Friday, October 27, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 83

 My lady is being exploited


I slowly regained consciousness, my vision clearing as I stared at an unfamiliar ceiling. As I awoke, I remembered the situation we were in.

We were in one of the cities within Valiaz's territory. This city was a crucial link between the capital and major cities in the northern part of the kingdom. In the past, it had served as a supply depot for goods bound for the front lines along the border. After the war ended, it had transformed into a bustling trade hub in the northern part of the kingdom.

The place they were staying was a small inn tucked away in a corner of the city. At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary inn, but in reality, it served as one of the Empire's operational bases within the kingdom. Imperial spies typically used it.

They had arrived at this inn, their designated meeting point, just the previous night. As we entered our assigned room, I immediately collapsed onto the nearby bed, overwhelmed by exhaustion, and fell asleep almost instantly.

Even with healing elixirs that served as energy boosters, nearly a week of non-stop carriage travel had left us utterly drained.


Recognizing the current situation, I turned my attention to the presence that had clung to my chest moments ago.

The room, dimly lit as if it were nighttime, was illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the window, casting a gentle glow on the glistening golden hair.

When I pulled back the sheets, my suspicions were confirmed: My lady, who had snuggled into the same bed, was now resting her head against my chest, her breaths steady, as if seeking comfort.


I have no memory of it at all, so I can't be certain, but I don't think I made any advances... That's evident by the fact that Milady has untied the ribbon on her head, yet her maid's uniform is still neatly in place. I glance at the other bed beside us, and it shows no signs of use; most likely, Milady slipped in beside me after I fell asleep.

"Fa... ther...."

She appeared to be having dreams about her parents, as tears streamed from her closed eyelids. Despite the considerable time that had passed since that incident, the grief of losing her family still clung to her. Milady remained by my side without a moment's rest.



As I gazed at her peacefully sleeping face, she suddenly stirred in my arms, causing me to freeze. I had been so preoccupied that I had forgotten an essential detail: I hadn't had the chance to relieve myself throughout this entire escape. In other words, when I thought about it now, this situation was seriously problematic!

The softness of her breasts pressed against me, the sensation of her thighs rubbing against mine, the sweet scent mixed with a hint of sweat, and the seductive breath escaping from her all started to overwhelm me. Could there be any man who wouldn't be aroused when all this was coming from the woman he was deeply in love with? No, any guy who could resist that wouldn't be a real man!

"Oh dear..."

It felt like my sexual desire was spiraling out of control, and my thoughts were heading in a peculiar direction. As proof of this, the inner demon within me was whispering, "Just go for it as you are."

No, no, no, absolutely not! There was no way I would commit such a heinous act in this current state, especially with Milady!

C'mon, my inner angel, you can do it! You need to ward off this devilish temptation!

"Actually, wouldn't it be better to take advantage of her vulnerability after she wakes up?"

Brutus, not you too!


Summoning my unwavering resolve, I managed to resist Milady's temptation and escape from the bed.

To regain composure, I decided to meet the innkeeper and gather information about when the Imperial side's escort would arrive, among other details.

"Milady, please rest peacefully for now."

After gently wiping away the tears in the corners of her eyes with my finger and confirming that she showed no sign of waking up, I quietly left the room.


"Now, this is a bit of a problem..."

After checking with the innkeeper, it seemed that it would take a while before the Imperial escort would arrive. While the chance of being pursued was low as long as we stayed at this inn, I still wanted to ensure Milady's safety by reuniting with the escort as soon as possible. However, pushing for it wouldn't change the circumstances.

Separately, an unexpected issue arose right here.

—We couldn't take a bath.

I had forgotten, influenced by my past life and having immersed myself in aristocratic society, but in this world, magic was a privilege of the nobility.

For commoners without the ability to use magic, taking a bath required a large amount of water and firewood to heat it. Such resources were only accessible to the wealthy. Even though this inn primarily served commoners, they didn't provide these facilities.

While there were public baths in the city, I couldn't casually go there in our current situation, with pursuers on our tail. I would love to say we could use magical tools for this purpose, but the purification magical tools we had been using as makeshift baths during our journey had all run out of magical power.

If only Eins or Zwei were here, but at the moment, they were dispersed in various locations, causing chaos to hinder the kingdom's pursuit.

With no other options available, I reluctantly asked the innkeeper for a bucket of hot water and a clean cloth for washing. I then returned to the room where Milady was waiting.

"Milady, I've just returned—guh!"

Upon reentering the room and opening the door, I was abruptly met with a force that pushed into my chest, causing me to stumble back into the hallway. The bucket I had been carrying slipped from my hands during the unexpected encounter.

"~Heyy, what in the...!?"

"Where have you been, you imbecile!"

As I swept aside my damp bangs, clinging from the collision, I gazed into the eyes of Isabella, who should have been sound asleep. She had somehow straddled my torso in the hallway. Her golden hair was wet, sticking to her cheeks, and her maid uniform had become soaked in several places, revealing her crimson undergarments beneath.

I had considered voicing my discomfort due to the bump on the back of my head from the fall, but her eyes, on the verge of tears, silenced my complaint.

"I'm terribly sorry, Milady."

"It's fine. I'll make a special exception for you."

As she reached for her cheek, Milady placed her hand over mine, showing a sense of relief. However, the realization that I was observing her prompted her to raise her eyebrows firmly, putting on a brave face as she whispered softly.

"Let's go back to the room and dry our clothes; staying like this might make us catch a cold."


Feeling calmer, I softly asked Milady to move off me and got up. After a closer look, we were both soaked from head to toe, courtesy of the water splashing. The warmth remained for now, but the winter cold would soon take over.

Leading Milady quietly by the hand, we returned to the room together.



As we reentered the room and removed our clothes, it suddenly struck us that we had no spare attire. It was too late to remedy the situation. Consequently, both Milady and I found ourselves sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing only our undergarments, with an unusual tension hanging between us.

Milady remained silent, likely embarrassed by her prior actions. In the meantime, I couldn't help but be aware of her every breath, which made her alluring curves dance on the periphery of my vision, causing further unease.

Hold yourself together! Now is not the time to lose your composure. Milady is mourning, and it's entirely inappropriate to be aroused.

At this moment, I had nothing to cover my lower half but unremarkable underpants. Getting an erection in this state would undoubtedly be a giveaway, leading to Milady's inevitable disappointment.

Unfortunately, I was just an ordinary man. The more I tried to push such thoughts aside, the more I found myself entranced by Milady's delicate, fair skin and her invitingly slender waist, unintentionally leaning forward, unable to resist the allure.



As I struggled to contain my sexual desires, Milady beside me softly spoke.

"Just laugh at me. Despite all my earlier arrogance, now that I've lost the protection of my father and others..."

Milady's gaze remained distant as she continued to speak in a detached manner.

"His Highness has abandoned me, and all the loyal servants we once had are gone. Our family, our noble status, everything has crumbled. It's quite ironic... Maria, who started as a commoner, has everything now, while I, the daughter of a duke, have lost it all..."

She chuckled with a touch of self-mockery, and her former confidence had entirely vanished. She now appeared as a powerless young girl who had lost everything.

"Even Crow would prefer to be with Maria, wouldn't you?"


I was puzzled about how to respond, and her statement surprised me.

Why would I willingly want to go to a place like that?

"When I was in prison, I heard it directly from her. You... do you like that girl?"


Milady's words momentarily left me bewildered.

That I... like Maria?

I felt confused, wondering why such a groundless rumor...

But then I remembered that in this otome game world, Maria, the original protagonist, had listed me as one of her romance options. Yet, in reality, I had entirely deviated from the game's original plot.

That woman... She filled Milady's head with such unnecessary nonsense...

While my anger towards Maria simmered, I couldn't help but feel frustrated that Milady believed in such baseless gossip.

As if there were any chance that someone other than Milady could capture my heart.

"Milady, I'll always be by your side."

"Are you doing this out of pity?"

It appeared my sincere words no longer reached Milady, who seemed to have lost hope. She didn't even look at me and just laughed mockingly.

"I'm not!"

"Oh, I see... Maybe you were after the Duke's inheritance? It's a shame, but it was all taken by the royal family. I have nothing left."


I couldn't find the words as her story, suggesting I'd eventually betray her, left me shocked and speechless.

I desperately wanted to shout that I hadn't been serving her for such a trivial reason, but my voice was constricted by the tumult of emotions I felt for Milady. It was painful, distressing, and heartbreaking.

I felt something shattering within me, what I believed was the last stronghold of reason and restraint that a butler needed.


At that moment, I finally grasped the nature of the lingering unease I'd felt throughout our conversation.

I was angry.

I had fallen for a Lady who was consistently arrogant, proud, sometimes overly confident, and even occasionally made mistakes in her haughtiness. Yet, she always held her heritage with more pride than anyone else. Her current demeanor of resignation didn't fit her at all.

Ah... Honestly...

It's all her fault for saying something like that.

Especially after I've endured all this time...


"Oh, was that the right answer? Then you understand, don't you? You should hurry to that girl..."


"Or do you need my head as a souvenir for her? I don't like pain, but if you want to..."

"—Shut up."


I, driven by the surging anger within me, drew Isabella closer and forcefully silenced her with a deep kiss, cutting short her playful remarks. She appeared surprised, her emerald eyes wide, clearly unprepared for my action.

"Uh...? Mmm! Mnh!"

As she began to regain her composure, Isabella struggled and tried to free herself from my grasp. Yet, in her panicked state, she seemed to have forgotten to employ her magic. In her regular form, she was no match for a man. I held her firmly, and her resistance gradually waned.

"Mm, mmmm... mm, mmh..."

With Isabella now subdued, I grasped her chin and deepened the kiss. Savoring her tender lips as if I hungered for them, she accepted my advances with closed eyes, her body trembling ever so slightly with each contact. Since my only prior experiences with her had been during her sleep, her reactions were novel, intensifying my excitement.


After thoroughly enjoying Isabella's soft lips for more than long enough, I finally withdrew, realizing that I had been so absorbed in the kiss that I had forgotten to breathe. I exhaled loudly, seeking a breath of fresh air.

Isabella, on the other hand, remained completely frozen, her finger touching her lips, her face flushed like a ripe apple.

"Hey, are you okay?" I inquired.

She continued to remain silent.

"If you don't answer, I'll kiss you again," I threatened in a low voice.

"What... What... Wha-wha-what are you doing?" she stammered.

However, I couldn't allow her to stay in shock indefinitely. When I whispered the threat in her ear, Isabella visibly flinched and her shoulder jerked.

"Oh, you reacted."

"W-what are you... you idiot!"

Isabella blushed deeply, used her palm to hide her mouth, and quickly moved to the edge of the bed, attempting to create some distance between us.

She was undeniably cute—so incredibly cute that it was only natural for me to want to tease her even more.

"No, I couldn't help myself because you're too noisy."

"Too noisy? It's not just about the noise! What do you think a maiden's lips are for, anyway?"

"Well, I was savoring something delightful. Thanks for the treat."

Isabella blushed even deeper and let out an incoherent scream as I nonchalantly licked my lips and smiled.

Her innocent response sent a tingling thrill of sadistic pleasure through me, and I found myself becoming more aroused.

"That was my first time, you know..." After a brief moment of stunned silence, Isabella managed to regain her composure and shot me an irritated glare this time.

Under Isabella's strict moral code, where kisses were considered a sacred act between partners, my actions must have seemed utterly perplexing. While it wasn't my first time, there was no need to share that detail with her.

"I see, it's quite an honor to have been given the privilege of being your first."

"My first? No, Crow, you took it," she snapped.

His smile only widened as he brushed off her accusation. Isabella's angry expression suddenly shifted to embarrassment as she playfully hit his chest. It was an endearing sight, and he couldn't help but grin.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"Nothing, Milady. I'm just glad to see you back to your usual self."

Isabella, still displeased with his attitude, exploded with anger again, but it was enough. She probably realized he had provoked her intentionally. Isabella froze, a slightly startled expression on her face.

The defeated look she had displayed moments ago didn't suit her at all. If making her angry at him was what it took to get her back to her usual self, he was more than willing to play the fool.

Isabella, her inner turmoil now hidden, spoke quickly, "Ugh... I'll admit my earlier behavior was out of character. I mean, having Crow worried about me – I must've lost my mind. I'll concede that."

Crow, observing Isabella's rushed speech as she tried to mask her inner turmoil, couldn't help but wear a somewhat mischievous smile. It appeared Isabella knew she was being seen through, and she trembled with embarrassment.

"But, still! Even so... That kiss wasn't necessary, was it?"

"Do you think so?"

"Yes! And, well... things like that are meant for people who love each other, right?" Isabella fiddled with her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, all the while looking up at him with those innocent, upturned eyes, as if gauging his reaction. Crow couldn't help but be captivated by the way she transformed from her earlier tough attitude into a shy, innocent girl. He wondered if she had any idea of how enticing this contrast was.

"In that case, I have no problem because I love Milady."


Isabella shrieked, not content with being on the receiving end of the teasing. When Crow returned the favor with an even bigger smile, she froze and let out a scream unlike anything he'd ever heard.

"W-w-what are you saying...?"

Blushing even deeper, Isabella tried to shrink away from his gaze, clutching herself as if she was trying to hide from his eyes.

Considering her history with the prince, Crow had never heard her being spoken to in such a manner. But he realized the prince hadn't shown any interest in his fiancee, Isabella. He had made a foolish decision to abandon such an adorable, sweet reaction.

"Oh? Did you not hear me? I said that I love you, Milady."

"Stop teasing me! Seriously!"

She apparently hadn't understood the seriousness of his confession, thinking it was just a poorly-timed joke. It seemed like he needed to show just how serious he was about his feelings.

"I'm not joking about this."

Crow moved next to Isabella and took her hand. Their fingers intertwined, conveying the emotions in his heart. He gazed directly into her emerald eyes as she found herself cornered at the edge of the bed, shivering and attempting to avoid his gaze by turning her face away.

"Besides, weren't you liked Maria... mmm!"

Crow was still irked by that name. Annoyed, he firmly held Isabella's chin, making her face him once more, silencing her with another forceful kiss.

"Hey... you...!"

Unlike before, he now planted a series of kisses on Isabella's lips, almost pecking at them.

"Stop... stop it..."

After each kiss, Isabella protested, but he disregarded her complaints and kissed her once again.

"Y-you fool..."

Initially, she'd glared at him with resolve, but with each kiss, her eyes gradually softened. By the time they parted, Isabella had transformed into a visage of a fully aroused woman, her breath heavy against Crow's chest.

"So, Milady, have you grasped my feelings?"

Isabella gazed at Crow with a flushed countenance, then nodded subtly. She affectionately ran her hand through Crow's hair and nestled her head against his with a soft purring sound.

"Nevertheless... this isn't right... I'm a Duke's daughter! You and I, we're... It's simply impossible, you see!"

She pressed her ample bosom against him, and Crow relished the sensation of her silken hair. But, suddenly, Isabella snapped back to reality, her expression turning resolute as she moved away from him.

Certainly, a commoner like Crow having a romantic relationship with a noble, especially the daughter of a Duke, seemed utterly impossible. Kissing Isabella was an act of disrespect that could cost him dearly. However, the circumstances had evolved from what they once were.

"Indeed, maybe in the past, it would've been the case. But you see, the Valiaz Ducal House has fallen, and now, Milady, you're just a commoner."


Isabella seemed to have forgotten how they had ended up in their current situation. She looked distressed, probably overwhelmed by various shocks, grimacing and letting out a groan as Crow gently explained their situation.

"What's more, if we go to the Empire, there's a chance I could gain a noble title."

"What's that supposed to mean? I didn't know about that!"

"Because I never said that. But, in a way, I've been given a noble title by the First Imperial Prince of the Empire. He seems to have taken a peculiar liking to me. Well, a noble is still a noble. I'll make the most of it to prove my worth, here and now."

"Ugh... If you want to be my partner, you need to have the means to satisfy my desires!"

"How much of your whims do you think I've fulfilled until now?"

"Well... then, naturally, you should have the income to support me!"

"I'll be directly under the First Imperial Prince, so supporting a lady like you won't be an issue."

"What do you mean by that!? No, I mean... if you want to be with me, you better be a man who matches my beauty!"

"Any complaints about my appearance?"

"...Not particularly."

"Is there anything else, then?"

"Ugh... Well, um... anything else... um..."

As Crow swiftly dismissed each of Isabella's demands with a smile, it seemed she ran out of reasons to reject him. Originally, marriage for Isabella was a political affair. She had been groomed for most of her life to become a queen, having been engaged to the prince since childhood. So, for someone like Crow, a commoner, to suddenly confess his feelings must have been quite bewildering to her.

"Milady... If these feelings are causing you any discomfort, please, reject me."

"That's.... not fair."

"You're right. I'm a coward, and this is the only way I can convey my feelings."

Crow touched Isabella's cheek as she seemed to be in turmoil. She shivered slightly, as if anticipating what was coming. With a wry smile at her reproachful or exasperated expression, Crow slowly brought his face closer to her lips.

If she were to reject him now, there was no helping it. Resignation was something he could eventually accept.

"Actually... I didn't mind it that much."

Isabella muttered shyly, averting her gaze, as their faces came so close that their foreheads touched. Crow found himself momentarily frozen.

...So, is that how it is, then?

Isabella had a personality that didn't include restraint. She went to great lengths to get what she wanted and removed anything she disliked with full force. This personality led to her being disliked by the princes, clashing with Maria, and her eventual fall from nobility. But, even after becoming a commoner, her personality remained mostly unchanged.

Considering the audacious acts he had just committed, if Isabella truly disapproved, Crow would likely face her magical retaliation. However, aside from the initial surprise at the first kiss, during the second one, Isabella didn't complain and didn't show any signs of rejecting him.

Isabella's words, "I don't mind it," essentially meant she was giving her consent.


As proof of this, Isabella closed her eyes, tilted her chin slightly, and positioned herself to receive Crow's kiss.

"Mnn, nghh... mmph!?"

When their lips softly met, even more intense excitement surged within Crow. He couldn't help himself and slid his tongue into her mouth. In response to this, Isabella briefly widened her eyes and tensed her body.

"Mn, mwah.... Nghh, mnghh..."

Isabella's body squirmed as Crow held her close. He pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth, entwining it with Isabella's. Though initially perplexed by the new experience, she timidly wrapped her arms around Crow's back and surrendered, accepting his advances.

"Mnn.... smooch, nghh... slurp...."

Isabella began to actively respond to Crow's tongue, matching its movements and eagerly sharing saliva.


Their tongues intertwined passionately, and they kissed fervently, forgetting even to breathe for a moment. They finally parted their lips to catch their breath, their eyes filled with post-kiss ecstasy.

Isabella gazed at Crow with a seductive allure in her slightly open eyes, beckoning him. Crow, captivated by her enchanting appearance, felt the painful hardness of his arousal.

It was clear they had reached the desired point.

With the excitement still coursing through their bodies, Crow placed his hand on Isabella's shoulder. She offered no resistance as they tumbled together onto the bed.

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1 comment:

  1. ¡¡¡¡¡¡AL FIN POR DIOS!!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡DIOS!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡VIVAN LOS NOVIOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...