Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Volume 2 Chapter 4


It's been about three weeks since I arrived at the mansion.

On this particular day, I felt a bit uneasy from the morning.

It appears that the master of the mansion, the new king and my stepfather, is expected to return today.

Though I haven't specifically prepared for this day, I've learned various things from Lulu—writing, table manners, and common etiquette. I feel like I should be fine, even though I can't quite put into words why.

As long as I don't make any major mistakes, I shouldn't be disliked by my new father.

In the morning, Linnea and Melty, who came to my room, briefed me about the day.

While the mansion is meticulously cleaned every day by the servants, there was an extra thorough cleaning today, and dinner was planned to be a bit more luxurious than usual.

...Though it's already quite lavish.

Until now, I had been managing in my own room, but tonight's dinner would be in the dining hall with my older brother and stepfather.


I briefly met him during the coup, and he resembled my older brother.

"Now, Princess, today will be busy with preparations," said Linnea, and after taking a short break after lunch, I took a bath for grooming.

From the top of my head to the tips of my toes, I was meticulously washed, received a full-body massage, and had my hair carefully blended with a hair oil-like substance. Even when I dozed off during the process, they didn't seem to mind.

Lulu wasn't around while I bathed, but I trusted Linnea and Melty, so it was okay.

Waking up from a nap with a swaying sensation, I found myself being carried by Lulu, who had returned without me noticing, and we were moving to the bedroom.

Fruit water and hand-picked sweets were prepared in the room. When I was seated at the dresser, Melty handed me a glass.

Lulu, standing behind me, checked the condition of my hair and then began to comb it with a brush.

Linnea returned holding a light lemon-yellow dress.

"Would you like me to do your hair today?"


"Then, let's change into the outfit over here."

I overheard this exchange above me.

Once I stood up, Linnea and Melty quickly changed my clothes, working together.

From their conversation, it seemed they were discussing whether to apply makeup, use ribbons as accessories, or not use them at all. However, their hands never stopped.

...Are they going to such lengths just to meet my stepfather?

After finishing brushing my hair, Lulu, with a familiar touch, skillfully styled it.

"Yeah, it's cute."

Satisfied with the result, I nodded.

Certainly, it's cute. Paired with the lemon-yellow dress, I looked like a refined young lady.

...Even though I'm a princess.

"Excuse me, Princess."

Linnea gently brushed my cheeks with a soft brush, causing them to blush faintly.

"Applying too much makeup can burden the skin, so today, let's stick to just some rouge on the cheeks."

"When you've grown a bit more, we can consider makeup."

Linnea and Melty suggested.

"Lucy is cute enough without makeup," Lulu muttered somewhat discontentedly.

To that, both Linnea and Melty nodded.

"Indeed, Princess, you look charming as you are."

"But makeup is a form of personal grooming, so it's good to use a little, though. It won't take much time."

"It sounds troublesome, huh?"

Lulu and I agreed with the words of the two.

Even though I still think children like me don't need to wear makeup, it might be customary for noble young ladies and royalty.

...But maybe a touch of rouge is necessary?

My skin, not exposed to much sunlight, was not just fair but a bit pale.

To counter this, it might be better to apply a bit of rouge to avoid looking too unhealthy.

Finally, a ribbon in the same color as the dress was tied around my neck and wrists.

"How does it look, Princess?"

In the mirror on the dresser, I saw myself dressed in a lovely lemon-yellow one-piece dress.

Thanks to the rouge, my complexion appeared healthier. Though I'm still quite thin, the dress did a good job of concealing my overly slender figure.

My lustrous dark brown hair cascaded smoothly over my shoulders.

"Thank you very much. It's really cute."

Linnea and Melty smiled happily.

I noticed that outside the window, it was already dusk.

...Did it take this long just for grooming?

It might be tiring if done every day, but occasionally, I could endure it.

Lulu, pleased with my transformed appearance, lifted me up and moved to the sofa.

Perhaps liking how I looked now, Lulu sat on the sofa, placing me on his lap.

"Good job."

"Just a little because there will be a dinner," he said, handing me a glass of fruit water.

Then, he picked up a cookie from the plate that was placed nearby.

I took a bite as it was offered to me. I was a bit hungry, so this was a welcome treat.

While I nibbled on the cookie Lulu handed me, he used his other hand to support my jaw, making sure no crumbs fell on my dress. This continued for three cookies.

After sipping fruit water from the glass and relaxing for a bit, Lulu said, "Oh, it seems he's back,"

Listening carefully, I sensed a bustling activity outside the room.

"Would you like to go and greet him?"

Melty asked, and I pondered.

...Since they've been taking care of me, I should go.

Nodding in response, Lulu lightly brushed his hand over the plate, checking if there were any crumbs on my dress. After that, he lifted me and stood up.

...I wish I could start walking on my own soon.

The wounds on my legs are mostly healed. The doctor said that if everything goes well for the next few days without reopening or swelling, I can start walking on my own.

As Linnea opened the door, Lulu, holding me, stepped into the corridor, probably heading towards the entrance.

I'm still not familiar with the mansion.

...How does Lulu know the layout of the mansion?

He has always been by my side, so it seemed unlikely that he had time to explore the mansion.

Following behind Lulu were Linnea and Melty.

As we advanced through the mansion and reached the familiar entrance, my older brother was already there.

"Is Lucienne also here to welcome?"

I nodded in response to my brother's words.

So, it seems my brother is doing the same.

His slightly restless demeanor was cute and age-appropriate.

Upon stepping outside, servants lined up on both sides.

Walking alongside my brother and Lulu, who was carrying me, Linnea and Melty joined the line of servants.

The sky transitioned from deep orange to indigo, displaying a beautiful gradient of colors as we gazed upward.

For Lucienne, it was the first time seeing such a beautiful sunset sky under the open sky.

When I lived in the inner palace, by this time, I would have already secluded myself in the storage room.

I had seen the evening sun shining through a small window, but that was my version of a sunset.

...Ah, the outside world is so vast.

Although it's a natural thing, it's a bit scary.

I grabbed onto Lulu's clothes, and he looked at me.

"Are you nervous?"

Although it's not the case, I nodded.

"Just a little..."

"It's okay. You met him once before, right? He wasn't a scary person, was he?"


Feeling Lulu beside me eased the tension.

The world is vast, and surely, there are many people and many things happening. However, it's a bit scary because it's too vast.

Just the thought of being separated from Lulu in this expansive world makes my body tense up.

But there's no need for such anxiety.

Lulu is right by my side. That's enough.

As I gazed at the sky, the gate of the mansion surrounding fence opened, and a carriage slowly entered.

The carriage stopped in front of us.

Butler Oliver approached, opening the carriage door.

From there, a man descended.

"Welcome back, Master."

"Is there any issue?"

"No, everything was fine."

Oliver and the man exchanged words.

Then my older brother approached.

"Father, welcome back."

The man who turned around smiled at my older brother.

With jet-black hair like the night sky, jewel-like golden eyes, sharp and dignified features, he gave off a cold impression, much like my older brother.

"Ah, I'm home."

But the voice responding to my older brother was gentle.

Then, he turned his gaze toward me.

"W-Welcome back..."

In response to my faltering words, the man who would become my stepfather gently narrowed his eyes.

"How's life here? If there's anything troubling you, don't hesitate to tell the maids or Oliver."

It was the same soft tone as when addressing my older brother.

"I'm not troubled. I'm happy every day."

"I see."

My stepfather nodded with a smile.

With my stepfather leading the way and Lulu carrying me, we entered the mansion.

He mentioned going to his room for a change of clothes, so my stepfather went ahead. My older brother and I headed to the dining room.

"Is your leg injury still not healed?"

As we walked towards the dining room, my older brother asked.

"The wound has closed. If I wait a bit longer and the wound doesn't reopen or swell, I'll be able to walk."

"Then, once you can walk, I'll show you around the mansion. There's a library and a game room inside, and outside, there's a greenhouse. Let's have tea in the greenhouse sometime."


While we were chatting, we arrived at the dining room. The main seat at the large table was likely for my stepfather, and my older brother took a seat to the left of it. I was placed in the seat next to my older brother.

Servants quickly brought drinks.

"Oh, by the way, Lucienne, if you're okay with it, how about having meals together starting today?"

I considered my older brother's suggestion.

"I still can't eat neatly."

Despite practicing, eating gracefully was challenging. The utensils were too large for a child's hands, the movements were awkward, and spills were frequent.

Explaining this, my older brother nodded, "I used to be like that too."

"It's okay. Lucienne has just started learning, and she'll get better in the future. I won't laugh or anything."

"... Is it really okay?"

"Not at all. Besides, being in the same mansion, it's a bit lonely for siblings to have meals separately."

With a serious expression, he looked at Lulu. Lulu made a thoughtful gesture, then nodded once, indicating it was fine.

"From now on, we'll eat together."


My older brother's hand gently touched my head. Lulu often pats my head, but my older brother seems to touch my head when he's happy. Maybe he wants to convey his gratitude.

In a serious manner, he said, "You can also speak informally. Like when talking to Lefebvre."

"Lulu is special."

I shook my head, and my older brother looked disappointed but didn't get angry.

"What, have you two already become friends?"

With that remark, my stepfather entered.

Then, he took the seat at the birthday seat.

"Yes, even though we're not connected by blood, Lucienne is my sister."

My stepfather reached for the napkin, and both my older brother and I placed napkins on our laps.

"I see, as long as there's no issue, it's fine. I'll be returning to the royal castle from tomorrow, but it seems it'll be impossible to take you to the royal castle for a while."

Wine was poured into my stepfather's glass.

Thoughts of the royal castle brought back memories of the inner palace.

"Um, Dear Father..."

"Hm? What's up?"

I hesitated about how to address him, but when I tried calling him 'Father,' my stepfather responded right away. It seemed okay to call him that. His gaze prompted me to involuntarily look down.

"Um, do I really have to stay in the palace...?"

I didn't like the inner palace, and honestly, I wasn't keen on going to the royal castle either because of where it was. The appetizer was brought to the table. My stepfather, or Father, let out a thoughtful sound.

"For Lucienne, it must be a place with no good memories. I do hope you'll move eventually, but if you don't like it there, you can keep living here for a while longer."

"Is that... okay?"

"Yeah, but starting from when you're twelve and your royal duties begin, you'll move to the royal castle. Not the inner palace, though. We're planning to demolish that."

Being twelve meant I still had seven years left here. It seemed like the inner palace would be gone. The heavy burden of worry on my heart lifted. As long as it wasn't that inner palace, then I would be fine.

"Thank you so much!"

My older brother said, "That's a relief," and I nodded.

"Also, thanks for taking me in. I can't give anything in return, but I'll do my best in my studies."

"No need for thanks. Adopting you was also for political reasons. I can make sure you won't have a difficult life, but I apologize for forcing you into this life without giving you a choice."

Father looked at me with an apologetic expression.

How about I bring my best friend next time? It might be good to have someone close to your age to play with, right?"

At my older brother's words, a certain person suddenly came to mind. Was it possible that 'he' was the person who became Lucienne's fiancé in the game?

I hastily shook my head.

"No, I asked Lulu. When I grow up, I want to marry Lulu. For now, Father allows me to stay with Lulu. So, thank you very much."

I expressed my gratitude by bowing my head.

When I looked up, Father seemed a bit softer. The dining room atmosphere felt more relaxed, and the formal vibe had disappeared.

"Oh, Father, I also want to live here until my official duties begin. I'll commute to the royal castle from here until then."

"You really like your sister, huh?"

"Yeah, because she's such a cute little sister, and I worry about leaving her alone."

Father made a slightly exasperated face, replied with a casual "Do as you like," and picked up his knife and fork.

We started our meal in a similar fashion.

My older brother, looking pleased, reminded me, "Don't oversleep for breakfast tomorrow," and I nodded.

In any case, my stepfather seemed kind, and I felt relieved that he accepted me willingly. Now, let's focus on the meal.

While remembering my recently learned table manners, I concentrated on one of the appetizers.

"Lucienne eats more elegantly than I expected."

I nodded at Father's comment as he watched me eat.

"Lulu taught me."

"... Lefebvre?"

For some reason, he looked quite surprised.

"Yes, I'm studying with Lulu."

Father's hand paused, and he glanced as if deep in thought.

"I see. Let's assess your progress and consider hiring a tutor. ...For tutoring, do you prefer a woman or a man?"

I'm not a fan of mature women. Thinking of the queen makes me tense. I'd prefer a man. But, meeting new people scares me.

"...I'd prefer a man. But, if they're young, I think a woman would be okay too."

"Understood. I'll list a few candidates."

"Thank you."

I hope a kind person will come if possible.

"Besides table manners, what else have you learned?" Father asked.

"I've learned how to write and read letters, what not to do to others, and a bit about magic," I replied.

"Things not to do to others?"

"Like not scratching someone with my hair and not using the appraisal skill on people, things like that."

"I see. So you're learning common sense," Father said, smiling.

I nodded in agreement.

Father continued to smile gently.

"How's your progress with the official language?"

"I can read and write now. I write in my diary every day."

"Already? The official language is the simplest, but learning it in just a few days... Lucienne, you're quite smart."

"We should arrange for a private tutor soon," Father pondered, nodding.

But soon, he smiled gently.

"Even though you've just arrived, your eagerness to learn on your own is admirable. And you've truly absorbed what you've learned. It's a sign of effort. Just take it at a pace that suits you."

"That's right. Lucienne is still small. Studying is good, but playing is important too."

Both Father and my older brother looked at me with kind eyes.

Their paired gazes were gentle.

"Yes, I'll study a lot and play a lot."

"And make sure to get plenty of sleep and eat a lot to grow big," my older brother said, placing the dishes down and patting my head.

While we talked during the meal, I successfully finished my food without any spills.

Carried by Lulu, we left the dining room with Father and my older brother, heading to the living room.

The living room, a bit farther away, was on the same floor as my room. It was a spacious area with a large fireplace and simple yet elegant furniture—sophisticated sofas, tables, and decorative shelves.

A fire burned in the fireplace, creating a pleasantly warm atmosphere.

Father took a seat on one of the sofas around the large table, and Lulu, holding both me and my older brother, sat on a three-seater sofa.

Naturally, Lulu placed me on their lap.

My older brother seemed unfazed, but Father looked closely at Lulu, who held me, with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Is it always like this with Lucienne and Lefebvre?" Father asked, somewhat bewildered.

My older brother, realizing something, clapped his hands and pointed at me and Lulu.

"These two are always like this."

"I see..."

Father, with an indescribable expression, alternated his gaze between me and Lulu, then let out a small sigh.

"Hey, don't sigh. We were being all quiet like proper servants and everything," Lulu said, petting my head while expressing dissatisfaction.

But when Father leaned back on the sofa, he gave Lulu a quizzical look.

"What do you mean 'like proper servants'? When I brought up Lucienne's private tutor, you gave me a hostile look, didn't you?"

...Huh? Hostile look?

"Well, you know, if a tutor comes, Lucy's time with me will be reduced, right?"

"Then, just stay by her side."

"I was planning on doing that without you telling me!"

As Lulu pouted, Father continued, watching them with a resigned expression.

"Lucienne might go through tough times, but as part of the royal family and an adopted child, we can't neglect her education," Father explained.

"That's your situation, right? Lucy, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you don't have to study, you know? If you marry me, there won't be much need for it, and I don't want you to go through anything unpleasant," Lulu chimed in.

"But you'll live as a royal until sixteen. You must learn manners and study properly; otherwise, Lucienne will face embarrassment," Father added.

"Just let those who want to say things say them. If it gets too much, I'll handle it," Lulu responded.

Father and Lulu had completely opposing views. Both perspectives made sense.

I understood that providing Lucy with a proper education was necessary to avoid criticism of the Faiyet family. We couldn't afford rumors circulating that the new royal family abused their children, similar to the old royal family.

Moreover, starting at the age of twelve, there would be official duties to attend to. If I didn't learn proper manners by then, I would also face embarrassment.

However, as Lulu pointed out, most of what I studied might become irrelevant once I married Lulu. It seemed Lulu had no intention of exposing me to the outside world after our marriage.

Though Lulu occasionally mentioned post-marriage plans, it appeared we would lead a mostly secluded life together, with a vast estate, a large mansion, and minimal interaction with servants. Surprisingly, I didn't find that idea unpleasant.

Yet, I couldn't ignore my current situation.

"Lulu, Father."

"What is it?"

"What's wrong?"

When I called out to them, both turned their attention to me simultaneously.

Could they actually get along?

"I want to study. There are many things I don't know, and learning is enjoyable," Lucy confessed.

"Is that so?" Father nodded in satisfaction.

"But, being with Lulu is my favorite thing, so if Lulu doesn't like it, I don't need to study," I added.

Father's expression stiffened, and Lulu happily squeezed me in his arms.

"Lucy is a good kid. I'm sorry, Lucy; you can study however you want," Lulu said.

"Is it okay with you, Lulu?"

"It's fine. Lucy prefers me over studying, right?"

"Yeah, Lulu is my favorite."

"Then, that's good."

I wondered if Lulu was concerned that I might choose studying over spending time with him.

...But that's definitely not the case.

Above all, Lulu is the most important person to me.

While giving up other things might be easy, being separated from Lulu is something I can't accept.

Lulu means a lot to me.

As I reached out, Lulu tilted his head, letting me pat him—a little return gesture for always patting me.

"...Anyway, is it okay to get a tutor for Lucienne?"

"It's fine. But if it's a man, he should be over thirty. If it's a woman, she should be under thirty or over fifty, with a kind personality and not blond or green-eyed."

"That's pretty specific... Is that necessary?"

Father nodded with satisfaction.

Lulu also agreed, saying, "That's the idea."

A woman under thirty or over fifty with a kind personality and not blond or green-eyed?

...Ah, could it be they want someone who doesn't resemble the Queen in appearance or age?

I appreciate Lulu's thoughtfulness.

"Father, in that case, how about assigning Lucienne the tutor who's currently with me? Those criteria don't apply to him."

My brother, who had been silent, spoke up.

...My brother's tutor, huh.

It might be better than meeting a stranger all of a sudden.

"Aristide's tutor?"

"What kind of person is he?"

"He's in his early thirties, unmarried, with a calm and serious personality. He's excellent, and after finishing Aristide's tutoring, he's planned to be promoted as a bureaucrat."

"Oh, really?"

Lulu tilted his head, then quickly returned it to look at me.

"I think having your brother's tutor would be good."

Even though he might become busy.

"Well, if Lucy says so, it should be fine. Make sure to let him know that I'm here, okay?"

"I understand."

With Lulu's approval, my brother said, "Let's study together occasionally," and smiled.

I nodded and made a single request to my brother.

"Um, when we first meet, I'd like my brother to be there too..."

Lulu is there, so it should be okay, but if the person doesn't like the former royal family, it might be a bit scary.

"Oh, absolutely, that's the plan," my brother said, gently squeezing my hand to reassure me.

"Anything else you need? Oh, I've arranged for a tailor to make a dress. They'll come the day after tomorrow."

"As expected of Father," both men with similar looks shared a smile.

... A dress?

"I already have clothes," I pointed to what I was wearing, but they shook their heads.

"That's just casual wear and not suitable for meeting people. You need a properly fitted dress; otherwise, it would be disrespectful to the tutor."

"... I understand."

Though this dress was cute enough, if they say it's not suitable, there's no helping it.

"But I don't want anything sparkly."

"Sparkly... like jewelry? But it's not good to wear nothing."

"I prefer ribbons," I suggested, indicating how I currently adorned my hands and neck with ribbons instead of jewelry.

It felt better for me that way, and high-end accessories seemed fragile and scary.

Father nodded, "Let's go with ribbons. ...It'll be Lucienne's fifth birthday present."

Both Lulu and my brother gasped in surprise.

Lulu said, "A birthday present..." in an unusually astonished voice, and my brother approached, asking, "Has your birthday passed already?"

Um... "I turned five on the day of the coup d'état," I explained.

"In that case, we should have a party too."

"I have to return to the castle... Aristide, I leave the rest to you."

"Yes, leave it to me!"

While they were talking, Lulu looked dejected.

"I see, it's normal to give presents on birthdays..."

I patted Lulu's drooping head.

"It's okay. The best present is Lulu. Meeting you is the greatest gift. Besides, when I grow up, will you take me, Lulu?"


"Then that's a gift too. Being together with Lulu makes me happy."

As I patted Lulu's head, he brightened up.

Then he hugged me tightly, and our cheeks pressed together.

"Lucy, thank you."

For some reason, I received thanks from Lulu.

"I should be the one saying thanks. Thank you, Lulu."

Being together in the future is a gift.

Such a future is a birthday present, as it means giving Lulu a future.

I'll give all my life to Lulu.

Because if I give him my future, I'll have Lulu's future in return.

And in reality, I've already received gifts from Father and my brother.

A spacious room, a warm bed, delicious meals at regular times, beautiful clothes, two kind maids, and the warmth of a family, even if not blood-related.

...I'm glad to have been taken in here.

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