Monday, October 23, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 75

 My lady is going to face the downfall

At the grand celebration of the kingdom's National Founding Day, where nobles from both the kingdom and foreign dignitaries had assembled, Prince Albert made a dramatic announcement in the center of the royal palace's grand hall.

"Isabella Valiaz, I am breaking off our engagement!"

This bold act, dissolving the engagement between the heir of the world's mightiest nation and the daughter of a major noble, sent shockwaves throughout the venue, leading to a chorus of hushed conversations.

Even amid this commotion, Maria, the enigmatic lady, stood by the prince's side, her presence intimate. In the background, the familiar members of the reverse harem were in full attendance.

And so, this farcical spectacle commenced.

"Your Highness, what exactly is your intention? Your choice of amusement appears rather lacking in taste for an event like this."

Facing the prince and his entourage was Isabella, dressed in a specially crafted deep crimson gown, exclusively for tonight's festivities. Her alluring attire, with a daring neckline, accentuated her curvaceous form, captivating the gazes of the onlookers, even under the prince's keen scrutiny.

However, I could see it clearly.

Milady is absolutely furious at this moment.

Even before this party began, the prince had been escorting Maria, leaving Milady, his fiancée, humiliated. On top of that, making a public spectacle out of dissolving the engagement like this, he's putting her in an unfavorable position. Any respectable noble would naturally be angry.

It's not just about Maria appearing happy in the prince's arms; there's something more that troubles me.

As I observed this absurd performance among the other attendees, I fiddled with a wine glass I had carelessly left behind. Someone must have seized the opportunity when I was away. I had planned to return with some refreshments for Milady, but by the time I realized it, the engagement charade had already started.

Milady and her companions had already captured the attention of the entire party. I couldn't break through the crowd's gaze, so I decided to sit at a nearby table and watch how the situation would unfold.

"Silence! I won't let you forget all the terrible things you've done to Maria. A woman with your awful character has no right to be my partner!"

"Isabella, just admit your mistake and apologize properly. If you do, I might be willing to forgive you."

The prince was clearly dissatisfied with Milady's attitude, and Maria chimed in, begging for an apology. But did she understand the implications of a duchess apologizing to a baron's daughter?

Nobility values its pride. If word got out that the Duchess bowed to a baron's daughter, the reputation of the ducal house would be tarnished. Even if she apologized now and was forgiven, she'd be labeled as the woman who 'jealously harassed, followed by a broken engagement,' essentially ending her noble status.

It seems they are oblivious to these consequences, confidently believing they are in the right.

"I don't remember having anything to apologize for, do you?"


Upon hearing this from Milady, Maria let out a small gasp, looking flustered. She appeared overwhelmed by Milady's imposing aura and the menacing smile she wore as she closed her fan, crossing her arms beneath her ample bosom.

"Hmph... You persist in your feigned innocence. If you were to confess your wrongdoing and apologize sincerely, we might consider a less severe punishment, thanks to Maria's generosity."

Prince Albert, who stepped forward as if to protect Maria with Isabella behind her, held his confident stance in front of Milady.

By any reasonable measure, this farcical engagement breakup would undoubtedly end in failure, or so everyone would think.

But I knew that this engagement breakup would succeed.

"In that case, let's present some evidence. Bring it out."



Upon the prince's command, several men and women emerged from the crowd, causing Milady's once-smiling face to waver.

These individuals were supposed to be Milady's loyal companions but appeared to have now switched allegiance to the prince.

Their actions, motivated by their family's interests, demonstrated an astonishing lack of scruples as they easily changed sides, seemingly without concern for the consequences.

"Okay, let's hear your testimonies about what Isabella ordered you to do."

"Yes... Isabella asked me to cut up Maria's uniform."

"I was told to steal Maria's brooch."

"I received orders as well..."

"Me too..."

"You lot...!"

Prompted by the prince, former members of Milady's entourage began revealing one by one the various harassments she had instructed them to carry out against Maria.

Unfortunately, every testimony carried a ring of truth.

Even from a distance, it was evident that Milady understood the situation as her temple twitched.

While each individual harassment might seem minor, the sheer quantity now exposed painted a more troublesome picture. Some of the nobles observing this situation directed disdainful glances at Milady and whispered among themselves.

However, despite all this evidence, ending the engagement would still be a challenging endeavor.

"What's the big deal with that?"

"What did you say?"

Initially displeased by the unexpected betrayal, Milady quickly regained her composure and sported a smug smile.

Indeed, Milady's actions were problematic. However, with her family's power, they could still manage it. While there would be some inevitable disgrace, it wouldn't be fatal.

"I simply taught that commoner girl a lesson in nobility's etiquette because she was so ignorant. She should be grateful and weep for my mercy, if you ask me."

"Don't play around! Do you have any idea how much Maria was hurt because of you?"

"I don't care. I have no concern for what happens to that girl."

Certainly, even beyond Maria's status as a former commoner, her lack of common sense was evident. It was likely influenced by her past life, but there were limits.

Given Maria's attitude, it was not unreasonable for Milady, who took pride in her noble status, to feel anger.

With the prince showing a furious expression and Milady wearing a calm smile, they glared at each other for a while.

"You're free to think about me, but did you really consider breaking off our engagement over something so trivial? Can I take this as an insult to our noble family?"

"Hmph, who said your offenses were limited to just this?"

"What do you mean?"

Milady, prepared for a comeback, looked puzzled in response to the prince's calm statement.

Was there more to it?

"Do you know about the incident half a year ago when Maria was almost assaulted by a thug?"


It was probably when I had sent Maria to the slums under Milady's orders. Unlike the harassment carried out by the other attendants, we had been extremely cautious to ensure that our direct involvement didn't incriminate Milady. There shouldn't be any evidence left, and it shouldn't have caused any problems...

"I don't know. I have no interest in what such a girl was doing."

"I see... Well, fortunately, Maria was rescued, and they caught the culprit."

The prince paused for a moment and then turned his gaze toward Milady, wearing a triumphant expression.

...I have a bad feeling about this.

"Well then, what's the connection between that incident and me?" Milady inquired.

"Oh, there's a substantial one. The culprit claims he was 'hired by a blonde woman to attack Maria.'"

"Are you suggesting I ordered an assault on that girl? My hair may be blonde, but isn't that a stretch?"

"But here's the kicker. They found this in the culprit's room. Do you recognize it?"

The prince presented a pendant with a large emerald embedded in it, which both Milady and I recognized.

"What... That's..."

"Yes, this is the pendant I gave you as an engagement token. The culprit alleges he received it as a 'reward from the woman who hired him.' Can you explain this?" the prince asked.

Oh dear...

This foolish prince had really done it...

Although it wasn't something I could reveal, in this country, relationships between noblewomen and men before marriage were strictly prohibited. Virginity was highly valued among noblewomen, especially before marriage. If what the prince said was true, it would imply a grave crime against a noblewoman.

However, I had only sent Maria to the slums, and I never actually ordered anyone to harm her. As for Milady, she hadn't left the mansion and had merely given me a simple command.

So how could it be that an unknown perpetrator, whom I had no knowledge of, directly negotiated with Milady and received the pendant as a reward? Clearly, it was all part of the prince's fabricated lie.

"No! I lost that pendant half a month ago..."

"Such excuses won't suffice!"

Milady attempted to explain herself in a fluster as she realized her disadvantage, but the prince's angry voice cut her off.

Indeed, the pendant had gone missing about half a month ago, as Milady claimed. In hindsight, it was likely that Serena had taken it along with other confidential documents. However, this contradicted the testimony that the pendant had been given as a reward for a crime six months prior.

In fact, until the moment it went missing, she had worn that pendant at several parties, and multiple people, including the prince, would have seen it. Still, there was not a single ally among the current audience who would testify on Milady's behalf.

"That's not all! This woman has repeatedly ordered harm to be done to Maria!" The prince raised his voice and listed various crimes Milady had committed, glancing around at the other attendees. While some of them did ring a bell, there were also outright fabrications. Yet, the other guests had no way to discern truth from lies.

"No! No! No! I didn't do anything! I was framed by that woman!"

Milady continued to shout her innocence, shaking her hair wildly. However, in this notorious woman's presence, no one believed her words, and the attendees merely cast cold glances in her direction.

"Detailed discussions can occur in the dungeons. Seize this woman!"

"──Wait a moment," a dignified voice interrupted, just as the knights were about to restrain Milady at the prince's command.



Pushing through the crowd, Galious Valiaz, the head of the Valiaz family, appeared. He was accompanied by Milady's mother, Robelia, and her brother, Zane. Galious gave Milady a disapproving glance and then turned his attention to the prince.

"Well, well, if it isn't the esteemed Valiaz family. It's convenient that you've come."

"....It seems my daughter has caused trouble. Let me make it clear from the outset, however. This entire affair is the result of the foolish actions of this one. Our family had no involvement whatsoever."


"Quiet, you disgrace!"

It became clear that Duke had no intention of defending Milady. He sharply scolded her with a voice filled with sorrow.

"Additionally, I request that you reconsider the engagement. It was arranged by His Majesty and myself. It's not an exaggeration to say that the future of our Valiaz family and the royal family are at stake. Making a hasty decision in such a situation is inappropriate. Let's revisit this matter with His Majesty at a later time—"

"Ahaha, hahaha!"

"What's so funny?"

With these words, Albert couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, clutching his belly as if in distress. Duke Valiaz, not understanding the prince's attitude, wore a puzzled expression.

"It's futile. My father is currently bedridden due to illness and cannot handle state affairs. Thus, I, in his stead, hold full authority over this kingdom."


The words that came out of the prince's mouth caused a commotion among the attendees. While they had found it strange that he wasn't present at the party, the unexpected revelation that the king was ill left everyone stunned.

Even the Duke, who had been trying to convince Prince Albert to reconsider the broken engagement, now showed signs of distress. This change was due to the revelation that Prince Albert held full authority as per the king's wishes. In practical terms, this meant that the prince's commands were tantamount to the king's decrees.

However absurd Prince Albert's orders might be, the citizens of the kingdom were obliged to obey.

"What a senseless turn of events," lamented the Duke, recognizing the implications.

Prince Albert's actions at this moment were undoubtedly a display of utter foolishness, particularly to air the kingdom's internal strife before foreign nations.

Weren't such grave matters supposed to be kept confidential?

A quick glance toward the corner of the venue revealed the kingdom's prime minister clutching his head, signaling that this situation was not proceeding well.

"Now, it seems all the players are in their positions. Shall we conclude this performance? Knights, apprehend Duke Valiaz and his family!"

"Yes!" replied the knights.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Duke attempted to resist, but in the face of these elite knights, his efforts were futile. Magic-restraining handcuffs were placed on him, rendering him powerless.

"You....! Don't touch me!"

Naturally, Milady was among those being restrained.

She tried to resist, swinging her arms, but several knights forcefully pinned her to the ground.


As I witnessed that scene, anger welled up in me. I knew leaving right now wouldn't change anything. So, I gritted my teeth and held back.

I had to endure this for the moment, for the right time to act.

Damn it! I can't believe they laid their filthy hands on Milady...!

I desperately contained my desire to burst out and focused on silently observing the situation.

"Duke, there are suspicions that you and your party were involved in collusion with the Empire against the royal family."


As the prince made this announcement, looking down at the restrained nobles, shock rippled through the audience. It seemed as if this had happened one too many times for them to count.

When they mentioned the Empire, they were likely referring to the Grantz Empire, situated to the north of this country. Not too long ago, the two nations were engaged in a prolonged war, only finally settling their differences with a peace treaty. The Empire had always been considered this kingdom's archenemy.

Though diplomatic relations had somewhat improved since the peace treaty, the deep-seated animosity between the two nations still lingered, leaving room for those who viewed the Empire with suspicion.

To be accused of conspiring with the Empire against the royal family was a grave matter. Even a noble family like the Duke's would not escape the most severe punishment.

"This is absurd! Where is the evidence for such a claim?"

"If you're asking for evidence, there's more than enough."

The Duke, still glaring fiercely while bound, refused to accept the accusation. However, the prince paid no heed to his protests. Instead, he accepted a bundle of papers from someone behind him and threw it in front of the restrained Duke.

"What...! Why, of all things..."

"Not only colluding with the Empire but also imposing heavy taxes on your subjects, engaging in illegal slave trading, and dealing in illicit substances... Truly, I'm astounded," the prince commented while presenting a mountain of evidence right in front of them. The Duke seemed dumbfounded and remained in shock, seemingly unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

Satisfied with the Duke's reaction, the prince grinned.

"Take them away."

"Don't be ridiculous! I hold the title of a Duke! This sort of treatment is unheard of!"

"Stop this! Let me go!"

Upon the prince's orders, the knights forcibly stood the nobles and then proceeded to lead them away.

Despite the commotion and uproar from the Duke's family, including the Duke himself after recovering from the shock, the knights showed no mercy as they escorted them out of the venue. Once the nobles were removed, the remaining participants in the now-silent hall still seemed confused by the recent events.

Finally, with the conclusion of this spectacle, we regained our freedom. I am worried about Milady, but we are dealing with the execution of a prominent noble, so there will be time for preparations. I will keep a watchful eye, but there should be no danger while they are in prison.

"Sir Crow..."

"What is it?"

Amidst the ongoing chaos within the nobility, I managed to slip through the crowd and exit the venue. At my side, Eins looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Is your hand okay?"

Finally, I noticed that my right hand was stained crimson, probably from gripping a glass too tightly and shattering it at some point during the tumult. Glass shards were embedded in my palm, and fresh blood dripped from my arm.

It looked quite dramatic, but I could easily mend it with a healing potion later. Besides, considering the humiliation Milady received, this was a minor concern.

"It's not a problem. But we don't have much time left; let's go."


"Now then, I apologize for the commotion. But there's one more thing I'd like to convey to everyone here. In place of that detestable woman, I announce my engagement to Maria Norton!"

Amid the applause celebrating the prince's engagement announcement behind us, we left the venue.

We hurried away from the party venue, dashing through the empty corridors of the royal castle. I spotted our Valiaz family carriage and its escort knights near the main gate through a window. They were currently detained by the kingdom's knights.

Our adversaries had acted swiftly. The carriage was clearly out of commission, and the castle's protective wards prevented Eins from using his teleportation magic circle. This is why I headed towards one of the plain carriages parked near the goods entrance gate.

"Hey, Crow... I waited as you instructed, but... What happened to Milady?"

Jerald, the knight captain of the Valiaz family, was waiting at the driver's seat of the carriage. I had secretly requested him to infiltrate among the other goods carriages, which he did successfully.

Jerald was initially taken aback by my abrupt entrance, but he quickly put on a serious expression, understanding the absence of the lord he served.

"Milady has been captured by the kingdom's knights, along with Lord Duke."

"What?! How did that happen?"

Even someone as experienced as Jerald seemed genuinely surprised by the news that Lord Duke had been captured. He gaped open-mouthed, clearly bewildered. I could empathize, as I'd likely react the same way if I hadn't received the information beforehand. However, at the moment, there was no time to explain further.

"I'll explain everything on the way. Captain, let's head back to the estate."

"Y-Yes, that's a good point. Our butler staff is at the estate as well. It might be wiser to handle things there."

"....Yes, Indeed."

"Alright, we're departing!"

Recognizing the urgency, Jerald tightened his grip on the reins, setting the carriage in motion towards the estate.


"Thank goodness, are you both here?"

"Oh, you two, what happened? Weren't you supposed to be at the castle with Milady?"

After rushing back to the estate in the carriage, we immediately sought out the Chief butler. Fortunately, the Chief butler was in the office with the head maid. Despite it being in the midst of the ongoing party, they greeted us with surprise when we abruptly returned.

"There's a big problem, Head Butler! Actually—"

"Captain, please wait a moment."

"W-what is it?"

Before Jerald could explain the events that had occurred at the castle, I extended my hand to stop him. There was something important to address first.

"Before that explanation, Chief Butler, Head Maid, there's something I'd like to ask you."

"Hmm... is this something of such importance that we need to hear it right away?"

"Yes, it's a very important matter."

Come to think of it, I realized we had relied on the Chief butler and his wife for many things. They had not only served as mentors to me as a servant but also taught me various things when my parents weren't around.

That's why this conversation was unavoidable.

"I see, if there's something we can answer, we don't mind."

"Thank you. Well then—"

I paused for a moment, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.

Prepare yourself.

There's no turning back now.

For both me and them.

"Why did you betray us?"

With determination in my slowly opened eyes, I focused my gaze directly on the "opponents" before me.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...