Thursday, November 9, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 28

 Reincarnated Elf (105), takes on an apprentice

It was a C-rank magical beast, a Magic Boar, measuring about 2 meters in size. A straight charge from this creature alone was quite imposing. What's more, its fangs harbored magical power capable of easily dispelling the magic of adventurers. This magic bore a striking resemblance to the hardening spells once used by the beastfolk tribe.

What made this particular Magic Boar even more formidable was its ability to channel magic beyond its physical limits, manifesting as a black aura around its body. This state was often referred to as a 'powerful monster,' elevating its threat level to that of an A-rank creature, despite its C-rank classification.

In a desperate attempt to shake off the flames clinging to its body, the Magic Boar confronted the breath of a dragon.

Glancing back, Jin, the 'Chosen Hero,' was stuck in the muddied ground, gazing up at the situation with disbelief. His twisted leg was swollen, making it seem impossible for him to stand.

"――Advanced Healing Magic: Breath of the Goddess."

As the green light enveloped Jin, the reddened leg immediately cooled down.

"Without even using a healing potion...!"

"Those guys are really something. They shouldn't make themselves responsible for their stuff, like carrying their baggage back themselves...?"

However, as he tried to pick up the bag that Jin had dropped, he noticed its substantial weight, equivalent to that of a person. Jin had been running with this burden just moments ago.

In the vast and uneven forest of Vastela, it was clear that Jin was serving as a baggage carrier for his party members. At least for now, there were no fluctuations in his magic power.

"You've been carrying this without using magic?" I inquired. Jin's face contorted with frustration, and he hung his head.

"Ordinarily, I'd have used magic-boosted shoes to carry this, but I was born without magic, and I can't even use magical tools. If I were stronger, maybe they wouldn't have left me behind."

Despite his self-deprecation, a quick glance from me at his well-defined arms and legs revealed significant muscle mass. If he had chosen a different path, he likely would have excelled in another field apart from being an adventurer.

However, this boy, despite his awkwardness, had fallen in love with the idea of becoming an adventurer. He couldn't let go of the life of an adventurer, even if he didn't quite fit the role. Most importantly, he wasn't lamenting the lack of magic; instead, he was focusing on his own inadequacies, ensuring he could withstand the potential consequences when the 'Chosen Hero' factor bloomed.

"That's fantastic. You can get stronger from now on, or rather, I'll make you stronger. I promise."


"You have the potential to become a strong adventurer. I'll prove wrong those who abandoned you. This is your turning point. If your desire to grow stronger still burns, take my hand."

Extending my hand toward Jin, his face began to rise gradually, showing a mix of surprise and determination.

"I want to become strong."

His eyes mirrored Minori's from the past, reflecting a fierce determination to persevere despite standing at the edge of despair.

With newfound determination, Jin took my hand and rose to his feet.

In my previous life, I never experienced anything like this, even when I lived up to 30 years. Minori and Jin, who are barely half that age, show incredible strength.

"Yeah, you can count on me."

As I shook Jin's hand firmly, the fire-repelling boar, after extinguishing the flames, began to gather its magic again. Its entire body became covered with magic, and its fur bristled suddenly. This must be the hardening magic used by the beastfolk. If they were using hardening magic, we should too.

"Hardening magic, 'Beast's Fist,' and magic augmentation, 'Thunder's Fist.'"

I clenched my fist and added attribute magic.


The strong boar charged us with the wind cutting through.

"Watch this, Jin."

Kaboom! My lightning-infused right arm met the charging boar head-on, creating a sandstorm and causing the trees to sway with the shockwave.

And in that moment...


The boar, without much resistance, sunk into the ground.

"Amazing... One hit, on the strong monster..."

"The result of 100 years of training. You'll surpass this in just a few years."

Once the 'Chosen Hero' factor blooms, it's said to have a specialized effect on demons and magical beasts. I managed to defeat this boar with one blow after 100 years of training. However, once the 'Chosen Hero' factor emerges, you'll be able to do the same much earlier.

When it comes to facing the Demon King, there's no time to struggle against an opponent like this.

"I... I'll do my best..."

Jin appeared somewhat skeptical, but...

"Huh? Is it just me, or is there some black mist coming from the boar?"

Although I looked in the direction Jin pointed, nothing unusual seemed apparent. But then...


The black aura enveloping the boar gathered and formed a single black mist in the air. It resembled the one emitted by the creature that had defeated Mrs. Grillet.

"Why-are-you-here, Elf?"

I felt an unfamiliar chill run through me.

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