Friday, November 24, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 40

 Reincarnated Elf (108), raise the signal for the beginning of war

"My Lord Gurgea, we've arrived. This is our hometown. However, it seems that Granny and Gramps are nowhere to be found."

The suspicious group that arrived at Rodd Village numbered around 100 people, led by a demon riding a dragon-like creature at the front. The leader, wearing a neat military uniform, exhibited significantly higher magical power compared to the others.

The rest of the group, unlike the elderly folks from Quarta Village, were robust men dressed in simple attire.


Suddenly, the dragon-like creature at the front turned its gaze toward us.

(Oh, can that creature see us...?)

(Even if it can see us, it won't approach. Those are Battle Drakes, small two-legged dragons with habitats in the demon realm. They won't defy an overwhelmingly strong opponent.)

Giving it a confident look, the Battle Drake shifted its gaze as if nothing had happened. It seemed like the creature itself had no intention of hostility towards us.

In the ancient tree homeland of Yggdrasil, I had read about how in the demon realm, wild dragons could be somewhat tamed by displaying overwhelming strength. I remembered feeling excited about the idea. I hadn't expected to encounter one so easily now. Right now, I understood that there were more pressing matters than my curiosity. I am a man who can prioritize appropriately.

...But someday, I'd really like to ride one.

In the demon realm, wild dragons are rumored to possess power several times greater than the demons found in the plains. While taming them is one thing, allowing them to be ridden suggests that the demon riding them must also have considerable strength.

Minori manages to hold herself together, but her hands tremble slightly.

(No need to worry. I don't want to escalate the situation. Attacking from a position where I don't know the opponent's strength or strategy would be unwise. Let's stay calm and let it pass.)

(Yes, I apologize for causing you concern...)

Even without this situation, the demon realm is already a place where all creatures are extraordinarily powerful. Given the overwhelming strength of the demons here, it's natural for fear to prevail, even for Minori, who has become stronger. I tightly held Minori's hand, which was shaking with anxiety.

—Appraisal magic.

【Name】 Gurgea Zoringer

【Race】 Demon

【Attribute】 Dark Magic

【Age】 42

【Affiliation】 Demon King's Army, Southern Mana Recovery Unit, Responsible Unit Leader

【Summoned Dragon】 Little Van

Even in the demon realm, the appraisal magic continues to be very useful. Knowing the name of that cool dragon is quite convenient.

Among the demons with horns around, tinted with a faint red, Gurgea, the leading demon with horns glowing blue-white, enters the village with the Battle Drake.

While the demons wreak havoc in the village, Gurgea mutters as if spitting out his words.

"Hmph, looks like there's no one left here. Same old weakness. I'm starting to doubt if they were even from our kin."

"Well, Gurugea, M'lord, considering how far we are from Lastesia, it's no surprise there are hardly any kin around."

"The Demon King's revival urgently needs more magical power. That's why we bothered coming all the way to this frontier. Honestly, these fools are carefree, not even contributing enough magical power. I thought even withered demons would contribute somewhat to our magical power..."

...This group of demons seems to be the former residents of Rodd Village, huh?

If that's the case, the former residents seem a bit strange. The glow of their horns, tinted with red, is increasing.

It seems the source of this magical power is none other than Gurgea.

"Even if you say that, there ain't no one left. Surely, if the old man and the old lady were alive, they'd gladly offer their lives for the Demon King. Of course, we would too."

Gurgea raises a crystal he had in his hand. Threads of magical power extend from the crimson crystal to each of their horns, further intensifying the glow.

Muscles bulge vigorously, and the color of magical power becomes even richer.

The demons with changed eye colors raise a mighty roar.

"We're all here, prepared to sacrifice our lives for the Demon King. If told to die, our clan is always ready to die. Feel free to ask for anything at any time. Right, everyone!"


"Heh. A good attitude. The Demon King would surely be pleased. Now that it's decided, let's quickly find magical beasts or anything else."

Gurgea declares with satisfaction. Minori, who had been quietly observing, mutters in a perplexed manner.

(Sir Reese, what are they saying?)

Minori turned towards us, her voice carrying a tone of sadness.

(Why are they shedding tears?)

The demons ravaging this village and those advising Gurgea all display expressions that don't match their words. This has been the unsettling feeling since they arrived in the village.

Despite it being their own village, they're plundering it like thieves. Moreover, they willingly offer their kin's magical power for the Demon King.

Just as I suspected.

(It's a type of mental contamination magic, a form of mind control.)

(Mind control?)

(They poured magical power from that crystal, turning once kind demons into loyal soldiers manipulated at their will.)

(Is it really possible with magical power?)

(As long as the foundation is set, you can manipulate a person's heart with just one trigger. That foundation has been laid since they were born.)

In the local grimoires, there are numerous descriptions about the revival of the Demon King. The Demon King is a truly unique existence in the world. The revival of the Demon King is the only way for the demons to prosper—so it says.

The absolute defeat of the Demon King, a pivotal symbol, doesn't exist in demon history. Gurgea forcefully magnified the mental chains of "the revival of the Demon King" ingrained in them since childhood, using magic.

The use of dark magic, exploiting human nature and darkness, isn't widely known in the human world, hence Minori's lack of awareness.

(Will they never return to how they were...)

Minori gazes at the demons with a lonely expression.

Even Granny Quarta finds it puzzling.

—They started whispering about the revival of the Demon King shortly after this generation was born. Although there were talks about having a better life if the Demon King revived, they shouldn't be so obsessed with it.

Born in a generation where whispers of the Demon King's revival were always present, they could become pawns of the Demon King's army.


(No, they still retain their consciousness.)

The only solace is that they haven't completely succumbed to becoming pawns of the Demon King's army. Despite ravaging their hometown and being willing to sacrifice even their own relatives, such heinous acts. Even if their bodies are submissive, their hearts cannot accept it.

Those tears are proof of their last resistance being allowed.

"Now then, Lord Gurgea—"

Amidst the roars, a calm voice reached us.

"Our village is a bit further down from here."

The dialect used for the advice was familiar to us. Gurgea softened his expression with a "Hoh."

"In such a remote place, there's still a village. Fine, lead the way."

"Thank you so much! If we can be of service to the Demon King, Grandma and the others will gladly... Grandma and the others will willingly offer themselves with joy..."

The familiar dialect leaves no room for doubt. It's the intonation of Quarta Village.

At that moment, a warm feeling welled up from the depths of my stomach. If there are survivors in Quarta Village who have managed to escape the threat of magical beasts, these individuals would end up betraying their own kind. Moreover, they would do so without going against their own will.

(Sir Reese, I'm fine.)

Minori took a deep breath. A fiery determination gleamed in her eyes.

(Let's go. Not just for their sake, but we must ensure the Demon King's army doesn't enter Quarta Village.)

It seems Minori is even more determined than I am. Fortunately, our thoughts align.

(Yeah, I'm thinking the same. I trust my back to you, Minori.)

The two are resolute. From here on, it's time for an Elf and a human to launch a raid against the Demon King's army!

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