Thursday, October 19, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 67

 My lady is so drunk

As the clock's hands neared midnight, many servants at the Valiaz mansion gathered in the foyer to welcome their mistress, who had just returned from the royal palace.

Soon, the sound of a carriage stopping outside was followed by the grand entrance doors swinging open.

"""Welcome back, Mistress."""

"Gyah... I got totally drunk."


Milady appeared with wobbly steps, and all the servants bowed to greet her as she returned. However, she seemed far from sober, with a flushed face and unsteady gait.

In the face of her obvious drunkenness, a sense of unease overcame the servants.

While Milady occasionally enjoyed alcohol due to her noble social engagements, she was not known to get drunk easily. So, there had to be a good reason for her current state...

In other words, Milady was in a very bad mood right now.


Milady, seemingly oblivious to the servants' reactions, continued to wander through the foyer, humming to herself.

While the servants all kept their heads down, waiting quietly for the situation to pass, Milady suddenly halted in front of one maid.

"You there, raise mweyour head."

"Yes, um, can I help you with something?"

Startled by the sudden address, the maid shivered and looked up, wondering if she had done something to upset Milady. Milady, clearly under the influence of alcohol, moved in very close, and the maid couldn't help but wrinkle her nose at the strong smell.

"I don't like it..."

"Huh? Um...?"

"Don't you have something to say to me?"

"No, not at all!"

Milady's irritable expression was hard to miss, and she stared at the maid, although it felt like she was looking for trouble. This left the poor maid feeling confused and uncertain.

"Stop it! You're just mocking me, aren't you! That's it, you're fired!"

"W-What!? Please, forgive me, Mistress!"

"Too noisy, too noisy!"

Milady, fueled by drunken confusion, engaged in illogical arguments and stomped her feet while venting her frustration on the maid. Even though everyone present thought her firing declaration was excessive, none of the servants dared to intervene, afraid of getting caught in the chaos.

"That's enough, Milady."


Just when it seemed like no one could stop her, someone suddenly appeared and firmly grabbed her by the back of her neck, forcibly separating her from the maid.




As soon as we arrived at the mansion, and I tried to catch up with Milady who had hastily left the carriage, she predictably got into an argument with the servants...

I held onto the struggling Milady to make sure she didn't get away, and I couldn't help but sigh.

The reason Milady had ended up like this was undoubtedly because of that foolish prince.

After the incident on the terrace, Prince Albert had unbelievably returned to the venue with Maria. The princes, arm in arm with women other than their fiancées, immediately attracted the attention of the nobles at the venue. They then moved to the center of the hall and began dancing with each other, still holding hands.

Up to this point, it was tolerable. However, the real issue came afterward.

Even as one song ended and the next began, they continued dancing with the same partners without switching. In general, it's considered acceptable for unrelated men and women to dance together for at most one or two songs, and it's not preferable to dance together continuously for an extended period.

Continuing to dance together for an extended time is usually reserved for special partners, like fiancées or spouses.

However, His Highness kept dancing with Maria, and he had danced with her even more times than he had with Milady. In other words, the prince was showcasing Maria as someone closer to him than Milady, his supposed fiancée, effectively presenting her as his partner to the nobles at the party.

Naturally, Milady's pride had taken a hit from witnessing that scene. Although she refrained from throwing a childish tantrum, given that the party was still ongoing, she lacked the maturity to put on a cheerful facade. To alleviate her frustration, she naturally started drinking more, continuing relentlessly despite all attempts to stop her. This resulted in the creation of the drunken young lady we were dealing with now.

"What are you saying in this state? I'll take you to your room, so please be quiet."


I wrapped my arm around Milady's back and under her knees, lifting her firmly. She immediately went silent, even hugging my neck tightly.

Usually, calming down a drunk Milady was quite a challenge, but this time, she was surprisingly compliant.

I wish she could always be this easy, but...

"Um, what about me...?"

Now that Milady had calmed down, the maid who had been involved earlier approached with a tremulous voice.

I had almost forgotten about her, but she had been here all along. Considering that Milady had threatened her with dismissal earlier, her anxiety was entirely understandable.

"Oh, about the earlier comment, don't worry about it. She'll most likely forget everything by tomorrow. Just pretend you heard nothing... all right?"

"Yes, sir!"

Milady's alcohol tolerance was horrendous. She often behaved recklessly while drunk, but she typically had no memory of her actions the next day. This time, she probably wouldn't remember anything about her intoxicated behavior, so there was no need to worry about the maids involved.

"Hmph, how mwlong are you going to take, Crow? Hurry up."

"Ouch... I understand, Milady. I'll be on my way now."

While conversing with the maid, Milady didn't seem to like being left alone and grabbed my cheek.

Her rather firm grip caused a slight stinging pain, and my eyes welled up with tears. With that, I decided it was time to take Milady back to her room.

"We've arrived in your room, Milady."

"Mmm... zzz..."

Upon reaching Milady's private quarters, I noticed she had fallen asleep in my arms during the journey. She was quietly snoring, sound asleep.

With no other option, I opened the door to her room and gently laid her down on the bed.

"You looked so dignified just a while ago, but seeing you sleep like this is just unfair."

"Mmm... nn..."

When facing Maria or conversing on the terrace, Milady had displayed a dignified, noble demeanor. However, now, she appeared to be sleeping with a peaceful expression, as if all that had been an act.

As I stroked her cheek, Milady nuzzled it as if seeking affection, making her all the more endearing.


I gently caressed her cheek and allowed my thumb to brush against her lustrous lips.

As I traced the smooth, resilient texture of her lips, a soft sigh escaped from her slightly parted mouth, sending a tingling sensation down my finger.


I continued to explore the softness of her lips, and for some reason, Milady playfully opened her mouth and gently nibbled on my finger.

With eagerness, she sucked on my finger, much like a baby seeking nourishment. A thrilling sensation ran down my spine as I withdrew my moistened finger, and Milady released a reluctant, soft sigh.

Her alluring behavior made my manhood throb involuntarily within my trousers.

It was so unfair...

"You mustn't Milady, especially in such a vulnerable state in front of a man..."

In truth, it would be wise to refrain from engaging in such activities anymore. That conversation on the terrace had reminded me of this fact.

Milady was an unattainable and distant figure, especially for someone like me, a commoner. In a few years, she was destined to marry the prince as planned and bear his heir.

It was nothing more than an unrequited love, and by indulging in it, I was only making it harder to move on.

If only it were that easy to resolve...

I desire her!

I crave everything about Isabella, this woman.

However, while I'm trying hard to restrain myself, Milady remains completely vulnerable, almost as if she's inviting me to take her. It's frustrating.

Honestly, it's impossible to contain one's desires in the presence of such an exquisite prey.

"It's your fault, Milady," I muttered, licking my lips, and then I climbed onto the bed, hovering over the peacefully sleeping Milady.

Getting so close to her felt audacious, considering her beauty. But I pushed aside those emotions and touched Isabella.

Class difference? The prince's fiancée?

Who cares about such things!

In this moment, right now, Isabella is mine.

I won't allow anyone to interfere.

"Mmm... chu... mmm..."

I gently tilted her chin upward and slowly captured her lips, starting with soft kisses. Gradually, my desires overcame any reservations, and I began to passionately devour Isabella's lips.

She must have been drinking quite a bit, as I could taste the alcohol on her lips. Yet, the excitement of kissing Isabella overcame the burning sensation in my throat.

I forgot to breathe, focusing solely on my desire for Isabella as I kissed her lips greedily.

"Ahh, haah... haah...!"

Perhaps because I was too engrossed in the kiss, I reluctantly pulled my lips away to catch my breath. I must have been too aggressive, acting foolishly. We still had plenty of time until morning, so I should have taken it slow. As I tried to regain my composure and prepare for another kiss, I looked down at Isabella.

That's when our emerald eyes locked.

"Cr, Crow...?"


Isabella, with a dazed expression, called out to me, and my shoulders jerked in response.

That's right, this time, she had merely fallen asleep due to intoxication, and I hadn't given her the usual sleeping draught. As ignorant as Isabella might be about sexual matters, there was no denying what had just transpired.

My back was drenched in an uncomfortable sweat.

"What... were you doing? What just happened? Were you kissing me?"

"Uh, well, you see..."

Isabella, despite her drunkenness, seemed to understand what had been done to her.

Oh no, this is bad...

For Isabella, who values her chastity so much, what I just did is an unforgivable act. Even though she trusts me as a servant, her lack of trust is probably what will prevent Isabella from forgiving me.


I had expected lightning to strike me, or to be sliced to bits by a gust of wind, or simply to be pummeled to death. But Isabella, with a rather vacant expression, just continued to look at me without passing judgment, no matter how long I waited.

Wait, could it be that... she's still intoxicated and incapable of making a sound judgment?

"Um, this is... I mean, it's a dream! It's just a dream, so it's perfectly fine to kiss in a dream!"

I had to say something, anything, to change the situation, and this was what I came up with. I couldn't help but think it was a terrible excuse.

I can't believe such a clumsy lie would work, even with Isabella's slight airheadedness and various shortcomings. There's no way a lie like this could...

"A dream...? Well, if it's a dream, I guess it can't be helped."

Phew, that was too close!

Perhaps it's the alcohol clouding her judgment, but Isabella easily accepted this flimsy excuse. It's a relief, but it's also a bit worrisome to think she bought such a feeble lie.

"However... why were you kissing me?"

"Uh, well... this is, uh, just practice. Since it's a dream, I thought we could practice something we can't do in real life..."

Of course, she'd be puzzled. Even in a dream, I'm not someone Isabella would be kissing. It's painful to admit that, but I can't expect anything else. Regardless, in this dream scenario, she might accept a somewhat clumsy explanation.

This is just a fleeting dream, after all.

"So... continue..."


As I tried to move away from Isabella, her voice stopped me dead in my tracks. Her request was so unexpected that it left me speechless.

I felt like she just told me I could go ahead and kiss her now... or did I mishear it?

"Um, you're okay with it?"

"Well, it's just a dream, isn't it? Is there a problem?"

"No, there's absolutely no problem!"

This was turning out to be quite extraordinary.

Isabella was lying there, appearing as if she didn't care much, still in her usual daze. However, I couldn't remain calm.

Her emerald eyes gazing at me as I touched her cheek sent my heart racing. Even though I'd kissed her several times in her sleep, this was the first time I was doing it while she was conscious.

No matter if she was somewhat intoxicated, an opportunity like this was something that would never come again.

"I, um, excuse me..."

"Mm... mmm..."

As I cautiously moved my face closer, Isabella closed her eyes and accepted my lips. She didn't just go along with my gentle kisses; instead, she seemed to offer her lips, making it easier for me to kiss her.

"Mmm... oh... mmm..."

Isabella accepted my kisses, her body responding warmly. As I felt her soft lips, my excitement grew, and I became bolder, kissing her with more intensity. I cupped her cheek with both hands, kissing her passionately. When I deepened the kiss, our tongues intertwined.

"Unh... Unhh..."

Though Isabella initially trembled slightly, as my tongue explored her mouth, she made no effort to resist, even beginning to respond in kind.

"Unnnh... Unhh... oh... Unhhh...!"

After thoroughly savoring her mouth, I skillfully entangled her tongue with mine. Although Isabella attempted to pull away, she eventually yielded and accepted my invading tongue. It was clear that my persistence paid off, and Isabella allowed herself to be consumed by our passionate kiss.

"Unnnggh... Unhh... Lick... oh, ngghhh... Unngh...!"

As I indulged in exploring her mouth, Isabella's tongue that initially tried to escape found itself entwined with mine. Perhaps out of nervousness, she initially resisted, but it didn't take long for her to surrender. With each tantalizing stroke of my tongue, I could hear her slight, rhythmic shivers.

"Unnnggh... Unhh... slurp... oh, ah... Unngh..."

After fully ravishing her mouth, I proceeded to entangle our tongues. It seemed that she realized escape was futile, as she willingly allowed my tongue to penetrate her depths. Watching her swallow my saliva with soft, gratifying noises fulfilled an unspoken desire for control within me.

"Pwah! Haa... haaa..."

"Mm... ah, haa....!"

Lost in the passion, I momentarily pulled away to catch my breath. Isabella, who was also breathing heavily, looked at me with a flushed face. Her absentminded expression revealed little about her current thoughts.

"Is it over now......?" she asked, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"No, not yet," I replied, shaking my head, as I decided to continue the passionate encounter.

"Okay.... do as, you like...." Isabella said, her face a mix of ecstasy and anticipation. She gripped the bedsheets, seemingly submitting to my desires.

With a renewed intensity, I leaned in for another kiss. Isabella's reactions told me she was going along with it, even though I expected her to resist. We locked lips once more, and as our tongues danced, it seemed that Isabella had relinquished any resistance. Her willingness excited me, and I became more fervent, eager to explore her desires further.

"Mnn, slurp.... nghh..."

Isabella's flushed face and the raggedness of her breath indicated her arousal. Her dreamy, absentminded gaze made it hard to discern her thoughts, but her body was speaking volumes. Our tongues intertwined, and her compliance fueled my passion. I had anticipated some resistance after our intense kissing, but she allowed me to lead without protest. This only intensified my longing for her.

As I continued to explore her mouth, Isabella's docility became more apparent. I savored the taste of her, the intimate connection between us deepening.

"....Ngh! Mnn, lick.... mwah, mhhh..."

I gradually moved my hands around her back, searching for the laces of her dress. The dress wasn't overly complex, so I successfully undid the ties with a bit of effort. Confirming the dress's loosening, I placed my hand on Isabella's chest, gently guiding her dress down.

Isabella's breasts, now freed from the confines of her dress, were exposed, swaying tantalizingly. I couldn't resist caressing them sensually, running my hand over her soft skin. Isabella quivered slightly, her eyelids fluttering. Surprisingly, she offered no resistance, only growing more eager as her tongue continued its dance with mine.

Although I wasn't very skilled in handling such an intimate part of her body, her enthusiastic participation made up for it. It was clear that my inexperience wasn't a deterrent, and I felt a surge of desire.


"Cro-w.... Mwah, ngghh... ahh..."

Isabella's fervent kisses prompted me to shift from gentle caresses to a more passionate grip of her breasts. Her lips and tongue danced passionately, and as she moaned between kisses, my arousal throbbed uncomfortably in my pants.


"Nmphh!?" I stammered, realizing I was on the brink of climax. I attempted to move away to regain control of my desires, but Isabella had other plans. She swiftly wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me back toward her and invading my mouth with her tongue.

"Mnn, nghhh!?"

My initial surprise gave way to helplessness, as her forceful tongue continued to explore and dominate. I moaned into her mouth, and my impending climax became even more inevitable, exacerbated by Isabella's unexpected actions.

"Pwah...! Haa.... haa..."

Finally, Isabella released me from her kiss, letting go of my arms that had been securely pinned down throughout the intense encounter. It was clear she had been in control all along, displaying an astonishing level of mastery over me in a short span of time. It was as if I had awakened a mesmerizing and seductive side of her that I couldn't resist.


After catching my breath and wiping my saliva-covered lips with my sleeve, Isabella gazed at me with a seductive smile. Her alluring look reignited my recently spent arousal, making my shaft grow hard once more.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...