Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 66

 My lady has made up her mind

"Really... What was that all about?"

"Milady, I've brought you a drink."

"Yes, thank you, Crow. I'll take it."

As soon as the dance ended, her partner hastily left, stumbling in his hurry. I arrived to take his place, and as I watched the departing man's back with a puzzled expression, I handed a glass of wine to Milady. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in that man's head, leaving Milady all alone like that... Not that it bothers me.



She took a small sip from the glass I gave her but continued to stare at me, as if something was on her mind. Her emerald eyes felt like they were piercing through me, making me feel uncomfortable, as if she could see right through my thoughts.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"You look paler than usual."

Milady's hand lightly touched my cheek as she peered at my face with concern. Her sudden closeness made me freeze, and I could sense the other partygoers growing restless. Isabella, the Valiaz family's heiress and a prominent member of the nobility, was under constant scrutiny. If she appeared too friendly with commoners in this setting, it could harm her reputation.

I was well aware of this, but I couldn't bring myself to pull away from the warmth of her gentle touch.

"Lady Isabella!"


In response to a voice calling her from a distance, I quickly moved away from her, creating some distance. Just then, a group of young women in colorful dresses arrived and surrounded Milady.

"Lady Isabella, your dance was wonderful."

"My, my. Is that a new dress?"

"It's lovely."

"Yes, it is..."

The girls in her entourage began praising Milady one after the other. However, she continued to sneak glances in my direction, still worried. Despite this, she couldn't neglect her companions, and eventually, she started focusing on their conversation.

This is fine. Right now, it's in the middle of an important party for Milady. I don't want to engage with her or do anything that might interfere with this special occasion. Feeling the warmth lingering on my cheek from her touch, I kept a watchful eye on Milady from a slight distance.

"What's all the commotion?"

"What's going on? Should we go check it out?"

For a while, Milady was engaged in conversation while surrounded by her entourage. But there was increasing commotion near the entrance of the venue. In fact, the disturbance was gradually approaching, parting the crowd, and a person emerged. Milady furrowed her brows suspiciously as she spotted this newcomer.

"Why are you here?"

"Here comes the nuisance! What's wrong with me being here?"


It was Maria, who had inexplicably shown up wearing a party dress. The moment she recognized Milady, she immediately raised her eyebrows and referred to her as a nuisance. Milady seemed to have a headache, probably from Maria's apparent cluelessness, and she held her forehead.

As for me, I was more puzzled than angry at the unexpected appearance. After all, why would Maria, a mere baron's daughter, be present at this party, which was typically exclusive to some nobles and royalty?

"Hey, you! Isn't this going a bit too far?"

"Stop it."

"But, Lady Isabella!"

"Talking sense to that woman is a waste of time."

Amidst this sudden turn of events, everyone present was frozen. However, one of Milady's entourage, who had quickly regained composure, scolded Maria for her rudeness. It seemed that Milady had also regained her composure, as she raised her hand to calm the girls who were glaring at Maria.

It was an unusual sight to see our typically impulsive Milady taking the side of restraint. As I observed the unfolding situation, I couldn't help but think about it.


"W-What is it..."

Once the entourage girls had settled down, Milady confronted Maria, who braced herself under her gaze, her posture slightly wavering.

"I see you're unaware of the situation, so let me enlighten you. Tonight's party is hosted by the royal family, and it's not a place for someone of your status to be."

"Huh... Oh, really? I just came because Al invited me."

"Goodness, that man... What's he thinking?"

For some reason, Maria seemed to have been disarmed by Milady's relatively kind response and had a vacant look on her face. Meanwhile, Milady held her forehead as she realized that the root of this trouble was the prince. It was true that if the prince had invited her, she could technically be at this event. However, it made me wonder what he had intended by inviting her. Surely he hadn't just called her without thinking things through, right?

"But, but Al..."

"Of course, His Highness is at fault, but you are too. Couldn't you have come up with a reason to decline this invitation?"

It seemed that only then did Maria notice the people around her, and her gaze grew restless. Looking for help, she realized the prince, who was crucial to her situation, wasn't present. Milady promptly dismissed Maria's attitude.

"Besides, what on earth are you wearing?"

"Huh... This?"

"Wearing such a shabby dress, frankly, it's out of place."

"Ugh... That's just mean..."

Furthermore, Milady observed Maria's attire from head to toe and frowned. While Maria's dress was not exactly shabby, its design belonged to a style that had become outdated long ago, making it clear that she stood out when surrounded by Milady and her peers, who wore the latest dresses.

"Crow, please..."

Maria, who had been thoroughly scolded by Milady, seemed somewhat dejected. Her eyes grew moist as she looked toward me, seeking help. Her appearance and the situation evoked a protective instinct, leading some of the nobles who had been observing the scene to cast sympathetic glances her way.

However, this was a pointless action for me. My affections were reserved solely for Milady, and to be frank, women like Maria were not my preference. I genuinely wished to avoid any entanglement with her, but there was no choice.

I was about to voice my clear rejection when...

...Milady dramatically emptied the contents of her glass directly onto Maria.

"W-What's with you all of a sudden?"

Maria, who had been submissive just moments ago, was now livid with wine all over her face, confronting Milady with a throbbing vein on her forehead. Red droplets trickled from her hair, and her once elegant dress was now disfigured by stains, leaving her in a pitiful state.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. My hand slipped."

With an empty wine glass in hand, Milady casually delivered this statement, unfazed by the attention of those around. Her elegant smile in the midst of all eyes on her sent a chilling shiver down my spine.

Milady was angry. It was palpable to everyone present. She wasn't raising her voice or throwing tantrums. Instead, her anger simmered beneath her graceful exterior, burning fiercely in her eyes.

"But seriously, it's beyond rude to ogle not only His Highness but even my servant. Compared to you, goblins seem more dignified."


Maria was insulted, being called a creature lower than the lowly goblins, driven only by gluttony and lust. She maintained her elegant smile, leaving Maria completely bewildered.

Under Milady's quiet but overwhelming presence, the onlookers, especially the nobles who had initially sympathized with Maria, couldn't meet her gaze and looked down.

"Valiaz's bloodline..."

Someone in the room mumbled in agreement with those words. Milady now exuded an aura akin to her father, who was feared as the ruler of the kingdom's shadows. While everyone quivered in fear, I couldn't help but be entranced by Milady's presence, finding her more beautiful than anything else.

"Actually, this is perfect, isn't it? You've got a reason to leave now. In that outfit, you can't attend the party anymore, can you?"

"How heartless!"


Indeed, there was no way Maria could continue attending the party in her current dress. In response to Milady's teasing words, Maria raised an eyebrow, suppressed her anger, and made her exit. Milady watched her departure with a sly smile.

"You might catch a cold staying out here."

"We have protective barriers; I'll be fine. Besides, I'm not that fragile."

"That's not the main concern..."

After the incident with Maria, Milady, temporarily parting ways with her entourage, left the ballroom and headed to the terrace. It was an empty area, and Milady leaned against the railing. Her expression had mellowed since her earlier anger.

I couldn't help but worry about Milady's well-being. Even though there were various protective barriers around the royal castle, it was still colder outside compared to the magically heated indoors. It was nighttime with no sunlight, and Milady was wearing a dress that exposed more skin, making her appear quite chilly.

Nonetheless, Milady showed no intention of leaving this place, so I did what I could and gently draped a stole over her shoulders.

"Thank you, Crow."

"You're welcome. But, Milady, why are you here in a place like this?"

"I was just enjoying the view of the city for a little while..."

"The city, you say?"

I stood beside Milady, and from here, we could indeed see the cityscape beyond the castle walls. Amidst the gently falling snow, the city below was illuminated with countless lights, and from this distance, it was clear that many people were bustling about.

Probably because her vision was enhanced or enhanced by magic, the emerald eyes of Milady, faintly glowing with magical light, seemed to offer a clearer view of the people's activities below.

I observed Milady's profile as she gazed at the city, pondering her thoughts.



After a while, Milady appeared to have reached a decision and looked directly at me.

I responded with a serious expression, meeting her determined gaze.

"I will marry His Highness and become the queen of this kingdom."


It was a destiny she had accepted long before I entered her life, and I had come to terms with it. However, hearing those words from her now made me feel like the ground was shifting beneath me.

"It is the purpose of my existence. As Father wishes, I will dedicate myself to the Valiaz family."

I stood my ground, refusing to avert my eyes from her determined gaze. If I did, I felt I might lose even the qualifications to remain by her side as she tried to be the ideal noblewoman.

"Honestly, I used to think that nothing else mattered except fulfilling my role. The kingdom and its people seemed unimportant to me, as if they were insignificant.... But you know what? Lately, I've started to see things differently. I believe there are amazing things in this country I haven't discovered yet. Of course, I'll fulfill Father's wishes, but I think there's more I can do."

"I want to be the queen of this country, to protect all the wonderful things I find here. So, please keep supporting me," she said in one breath. Then, Milady extended her right hand, covered in lace gloves, towards me.

The meaning behind this gesture was clear.

"Yes, of course. From the day you saved me, everything I have belongs to you," I replied, knelt on the spot, took her hand with reverence, and gently kissed her knuckles. I hoped that my unwavering loyalty, respect, and a touch of affection would come through, despite the slight embarrassment. But at this moment, that was a trivial concern.

"Hehe, I've witnessed your determination. I'll keep relying on you, Crow."

"Yes, I'll do everything as Milady wishes."

I looked at Milady with a gentle smile and renewed my pledge to support her.

"Shall we go back soon? If we keep goofing off, Father will scold us later."

"Yes, Milady."


We've been talking for a while. Even if it's a break, we should return soon, or it might raise suspicion. As we were about to head back to the venue, Milady suddenly leaned over the terrace railing.


I wondered if something had caught her attention. I tilted my head and stood beside her, following her gaze.

"Wha, wha..."

"Is that... His Highness and Lady Maria...?"

We were gazing at a beautiful garden filled with flowers, a fitting backdrop for the royal palace. In the heart of the garden, a couple danced elegantly to the event's music.

One of them was Prince Albert, who had danced with Milady earlier. The other person was Maria, adorned in an elegant white gown.

In this situation, the prince must have gifted that dress to Maria, inviting her to join him in the dance.

But this implied favoritism toward someone other than his fiancée...

Furthermore, this wasn't just any party; it was in the royal palace, attended by many influential nobles. Joking about mere amusement wouldn't be appropriate.

"Wha, wha, wha..."

Milady seemed to have reached a similar conclusion. She clutched the railing with a trembling hand, her mouth quivering.

Anticipating what was about to unfold, I took a few steps back and covered my ears.

"What's going onnnn?"

Right after, Milady's scream resounded throughout the royal palace.

TL Note: day off as usual

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...