Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 65

 My lady is dancing

At long last, the social season has begun, and every day, parties are being hosted in different parts of the royal capital.

Inside our Valiaz estate, the mansion is a bustling hive of activity, with servants rushing around preparing for these daily gatherings. It resembles a battlefield, albeit one of social grace.

Amidst the whirlwind of preparations, I hurry down the corridors, passing by other servants as I make my way to Milady's room.

Upon opening the door, I find our Milady, resplendently dressed by the skilled hands of the maids. She is draped in an alluring sapphire gown, her makeup enhancing her already exquisite features. Her lips, adorned with vivid red rouge, curve into a beguiling smile, leaving me momentarily spellbound.

"Milady, it's time," I remind her.

She responds, "Yes, just a little longer, please."

In the meantime, preparations continue. Eins takes a necklace from a jewelry box and fastens it gracefully around Milady's neck. This necklace, adorned with a radiant diamond instead of the usual emerald symbolizing her affiliation with the wind element, adds a touch of elegance to her ensemble. I watch the scene unfold, my emotions a mix of conflicting feelings.

Magic gems, the symbols of power for the kingdom's nobility and the catalysts for practicing magic, have been inseparable from nobility since ancient times. As a result, these magic gems are involved in various aspects of their society. For instance, the guardian stone given to a child upon birth in noble households is one of the most famous uses. This guardian stone, received from birth, is crafted into a ring when it's time for their debut in high society, signifying their status as a full-fledged noble.

In addition, exchanging each other's elemental magic gems as partners is another common practice among nobility.

That very necklace was a gift from the prince during the engagement, signifying Milady's status as his fiancée.

"Have I kept you waiting. ...Crow?"

"Ah, yes... Milady, is there something you need?"

"You had quite a stern expression. Is something the matter?"

As Milady finished dressing and leaned closer with a concerned expression, the subtle scent of her perfume reached me, momentarily intoxicating my senses. However, my gaze was soon drawn to the necklace hanging from her neck, and a surge of jealousy overwhelmed my heart.

"I was simply trying to maintain a composed expression because you looked so enchanting in your dress, Milady."

I managed to suppress the urge to cry and wore a smile to avoid causing any worry.

I knew this already, but seeing concrete evidence that the woman I loved belonged to another man was honestly painful.

Am I managing to smile convincingly right now?

"I can't blame you. After all, if I, who's naturally beautiful, were to put in some real effort, it's only natural that Crow would be captivated. Don't you think you should admire me without holding back more?"

It was a quick fib, but it seemed to please Milady. She perked up at my words, proudly smiled, and held her head high.

Oh, how much better it would be if I didn't have to hold back. I'd tear off that annoying necklace right now and claim Isabella's lips, marking her as unmistakably mine for everyone to see. Would that spare me from these feelings?

"Now, Milady, the carriage is ready. Please come this way."

"Very well, shall we go?"

In reality, it wasn't feasible to act on such impulses. I still had some self-control left. I put on a brave face, took Milady's hand, covered by long lace gloves, and escorted her.


Tonight, a royal ball was taking place at the palace. Only the most influential noble families were invited, and the hall was filled with grandeur. However, behind the scenes, there were hidden plots and intrigues. In the center of the hall, couples danced to the orchestra's melodies.

Among the attendees, there was a couple that particularly stood out. They both had matching golden hair and danced gracefully while wearing smiles. To onlookers, they seemed to be a well-suited pair, even if their actual relationship had grown cold.

The prince, Albert, and his fiancée, Isabella, were in a coordinated dance. Outwardly, they smiled, but they didn't hide their mutual aversion. Their dance was a strategic effort to end the uncomfortable moment as swiftly as possible, which only intensified the passion and drew the attention of everyone present.


I had accompanied Milady to the event, and I, too, observed this spectacle. The sight of my master, Isabella, dancing gracefully with the prince was that of a truly compatible couple. Milady's beauty was undeniable, and Prince Albert was unmistakably a true prince. It served as a stark reminder of the stark contrast in their worlds, leaving my heart feeling constricted.

"What's wrong, Crow? Why the sour face?"

"....Why are you here?"

"Hey, no need for such a reaction."

I moved away from the center of the hall, trying to distance myself from the painful scene. Along the way, I was unexpectedly hailed from the side. Considering the event was exclusively attended by high-ranking nobles, it was puzzling. I turned to find the person and couldn't help but frown.

It was Dee, smartly dressed like the other guests, cheerfully waving at me.

"To answer your earlier question, we've been invited by His Majesty, of course. See, my master is over there too, isn't he?"

Dee joined me without waiting for a response, casually sipping from his wineglass. When I followed his gesture, I recognized a man I'd seen before, engaged in conversation with other attendees. It seemed that, as usual, this man was avoiding work while the master did his duties.

"More importantly, will you keep me company for a while? My master is absent, and I'm bored."

"Why do I have to do that?"

"Oh, come on, don't be so harsh. You must be bored too, right?"


I had nothing to do until Milady returned. Instead of aimlessly wandering around with no purpose, keeping this man company might help pass the time. It was annoying to agree to his request, but I had no choice.

"Is His Majesty not attending today either? I've heard rumors that he's been unwell recently."

Dee, who had been eating without any restraint, suddenly looked at the empty throne at the back of the hall. His words were accurate; the throne remained empty even though today was supposed to be a royal family party.

This wasn't a one-day thing; the King hadn't made a public appearance for several days. While the Prince attended in his place, many nobles were worried about the King's mysterious absence.

"Even if you were to ask a common servant like me, I wouldn't have any knowledge."

"Hahaha, what a funny joke."

Regrettably, those rumors are indeed true.

It seems that His Majesty has been unwell and bedridden for a few days now. While the information is somewhat restricted, it's relatively easy to obtain this kind of information through the Duke's network and Eins' investigations. However, our guest is from the Empire, and we can't be too forthcoming about it. That's why I attempted to evade the question, but it seems he has caught on. He might be wearing a smile on the outside, but his eyes don't appear to find it amusing.


"They seem to be done now. Shall I go and fetch them?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

I didn't have the composure to stay any longer, but it seemed Milady's dance had also finished. So, following Dee's suggestion, I headed toward Milady.


"Crow is surprisingly easy to read."

As Crow headed towards his master Isabella, Dietrich, who remained behind, couldn't help but smile to himself. He tried to maintain a poker face, but given his experience observing people, it was clear that Crow was feeling jealous of her dance partner. Even without that, with the hostility he was radiating, it would be strange not to notice.

"Love across different social classes, huh? People in our empire love delving into that kind of story."

He thought about some writer friends who enjoyed such topics, and it made him chuckle.

In the empire, love between people of different social classes wasn't unusual, and it was a common theme in various stories. Outcomes could vary from rising in social status and marrying their loved one to running away together and leaving their social standings behind. However, this was mainly because the empire didn't have as strict social class distinctions as the kingdom.

In the kingdom, such relationships were strictly forbidden.

Even if they did get together, the ending would likely be tragic.

"I prefer happy endings to sad ones."

Dietrich wasn't a child dreaming of overly convenient, always-happy endings. But he wanted the people around him to be happy, at the very least. He cared about Crow enough to think that way.

As a friend, he wanted to support Crow's romantic journey.

To make that happen, having Crow come to our empire was probably the best choice.

.....I want to recruit him in this opportunity, but at least my intention to support him is genuine.

"The key is still that woman. But out of all people, why did it have to be someone so troublesome..."

Why did he have to fall for such a difficult woman? The person in question was the daughter of the Valiaz Duke, the prince's fiancée. Crow's romantic path wouldn't be straightforward through honest means. Fortunately, it seemed that Isabella didn't have any special feelings for the prince. However, the situation remained unchanged.

"It would be easier if that family somehow collapsed."

If that happened, bringing them into the empire would be a simple matter. However, bringing down that family wouldn't be easy, and the empire had struggled with them before. The Valiaz family, also known as the kingdom's shadow guardians, possessed formidable intelligence capabilities, and the empire had faced difficulties because of them. Their agents were spread all over the world, and any careless strategy would be quickly exposed.

"Is there a chance if we use them...?"

The kingdom wasn't entirely united either. Naturally, with their significant power as a backdrop, there were those who opposed the Valiaz family's actions. The foremost of these was a prince named Albert. It seemed he had some plans and was discreetly moving while the king was absent. Even though he was a prince, if they could make good use of him, it might be possible to take down the Valiaz family. The success rate was extremely low, and it was a risky plan, but the potential reward would be significant if it worked.

"Yeah, let's call it quits. I'm genuinely scared of what might happen if he finds out."

With that thought, Dietrich recalled the biggest obstacle in their plan.

What would Crow's reaction be when he learned about their intentions to destroy his beloved master's family?

Crow was likely one of those uncontrollable madmen. At worst, Dietrich might harm Isabella and even come after them.

Even though Dietrich was confident in handling Crow, he wasn't entirely sure he could control him.

To keep Crow under control, they needed Isabella, and to recruit her, they had to stop Crow.

"This is a mess..."

If they had a few more tricks up their sleeves, their available options might change, but relying solely on the subordinates they had brought to the kingdom had its limitations.

They would have to watch and wait for a while, hoping that the prince would handle things well.

While observing Crow's smile directed at Isabella, Dietrich emptied the remaining wine in his glass.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...