Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 64

 My lady is smiling

"Damn it, damn it all! They're all mocking me!"

"Ugh... Cough... Haa..."

In the late hours when most residents were fast asleep, a troubling scene unfolded in one of the mansion's rooms. Zane had a maid pinned beneath him, choking her.

Previously, Zane had fled in disgrace from Isabella and her group, and upon returning to his room, he took out his pent-up frustration on the maids through abuse.

The maid being strangled gasped for air, her face turning blue, her pleas for help futile, and eventually, she fell lifeless on the bed.

In the room, other girls lay helplessly, bearing the marks of varying degrees of abuse.

"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

"Master, I've brought you a drink."

"Bring it here!"

Despite using up all the maids in the room, Zane's insatiable anger couldn't be quelled. Then, the room's door swung open, and a new maid entered, carrying a tray.

She offered a glass of chilled fruit water, and Zane grabbed it abruptly, downing it in one gulp. The refreshing liquid provided a momentary respite for his overheated body.

Nevertheless, Zane couldn't shake the memory of the humiliation he had endured.

But the most infuriating person of all is that raven-haired man. Even more so than Isabella, whom he had once considered a mere political pawn, and Eins, who remains unyielding.

For a commoner to defy the future head of the ducal household, and on top of that...



In the heat of the moment, the thrown glass missed the maid and shattered against the wall.

Right now, Zane's emotions were dominated not only by anger but also by overwhelming fear.

Confronted by a man who seemed like an unstoppable force of violence, Zane felt utterly powerless. His bodyguards, his magical skills, and even his status as the ducal heir were all meaningless in the face of that man. The fact that Zane was still alive was solely due to Isabella's favor. If her mood shifted, that dark-haired devil would come to harvest his life without mercy.

Being literally at the mercy of someone he had previously looked down upon was a situation that further infuriated Zane.

"Master, where to?"

"I'll be back soon! Take care of them before I return!"

After catching his breath, Zane felt a slight fatigue creeping in. He had been with women non-stop until now, and it was about time he took a break. As an afterthought, he decided he needed to use the restroom. Zane left the room, pushing aside the women lying around.

"Heh, fufuhaha! Ahahahaha!"

With the room now silent after its occupant had left, the maids, who had been bowing and silently witnessing the scene, finally raised their heads.

One of them, Serena, couldn't contain the laughter she had been holding back any longer, and her laughter filled the room.

"Ah, how should we deal with that man? Ahh, should we strip him of his limbs and make him crawl like a worm... No, it could be interesting to feed him to a monster while he's still alive?"

As Zane walked alone in the midnight corridor, he pondered the ways to dispose of the raven-haired butler.

When he calmly thought about it, what had he been afraid of in facing a mere commoner? Even if the man were strong, a coordinated group attack would surely render him powerless.

Smirking to himself, he reached the door of the toilet. With a casual motion, he grabbed the doorknob and turned it.

At this moment, Zane, who had a naturally overweight physique, had sweated profusely from the intense exercise he had been engaged in moments ago. So, he didn't notice the liquid smeared on the doorknob.

Now, let's see, Zane had lowered his pants in front of the toilet and was about to do his business. It was only when his hand came into contact with something strange that he finally felt the discomfort.

Specifically, it felt like a strange itch around his groin...?

"W-What's this? It hurts! Ouch! It hurts!?"

As the discomfort turned into pain, the pain rapidly intensified. The burning sensation in a very sensitive area made Zane crouch on the spot.

However, the pain didn't subside. On the contrary, it only grew more intense.


And then, the vulgar man's scream echoed through the mansion in the middle of the night.


"But still, Brother, is he okay?"

The morning after, the mansion was abuzz with commotion. It seemed that the Duke's son Zane, the heir of the family, had fallen ill for an unknown reason late last night. Everyone in the mansion was running around in a frenzy to deal with his treatment.

We had gone to visit with Milady, but we were denied entry because Zane was currently receiving medical attention. So, we had returned to our own quarters.

"Did you do something to Brother, Crow?"

Milady had been walking ahead in the hallway, but she suddenly turned around and gave me a skeptical look. It seemed that last night's incident had put her on guard.

"I find it rather offensive to be questioned like that. Rest assured, My Lady, 'I' haven't done anything," I replied.

"Is that so?"

I deeply regret losing my temper and lashing out last night. However, I hadn't done anything harmful. There's a small chance that I might have misplaced some valuable magic potions. The note where he planned his revenge was also missing, but I was convinced it was all just a coincidence.

"I suggest that Zane may have fallen ill due to his extravagant revelry. It appears he might have picked up an illness somewhere."

"Well, that might be the case..."

It seemed that Milady was aware of her brother's wayward behavior, and she deftly steered the conversation in that direction. She chuckled awkwardly and averted her gaze. Even Milady couldn't defend her brother's infamous womanizing tendencies.

"Has anyone seen my brother or my mother since yesterday? I'm worried. My mother hasn't even left her room," Milady expressed her concern the next day as the mansion buzzed with activity. It seemed that Zane, the heir to the ducal house, had fallen ill for unknown reasons late last night, and everyone in the mansion was running around frantically to care for him.

"Indeed, that is worrying," I replied.

Roberia, too, hadn't been seen since yesterday, likely influenced by the threat. I had grown tired of the constant disruptions, and with her husband returning to the royal castle early in the morning and Zane's condition, I expected it to be a peaceful period. Although I sympathized with Milady's genuine concern for her family, this appeared to be a welcome opportunity for some peace without any troublesome intrusions.

"Do you smell that...?"

"This scent..."

"Shall we investigate?" she suggested.


After walking down the corridor for a while, Milady abruptly stopped as she detected an enticing scent emanating from somewhere. I had an inkling of what it might be, and involuntarily, my face contorted in reaction. Nonetheless, Milady paid no heed to my reaction and proceeded toward the source of the scent.

"Is this the dining hall?" she wondered.

"Yes, it's the dining hall for the staff. It happens to be lunchtime now, so the smell is likely from their meals," I clarified.

As we followed Milady, we arrived at the staff dining hall. Given the mansion's considerable size and the fact that Zane's room was in an area Milady seldom visited, it was likely her first time exploring this part. The servants near the entrance were understandably surprised by her unexpected presence. While her visit was indeed unusual, their reaction seemed somewhat exaggerated, didn't it? It may have been due to her infrequent presence in this part of the mansion.

"Hmm... Hey, isn't that Eins over there?"

Milady had been observing for a while and noticed a familiar face among the staff members having their lunch. Without hesitation, she walked into the room.

Since it was lunchtime, there were many staff members in the dining hall. However, when they saw Milady, they instinctively made way for her.

In the distance, Eins sat quietly, enjoying his meal.

"Is there something you need from me, Mistress?"

"Hello, Eins. Oh, please, don't get up. I was just curious."

Milady prevented Eins from rising as he recognized us and took a seat in an unoccupied chair. I had no choice but to sit in the seat next to her, quietly observing the two.

"So, what are you eating?"

Indeed, Milady was intrigued by Eins' meal. The salad and bread on Eins' plate were the same as what other staff members were having, but the main course, a bright red, eye-watering soup that bubbled ominously, was distinctly different.

"This is a special soup prepared for me by the head chef. It's quite delicious."

"Really... Well, if you say so, I'm a bit interested. Should I try the same?"


Eins continued to eat the seemingly dangerous soup with his usual expression, clearly enjoying it. Intrigued by Eins' reaction, Milady suddenly made a surprising suggestion, leaving me momentarily speechless.

Is she seriously considering trying that...?

"M-Milady! I think you shouldn't..."

"What's wrong? Am I not allowed to eat here?"

"It's not about that..."

Misinterpreting my hesitation, Milady wore an irritated expression. From a servant's perspective, it was indeed unconventional to dine in such a place. Proper meals were meant to be enjoyed in designated areas. However, if Milady wanted to eat here, I didn't see any harm in it.

But that didn't mean I could ignore a situation where my mistress might be putting herself at risk. I considered ways to dissuade her, but I knew it wouldn't be easy to convince her to stop.

Now, what to do...

"Milady, just in case you don't like it, could you at least take a small taste before continuing?"

"Indeed, Crow makes a good point. In that case, Eins, may I have a spoonful?"

"Of course, Mistress."

"Alright, I'll try it... Mmm."

Realizing that minimizing potential harm was the best I could do, I cautiously made this suggestion. With a tinge of guilt, I took a cup of milk from my pouch. Next to me, Milady leaned forward, supported herself on the table, and accepted Eins' offered spoon, putting it in her mouth.

"Heh, this is quite tasty... but, it's spicy... ouch! it's hot, it's hot!"

"Milady, here, please have some milk."


In the moment that followed, it seemed like a surge of pain hit her mouth. Milady clutched her mouth and began writhing in agony.

Anticipating this reaction, I had prepared some milk, which I offered to her. Milady snatched the cup, downing its contents in one gulp. Based on her reaction, it was clear that the soup she had eaten earlier was incredibly spicy, causing immediate suffering.

As it turned out, Eins had a fondness for spicy foods.

"Phew... W-what is this!? It's not just spicy, it's downright painful!"

Perhaps the pain had finally subsided, or it could be due to her teary-eyed expression, but Milady grabbed my collar and began shaking me.

That soup, besides its flavor, was incredibly spicy, to the point that it caused excruciating pain. Reflecting on the time I had tasted something similar, I could only wear a distant expression.

"That soup contains Dragon Pepper..."

"D-Dragon Pepper!? Why would they use such a precious ingredient in their cooking?"

The Boundary Mountains, a natural barrier separating the Kingdom from the Empire, was a treacherous realm teeming with dragons. Dragon Peppers only grew in the vicinity of its summit, and legends claimed that even dragons would spew fire and writhe in agony upon consuming them.

Due to its scarcity and the fact that it was used as a vital ingredient in the creation of a versatile magic potion known as the Elixir, its value was exceptionally high. Naturally, such a valuable and rare ingredient shouldn't be casually used in cooking.

"That's because Eins cultivates it in a corner of the garden,"

Of course, it's grown for her own consumption. Dragon Peppers don't thrive in regular conditions, so she uses magic to create a separate environment for them. The dedication it takes to grow them this way is quite impressive.

I wondered if it was worth going to such lengths for her favorite spice and whether it was even safe, but it seems Eins regularly provides her own precious spices, including Dragon Peppers, to the mansion's staff, which earns her goodwill among them.

"I find it delicious..."

"No, no, no! It's clearly not meant for human consumption! I mean, do you always eat something like this? You'll ruin your health!"

"Ahh, ahh..."

While Eins continued to savor the soup without paying much attention to the commotion, Milady leaned forward, shook her, and interrupted her meal. Despite her rough manner, it was evident that she was genuinely concerned, and Eins, who was unusually letting her do as she pleased, looked perplexed, her brows furrowed.

Watching their interaction, I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Milady, please let it be. Eins doesn't eat it often, so she should be fine."

"I really don't think she should eat it at all..."

I completely agree with that opinion...

"Making all this commotion made me hungry. Could you prepare a meal for me, too? ... It won't be some strange dish, will it?"

"Fear not, today's lunch is a regular soup that everyone else is having. Please wait for a moment..."

"No, I will bring it to you, so please wait here, Sir Crow."

"Ah, alright... I appreciate it."

Milady, looking weary as she settled into her chair, seemed ready to order a normal lunch this time. However, she appeared cautious, perhaps remembering the earlier incident, as she carefully watched my movements.

In an attempt to reassure her, I smiled, but just as I was about to rise to fetch the meal, Eins halted me.

Eins got up and hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the meal.

"Seems the one causing the commotion earlier was you, Mistress."


With Eins gone, I reluctantly settled back into my seat. While contemplating how to entertain Milady until Eins returned, I heard a voice from behind.

As Milady and I turned to look, the head maid stood there holding a tray with the meal.

"Ah, Martha, are you having a meal as well?"

"Yes, but Mistress, why are you in a place like this?"

While it seemed we were continuing to eat here, the head maid's question made sense.

Milady usually had access to elaborate meals prepared by the mansion's skilled chefs. There was no need for her to dine with the staff in a place like this.

"It's nothing special... Both my mother and my brother have been cooped up in their rooms all day, and I was getting bored."

Upon hearing those words, I exchanged a glance with the head maid involuntarily.

Normally, when other family members were on the estate, Milady dined alone. There shouldn't be any issue with her having meals on her own when her mother and brother were absent. There was likely another reason behind her choice.

"Ahem, well, since we're here, would you like to join us?"

"Yes, I think that would be lovely. Shall we dine together, then?"

It seemed that Milady, perhaps feeling a bit self-conscious under our gaze, decided to change the subject by faking a cough.

If Milady didn't want to discuss it, that was fine with us.

The head maid, without pressing further, took a seat at the available chair beside me, and Eins, returning with the food, joined us. The four of us began to have our meal.

"Wow... The food here isn't bad either," Milady commented.

"Yes, our head chef is quite skilled," I replied.

Milady seemed hesitant, likely due to the earlier shock, but her eyes sparkled after just one bite of the served food. It was the chef's cooking that could satisfy even those finicky masters. While the quality of the ingredients might have been somewhat lower than what Milady usually had, it still couldn't make the dish taste bad. I dabbled in cooking when I had time, but I still had a long way to reach this level.

"Eins, while I don't want to meddle too much in someone else's meal, I think it's best to stop eating that dish," the head maid suggested.

"Really? I don't see any problem with it," Eins responded, unfazed. She continued to eat the remaining spicy soup, while the head maid watched in disbelief.

"Mr. Crow, you should say something as well," the head maid turned her attention towards me.

I almost dropped a piece of bread in surprise but managed to catch it just in time. Nonetheless, what was I supposed to do about it?

"Managing subordinates is your role as their superior. Besides, this one here is quite stubborn; she only listens to you," the head maid explained.

"Is that so...?" I responded.

"Of course. I am only follow Sir Crow," Eins proudly affirmed.

The head maid's unexpected words revealed a different attitude from Eins, who usually displayed unwavering obedience to my commands. As I turned to her, she remained expressionless but exuded an air of pride. In reaction to Eins's behavior, the head maid expressed further exasperation.


During this exchange, delightful laughter reached my ears. Upon looking, I saw Milady, who had been quietly observing us, smiling naturally.


"What's the matter, Crow? Why are you staring at me like that?" Milady asked.

"…No, it's nothing," I replied.

Milady, who had seemed somewhat strained over the past few days, displayed a soft smile after some time, and my own expression couldn't help but brighten in response.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...