Sunday, November 12, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 91

 The former lady of the duke reunites

On the first day, there was a monster attack, but the ship sailed smoothly thereafter. Life on the ship was surprisingly comfy. Isabella and I explored the vessel at a relaxed pace, and before we knew it, the planned days flew by.

"Isn't that it?"

Isabella, gazing out the window, gestured to me. Looking beside her, a massive city emerged in the snowy landscape.

The city, centered around a rugged black iron castle, seemed less flashy than the royal capital at first. However, viewing the city from the castle revealed a functional beauty, with well-organized streets branching from the main boulevard, unlike the royal capital's historical expansion.

The ship landed at a huge port next to the imperial capital, and the crew rushed into action. We disembarked and hopped onto a carriage, heading into the heart of the imperial capital.

"Something's off, huh? It looks like a carriage without horses."

"It's a magic carriage. Instead of horses, it uses a small magic engine. It's trendy, especially among the wealthy."

Our carriage glided smoothly on the paved streets. Everything outside the window was a new sight. Isabella, sitting next to me, gleamed with excitement, bombarding Hannah with questions. Among the people and carriages on the streets, there were even automobile-like vehicles driven by gentlemen in stylish clothes, surprising me.

Certainly, this empire is a tech powerhouse. The city's vibe is more like the post-industrial era compared to the medieval fantasy-like kingdom mentioned in stories.

In short, the magic engines here seem to play a role similar to steam engines in the previous world.

"Are we heading to the castle now?" Isabella asked, seeming settled after our exploration.

"Not today. You must be tired from the journey, so let's head to the residence first. The prince suggested you take a rest. We'll visit the castle tomorrow."

"Residence?" Isabella questioned.

"You'll see soon." 

As the carriage entered a district with affluent mansions, it stopped in front of one particularly grand mansion.

"I'll return to report to the prince, leaving guards here. Instruct them if you need anything," Hannah informed us.

"Thank you for bringing us here," I expressed gratitude.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Goodbye for now," Hannah said as she left.

We looked up at the mansion's gate. "It's amazing to have such a mansion prepared."

"Thank you... or at least, I would like to say that, actually, this mansion belongs to Isabella," I revealed.

"Me?" Isabella looked surprised.

"Yes, it's one of the Valiaz family's mansions worldwide. Isabella is the rightful owner," I explained.

Isabella, the sole successor of the Valiaz family, now owned this mansion.

"So... I thought everything from the house had been confiscated, but there were still things left..." Isabella reminisced, looking up at the mansion, a hint of nostalgia in her lonely figure. I worried she might revert to her self-destructive tendencies.

"You don't need to worry. I'm fine now. Come on, instead of just standing here, let's go inside the mansion," Isabella assured.

"Yes, you're right," I agreed.

Seemingly sensing my concern, Isabella smiled reassuringly and took my hand, leading us through the mansion gate.

"Welcome back! Both of you, thank you for your long journey," Martha, the head maid and Isabella's former nanny, greeted us along with Norman, the chief butler.

"Martha!? And Norman too!" Isabella exclaimed in surprise, eyes wide.

"Both of you are safe!" Isabella joyfully embraced Martha, and though momentarily taken aback, Martha reciprocated with a somewhat awkward smile, expressing relief at the unexpected reunion.

"Mistress, it's about time..."

"Oh, sorry," Isabella, prompted by Martha, withdrew slightly, looking embarrassed. Perhaps she thought her actions were unbecoming.

But it was understandable. While she had said she was fine earlier, the grief of losing her family wouldn't easily heal. The presence of these two staff members, almost like family, in the midst of such sorrow was undoubtedly comforting for Isabella.

"So, why are you two here?"

"Well, it was at Lord Crow's command. To prepare for the reception of Milady, we came here first to organize the mansion," Norman explained. Avoiding Isabella's gaze, Martha, his wife, lowered her face, and he stepped forward.

While we were planning Isabella's rescue in the kingdom, these two had been preparing for life in the empire. They were more than capable of managing the Duke's mansion, handling everything from cleaning to hiring staff and preparing daily necessities and furniture for our new life in the empire.

...Of course, that wasn't the only reason.


"What is it, Crow?"

With the explanation concluded, I called Isabella over. I didn't want her to catch on to certain things if we continued talking.

"I need to attend to some work now. Can I leave the mansion to you during that time? Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed in that area," I asked.

"Yes, of course! Leave it to me!"

While I had delegated the basic interior design to Norman and the others, I decided to leave the overall vision of the mansion to Isabella. Despite my lack of artistic sense, she would undoubtedly make a better mistress for this mansion.

Accepting my words, Isabella confidently puffed out her ample chest. It was a reassuring

"Eins, go with Isabella."

"Got it."

"Now, Mistress, let me show you around."

Martha led Isabella confidently into the depths of the mansion. Given Isabella's demeanor, things should be fine leaving the mansion details to her. Martha was a concern, but with Eins accompanying her, she should handle things well enough.

"...Where's the study?"

"Right this way, Milord."

Once Isabella and the others were out of sight, I wiped the smile off my face and turned my gaze towards Norman.

With a respectful bow from Norman, I followed his lead to the mansion's study.

"I'm not a fan of desk work..."

Guided by Norman, I found myself in the study where, in my absence, a mountain of Imperial reports had been prepared. It was inevitable as the head of a noble house rather than a mere servant, but dealing with paperwork like this in the future seemed a bit disheartening.

As I sighed and took my seat, I began to sift through the documents, one by one.

"You've amassed quite a pile again."

In the midst of organizing the paperwork, I stumbled upon a document detailing our current assets.

In our upcoming life in the Empire, funds would be crucial, especially living as nobles. However, the amount stated in the document exceeded even the Kingdom's national budget, providing us with substantial resources for various endeavors.

"Following your orders, we've moved all of the Valiaz family's assets, including the hidden ones, here. Libra Trading Company has already converted anything we couldn't transport in time into cash."

"The princes, who arrived with great enthusiasm, must be surprised to see the mansion completely emptied."

Though I mentioned that the Duke's assets had been seized by the royal family, we had actually secretly relocated almost all of the family's wealth. While the mansion was beyond restoration, we successfully secured the majority of Valiaz's money and treasures. Naturally, everything belonged to Isabella, and there was no intention to share it with anyone else.

"...So, is there something you want to ask me?"

Glancing at the documents, I spoke to Norman, who had been waiting quietly beside me. I deliberately asked Isabella to leave the room to converse with him—the one who seemed eager to say something since our reunion at the mansion.

"If you'll excuse me... Why did you hire us?"

In response to my words, Norman asked the question he had likely wanted to pose for a while.

Norman and Martha were loyal servants who had served the Valiaz family for generations, faithful subordinates to the head of the household. However, they were also the ones who betrayed the Valiaz family, leading to its downfall.

Hiring such individuals was an obvious subject of inquiry.

"We are newcomers in the Empire, essentially amateurs as nobles. Your skills in managing a noble house are invaluable among us, who are unfamiliar with the ways of nobility... Didn't Eins mention that?"

With the fall of the Valiaz family, many of the servants and knights who had served them had deserted. Currently, the Valiaz family's influence consisted of only Isabella, me, and my personal subordinates, including Eins. Although I had some experience assisting Isabella in political matters, I lacked the know-how to run a noble house effectively. In that sense, Norman and the others, who had previously managed the Valiaz house under the former head, Galious, were undoubtedly useful.

"Yes, but that's just her perspective. I'm more interested in why Lord Crow chose to hire us."


Finally, I looked up from the documents, meeting Norman's serious gaze.

"We are betrayers of the duke's house. I can't imagine you'd trust people like us."

"That's true. I don't trust you. You've damaged Isabella's trust, and there's no guarantee you won't do it again."

With a quiet yet intense anger, I spoke, my mind still heated by their actions that hurt Isabella.

"Then, why?"

"Because Eins insisted she absolutely needed you."

"That girl...?"

My sigh-laden response seemed unexpected, and Norman wore a puzzled expression. While sparing their lives solely for Isabella's sake, I originally had no intention of getting involved with them again.

"I know about your relationship. If it was just some trivial family love, I would have ignored Eins's request, even if it was for my sake."

Eins usually unconditionally agreed with my opinions, but this time, she surprisingly raised objections. I initially thought it might be due to some familial affection between them, but it wasn't. Eins genuinely believed that I needed them for my future.

"Even though Eins insisted that I should kill her if you were to betray again, I must say, it's quite astonishing."

Leaning back in the chair, I recalled that moment. If it were anyone else, I would have mercilessly discarded them, but it was different with Eins. Considering her loyalty until now, I couldn't ignore.

Moreover, what really made the difference was Eins's eyes back then.

Her gaze, staring straight at me, mirrored the same intensity Isabella occasionally displayed.

Those eyes held an unwavering determination, a will that once decided, wouldn't budge.

No doubt, those two were indeed sisters.

Faced with such determination, even I couldn't help but yield.

"Normally, my subordinates don't often make selfish requests. For them to say this much, I can't just refuse."

Norman and the others were originally people who would sacrifice everything for the sake of avenging their biological daughter. With the life of their forgotten legacy at stake, it was also a judgment that they wouldn't act recklessly.

"Besides, isn't it an appropriate punishment for benevolent folks like you?"

Unlike genuine scoundrels like us, Norman and his group were fundamentally on the side of good. It was evident from Martha's earlier reaction that they felt guilt even towards Isabella, the daughter of their revenge target. Each time they received unconditional trust from Isabella, who lost her family because of them, they would likely recall their own sins.

Rising from my seat, I glanced down at the mansion's garden through the window. Isabella and the others were busy working in the garden. Isabella was giving instructions to the surrounding servants for garden improvements, and Eins was watching over her nearby.

Even among them, Eins quickly noticed our gaze and politely bowed in our direction.

"Make sure not to betray us. I also want to avoid having to eliminate competent subordinates."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Watching them in this way, Norman in the background bowed deeply, reflected in the window

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...