Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Volume 2 Chapter 3

 Simple happiness

The next day brought a change to my meals. Instead of the usual milk and bread concoctions, breakfast now featured a variety of dishes – a small oval-shaped bread, a handful of finely cut bacon slices, something akin to mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, sliced sausages, a vibrant salad, a soup brimming with diverse ingredients, and warm milk to wash it all down.

It seemed like a daunting task to finish everything, and Linnea and the others appeared to understand.

"You can eat whatever you like. No need to force yourself to finish everything. The head chef will keep an eye on your preferences and portion size," Linnea explained.

Was it acceptable to leave some? I pondered.

"Yes. The head chef will observe your eating habits and preferences," she replied.

Surveying the spread, I noticed forks and spoons neatly placed on either side, with the aroma of warm dishes filling the air.

I started with a few sips of milk. Then, grasping a fork with uncertainty, I attempted to pierce a sausage.

"Eating this might be a bit tricky."

Taking a bite, the sausage's skin crisped satisfyingly, and its juices flooded my mouth.


I instinctively turned to Lulu.

"Isn't it great?" he grinned.

I nodded in agreement.

Next comes a hearty soup, brimming with meat and vegetables, emanating the fragrance and color reminiscent of consommé. Despite its robust appearance, the taste is gentle, with all the flavors delicately balanced.

After savoring some of the soup's ingredients, I reach for the soft, still-warm bread. As I take a bite, the scent of wheat and butter fills the air.

"Lulu, there's jam too," he points out, presenting a small jar.


"Yeah, I think this one's orange."

Lulu opens the jar, dips a small spoon into the orange-colored contents, and generously spreads it on my bread.

Biting into it, the orange sweetness, subtle bitterness, and the pleasant citrus aroma spread across my palate. My mouth is too full to speak, but when I look up at Lulu, he asks, "Isn't it delicious?" I nod repeatedly.

The orange jam, with bits of peel in it, enhances the fragrance, likely made with plenty of sugar, creating a taste of happiness.

Lulu generously applies more jam, and thanks to that, the bread is quickly devoured.

Next, I pick up the fork and skewer a piece of bacon.

I take a bite. It's tasty, but a bit greasy, maybe?

It's delicious, but the meat's fat clings to my mouth, and it feels a bit too salty. I take a sip of milk to wash away the grease.

Now, onto the salad. The dressing is already applied, and I use the fork to stab and eat it. The refreshing dressing surprisingly balances out the grassy taste, allowing me to enjoy the crisp texture of the leafy greens.

Feeling full but tempted by the delicious offerings, I can't eat anymore. Reluctantly holding onto the fork, Lulu's hand gently touches mine.

"Have you had your fill?"

Noted, I slump a bit.

"I want to eat more, but I can't..."

"For someone like Lucy, you seem to have eaten a lot, you know."

"Because it's delicious."

Lulu takes the fork from my hand.

"But eating more would make you feel sick, so let's call it quits, okay?"


Surely, lunch will be delicious too.

So let's consider this morning meal a satisfying one.

Thinking that, I cut off my lingering desire.

"Princess, how was the meal?"

Linnea, who finished cleaning up, inquires.

"It was delicious."

"That's good to hear. Was there anything you didn't like?"

"No, everything was delicious. But, the thin meat is tasty, but a bit too heavy, and I can't eat a lot of it."

"Understood. I'll convey that to the head chef, and we'll adjust the portion or make it lighter next time."

Linnea nods in agreement.

"Oh, by the way."

"Yes, how may I assist you?"

When I speak up, Linnea responds with a calm voice.

It's the same with Melty.

That's why these two aren't too intimidating.

"It was delicious, so please tell the chef that..."

In my hesitant words, Linnea smiles gently and nods, "I will certainly convey your message."

Since coming to this mansion, every meal has been delicious.

I really want to say it myself, face to face.

But the other servants still scare me.

At least, I wanted to convey my feelings through a message, and Linnea seemed to understand that.

"Lulu, does your stomach feel okay?"

I nodded in response to Lulu's question.

"A little, but it's fine. I'm happy because it's the first time I've eaten so much."

"Well, as long as you're okay with it."

Lulu lifts me up and moves to the sofa.

Originally, I was supposed to get dressed before breakfast, but I couldn't change into the cute dress because I was afraid of getting it dirty. So, I'm still in my pajamas.

Linnea and Melty come in with the dress, and when Lulu disappears, the changing process begins.

They help me out of my pajamas, and in exchange, they put on the one-piece dress.

They adjust the waist a bit to give it shape, but it doesn't feel too tight on my body.

They tidy up the sleeves, hem, and collar.

Since my legs are bandaged, I remain barefoot.

Once my clothes are in order, Lulu appears from somewhere.

He picks me up, places me on the chair in front of the dresser, and starts brushing my hair meticulously.

Brushing my hair several times gives it a glossy shine.

So, in the morning, he spends time styling my hair. Apparently, this is part of Lulu's duties.

Instead of helping me change, Lulu takes care of my hair.

"What should we do today?"

Lulu says while brushing my hair.

Having someone else brush your hair is quite pleasant.

"Say, I want to learn letters."

Not being able to read and write is troublesome.

"Since you can't walk around yet, it might be good since it doesn't involve much movement."

"...Lulu, can you teach me?"

"Sure thing."

I thought he might be busy, but when I asked, he readily agreed to teach me.

"Actually," Lulu continued, "I was planning to teach you how to read and write."

I looked at Lulu in surprise at his unexpected words.


"Yeah. Starting with the official language, I guess. Once you get the hang of that, I'll teach you other languages."

"Are there many languages?"

"Yeah, right now the official language is predominant, but each country has its own language. Don't worry; most of them are similar to the official language."

...Could it be that Lulu can speak and read and write in the languages of those different countries?

With a quick glance, he answered, "I can speak and read and write in the languages of neighboring countries, aside from the official language."

"Lulu, that's amazing."

"Well, it's necessary for work, so I learned."

"I see."

Considering he had infiltrated the harem and worked as an assassin, he might have been involved in spy activities as well.

...I see, maybe that's why Lulu learned to read and write. If he couldn't read during infiltration, he wouldn't be able to gather information. I don't know how many countries are around this one, but Linnea and Melty, who were standing by, widened their eyes, so I assume there are quite a few.

...Lulu can do everything, he's amazing.

"Also, you'll meet the king soon, right?"

"My father...?"

"He's going to be the 'New King,' after all. It might be a good idea to learn a few things before meeting him. I think I could teach you noble dining etiquette and manners. It might be better to learn some basics before being taught by someone you don't know, don't you think?"

I let out a small sigh involuntarily.

I've only met my stepfather once, so I'm a bit anxious, but if Lulu is with me, it'll surely be okay...

"Lulu, you're really capable, aren't you?"

"Am I?"

"Yeah, you're amazing, Lulu."

As I turned around, Lulu looked at me with wide eyes and then smiled happily.

"Is that so? I'm amazing, huh."

He quickly brought his face back to the front with both hands, but somehow, Lulu seemed to be in high spirits.

After discussing and deciding on a few things Lulu could teach me, time passed quickly as we went through them.

"There you go, you look beautiful now."

Thanks to Lulu combing my hair over and over again, my hair became shiny and silky.

Waking up in a warm bed, having breakfast, changing into my own clothes, and having my beloved person by my side.

It might be something ordinary for others.

But for me, these ordinary things were happiness.

...I'm glad I met Lulu.

If I hadn't met Lulu, I might have ended up like the original Lucienne.

Wanting to be cherished, wanting someone important.

But unable to get anyone's attention.

...I'm not the original Lucienne.

"Thank you, Lulu."

I turned around and smiled at Lulu.

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