Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 15

 The butler is being recruited

It's quite natural, but my role as the exclusive servant is to act as the hands and feet of Milady, ensuring her life is comfortable without any inconveniences. So, most of the time, I'm close by her side.

However, even I can't be with Milady throughout the entire day. While I'd prefer not to leave her, I'm just an ordinary human being. I'm not robust enough to work tirelessly without breaks. I've heard that nobles with magical abilities can go on for three days and nights without rest, but expecting the same from a commoner like me would be unreasonable.

"What should I do..." With this in mind, I found myself aimlessly wandering the academy's garden alone.

At the moment, Milady is attending a lecture on magic theory.

I'm somewhat useful in practical lessons, but I'm entirely lost when it comes to theoretical lectures, especially about magic.

Honestly, I don't grasp anything about magical concepts, and since I lack magical abilities, there's little I can do while Milady is in class.

That's why I've left Milady in the care of my subordinate, Eins, and arrived slightly late for lunch.


"Wha-what is happening?"

Suddenly, a man's shout interrupted my search for a place to eat.

I turned towards the source of the voice and saw a male student sprinting into the garden. He locked eyes with me and rushed in my direction.

"Sorry, can you hide me?"


"Here I go!"

Without waiting for my response, he blurted out those words and swiftly passed me, diving headfirst into the dense bushes, disappearing from view. I was too shocked to react.

"What was that all about?"

"Wait for me, Lord Dee!"


As I tried to make sense of the bewildering situation, a familiar voice reached my ears, and I began to understand what was happening.

I turned my gaze towards the garden entrance, and as expected, Lady Maria was rushing towards me, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Whoa... Cro, Crow!? Meeting you here by chance is quite unexpected."

"Y, yeah..... sure it is."

Lady Maria noticed me and abruptly stopped, scraping the ground with her shoes. She quickly fixed her disheveled hair with her hand and came over to me.

She was probably chasing after the young man from earlier.

I had only seen him briefly, but he had the same handsome appearance as the other men in Lady Maria's group, so there was no doubt.

I could only manage a strained smile as I watched her using enhanced body magic to chase the young man.

But seriously, she's going after another new guy again?

Her lack of restraint never ceased to amaze me.

"So, Crow, what were you doing here?"

"I was just planning to have a meal and was looking for a good spot."

"You're always so busy. Isabella should let you have a meal with her. It's cruel to eat alone!"


She had a way of saying whatever she wanted.

In any case, there was no way a servant like me could dine at the same table as Milady.

I hid my clenched fist behind my back and managed to smile in response to Lady Maria's criticism of Isabella, the lady I served.

"Then, since we've met, why don't I join you—"

"More importantly, is that okay with you? You seemed to be in quite a hurry earlier."

I changed the topic abruptly to avoid further discussion with Lady Maria.

Honestly, I couldn't handle her anymore. I was worried I might lose my temper and do something I'd regret.

"Oh right! Say, Crow, did a boy with silver hair come this way?"

Silver hair... Now that I thought about it, the young man from earlier did have an unusual hair color for this kingdom.

That's when I remembered his request to hide him earlier.

I could tell her the truth, but right now, I was a bit irritated by her criticism of Milady.

"Yes, a man fitting that description came here earlier."

"Really!? So, do you know where he went?"

"He headed towards the school building."

"Thanks! I'll go then."

Lady Maria pointed to the exit on the opposite side from where they had entered and swiftly ran off, using body enhancement magic as she went.

It was like a whirlwind passing through and disappearing just as quickly.

"...You can come out now."

"Phew! I was saved. Thank you for helping. Being chased like that was tough."

After making sure Lady Maria was gone, I called out to the bushes behind me. The man emerged, with leaves still stuck in his silver hair, wearing a slightly troubled smile as he expressed his gratitude.

"Well then, I'll be going—"

"Well, at least let me show my gratitude somehow. You're probably going for a meal now, right? I was actually planning to eat as well. Since we've met, why don't we eat together?"

"Well... I guess it's fine."

I didn't really need to be there, and I had already made sure the man was safe. I tried to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder to stop me. Not only that, he also invited me to have a meal together.

As a commoner, I had no right to refuse an offer from a noble.

Even though I had a feeling this would lead to trouble, I reluctantly accepted the invitation.

"Thank you for your help earlier."

"It was nothing."

We both took our seats at a table in the garden, and the man bowed his head. I did the same.

Honestly, a noble who would bow to a common servant struck me as rather unusual.

"Oh right, I realize we haven't properly introduced ourselves yet. My name is Dixon. Feel free to call me Dee."

"Dixon? I remember there was a student from the Empire with that name. Is that you?"

"That's right, exactly. Although, I'm just a servant like you, mainly accompanying my master. Oh, please, help yourself to the food too. It feels odd to eat alone."

Saying this, the man introduced as Dixon took a piece of bread from the lunchbox in front of him and began eating. I followed suit, taking a sandwich prepared by the estate's chef.

In general, when we say 'the Empire,' we're talking about the Great Grantz Empire, a major nation dominating the northern part of the continent. This country, which shares borders with the Kingdom but is separated by rugged mountains, experiences long periods of snow and harsh conditions. Because of this, they often struggle with resources like food and have historically invaded neighboring countries to secure them.

Naturally, such a country would be interested in the fertile lands and resources of our Kingdom. Over the years, it has been our arch-enemy in a series of wars driven by the desire for land and resources.

However, those conflicts came to an end, and a peace treaty was signed between our two nations a little over a decade ago.

Since then, the Kingdom and the Empire have actively engaged in exchanges, and students like Dixon are part of that exchange program.

"I see. I'm—"

"Crow, right? I know about you. You're quite well-known at this academy. I've been wanting to have a chat with you."

If he introduced himself, it was only polite to do the same.

With that in mind, I was about to introduce myself, but it seemed like he already knew who I was. Being a well-known figure wasn't entirely clear to me, but considering my role as Milady's butler, it was natural that I was somewhat recognizable.

"So, Dixon, what business do you have with me?"

As our meal was coming to an end, I decided to find out his reason for inviting me. Surely, it wasn't just about sharing a meal.

"Haha... you won't even use my nickname, huh? Did I do something to upset you?"

"No, it's not that. It's just... we have different positions."

"Aren't we both servants?"

Was he teasing me, or was he serious? It was important to clarify the distinction in our positions because differences in status could lead to various complications. This principle applied to him as well.

"I'm a commoner, and you're a noble."

"Ah, I see. There's quite a significant gap in social status in the Kingdom, isn't there? My apologies. In the Empire, being a noble is just a title; sometimes I'm surprised by the differences in values here."

"As long as you understand."

I looked at Dixon with a bit of emphasis in my voice. He responded with a somewhat sorrowful expression and a smile, offering an apology.

I see, indeed, in the Empire, social distinctions might be relatively less pronounced. I had heard that the Empire emphasized meritocracy, where one's abilities mattered more than their social status. Therefore, in the Empire, it was possible for commoners to attain titles and noble status if they achieved notable accomplishments.

In a kingdom where the importance of lineage was paramount, such a perspective was unthinkable.

"Well, let me be direct. Crow, would you consider coming to the Empire?"


Dixon, casually wiping his mouth with a napkin, surprised me by extending an invitation. I had expected it to be related to Milady, so I couldn't hide my astonishment.

"My master is seeking exceptional talent. One of the reasons we came to the Kingdom is to recruit outstanding individuals for the Empire."

"Why... me?"

I was puzzled. Despite being just an ordinary commoner without any magical abilities, I served the ducal family exclusively. I couldn't understand why someone would actively scout someone like me.

"With all due respect, I looked into your background. You've been serving the daughter of that difficult noble family for years, even though you don't possess any magical abilities. I've heard you work ten times harder than an average servant."

Considering the current situation where I was the only remaining exclusive servant to Milady, the workload had naturally increased. In hindsight, it was quite a challenging situation. However, did it really warrant recognition just because I managed such a workload?

"Furthermore, your various efforts in handling that girl, Maria, are impressive. You achieve maximum efficiency with minimal effort. Not everyone can do that."


The man's words, thrown at a moment when I had let my guard down, instantly put me on high alert.

He had uncovered the details of my harassment of Lady Maria, which I had carried out under Milady's orders. Despite my best efforts, he shouldn't have been able to catch on so easily. It appeared his master had an impressive network.

Having influence and respect among people was quite enviable.

"It's not unusual to want someone with your level of skill, right?" the man said, his confident smile unchanged, in contrast to my heightened vigilance. Dealing with people like him was honestly quite a hassle.

"...I appreciate your recognition of my abilities. However, I must decline your offer."

"Why's that? In the Kingdom, there aren't many who can appreciate a commoner like you properly. If that's the case, I believe you could fully unleash your potential in the Empire."

"I have no interest in such trivial matters. Serving Milady is the most important thing to me."

"Isabella, huh... She's certainly the renowned daughter of the Valiaz ducal family, but that's about it. Frankly, I don't think she's someone who can fully harness your talents. I don't believe she's worth being so attached to—!"

Dixon suddenly fell silent.

Well, to be precise, I silenced him with my sudden release of killing intent.

I don't really care what they say about me. But insulting Milady is something I can't allow.

A surge of dark, intense emotions filled my chest. Instead of resisting them, I embraced them. While my heart burned with hatred, my mind quickly assessed the tactical situation.

There was one person in front of me and three behind him. It was a challenging situation but not impossible.

How dare they insult Milady like this.

For the first time, I dropped my smile and directed my intense determination towards the "enemy" in front of me, who had become wary of our actions. I discreetly reached for the knife hidden in my sleeve.

Now, I'll handle him and his guards hiding behind.



In the midst of this tense situation, the school bell rang, marking the end of the class.


I let out a sigh, releasing the tension that had built up in my body.

Unfortunately, it was time to leave. I couldn't linger in this place any longer when Milady was waiting for me.

"...So, I must take my leave and go to fetch Milady."

I got up from my seat, completely ignoring Dixon, who still seemed cautious. As I turned my back to them, I could feel their confusion.

"O, oh..... No, wait!"

"What is it?"

I was about to walk away when they called out, making me turn around cautiously.

Were they planning to continue our earlier discussion? I didn't want to keep Milady waiting.

"Please accept my apologies for insulting your master. I'm sorry."

".......No, there's no need to apologize. I should apologize for any rudeness."

Dixon stood up and bowed deeply towards me. It was quite unusual for a noble to apologize so sincerely to a commoner like me, and it caught me off guard.

Since my anger had already subsided, and making things more complicated wouldn't be wise, I decided to graciously accept the apology.

"I get it, you're really loyal to Lady Isabella. Fine, I'll drop the idea of trying to recruit you."

"I'm sorry."

"No need for that. Just talking with you has been rewarding."

Despite the near-deadly encounter we had just faced, Dixon was now smiling as if it never happened.

His graciousness was like that of an ideal boss.

I couldn't help but wonder if I might have considered working for him if not for Milady.

"We're staying at the inn here. If you ever change your mind about coming to the Empire, just visit us anytime."

"But I..."

"Only if you change your mind. You can throw away that note if you're not interested."

As we parted ways, Dixon handed me a note with an address on it. I reluctantly accepted it and made my way back to Milady.

The conversation had unexpectedly dragged on, and I hoped I wouldn't incur Milady's anger.

"So, what did master think of him?"

After Crow had left, Dixon, who was left alone in the garden, began speaking, and without a sound, a young man appeared behind him.

With a sword at his waist, the young man watched the direction in which Crow had departed, finally releasing the vigilance he had maintained.

"I've cleared the area of onlookers. You don't need to keep up the act any longer, Your Highness."

"Alright, then. Luke, please answer the earlier question."

In the kingdom, Luke is referred to as the master, and Dixon is portrayed as his servant, but this relationship is a deception. In fact, even Dixon's name is a pseudonym, all to protect his identity in this enemy territory.

His true name is Dietrich von Grantz, the first prince of the Grantz Empire, which has long been an archenemy of the Farrant Kingdom and is currently its allied nation.

"He's not to be underestimated. He noticed our presence and, above all, that aura of impending death just now."

"Oh, that was intense. It's been a while since I thought I was going to die."

Dietrich laughed merrily, but Luke, his bodyguard knight, still wore a stern expression. After all, their protected target had been in grave danger. Ironically, Dietrich, who had almost been killed, was the one laughing, which seemed quite abnormal.

"Yes... it was just for a moment, but there's no doubt he intended to kill you, Your Highness."

"Can you defeat him?" Dietrich asked, his earlier smile vanishing as he adopted a more authoritative demeanor.

"Based on what I observed, he's just an ordinary commoner without any magical abilities. There's virtually no chance of losing... or, at least that's what I should normally say."

"Oh? So, are you suggesting that you might lose?"

Dietrich, his most trusted and childhood friend among his subordinates, showed a brief look of surprise. Luke had been chosen as a royal guard at a young age, and his skills were beyond doubt. Yet, he was hinting that he might not emerge victorious.

"I can't say for certain. However, in that moment, he faced Your Highness, me, and my subordinates with the intent to eliminate us all."

"I see. If you put it that way, it's likely true."

"But it's impossible! He truly possesses no magical abilities whatsoever. It's inconceivable that he could defeat a noble!" Luke exclaimed, still clenching his trembling hands.

In that instant, Luke experienced a fear he hadn't felt in a long time when confronting a commoner. It was an unbearable humiliation for him, a warrior renowned for his strength in the Empire.

"Calm down. He's probably some kind of lunatic. Trying to fit a lunatic into normal categories is impossible" 

Dietrich said with a small smile, as if he could see through Luke's thoughts. It was quite amusing to see his usually stern subordinate displaying such an unusual expression.

"But, you have a point. Your story has piqued my interest even further. Let's continue observing him for a while longer."

"Your Highness!? Haven't you given up on him?"

"What are you saying? We can't simply give up on such a talent."

Once again, Dietrich's tendency to become overly involved in his hobby of talent scouting was showing. Despite his perfect qualities as a ruler, this was one of his flaws. Luke sighed, knowing that when it came to Dietrich's pursuits, there was no stopping him.

"Ugh... another one of Your Highness's bad habits. It's not a problem, but please, let's avoid stirring up another hornet's nest like earlier."

"I understand. Well, it's time for us to head back," Dietrich said, relenting for the moment.


Following Luke, Dietrich also left the garden. Along the way, he couldn't help but remember his interaction with the young butler from earlier.

"Hehehe... to think there are so many individuals with such remarkable potential here. Coming to the Kingdom was definitely the right choice."

This was precisely why he had insisted on coming here despite the opposition. The excitement bubbling within him couldn't be contained as Dietrich returned to the school building, with a smile.

TL NOTE: I'll have the day off tomorrow I'll be back the day after tomorrow.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...