Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 43

 Reincarnated Elf (108), Overwhelm

Gurgea, mounted on the battle drake, follows me into the forest. He relentlessly hurls a series of magic attacks, all of which are cast without incantation. There's no time to counter each one individually; it's quicker to evade the more straightforward spells.

"Moving around so evasively...! Your legs seem to be the only thing average about you!"

A whooshing sound accompanies a fire magic spell passing by my cheek. It's at the level of advanced magic. Nevertheless, it's surprising that he can cast such powerful spells repeatedly without depleting his magic reserves too quickly. When I appraised him earlier, the total magical power didn't seem excessively high.

"...In that case, could it be that not all that magic power belongs to Gurgea?"

I ponder while tilting my head in mid-air. To dispel such doubts, I decide to employ the ancient magic.

"Appraisal Magic × Magic Sense Magic, Mana Flow Analysis Gidacrotilus. Let me observe the movement of magic power around you from corner to corner."

Developed when the cities of humanity were attacked by magical beasts, this is a broad-range magic designed to anticipate the actions of magical beasts by analyzing the flow of mana and atmospheric fluctuations. The target is the entire forest, and I'll be observing the current flow of mana in this area.

While this magic can provide extensive insights, prolonged exposure to the high-density mana in the demon territory could lead to magic intoxication—a double-edged sword.

"Ah, I get it now. Those horns are like mana hubs."

The miasma in the air visibly transforms into magical energy, channeled through Gurgea's horns. Not all the magical power belongs to Gurgea; the concentrated mana in his horns keeps flowing throughout his body until he decides to release it. While the process follows the standard order for most magicians, there's a notable twist.

"You're intentionally holding back the mana flow to your extremities?"

Typically, magic is activated by letting the constant mana flow within the body outward. However, Gurgea's mana stays fixed along the body's central line—his horns, tailbone, and both wrists.

It's like the heart pumping blood throughout the body. The mana circuit in the tailbone works like a pump, continuously distributing mana throughout Gurgea's body. Actively disrupting this natural flow goes against the basic principles of living organisms, something I never thought of.

Gurgea's focus seems to be waning, and the quality of the mana he releases becomes more erratic. Now is the perfect time for analysis. I quickly distance myself from Gurgea, putting around 1 km between us. Elves have the sharpest eyesight in this world, and even from this distance, I can see Gurgea clearly.

"Supreme Appraisal Magic, Comprehensive Analysis of Mana Circuits, Status Open. Target: Gurgea Zoringer."

《Left Arm: Fire Magic》

《Right Arm: Dark Magic》

《Battle Dragon Drake: Mind Contamination Magic》

《Evil Dragon Bone Greatsword Gram Raise: Explosive Magic》

《Magic-Sealing Crystal: Mind Contamination Magic》

These reveal all the magical spells Gurgea has been using.

Looking at the diverse range of magic that demons have at their disposal, it's truly enviable how well-suited they are to magic. The saying that a hero is the best when it comes to facing demons holds true. The sacred power enveloping a hero makes them the natural nemesis of demons. Even the diverse magic of demons is reduced to nothing before the magic of a hero.

For demons invading this rural area, the power of Jin and his group will undoubtedly be essential in the battle against the Demon King.

Upon closer inspection, these magical spells are intricately integrated into Gurgea's body.

"So, that's how it works!"

Gurgea concentrates the flowing mana within his body and recites an incantation. By imbuing words with mana, magical constructs are formed in the air, serving as the mechanism for activation. Pouring additional mana, gathered from his entire body, into these constructs triggers the magic.

This is the fundamental pattern for casting spells.

However, the intriguing aspect is that the silent incantation magic involves embedding magical formulas, serving as incantations, into various parts of the body. The magic is then activated by channeling mana into those predefined formulas.

Understanding the intricacies of manipulating mana to switch instantly between multiple magical formulas, sustaining a continuous flow of mana, and possessing a body resilient enough to endure it all—it's a complex feat.

Knowing these mechanics sparks a desire to put them into practice, a common trait among wizards. Keeping the enemy oblivious until the spell is cast provides a significant advantage in magical battles.

"Let's see... materialize the magical formula, attach it to an object... Then, intentionally block the mana circuit's pump and accumulate it within the arm."

Dealing with highly complex magical formulas at the supreme magic level is beyond my current capabilities. In that case, I'll fall back on the magic I've used most frequently during my 100 years in the forest.

Impact Magic—an advanced magic I mastered around the age of 40, leaving behind a trail of various applications in the demon realm. As a reincarnated individual in another world, this magic fulfills the romantic notion of defeating enemies by unleashing shockwaves—a skill that seems to have universal appeal.

As a gleam appears, my arm starts to glow.

Blocking the flow of mana within the body is a sensation I'm experiencing for the first time in my 108 years... Warm yet slightly oppressive. With this...


I thrust my fist toward the nearby trees.

This technique is newly discovered, and there will undoubtedly be numerous failures ahead. However, unlike in my past life, there's no giving up. Through a cycle of trial and error, success will be achieved...



Yes, it was at that moment when I had firmly decided. A massive shockwave burst forth from my fist, cleanly carving through the center of the trees. It was the moment when I experienced the overwhelming power of magic, surpassing my expectations, and the exhilarating sensation of releasing the accumulated magical energy.

"Huh, manipulating magical circuits is... this easy?"

"Don't get cocky, trying to erase your magical presence each time. But you underestimated me; I won't overlook any trace of magic!!"

Noticing the magical reaction, Gurgea started heading straight towards me. I wished he could have savored the moment a bit longer, but it seemed he couldn't contain his impatience. The successful disruption of magical presence without relying on magic itself was a significant step for a mage. There was no help for it; I could revel in the excitement later.

"Fire attribute magic, Scorching Heat Wave - Trydol!"

To retaliate, I swiftly closed the distance with Gurgea, traversing through the trees.

"You finally show yourself! But it won't work!!"

While using the appraisal magic, the shot of magic I unleashed was effortlessly deflected. However, there was another purpose behind this – to reveal the only weak spot in Gurgea's magical aura that faintly flowed throughout his entire body, aside from his horns. If I could stop that, I could neutralize most of his magic.

Gurgea, who deflected my spell, immediately swung his large sword.

"Supreme-level physical enhancement magic, Tia Ashto, the extreme hardening skin of the beastmen!"

No need to hold back anymore. From this point onward, I'm going all out—!

I intercepted Gurgea's mana-rich sword with my right arm, which I had hardened using magical power.


The deafening noise and shockwaves made the forest trees tremble, but I didn't sustain a single injury.

"Aren't you a swordsman!?"

It's much quicker to receive it with a body hardened by the extreme physical enhancement magic of the beastmen than to block it with a sword I picked up somewhere. Besides, Minoru is far more skilled with a sword than I am, and my true strength doesn't lie in wielding a sword.


As expected, Gurgea took countermeasures against the physical enhancement magic. Almost all the mana stored in his horns flowed into the large sword.


With a sound akin to thunder, my magical power dissipated.

It seems that even the demon race possesses magic for nullifying magical effects.

"My victory—!?"

Gurgea's expression, triumphant this time, focused on one point. Now, I'm clenching my left fist, the mana I had stored up until the brink of bursting my magic circuits began to circulate.

Holding back the magic circuits until the very edge and releasing it all at once—that's what's happening now!

"You, where did you store such magical power...?"

I see. It's convenient to conceal a trump card until just a fraction of a second before unleashing it upon the opponent.

Gurgea's response won't make it in time. With Gurgea's magic, fully unleashed for an attack, he won't be able to counter the power of my fist aimed at his Adam's apple, even with the magic circuits focused on the tailbone.

"I didn't say I used up all my magic power."

With a powerful swing, I directed the colossal amount of magic gathered in my left fist towards Gurgea's magic circuits inside his body.


The magic-infused punch aimed at his Adam's apple cleanly pierced through Gurgea's body's centerline. The magical aura covering him vanished smoothly, and the magical light disappeared from his forehead.

"Impact magic, Internal Wave Hackey."

By destroying the magic circuits, even a demon, despite being magical beings, would lose the ability to use both magic and magical arts. This was a creation of those with top-class power among demons, developed to control other hostile demons.

"Nice, this is the way of non-vocalized magic."

Once, I had fought against a user of non-vocalized magic. It was my senior, the pioneer elf from the outside world, Lahab Lowley.

However, what she used was a feigned non-vocalized magic that involved storing magic in a magical tool inside her staff and releasing it. At that time, I never even considered the idea of storing magic inside a staff.

—Listen, Reese.

Eight years ago, when she fought against me, Lahab watched the magical tool she had used.

—Outside this narrow world, there's an abundance of common sense that we lack. There are plenty of people who, in their positions, make use of things we never thought of. Regardless of the circumstances, continuously learning about those individuals is the key to enjoying the outside world for many years. That was the message from my senior who had lived for centuries in the outside world.

—I too learned something new from you, Reese. Believing in your own power, you can use a different magic unbound by a single spell. Thank you for teaching me.

My way of life as an elf owes a lot to what that person taught me. I haven't forgotten the time Lahab looked at me with sincere eyes and smiled.

Gurgea, having lost the magical reaction, started to fall forward.

"In the short time, I've learned a lot. Thank you."

With utmost respect for the first enemy who used magic in a completely different way from mine, my first battle against a demon came to a close, yielding the great achievement of mastering non-vocalized magic.

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