Friday, November 24, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 41

 Reincarnated Elf (108), facing demons for the first time

The demon army was about to march toward Quarta Village when it happened.

Gurgea, quick to notice, saw a subtle presence darting through the shadows of the houses.

"Hmm? What's this? There are still survivors in this village. You guys really are terrible at searching," Gurgea commented, turning his gaze in the opposite direction of Quarta Village. As a commanding officer, he possessed the ability to detect human presence even when hidden.

"Really? That's strange. We thoroughly searched every nook and cranny of the village and found no one," replied one of the demon soldiers.

"Just capture them quickly. Honestly, demons from rural areas can't even handle a simple manhunt," Gurgea said, using the crystal in his hand to cast a brighter light upon the demons.

"Understood," the bewildered demon soldiers formed a line and followed the shadows where the figures were detected.

—Sir Reese.

Minori, hiding in the shadows of a house, held her sword and made eye contact.

—Cause a spectacular commotion for me, please. I'm counting on you.

Without uttering a word, everything seemed to have been conveyed. Minori nodded emphatically and leaped out toward the demons.


"So, am I the key to restoring their sanity?"

Before infiltrating the Demon King's army, I gently stroked Minori's head.

"Yeah, while I deal with that captain, please help the residents regain their senses. They still have some consciousness left."

"But how can I do that?"

Minori tilted her head in confusion. I attempted a new spell on her beloved sword.

"Anti-Anti Dark Magic Power Enchantment, Anti-Demonic Temptation Ashtogrelim."

It was described in the "Anti-Anti Magic Dark Arts III" given by the Quota Village's granny—an existence-defying magical power known as "Inversion." Supposedly, it could only be used by a legendary figure like a Demon King within the Demon King's army.

In other words, as a being capable of ignoring the physical laws of this world due to my "factor," I should be able to use this magic too. With crackling black lightning, the magic was absorbed into Minori's straight sword.

"W-What is this?"

As Minori marveled at the transformation of her beloved sword, I explained.

"We have a plan: strike their glowing horns to absorb their magic, reversing the brainwashing. While the anti-magic circulates in their bodies, I'll go after Gurgea."

"Are you really planning to face that powerful demon alone, Sir Reese?"

"Yeah. That's why I want Minori to handle the brainwashed demons. You're better at handling multiple opponents than I am."

Living peacefully in Yggdrasil's ancient tree for a hundred years, I only started learning about battles beyond one-on-one upon meeting Minori.

Dealing with multiple opponents doesn't guarantee the safety of the residents. In that regard, Minori grew up in a harsh environment where everything around her was an enemy, and her life could be threatened at any moment.

Indeed, fighting with the minimum effort for maximum efficiency is Minori's specialty. She even served as Jin's training partner for six months.

"Don't worry; Minori is strong. There's no one else in this world I'd entrust my back to but her."

With a tousle of her hair, Minori seemed to gather her resolve.

"Alright. I'll do my best!"

She tightly gripped the sword imbued with anti-magic. It appeared that for her, the power of words was more effective than physical magic.

"In return, I'll make sure to take down Gurgea. Leave it to me."

And so, the full-fledged joint offensive of Reese and Minori began.


"Fire magic, Phoenix Blitz Phalanx!"

A powerful shout echoed, accompanied by rising flames from a corner of the village.

"What's happening?"

"M'lord, it's not just a regular demon! It's attacking us!"

"Very well, then face it with all of you. What's this about not being able to defeat even one surviving lower demon? If you claim you can't win even with the power of this magic crystal bestowed upon me by the Demon Lord, then that's the end. Mental contamination magic, Dreamlike Loyalty Depression. Kill it, retrieve its magic power at all costs!"


As Gurgea raised the crystal high, not only the horns of the demons but also the glow in their eyes turned crimson.


They looked like wild beasts, charging recklessly toward the fiery battlefield. Gurgea, atop the battle dragon, muttered to himself while twirling his mustache.

"Really, the demons these days are too fragile. It is the duty of all demons to defeat enemies with all their might and become the right hand of the Demon Lord. To think they would come to such a backwater place just to defeat large magical beasts and recover magic power—"

"If that's the case, then try defeating me and recovering my magic power. Anti-anti-dark magic infusion × light magic infusion, Light Magic Sword Glorious Gram!"

Infusing the sword with both anti-dark and light attributes, Reese delivered a full-powered strike. Although not a divine weapon, the sword packed a combination of attributes that demons were weak against. However, Gurgea, with his quick thinking, managed to evade it along with his battle dragon. He had hidden his magic until the last moment, and even then, Reese noticed. Quite impressive.

This strategy had been foolproof against magical beasts until now, but it seemed demons required a different approach. Reese reflected on the fact that, despite his long life, there were still aspects of demon combat he needed to fully grasp. This was all part of his training to make the remaining 900 years as meaningful as possible.

"What the... who the hell are you!? Where did you come from?"

As the dust settled, Gurgea swung the large sword toward me, holding an enchantment with an unbelievably dark magical power—something I had never experienced before. To think that a single magic could layer enchantments to such an extent.

There was still so much I didn't know. The knowledge I had accumulated over a mere 100 years of study was transforming into experience, bringing me surprise and excitement.

The dots of knowledge that had been inscribed were now connecting like lines through experience. It was a sensation I hadn't obtained during the somewhat aimless existence of my past.

"I'm Reese Klein, an Elf who left the ancient tree homeland of Yggdrasil to make a name for myself in the world. Nice to meet you."

"An Elf in a place like this?!"

Well, this is the outside world. It seems there's much more to enjoy in this world for me—Reese Klein!

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