Chief Magician. Hanna couldn't help but wonder who the prince had managed to recruit this time.


"This is the dossier for the target."

"This... You've brought another high-profile individual."

As Hanna perused the documents handed to her by Luke, she felt her face tense up. Alongside the documents were what seemed to be covertly taken photographs depicting a defiant-looking young lady with beautiful blonde hair. According to the documents, she was indeed the daughter of the Valiaz family mentioned earlier.

When dealing with the Valiaz family, you're talking about a powerful noble house that rivals the royal family in terms of influence. Despite the current peace agreement and a façade of friendliness, it's hard to believe that someone of such high status from a former enemy nation could simply stroll in. Hanna couldn't help but wonder about the methods the prince had employed to bring her on board.

"Hmm? Oh, the lady from the duke's family is just a bonus. The real catch is someone else."

"A bonus? Wait... the duchess's daughter isn't the main target?"

"She tagged along as a condition when I recruited 'him.'"


Given the Valiaz family's reputation, it was clear that she should be treated as a high-level diplomatic guest. The casual manner in which she was treated didn't sit well with Hanna. Furthermore, if the duchess's daughter was considered a "bonus," she couldn't help but wonder who this prince was pursuing with such intensity.

"Hanna, I understand how you feel, but calm down."

"My apologies, Captain."

Luke's gentle rebuke made Hanna blush, and she shifted her attention to the other profile.

In the attached photographs, she saw a young man with gentle black hair. While she acknowledged that black hair was uncommon in the kingdom, his background seemed to indicate that he was just an ordinary servant. To be honest, when asked whether he was a more valuable asset than the lady from earlier, Hanna couldn't help but shake her head, uncertain of his potential.

"What kind of person is it that you're so taken with, Your Highness?"

"Well, how do you view our current empire?"

"Uh, well... I think it's a wonderful country," Hanna replied, trying to make sense of the unexpected question.

Hanna was bewildered by the sudden question, but as she struggled to answer, Dietrich stood up from his chair and moved closer to the window. Outside the window, in the town below, even with the sun setting, many magic lamps were lit, and people were going about their lively lives.

"At first glance, it may seem glamorous, but it's built on the sacrifices of many. While some line their pockets, there are also many people who can't overcome the cold and end up dying."

Dietrich's gaze was directed beyond the boundary surrounding the empire's capital.

In this extremely cold land, covered in snow and ice for most of the year, it's difficult for people to live comfortably. That's why protective barriers are set up around the empire's major cities, maintaining a pleasant climate within. Citizens enjoy a comfortable life within the city, but some can't live there due to poverty and other reasons. These individuals are forced to live outside the city's walls in slums, where there's no protective barrier to shield them from the harsh cold.

"There might be talented individuals buried among them, like you guys... Don't you think it's a waste?"

The empire might seem meritocratic, but in reality, it's a society with significant disparities. In the kingdom, there's a recognition that nobles protect the commoners, which leads to a more even standard of living among the common folk, despite differences between nobles and commoners. However, in the empire, this isn't the case.

In a country where the strong step on others to rise, it's the way things work, meaning that the incapable are destined to remain at the bottom.

Dietrich didn't intend to negate this competitiveness. However, in the current empire, a few powerful individuals monopolize their positions, leaving the lower-class citizens with no opportunity to advance.

"I believe he might break through the stagnation of our empire's current situation," Dietrich said as he gazed down at the city below. His determination left Hanna and her companions breathless, admiring the statesman.

"Alright, as soon as I'm ready, I'll head to the kingdom."

"I'll count on you... Oh, before you go, how are Fiene and Yulia? I haven't had a chance to meet them yet," Hanna said, about to leave the office to prepare for her journey to the kingdom, but Dietrich stopped her just in time.

"They are both well. However..."

"Is something wrong?"

Hanna's primary duty was to guard Dietrich's fiancée, Fiene, and her younger sister, Yulia. She had continued her duty as their protector even while the prince was in the kingdom. Dietrich's inquiry was expected, but Hanna couldn't help but hesitate.

"Well, Fiene-sama said she had something to discuss with Your Highness when you return."

In reality, Dietrich had decided to study in the kingdom almost unilaterally, consulting with hardly anyone. While the prince's penchant for doing as he pleased was nothing new, the problem was that his fiancée had been left unattended for nearly a year without any consultation.

Hanna shivered as she recalled the calm but wrathful smile Fiene had worn. She remembered Fiene's reaction, a silent but strong anger.


"I decline."

"But I haven't said anything yet..."

Dietrich turned his gaze toward his nearby attendant, but the response was an immediate refusal. The prince's charismatic expression from earlier was now replaced with a somewhat pitiable smile.

"You're going to ask me to persuade my sister, aren't you? There's no way I can do anything about her when she's angry. Just accept the scolding."

Faced with Dietrich, his future brother-in-law and childhood friend, Luke gave him a bemused look. Although his sister was usually gentle and had a calm personality, as befitting someone who would become the empress, she was indeed terrifying when angry. It was a common sight for this somewhat unruly prince to do as he pleased and receive a lecture each time.

"Well, um, I find it hard to say, but Fiene-sama also has something to discuss with the captain."

"But I'm the victim here!?"

However, even toward Luke, who was put in such a position, an unrelenting verdict was handed down. It was only natural, but the attendant who couldn't stop his master's rampage was now doomed to be scolded, and Luke hung his head in defeat.

"Well, don't be too downhearted. I'll apologize with you."

"But it's all Dee's fault in the first place!?"

Dietrich either took pity on his dejected attendant or decided to encourage him. Faced with such an unrestrained master, Luke, with veins throbbing on his forehead, finally snapped and lunged at him.


"Wake up, Isabella. We've arrived."

"Hmm, mm...?"

The carriage came to a gradual stop after traversing the only valley linking the kingdom and the empire, finally reaching the imperial fort.

As I heard the bustling sounds of people outside the carriage, I decided to gently shake Isabella, who had been sleeping in my arms, to wake her up.

"Good morning, Crow."

"Yes, good morning."

Isabella eventually opened her eyes slightly, let out a small yawn, and then sat up, still in my arms. I returned her soft smile with one of my own.

"So, this is the Empire, huh..."

Once we both got off the carriage, we found ourselves in a world covered in white.

While Isabella's homeland, the Valiaz territory, was one of the snowy regions within the kingdom, this place was even snowier. The Empire, separated from the kingdom by the formidable Boundary Mountains, truly felt like another world.

"Aren't you cold dressed like that?"

"Oh, no, this is perfectly fine," Isabella replied, flipping the skirt of her maid outfit and lightly making footprints in the snow that had piled up on the ground. It was quite a picturesque scene. However, despite wearing a heavy coat, I was still shivering in the cold.

Isabella, on the other hand, wore only her maid outfit, and the cold didn't seem to bother her. It was probably due to her magic abilities. As I trembled in the cold, I couldn't help feeling a bit envious of her.

"But, you know, like this, it'll be warmer."

I had been pondering this as I looked at Isabella. However, she quickly returned to my side, embraced my arm, and pressed herself against me. As her body warmth radiated through the arm she held onto, she gazed up at me, displaying a somewhat needy expression.

Since the night we became one, Isabella had grown even more affectionate and clingy. Perhaps it was because the burden of being part of a Duke's family had been lifted, but I had no complaints about her showering me with her pure affection, especially when it came from the woman I loved.



Overcome with love, I couldn't resist reaching out to caress her cheek. Perhaps she had sensed what I intended, as Isabella obediently closed her eyes, ready to accept my affection.

I gradually drew my face closer to hers, and just as our lips were about to meet...

"Uh, do you remember that I'm here?"

We were interrupted by a voice from the side.

"Oh my, what an unsophisticated person to disturb the time of lovers."

"Well, if we start right here in the middle of the street, it's going to attract too much attention."

Isabella, who had been complaining after our kiss was interrupted, now clung to my neck in dissatisfaction.

I consoled her and then turned my attention to the woman soldier who looked rather resigned.

"Is there anything you need, Hanna?"

"I've prepared the room and came to fetch you. I'd also like to discuss our future plans. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate your time."

Hanna was the leader of the Imperial soldiers sent by Dietrich, the Imperial Prince. Our successful escape from the Kingdom was thanks to their assistance.

"Understood. Isabella, shall we go?"


Since we met at the inn, Isabella and I had formed a close bond in a short amount of time. There was no reason not to listen to her words. I took Isabella's hand, and we followed Hanna's guidance to the lodgings within the fortress.

"Today, we'll spend the day in these lodgings, and tomorrow we'll head to this port by carriage. We'll board a ship there and make our way to the Imperial Capital."

Gathered in a room within the lodgings, we listened to Hanna's explanation of our upcoming plans as she pointed at a simple map spread out before us. Since this was already Imperial territory, we didn't need to be cautious about avoiding pursuit as we did in the Kingdom.

Moreover, Hanna and her Imperial regulars were with us, so all our means of transportation along the way had been arranged by the Empire. Therefore, the journey ahead would be relatively easy, but there was one thing that concerned me.

"Are we going to use a ship?"

The fortress we arrived at was the Imperial gateway, located inland on the continent. There was no sea nearby, so the question was how we would reach our destination. One possibility was crossing a canal, but given the extreme cold of this region, it was likely that the river was frozen. Could it be an icebreaker ship?

"As for that, you'll see it for yourself tomorrow."

Hanna didn't seem eager to explain, and her peculiar expression left us all puzzled.

The next morning, the carriage brought us to the port as planned. Since we were now in Imperial territory, we no longer needed disguises. Isabella and I had changed into conventional noble attire. Isabella, dressed in a gown, unsurprisingly attracted attention, and as soon as we stepped out of the carriage, it was evident that people's gazes were fixated on her.

In this atmosphere, we were led to a dock where we all opened our mouths in astonishment, gazing up at the colossal sailing ship before us. The enormous steel vessel moored in the dock was a testament to the Empire's technological prowess, especially considering that the Kingdom primarily constructed wooden ships.

"This is our Empire's pride, the first-of-its-kind magical battleship, the Valiant!"

"I understand. This is undoubtedly impressive."

With a ship of this scale, it was reasonable for Hanna to take pride in it. It served as a symbol of the Empire's technological prowess.

Yet, a pressing question remained: there was no body of water nearby for this ship to sail. While Hanna's pride was justified, the absence of a suitable waterway raised more questions.

"What is the purpose of this ship, exactly?"

"Well, its true capabilities will soon be revealed. We are about to set sail, so please come aboard."

Despite our lingering doubts, we followed Hanna's guidance and boarded the ship. On the deck, many soldiers were busily preparing for departure, indicating that something significant was about to occur.

(As I thought, there are only soldiers here.)

While we followed Hanna's guidance towards the front of the ship, I glanced around. We seemed to be the only passengers on board. Everyone else on this ship was dressed in Imperial military uniforms.

Hanna had referred to this ship as a "battleship." This meant that the ship's primary purpose was for combat, not for transporting supplies or personnel. It was clear that the Empire was preparing for a significant conflict.

"Prepare for departure!"

"Activate the magical engine!"

"Release the moorings!"

As I contemplated these matters, the soldiers' shouts signaled that the preparations for departure were complete. The chains securing the ship to the dock were removed. Simultaneously, the ship's various parts began emitting a faint magical glow.

"What is this...?"

"Hold on a second..."

I noticed Isabella gasping beside me.

Indeed, the official name of this ship was a "magical battleship." In other words, the ship itself was a massive magical tools.

Even with my limited knowledge of magic, I could understand the basics of common magical tools. The unusual nature of the situation was apparent to me.

"Valiant, prepare for departure!"

As we observed in astonishment, the magical energy enveloping the ship began to transform into runes, causing the ship to slowly rise. With its wings, previously tucked under the hull, extending out, the ship took off into the sky, headed for the Imperial capital.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...