Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Volume 2 Chapter 2

Brother and Sister and the Language of Flowers

"Lucienne, huh?"

The next day, my brother arrived for our afternoon tea, and his eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Yes, is something wrong...?"

The dress that had arrived yesterday evening was cute. It was a light pale red one-piece dress, loosely fitted, adorned with frills on the collar, sleeves, and hem. Apart from the ribbons extending from the chest to the waist, it was simple overall.

It seemed slightly oversized, probably to ensure it would fit even if they weren't sure about my body size when they prepared it. A gift from my adoptive father, the former Marquis Fayette, when he decided to take me in.

This room, my nightwear, and this dress—all hastily prepared.

Thinking about it warmed my heart.

...Though I did check myself in the mirror several times just in case.

My brother shook his head in response to my question.

"No, I was just a bit surprised. It suits you well."

He sat on the opposite side of the table, and a soft smile played on his lips.

Seeing that the smile was genuine, I couldn't help but let a faint smile appear on my face as well.

"I'm glad."

It's not that I doubted Lulu's choice.

I just wanted my brother to compliment me.

Looking up at Lulu standing beside me and smiling, I noticed Lulu, too, narrowing his gray eyes as he gazed at me.

Today, the only thing I could eat was fruit.

Nevertheless, the presentation made it look like jewels, so beautiful.

Linnea prepares tea for my brother, while Lulu pours fruit water for me. Additionally, Lulu takes some fruits onto a plate and cuts them into bite-sized pieces for easy consumption.

"Thank you, Lulu."

"You're welcome."

Lulu gently pats my head.

Coughing slightly, my brother asks, "Oh, you two seem close. Where did you meet?"

I hesitated, feeling a bit troubled by my brother's question.

"In the palace."

"The palace? But isn't it forbidden for men to enter there?"

He tilts his head in curiosity. Looking up at Lulu, who mirrors the inquisitive head tilt, I nod in confirmation. It's difficult to speak about what happened there.

Verbalizing it means recalling the memories of that time. It's like reliving the same experience. Just remembering it makes my body tremble. Once you've experienced a safe place and a peaceful life, there's no going back to those times.

Lulu's hand touches my shoulders that shivered involuntarily. Then, his large hand covers my ears.

* * * * *

Lifting Lucienne's trembling shoulders, Lefebvre covers her small ears with both hands and activates soundproof magic.

On the other side, Aristide blinks rapidly.

With hands still on Lucienne's ears, Lefebvre begins to speak.

"I met Lucienne in the palace, but I was there because of His Majesty the King, well, I was hired by the former Marquis Fayette to investigate the royal family."

"I see, Father's orders," Aristide quickly understands.

Without prior investigation, the coup wouldn't have ended so quickly. Someone must have checked the situation inside. Lefebvre nods in agreement.

"I found Lucy two weeks before the coup; she was in tatters, wearing old clothes and barefoot, drinking water directly from a bucket at the back well of the palace."

Aristide, Linnea, and Melty focus their gazes on Lucienne, who tilts her head.

"Lucy was confined to a dusty storage room in the corner of the palace, with meals consisting of moldy bread, tasteless soup from leftover vegetable scraps, and sometimes leftovers. It seems that was considered fortunate. It wasn't uncommon for her to go without anything to eat."

Lucienne blinks, then looks at the plate of fruits in front of her.

Her amber eyes sparkle as if she found a jewel.

Lefebvre nods at Lucienne, who then grabs a fork.

Lucienne holds the fork casually, attempting to skewer a bite-sized piece of fruit with a clenched fist.

"Not only that, Lucy was subjected to violence from the former queen and her children. Although you can't see it now, her body is covered in scars."

Carefully, Lucienne brings the successfully skewered fruit to her mouth and takes a bite.

Her amber eyes sparkle even more.

...Does it taste good?

To Aristide, the fruits seem nothing out of the ordinary, but Lucienne savors each bite, taking her time.

"It was common to be kicked or hit, but Lucy went through worse. She was forced to walk on shattered teacups, made to drink scalding hot tea on all fours like a dog, covered in mud, left standing outside for hours in winter, and even subjected to basic magic attacks."

Upon hearing about walking on shattered teacups, Melty covers her mouth, and Linnea grimaces beside her.

The maids knew about Lucienne's injuries by looking at her body, but imagining how those wounds were inflicted made them shudder.

Aristide holds his breath, staring at Lucienne in front of him, taken aback by the unimaginable cruelty.

...Surviving all that is truly remarkable.

With Lucienne focused on eating fruit, Aristide begins to understand why she trusts Lefebvre more than anyone else.

Hearing this story, any sense of rivalry Aristide had toward Lefebvre dissolves.

"So that's why you two are close?"

Suddenly, Lucienne looks up at Lefebvre.

Then, she smiles and offers a fork-pierced piece of fruit to Lefebvre, who accepts and eats it.

After releasing Lucienne's ears and giving her head a gentle pat, Lefebvre responds, "That's right."

Trying to compete is a mistake.

During Lucienne's difficult times, Lefebvre was the only one by her side.

It was only natural for Lucienne's heart to lean towards Lefebvre.


"Yes, I'm done. Sorry for using magic suddenly."

"No, it's okay. Lulu made it so I couldn't hear, right? Thank you."

Lucienne laughs at Lefebvre's words.

...She's a smart girl.

Despite being only two years apart from Aristide, she's mature and doesn't make unreasonable demands, perhaps due to her life in the palace.

"Here you go, Lulu."


Lucienne once again shares fruit with Lefebvre.

...Even though I understand, it stings a bit. It's impossible to wedge myself between these two.

It's clear to anyone that there is a strong bond between them, and they genuinely care for each other.

Aristide, who has just become their stepbrother, had no chance against Lefebvre.

Aristide masks a sigh by pretending to drink his tea.

* * * * *

The sound returns.

It seems that Lulu was using magic. He took the initiative to explain the events in the palace on my behalf, as if making sure I wouldn't have to hear or speak about them. I appreciate Lulu's consideration because I neither wanted to discuss nor hear about those events.

Afterward, I spent time engaging in light conversation with my brother.

...Well, mostly I was the listener.

Initially, my brother asked questions like, "Do you have a favorite food?" or "What's your favorite color?" When I replied with "The food here" and "Gray," he seemed a bit perplexed. However, all the food here is delicious, so it's hard to choose a favorite.

My favorite color is gray, the color of Lulu's eyes. My brother glanced briefly at Lulu when I answered, so I assume he understood.

There were several questions, but I couldn't answer many of them, and my brother didn't seem particularly bothered by it. After all, I don't know anything beyond the palace and this place. Lucienne, who lived in a narrow world, knows very little.

My brother started sharing information about the Fayette family, himself, the man who would become our stepfather, and details about cooking.

The Marquisate Fayette became the new royal family, following the original story. However, due to the turmoil caused by the coup, the royal castle is still in disarray, so both my brother and I are expected to reside here for a while.

...I don't really want to go to the royal castle.

With my brother as the first prince and me as the first princess, this mansion's security has been further strengthened compared to before.

The marquisate remains a directly governed territory of the royal family. The territory has both sea and mountain areas, providing abundant food. Thanks to this, the inhabitants suffer less from hunger compared to other territories.

However, due to heavy taxes imposed by the royal family, the citizens' lives are on the brink. The marquisate distributes food, helps with employment, reduces taxes paid by the citizens, and compensates for the shortfall from their own wealth.

When they decided to initiate the coup, the lords and nobles from the supporting territories willingly assisted Marquis Fayette. My brother seems to hold great respect for Marquis Fayette, who is now the new king.

My brother mentioned, "I seem to resemble Father both in appearance and personality" when describing what kind of person he is.

As for the personality, let's keep quiet about it. While observing my brother's face, who claimed to be similar, I couldn't help but think that the man who will become my father once had a good-looking face.

"Oh, right. How about taking a walk in the garden? It might feel stifling to be indoors all the time, don't you think?"

...Hmm, it's fine, really...

I've been confined to my room all this time.

However, when I saw my brother's somewhat insecure expression, declining somehow felt apologetic.

"If I carry you, would that be okay?"

Lulu suggested.

"Is it because I'm still recovering?"

"That's one reason, but also, Lucy has injured the soles of her feet, so she's still prohibited from walking."

"That sounds like a good reason not to walk."

Even though I've been getting better, no one has given me permission to walk yet. Besides, with the long hem of my one-piece dress, my feet are not visible, but bandages are wrapped around them, making it impossible to wear shoes.

While I wear soft slippers indoors, I hardly walk at all. All movement is left to Lulu.

"What will you do, Lucy?"

Asked by Lulu, I ponder.

"...Just a little, I want to go outside."


I said, and Lulu turned his face toward my brother.

My brother smiled happily.

"Then let's go to the courtyard. There are many different types of flowers there."

My brother finishes his tea and stands up.

Lulu lifts me up, and Linnea puts a white cape on me that she brought.

Melty opens the door, and my brother, Lulu holding me, and Linnea walk out into the corridor in that order.

It seems that Melty will stay behind.

The building is apparently constructed in the shape of the katakana character "ロ" with a small garden inside, literally called a courtyard.

My brother leads the way down the corridor.

The passing servants step aside and bow their heads.

It's a bit unsettling.

When I wrap my arms around Lulu and hug him tightly, he strokes my back to comfort me.

In a whisper just loud enough to be heard, he says, "It's okay," and my tense body relaxes.

The door opens with a creak.

"This is our pride, the courtyard."

I turn my face toward my brother's voice.

Lulu steps outside through the opened door.

A gentle breeze brushes my cheeks, and under the blue sky, soft sunlight pours down.


It's called a courtyard, but it's quite spacious.

There's a small fountain in the center, pathways run in a cross shape, and all the other areas are filled with plants. Flowers bloom in each of the four divided sections, with different-colored flowers planted in each section.

The vivid greenery, complemented by the colors of the flowers, creates a lively scene. The fountain, made of white stone, has a few small birds, making it a very beautiful garden.


I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Let's walk and enjoy the view slowly," my brother suggests.

I nod in response to his words.

Lulu, holding me, matches his pace and walks slowly.

While walking, my brother teaches me the names and characteristics of the flowers, but there are too many to remember.

However, my brother says, "You don't need to remember them right away."

Apparently, among the studies of nobles, there is a time to learn the names and meanings of flowers, so I can learn them then.


Lulu, who was walking, unexpectedly spoke up.

I look up, and our eyes meet.

"Lucy, is it okay if I put you down for a bit?"


Lulu gently sets me down on a nearby bench.

Then, he turns to my brother.

"Is it okay to cut the flowers here?"

My brother nods, saying, "Just a few."

Upon hearing my brother's answer, Lulu walks straight to where red roses are blooming.

My brother remains standing near the bench, watching both me and Lulu.

When Lulu reaches the roses, he looks around and then reaches out.

In his hand, there's a slender knife that appeared out of nowhere, and he seems to have cut a branch of the rose.

After some fumbling, he cuts another one and returns from the same direction.

"Here, Lucy. I'll give it to you."

The vibrant red roses bloomed beautifully, and as I received them, a pleasant fragrance filled the air.

"Thank you, Lulu. They're beautiful."

"So, can you lend them to me for a moment?"


I handed over the roses as requested.

Lulu placed one at the center of his chest and the other at mine.

"There you go, matching~"

Lulu's delighted voice made me smile too.

"Matching with Lulu, it makes me happy."

"I'm happy too."

Lulu lifted me up, and my brother, who was beside us, looked somewhat indescribable.

Wondering if something was wrong, I tilted my head, and he just shook his head, indicating it's nothing.

Lulu, holding me, squinted his eyes merrily.

"When you understand the meaning of the roses and the number, tell me, okay?"

Although Lulu seemed to know, he said this for some reason.

While I nodded, my brother let out a small sigh as if exasperated.

That night, lying down, I gazed at the two roses displayed on the bedside table.

It seems that soon, the former Marquis Fayette, in other words, my adoptive father, and the new king of this country, will return to the mansion.

Perhaps because of this, the atmosphere inside the mansion feels a bit restless.

The fresh red rose petals spread beautifully.

Lulu left a little while ago to meet the head chef, so Melty is standing in the corner of the room instead.

There's a faintly pleasant fragrance coming from the roses. They are the first flowers I've ever received from someone.

I rise from the bed and gaze into the vase holding the rose.


Reaching for the vase, I gently lift the rose.

The stem—or branch—lacks thorns, yet there are marks, as if thorns were once there.

It seems a bit roughly handled, with uneven remnants, but the thorns have been meticulously removed.

...Oh, could it be that Lulu took care of them?

During the day, while picking roses in the courtyard, Lulu might have been removing the thorns.

Both roses lack thorns, ensuring I won't get hurt when touching them.

Realizing this, my affection for the roses deepens.

...In my original world, roses were known for having flower meanings related to love. I wonder if it's the same in this world.

If so, what meaning did Lulu infuse into these roses?

"Miss Melty, do you have a book with flower meanings?"

Upon asking, she brings a book.

Roses are often given to people, so it's easy to find their meanings.

A single rose signifies 'love at first sight' or 'there's only you for me.' Two roses mean 'only the two of us in this world.'

My cheeks warm up a bit.

When Lulu handed them to me, he was smiling, so this must be the meaning.

For me, in my world, there's only Lulu.

"But they'll wither away, won't they..."

Even such beautiful flowers will eventually wither.

It's a bit disappointing.

I try to memorize the beauty and flower meanings of the roses.

As I do, a shadow silently descends near the bed.

Melty tenses up, but when she realizes it's Lulu, she relaxes.

"Welcome back! Were you a good girl?" I nod at Lulu, who's sitting on the edge of the bed.


"Good to hear." He pats my head gently. I like it when Lulu pats my head. The large hands touching me with care feel comforting.

"What were you doing in the kitchen?" For some reason, I can't quite imagine Lulu in the kitchen.

"Hmm? I asked them to cut the ingredients a bit smaller so that you can eat on your own, Lucy." Until today, my meals have been like those for a sick person or just fruits. From now on, they plan to gradually change my diet to normal food. So, in order for me to eat on my own and for better digestion, they decided to cut the ingredients into smaller pieces.

"Probably, starting from tomorrow, the content of your meals will change little by little. They'll make it something you can eat with just a fork and spoon."

"Got it." I don't know the table manners of this world, so I'll pretend not to know at first and have them teach me. Until today, Lulu fed me and cut things into small pieces for me, but from now on, I have to try my best to eat on my own.

"Oh, by the way, Lulu, I looked up the language of flowers earlier." Come to think of it, Lulu narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Do you understand the meaning now?"

"Yeah, thanks, Lulu. I feel the same way." Lulu nods in satisfaction at my words. After that, he gently pats my head.

"I only need Lulu. Lulu is my world." So please stay by my side forever.

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