Monday, October 23, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 76

 The vengeful ghost cries out in anguish

Norman Stewart, the butler of the Valiaz Duke's household, and his wife, Martha Stewart, the head maid, are the masterminds behind the plot that led to the Valiaz family's downfall.

"Wait, Crow! Something's not right. The butler's family has been serving the Valiaz family for generations. To think they would betray us like that... It just doesn't make sense."

Jerald stands before me, looking flustered, as I glare at the composed Norman in response to my accusations.

It's understandably hard to believe my words. As Jerald insists, Norman hails from a lineage of loyal servants who have been serving the Valiaz family for generations. The trust he's gained from our master and his unwavering loyalty makes it seem implausible that he would betray us.

"It may be hard to believe, but when you consider it, many things start to add up."

However, precisely because they are so trusted, once they decide to betray us, they could easily manipulate the Lord Duke. Even the incident where Serena, a mere maid, was able to take sensitive documents from the Valiaz family, as well as the interference of spies, becomes less complicated to understand if we assume they were aiding these events.

"In addition, the way Lord Duke behaved today is the most compelling evidence."

"The Duke?"

Of course, I'm not making such claims without any basis. The enemy spies didn't leave clear evidence, but a decisive piece of information came to light at that party.

"When Lord Duke was apprehended and accused by the prince, he seemed extremely surprised."

"Well, I mean... if anyone were in such a situation, they'd react that way, right?"

Jerald appears to be confused about what's so peculiar, tilting his head at my words.

Admittedly, a normal person would react with surprise when being arrested as a criminal. However, our master is not an ordinary person.

"Ordinarily, that would be true. But think about it for a moment. The person he was dealing with is the head of the Valiaz family. Why wouldn't he know even that much?"

The true essence of the Valiaz family's power doesn't just lie in their wealth or their control of criminal organizations; it also comes from the extensive network of excellent spies who gather every conceivable piece of information.

This information network spans the globe, and there's no organization that surpasses them in the realm of intelligence warfare. In fact, Lord Duke's control over this information gives him significant influence not only within the kingdom but also in various foreign nations.

That the head of such a family wasn't aware of the entire theatrical performance is already highly unusual in itself.

"In this situation, thanks to the efforts of my subordinates, I was already aware of what would unfold at that event. Additionally, the Valiaz family's spies are even more skilled than my own subordinates."

The moment of realization came when I discovered the contents of Maria's notebook. With a bit of investigation, I could easily piece together the movements of the prince and his entourage.

Considering this, it would be unnatural to believe that they possessed information about the situation that I, was not aware of.

"However, didn't the Duke know about it?"

This is the crux of the matter.

It's highly likely that the Valiaz family's spies had information concerning this event. There's hardly any doubt about that. Yet, Lord Duke, who should have known about it, remained oblivious.

In that case, it's reasonable to assume that someone suppressed this information before it reached the Duke.

And considering the position capable of such an act, the possibilities narrow down.

"The information that spies gather from various places is immense. While my subordinates mainly operate within the capital, the Valiaz family's spies, who work not only in the kingdom but also abroad, provide a staggering amount of information."

Additionally, since my role is primarily to look after Milady, I can't manage such a vast amount of data alone.

Lord Duke, on the other hand, has the duties of a duke, leadership in a faction, and numerous other responsibilities. So, it's impossible for him to devote all his attention to this matter.

Even if we accumulate an extensive collection of information, it's futile unless we can effectively manage and prioritize it.

Consequently, in noble houses, the information gathered by spies from various regions is typically sorted and evaluated before presenting it, ensuring that only essential details are extracted.

"If Norman, as the chief butler and the coordinator of the spies, was controlling the flow of information, it would have been easy for him to withhold certain details from our master's reports, wouldn't it?"

"…Impressive. You've arrived at all of this in such a short time."

Finally, Norman, who hadn't uttered a word until now, spoke. He wore a serene smile, typical of him, and offered words of admiration. There was nothing in his demeanor that suggested he was the mastermind behind the Valiaz family's downfall.

"True, you might have anticipated it, Crow, but do you have any concrete evidence?"

"Is it necessary to do something like this? We had no other choice, given the circumstances."

Jerald's bewildered query, as he glanced back at Norman and Martha, stemmed from his disbelief. It was difficult to fathom that they'd engage in such a bizarre course of action.

"But you probably understand the reasons behind it, right, Crow?"

"While I have my suspicions, I lack solid proof."

"Would you mind sharing your suspicions with us?"

Instead of addressing Jerald's inquiry, Norman continued to gaze at me intently. It was apparent that he wasn't eager to divulge the more damning aspects of the situation, which I hadn't had time to investigate. If my hunches were correct, this conversation was unlikely to be pleasant.

"Lycolis Stewart. She's likely the reason behind all of this."

"Stewart? You mean..."

"That's right, she's the only daughter of the chief butler and his wife."

At the mere mention of her name, Norman and Martha, who had maintained their stoic expressions until now, showed subtle signs of concern behind Jerald.

It seemed my assumptions were heading in the right direction.

"But I've never heard of the butler having a daughter."

"That's understandable. Lycolis vanished before Captain's arrival at the Valiaz family."


"Yes. She had been undergoing maid training in another household. On the day she was supposed to return to the Valiaz family after completing her training, she mysteriously disappeared, and her whereabouts have remained unknown ever since."

The term "disappeared" appeared to evoke unsettling thoughts for Jerald. He winced as he comprehended the implications. In this country, when a commoner woman went missing, it often implied involvement in something less than honorable.

If that disappearance had any connection to Norman and Martha's betrayal of the Valiaz family, it would reveal a disquieting truth.

"Chief Butler, you once mentioned your daughter to me."


"At that time, you told me that your daughter had already passed away. You recognized her death as an undeniable fact, not as someone who had gone missing with uncertainty or a trace, but simply as the truth."

I'd looked into her as well, but Valiaz family records only mentioned her disappearance, with no information on her whereabouts afterward. In any case, Valiaz's spies would have been more than capable of tracing the whereabouts of a single servant.

It was difficult to believe that the Valiaz family, which had an ancestral tradition of servants serving them for generations, would simply ignore the disappearance of a servant's daughter. This was especially true if the disappearance had no malicious intent on the part of the Valiaz family.

"Did you also happen to know the reason behind her disappearance?"

"....Indeed, Crow, you're as astute as ever."

Norman's voice, lacking the usual warmth and tranquility, mumbled. This response confirmed that my suspicions were on the right track.

"So, Chief Butler... is it true?"

"Yes, our daughter was killed by that man."


The words were delivered in a matter-of-fact tone that left both Jerald and me speechless. They were a family who had served the Valiaz family for generations, and their unwavering loyalty was a given. If the chief butler and his wife had betrayed their family, there must have been a compelling reason.

His beloved daughter was taken from him.

That was reason enough to set aside loyalty and seek revenge.

"We had trouble having children even after we got married... The doctors told us it might be difficult, and it was our first and only daughter who was finally born."

Gradually, Norman began reminiscing about his daughter, as if talking about the past. It was evident that their difficulty in having an heir was perplexing. Perhaps one of them had fertility issues. Considering their daughter's birth, she was undeniably cherished.

"Our family's mission is to serve the Valiaz family. Naturally, she also took pride in that mission and looked forward to serving the Lords someday."

"On the day she completed her rigorous training and was recognized as a full-fledged member of our household, the day she could finally serve our Lords together with us, she vanished before our eyes."

"There were baseless rumors that she didn't want to serve the Valiaz family, that she ran away, or eloped with a man. But that child took immense pride in our family's mission above all else. It was impossible. We immediately realized that she had been involved in some kind of incident."

I only knew about Lycolis from records, but she appeared to be an exceptionally skilled maid, just like her parents. I'd received training as a servant, and I knew that being a Valiaz family servant, especially serving the Lords exclusively, demanded considerable knowledge, culture, and dignity. It was a role that couldn't be handled with half-hearted determination.

So, Lycolis, a person who could fulfill her training to that extent, didn't seem like someone who would easily abandon her role.

"But back then, I was just a humble butler, and I had no means to investigate it. So when the former Lord passed away, I banished my father, who was the chief butler at the time, and took my current position. It took some time for the preparations, but once I became the chief butler, I could use our spies to search for that child."

Norman paused there, interrupting his words. He clenched his fist, as if suppressing the passion within him, and took a deep breath before looking straight at us once more.

"That's how I finally found her, but it was already too late. For some reason, she had been forced into prostitution in the slums. She had contracted an epidemic disease and passed away. And what's more, it was a disease that could have been easily treated if she had been with us, rather than in such a place."

While the inevitable tragic outcome had been mentioned earlier, it was still a harsh reality. Her suffering as a prostitute in the slums was unimaginable. We might have crossed paths in the slums at some point, but there was no way to confirm it.

"At the same time, our spies also investigated the reason for her disappearance."

It was only natural for them, who had lost their daughter, to try to uncover why this had happened. By this point, it was already clear who the culprit was.

"Galius Valiaz. That man, before inheriting the title of Duke, was known for his promiscuity, and he had his way with numerous women."


Clearly, it ran in the family. Just like Zane, our Milady's brother, the former Lord had also been quite the womanizer. And considering how Zane had treated Serena, it was evident what would happen to the women targeted by a man driven by his desires.

"Yes, exactly as you might imagine. That man, who happened to notice her on the street that day, kidnapped her for fun and subjected her to humiliation. Not only that, but he thoroughly toyed with her before selling her to a brothel in the slums for the sake of destroying any evidence. Because of that, she couldn't return to us, and eventually..."

He choked on his words.

"What in the world did that child do to deserve this? What could be the reason for her to be defiled by the very man she should have been serving? To die in such a desolate place? There's no way! She wasn't the kind of person who should have had a life like that!"

Norman, who had shown a look of hatred he had never displayed before, shouted passionately. Martha, who stood beside him, didn't say anything, but her face was filled with sorrow as she looked down.

The depth of the grief from losing their beloved daughter was immeasurable.

"So, I decided to seek revenge. Fortunately, my lineage and position as the chief butler allowed me to do it without arousing suspicion from that man. While assisting him in all his misdeeds, I spent over ten years preparing to bring down the Valiaz family, patiently waiting for the right moment.

Today, finally, my long-cherished desire has come true!"

It was a revenge born from their overwhelming hatred, yet the dedication that allowed them to serve the noble family for over a decade while hiding such intense resentment was truly formidable.

If it weren't for Maria's incident, I might never have noticed their revenge plot.

"...Tell me one more thing. You mentioned before that you thought of Milady as a daughter. Was that also a lie?"

Their hatred was undoubtedly genuine.

But was it only that?

I wondered if everything, even the time they had given me advice about our Milady, had all been an act.

"At first, I wanted to eliminate Milady as well, to eradicate that accursed bloodline once and for all. But as I watched Milady change during the time I spent with you, Crow, doubt started to creep in. Just because my daughter was taken from me, did it give me the right to steal her future?"

To that question, Norman, who had been consumed by hatred until now, began to show hesitation.

Naturally, he shouldn't have sought revenge on Milady in the first place; it was the Lord Duke he should have targeted.

"So, you asked me to take Milady and leave the mansion."

"Yes, at the very least, that way, Milady wouldn't be caught up in it."

"I see... I see..."

In terms of timing, it appeared that by the time of our conversation, the plan for revenge was already in its final stages, and there was no turning back.

That's why Norman asked me to take Milady out of the mansion.

But it was an impossible request.

Milady, at this point, couldn't live any other way but as a noble. Norman knew that, even though it meant Milady would be involved.

Despite knowing the consequences, his pent-up anger and desire for revenge had led him to that choice.

"You damn bastard!"

I shouted in anger, and my fist, driven by emotion, struck Norman's face. He was sent sprawling as the impact knocked over the desk.

Even after punching him, my anger showed no sign of subsiding.

Normally, a punch like that would have been easy to deal with. Had he allowed me to hit him as a form of atonement?

"Why? Why the hell did this happen?! Milady trusted you all! How did it come to this?"

"I'm deeply sorry..."

"You're all speaking without considering anyone else! Isn't too much for Milady..."

Amid a tangle of emotions - anger, sorrow, and frustration - I found myself shouting. As I thought of Milady, likely alone in a cell, my eyes welled up with tears.

Milady, who had ultimately received so little love from her family and her intended husband. Even the servants, who should have been among her few confidants, had betrayed her.

The situation was just too much for Milady to bear.

"I will rescue Milady. Don't stand in my way."

With unwavering determination, I locked eyes with Norman through my tear-blurred vision. Although I believed the spies would no longer interfere after their revenge, I wanted to make sure the message was clear.

"Aren't you going to finish us off?"

"If you die, Milady will undoubtedly grieve."

Despite their betrayal, it was true that Norman and the others had provided various forms of support to Milady. Hearing of their deaths would undoubtedly sadden her compassionate heart, and I wanted to spare her any more pain.

"I see... There's not much more I can say, but please, take care of Milady."

"Of course. Let's go, Captain."


With a deep bow, Norman and the others turned to leave. I then embarked on my mission to rescue Milady.


"Ouch... I got quite a beating, though I suppose it's my own fault."


"I'm sorry, Martha, for dragging you into such foolishness."

After Crow and the others left, Martha approached Norman, who remained in the office. Even though their revenge was successful, Norman's heart remained heavy. After all, no matter how much they sought vengeance, their beloved daughter wouldn't return.

"Yes, it was quite troublesome for us, thanks to you."

Just then, someone spoke to them. They thought they were alone in the room, but they were startled to find a maid with an expressionless face looking down at them.

"Miss Eins... Are you here to deal with us?"

"No, as long as my master has decided to spare your lives, I must obey. However, I do have a few things to say about being kicked."

"Oh... I'm truly sorry about that. You were not an opponent I could afford to hold back against."

Norman responded to Eins, who seemed to be expressing some frustration, with a weak smile. They had attempted to steal confidential documents, assisting Serena, who was subsequently tracked by Crow and the others. In an effort to prevent their pursuit, Norman had taken a contingent of followers and confronted them personally. However, the abilities of Eins and her subordinates exceeded their expectations. Norman hadn't anticipated that she would even have learned eradication spells, and as a result, they had suffered a significant and painful counterattack.

"Why are you here if not to kill us?" Norman inquired.

"In simple terms, I've come to recruit you," Eins replied.

"Oh..." Norman and his wife responded with surprise, as they hadn't expected a recent defector to come and recruit them.

"In the end, despite your betrayal, your management skills within the Duke's household were quite impressive. We believe those abilities will be valuable for our master's future."

"Do you really believe I won't betray you again?"

"Your revenge has already been achieved. What would be the purpose of further betrayal?"

Eins slightly tilted her head, questioning what the issue was. To her, the Duke's household's downfall and Norman's revenge were irrelevant. What mattered most was contributing to her master, Crow.

"I understand, and it's a tempting offer, but I have to decline."

Eins exemplified true servitude more than anyone, and that example was too bright for those who had recently become traitors. Despite feeling a sense of regret about their own failures, Norman declined the offer.

"Can we hear the reason for this?"

"We've been living solely for revenge since we lost our daughter. Now that we've achieved it, we no longer have a reason to live."

In response to Eins's question, Norman replied with a weary smile.

Their lives had effectively ended the day they lost their beloved daughter. They were just living corpses moving for the sake of revenge. Originally, they had planned to eliminate that man even if it meant killing each other. But now, with that chapter closed, they had no more attachments in this world without their daughter.

"I see, is that so."

"Do you understand now? So, I'm sorry, but I cannot accept your invitation..."

"──Then, having a reason should be acceptable, right?"


Norman was taken aback when Eins suddenly spoke.

"Did I say something strange? If it's just a matter of lacking a reason to live, then providing a new one should resolve the issue," Eins continued, seemingly unfazed by Norman's confusion.

"W-wait a moment, Eins. This isn't a straightforward matter. Are you listening to me?" Norman tried to intervene, sensing that things were taking an unexpected turn.

However, Eins paid no heed to his attempts to redirect the conversation. She reached behind her neck to unfasten a chain clasp and retrieved a ring from the neckline of her maid uniform.

"Recognize this, perhaps?" Eins asked, revealing a ring before them.

Norman and Martha were utterly surprised upon seeing the ring.

"T-This is... undoubtedly our daughter's ring!" Norman stammered, accepting the ring from Eins with trembling hands. The sparkling amethyst and the engraved name on the back were unmistakable. It was the same ring their daughter, Lycolis, used to wear.

"Eins, where did you find this!?" Norman inquired with a mix of confusion and astonishment.

"This ring is a memento from my mother," Eins explained.

"What? Your mother...?" Norman and Martha finally grasped the significance of Eins's statement, their eyes widening in shock. They also noticed the striking resemblance between Eins's emerald eyes and those of the detested man.

"Wha! Ah, aaah...!"

"Since you seem to have understood, allow me to ask once more. Please, lend your strength to our master."

In front of a shocked Norman and Martha, Eins gracefully curtsied after lifting her skirt.

"You're not thinking of refusing, are you? Dear grandparents?"

With the same eyes as their detested enemy, the maid smiled just like their beloved daughter once did.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...