Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Chapter 6

 Day Six: A Small Wish

The following day, I was awakened by the growling of my hungry stomach. Despite having eaten lightly due to a mouth injury, I knew it was time for a meal.

I rose from my bed and left the cozy warmth of my blanket. In the storage room, at the back, I opened the bottom drawer of a desk. From within, I retrieved a package, a gift from Lulu, which I discreetly concealed among my undergarments.

Exiting the storage room, I made my way to the well. Inside the main building, the maids were busily occupied, and I slipped outside without drawing their attention.

Arriving at the well, I drew some water and quenched my parched throat. Then, I hid among the thickets of nearby trees, reached for the package concealed beneath my clothes, and gingerly unwrapped it. A fragrant aroma wafted from the package as I retrieved a piece.

As my mouth was still tender from the burn, I placed a corner of it in my mouth, allowing it to soften as my saliva worked its magic. However, the taste eluded me due to the injury to my tongue.

I couldn't help but feel a bit let down. On the brighter side, I was grateful that Lulu had shared his name with me. Even if it was a nickname and not his true name, it hinted at his fondness for me. It was a pity I didn't live to see the release of the fandisc.

Nevertheless, I had to remind myself that this was not a game world. Both Lulu and I were living in the present. There were no second chances or resets here if things went wrong.

It might appear like a world similar to the game, but that's where the resemblance ended. In reality, I had formed a genuine friendship with Lulu, even though the original game didn't include a scenario where Lucienne had an acquaintance who was an assassin.

In other words, it was best to regard this place as a different world that bore some resemblance. My primary goal was to stay alive. The original story still had about ten years left before it reached its conclusion. Moreover, once my memories returned, Lucienne's path would differ significantly from the one in the game.

I had no expectation that events similar to the original game would unfold. Probably not.

"Found you in a place like this," Lulu's playful voice accompanied his graceful landing beside me, almost as if the air itself had gently lowered him.

He bent down to meet my gaze. "Good morning, Lulu," I greeted him after briefly pausing my meal.

Lulu squinted his eyes and chuckled. "Good morning, even though it's already past noon," he observed.

"That's alright. It's morning to me when I wake up and see you for the first time," I explained.

"Is that so?" Lulu seemed charmed by my perspective and continued to watch me eat, making no move to leave.

As I ate, I grew a little thirsty. Without a word, Lulu offered me something.

"Here, have some water," he said, handing me a flat container. I took it and took a sip, noticing that he kept the lid. The water inside helped me wash down the food in my mouth. After another sip, I handed it back to him. "Thank you for the water," I expressed my gratitude.

"You're welcome," Lulu replied, taking the container back but keeping the lid off. It seemed like he held it that way in case I wanted more.

I continued to eat the remaining corner of my food. Naturally, I couldn't talk while eating.

Lulu didn't seem to mind the silence. Hidden in the bushes, the two of us quietly spent time together.

As I finished one piece, Lulu praised me with a gentle pet. Encouraged, I reached for the second piece.

However, eating the second piece was proving to be more challenging. I held it with both hands and exerted more effort to continue.

"Hmph!" I huffed as I attempted to break it.

...But it wouldn't break.

It was certainly quite hard, and my palm started to hurt from the effort.

A hand reached out from the side and effortlessly took the food from my hand. In front of me, it snapped in two.

...Wow, he broke it with one hand!

I brought both pieces together, and the two halves of the food fell into my hand.

"Thank you," I said gratefully.

Lulu tilted his head. "Lucienne is quick to say thank you, isn't she?"

He sounded genuinely curious.

"When someone does something for you, you say 'thank you,' and if you do something wrong, you say 'I'm sorry.'"

"Oh, I see. Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Don't you say those things, Lulu?"

"Hmm..." Lulu made a gesture as if trying to remember something, then nodded. "Yeah."

As an assassin, he probably did a lot of bad things, and maybe he didn't say thanks or apologize very often.

Well, expressions of gratitude and apologies are meaningful when they come naturally. Reminding him wouldn't make a difference.

"I do all sorts of good and bad things in my line of work, so I don't say 'thank you' or 'sorry' for every little thing," Lulu explained.

"I see," I responded, understanding his perspective.

"...Aren't you angry?" Lulu asked, as he observed my response.

I looked at the two pieces of food in my hand and offered one to Lulu.

"I'm not angry," I reassured him. "Because 'thank you' and 'I'm sorry' are things you say when you want to say them. I think you should say them when you want to."

Lulu blinked, accepted the food, and alternated his gaze between the food in his hand and my face. Then he chuckled silently.

"You're so strange, Lucienne."

With that comment, he tucked the food under what looked like a scarf wrapped around his face. He didn't pull the cloth down.

I had hoped to see his face for a moment, but if he didn't want to show it, I wasn't going to force him.

He crunched the food, making a crackling sound.

....Oh, he's eating this hard stuff normally.

I didn't imitate him but held a fragment of the remaining food in my mouth to soften it.

"If you could leave this place, Lucienne, what would you want to do?" Lulu suddenly asked.

His unexpected question made me ponder. I wanted to enjoy delicious food, but my body as Lucienne couldn't tolerate much. As for clothing, I didn't need anything extravagant. Here, I could sleep as much as I wanted. If I wanted to go outside, I could simply visit the well. But did I really have anything specific I wanted to do if I were to leave this place?

Lulu tilted his head as I remained silent.

"Is there something you want to do?" Lulu asked.

I nodded in response.

"What about any specific desires or wishes?" he continued.

"I want to heal my mouth," I replied.

Lulu chuckled. "I didn't mean it that way, but wanting a mouth could be one of your desires."

In any case, my mouth injury was causing problems. It made eating difficult, and the constant pain was frustrating. Plus, it made it hard to taste things properly.

"By the way, do your body wounds still hurt?" Lulu asked.

I moved my arm while holding food in my mouth. I thought for a moment.

"Hmm, it still hurts a bit," I answered, the discomfort evident in my voice.

Lulu squinted his eyes, appearing somewhat unhappy.

"I'll give you pain relief at night," he said.

"At night?" I questioned.

"Because it makes you drowsy. If you can't wake up when someone calls you, they might get suspicious," Lulu explained.

"Understood," I agreed.

The queen consorts sometimes called me at night for unpredictable reasons, which could include subjecting me to violence or assigning meaningless tasks. Not waking up when called would indeed raise suspicions.

Lulu's hand reached out to my cheek, and his fingers wiped my mouth.

"It's sweet."

The food resembled hard biscuits coated in sugar, and it had left sugar around my mouth. Sugar had also stuck to Lulu's gloved fingers.

I licked the finger he extended towards me.

"Yes, it's sweet because of the sugar," I noted.

Although the water I had prepared for quenching my thirst went unused, it didn't matter.

Once I finished eating, Lulu gently patted my head once more and then quietly vanished.

I wondered why Lulu had come and where he usually stayed within the palace. It was always a mystery.

Upon returning to my storage room, I emptied the water from the bucket. I opened the door and slipped inside, closing it behind me.

I stretched out on top of the blanket.

As I considered what I might want to do if I ever left the palace, I realized that I couldn't think of anything.

If a coup d'état were to occur, it would likely mean that I would leave the palace. As the first princess in the newly established Fayette family, I should be provided with a comfortable life with no shortages, including proper food, clothing, and a suitable place to sleep.

However, I couldn't think of any specific desires.

But one thing was clear: If it were allowed, I'd want to meet Lulu again.

After all, he was the first person to teach me his name, back when I was Lucienne, and he had been kinder to me than anyone else.

* * * * *

Slipping through the hidden passage in the ceiling, Lefebvre entered the room where the queen resided.

As usual, the queen was extravagantly dressed and leisurely enjoying her time in the luxurious and opulent room. While Lucienne cherished plain biscuits in one part of the palace, the queen indulged in dishes prepared by her exclusive chefs, with a multitude of exquisite offerings spread across the table.

Many different types of dishes were placed on the table, more than the queen could finish alone, and she ate whatever she wanted at her own pace. Some plates remained untouched.

The queen savored the meals over a leisurely time.

Occasionally, she would dine with the prince and princesses, but today, it seemed she preferred to enjoy her meal alone.

Expensive wine was consumed, dishes made from high-quality ingredients were eaten, and she adorned herself with silk dresses imported from other countries, along with large pearls and precious gemstone accessories.

The king, the queen, the consorts, the princes, and the princesses all indulged in luxury, almost as if they had planned it out. They seemed oblivious to the state of affairs outside the palace.

The royals reveled in luxury, depleting the national treasury and, in turn, collecting taxes from the citizens. Those unable to pay were treated as criminals and, in the worst cases, executed. Even the city's residents couldn't be considered affluent. Conditions in the countryside were even harsher, and people there were struggling in poverty.

...But this situation would soon come to an end.

Around one week from now, the nobles led by Bernard Fayette, our client, plan to overthrow the monarchy in a coup. Our client is scheming to seize the throne.

Except for Lucienne, the royal family will be executed.

Lucienne was the only one who had avoided execution due to her background and circumstances.

Even her situation was quite pitiful. It might have been better for her to face execution alongside the others. Nevertheless, Lefebvre had no intention of letting Lucienne die or be killed. He planned to snatch her from the palace the night before her execution and hide her in a place where no one could find her. He slightly regretted reporting it.

"This wine doesn't go with this dish at all!"

The queen shouted angrily and threw her wine glass at a servant, staining their attire with red wine and shattering the glass at their feet. The servant quickly apologized and went to fetch a new glass, while other attendants waiting at the room's edge began cleaning up the glass shards and spilled wine.

"Can't they at least select a wine that complements the food properly? Honestly, both the dish and the wine are worthless if they don't go together."

The queen vented her frustration. Although her words weren't directed at anyone in particular, a lady-in-waiting standing nearby nodded in agreement, saying, "Indeed, Your Majesty, you have such exquisite taste."

... What's so exquisite about it anyway? If the wine chosen by the cook didn't match the meal, it was likely the queen's palate that lacked discernment, rather than the wine being at fault.

A different servant brought a new bottle of wine. Upon taking a sip, the queen narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

"Yes, this flavor."

She nodded and resumed her meal, and the wine's color appeared identical to the content of the previously thrown glass.

The relieved servant, who had brought the wine, noted that she wouldn't be causing any more trouble for a while.

... She won't be moving for a bit.

Lefebvre navigated through concealed passages in the ceiling. This was the perfect moment to acquire the medicine he planned to give to Lucienne. He needed painkillers, a body ointment, and herbal candies to treat her damaged mouth. The candies weren't particularly tasty, but they would help heal the wounds and offer some pain relief. Even if she resisted, he intended to ensure she took them.

While these medicines were somewhat expensive, Lefebvre considered it a reasonable expense. If providing these items would help gain Lucienne's trust, it was money well spent. He left the palace, crossed the grounds, and scaled the city walls. Lefebvre sprinted across the rooftops of the capital.

With his skills and magical abilities, he managed to move without attracting any attention. He made his way to the familiar apothecary without encountering any trouble.

* * * * *

It was nighttime, just as Lulu had promised. Like clockwork, he materialized in the storage room.

After numerous surprise visits, I'd become accustomed to sudden appearances. Lulu silently descended in front of me on the blanket, his body gently bending to meet my gaze.

"Lucienne, have you been a good girl?" His voice was barely audible, and I nodded in response.


"Good girl, such a good girl." He extended his hand to give me a reassuring pat on the head.

His hand retreated, and he began rummaging in his pocket.

"Do you still have any biscuits left?"

"Yes, I have one bundle and two pieces."

"In that case, you should be okay." Lulu nodded in agreement.

He then handed me something, a small package, likely containing powdered medicine.

"What's this?"

I accepted it with curiosity.

"It's a pain reliever. It's bitter, but it works," Lulu explained, holding a container of water.

Bitter? And powdered medicine. I wasn't a fan of it, but it was a thoughtful gesture from Lulu. Opening the package, I found white powder. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back, opened my mouth, and allowed the powder to drop onto my tongue. Then, he handed me the water container.

I swiftly downed it in one go. The bitterness quickly spread across my palate, and I used the water to wash it away. Once I'd consumed it all, Lulu leaned in to inspect my open mouth, confirming I had taken the medicine.

"Yeah, you managed to drink it all."

"It's... bitter..." I said.

"Well, that's how medicine is," Lulu replied.

Then, a round object gently rolled into my open mouth. It was sweet and slowly dissolved.

Wait, this is chocolate! Lucienne must be trying it for the first time. I couldn't help but savor it, and Lulu asked, "Is it delicious?" as I nodded repeatedly.

"Chocolate is the best palate cleanser, right?" Lulu chuckled.

Once I finished the chocolate, Lulu handed me a small pouch. I opened it to find greenish, round candies with a subtle herbal scent.

"These are herbal candies. They won't make you drowsy, so you can have one in the morning and one at night. They'll help your mouth heal faster, and they have a slight pain-relieving effect," Lulu explained.

Wow, these candies sounded incredible! Surprised, I looked up at Lulu, and he advised me, "Don't eat them tonight since you already took a painkiller."

I nodded firmly.

"If you had even a bit of magic, you could use magic to heal your injuries to some extent. But it seems like I can't use magic on you. I tried to heal your injuries before, but the magic just bounced off," Lulu said.

"Is that so?" I responded, concerned about the implications.

Without the ability to rely on magic for healing, I would have to rely on medicine or medical procedures. But what was the state of medical technology in this world? Could they perform surgery to treat severe injuries? The fact that magic couldn't help in my case raised questions about the advancement of medicine in this world. Lost in my thoughts, I realized I had unconsciously gripped the pouch tightly, and I could hear the candies inside clinking together.

...Thinking about it won't change anything.

I need to do my best to avoid major injuries.

I made my way to the desk in the back of the room, fumbling for the bottom drawer. I stashed the pouch deep inside.

Returning to my blanket, Lulu held a small bottle.

"Okay, undress."

I blinked in response, but I wasn't embarrassed around Lulu. Lucienne's body was that of a child, and Lulu had seen her in her underwear and treated her injuries initially.

I obediently removed my tattered dress.

Lulu examined my body.

"Hmm, your bruises have lightened, but these scars around here might linger," he commented, gently tapping my back.

When I tried to shield myself from violence, I often turned my back to protect my front. The queen and the princesses would kick me with their heeled shoes, and the wooden heels would cause pain and quickly lead to bruises and scars.

Lulu opened a small bottle and placed it on the floor. He then retrieved a bundle of small cloths from his pocket, leaving one for me to hold. Taking the bottle, he applied the greenish liquid to one of the cloths.

The cloth, soaked in the bottle's contents, was gently placed on my back by Lulu.

This was the same treatment I had received from him earlier, with the faint scent of herbs confirming it. He repeated this process, expertly placing the medicated cloths on my body.

However, this time, there were fewer cloths than before.

"...You're really banged up," Lulu mused with a mix of admiration and disbelief in his voice.

He examined my arms, legs, and abdomen, all marked with numerous small wounds and some noticeable bruises. But my face remained unscathed, perhaps deliberately avoided.

"You know," I began, addressing Lulu while he tended to my injuries.

Lulu responded with an inquisitive "Hm?"

"There's something I'd like to do if I ever get a chance to go outside," I continued.

Lulu turned to look at me, his gray eyes filled with curiosity.

"Oh? What is it?"

I met his gaze and explained, "I want to meet you."

Lulu's eyes widened in surprise.


"Yes, even if I get the chance to go outside, all I want is to meet you. I can manage with just food and clothing, but I can't bear the thought of not seeing you."

His gray eyes locked onto me, and before I could grasp what was happening, I found myself in a sudden embrace from Lulu. It was an unexpected gesture.

Lulu's arms gently wrapped around me as my face nestled against his shoulder. It was the first time I had been this close to someone, and my heart raced within Lucienne's chest.

His body felt warmer than mine. There was no distinct scent, perhaps due to his profession as an assassin, but his grip was firm.

"Don't worry; even if you go outside, we'll still be able to meet," he reassured me through our close proximity.

I responded by hugging him tightly to express my happiness.

As our bodies separated, leaving me with a touch of loneliness, I released my grip on him.

"I wish I could take you away just like this," Lulu muttered.

However, it was impossible. After all, my royal status meant that I was subjected to this treatment. If Lulu were to take me outside and this was discovered by the nobles planning a coup, it would put him in a difficult position.

So, I held Lulu's hand and said, "I can't. If I'm gone, other people will be angry."

"Who cares about those other people? Spending time with me is much more enjoyable than enduring abuse here. Besides, you'll be fine. I'd like to be with you forever," Lulu replied.

I felt the same way, thinking that it would be great to be with him always. However, I had to remind him, "It's not just about the pain. If you take me away, you'll get into trouble. You know that, right?"

Knowing I could still see Lulu even if I ventured outside made it easier to endure this life until the coup.

Even though Lulu was a skilled assassin, if he attracted the anger of the nobles or the upcoming royal family from the Fayette House, it might jeopardize his future work and life.

"Lucienne, do you mind if I get in trouble?" Lulu asked.

"No," I replied.

"Alright, then I'll stop," Lulu said, tilting his head. I reached out and patted him.

"Good boy, Lulu," I said softly.

His gray eyes widened, and suddenly, Lulu's demeanor softened.

"No one's ever said that to me before."

Lulu's short brown hair looked soft and fluffy.

* * * * *

After conversing for a while, Lucienne drifted off to sleep. The pain reliever I had given her was evidently taking effect. I gently covered her small, curled-up body with the blanket.

As I observed Lucienne sleeping, a peculiar realization dawned on me. I had an unusual yearning to hold someone close, despite my role as an assassin, which typically shied away from close contact and intimacy.

In my childhood, the women in the brothel where I was raised would occasionally embrace me, but I had never reciprocated the gesture.

Was this a sign that she had chosen me?

Even after leaving the palace, Lucienne expressed a strong desire to see me, prioritizing my presence over food and clothing. She likely didn't realize the significance of those words to me.

The small, delicate body nestled in my arms brought a comforting sensation. When I encircled Lucienne with my arms, I couldn't quite pinpoint the emotion or put a name to it, but it certainly wasn't negative. It felt pleasant to hold her.

Had her tiny arms reached out to return the embrace, I might have held Lucienne for a much longer time. However, I eventually regained my senses and gently released her. Yet, as our bodies parted, it left behind a sense of absence and a slight chill in the air.

I continued to stroke Lucienne's head as she slumbered.

Initially, my plan was to cultivate her attachment to me, but it turned out that I was becoming increasingly attached to her. This was not something I opposed. While I didn't feel an overwhelming urge to serve Lucienne, I did want to do something for her. My hope was that my connection with her would grow even stronger.

Following the coup, Lucienne would become the adopted daughter of the Fayette family, and once she reached adulthood, she would belong to me.

However, I have no intention of spending these years apart. I want to witness this child's growth up close, and I won't distance myself to thwart others.

Having conducted research on Lucienne, I likely knew more about her than she did about herself. Lucienne La Vérie, the third princess who would soon celebrate her fifth birthday. Her mother was the daughter of an earl who lost her life during Lucienne's birth, and her family was ruined by the queen. Despite their disappearance from the social scene, Lucienne still bore the blood of an ancient aristocratic and royal lineage.

She lacked magical abilities, but she possessed the unique amber eyes characteristic of the royal family. Only those with amber eyes could inherit the throne. The reason the queen did not kill Lucienne was that if anything were to happen to the second prince, who also possessed amber eyes, the next in line for the throne would be Lucienne, the only other amber-eyed individual among the direct royal offspring.

At present, the only individuals with amber eyes from the direct royal line were the second prince and Lucienne. Some of the king's sisters had married into ducal families, but none of their offspring displayed amber eyes. If Lucienne were to ascend to the throne, the queen would most likely make her a puppet or a nominal queen to exert control over the country.

The queen and the queen's side consort had a contentious relationship. In particular, the queen had a strong aversion to the second prince with amber eyes and had attempted to poison him several times.

Yet, the second prince had managed to survive these attempts. Having failed to kill him with poison, it seemed the queen was now considering hiring an assassin. It was proving difficult to find someone willing to take on the task, as they would be obviously used as disposable pawns.

"...About ten years,"

More precisely, it was eleven years until Lucienne reached adulthood. I would have to wait that long to formally claim her. While it was a lengthy period, it wasn't unbearable. Watching her grow would be intriguing.

I wondered how she would develop in the outside world.

...Ah, I might have a good idea.

With this, I could surely stay close to Lucienne.

...I hope the coup comes soon.

After watching Lucienne's peaceful slumber for a while, I disappeared to report back to my client.

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