Sunday, October 1, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 36

 My lady wants to seduce

Outside the window, on the beach, even though it's nighttime, many people are still bustling about under the glow of various magical lights. It seems that they haven't found the princes yet.

"Well, it looks like we won't be able to go into the sea for a while..."

I'm in my assigned room, observing the situation and letting out a small sigh as I think about what's ahead. To be honest, searching for people in this vast sea is quite challenging. At this rate, it seems we won't be able to go swimming for a while.

Personally, I'm not particularly attached to the sea, so it doesn't bother me much. However, the real issue is with Milady. If she discovers that we can't go into the sea, I can already imagine how our rather temperamental princess will react.

"Excuse me"

As I contemplated these things and started to feel a bit down, there was a knock on the door, and Maid who wore glasses (Zwei), entered.

"What is it?"

"Yes, Eins wants you to go to Milady's room."

"Eins? Alright, I'll head there right away."

If everything had gone as expected, Eins would have just finished helping Milady with her bath at this hour.

Was there some kind of problem?

Despite these questions, I assumed Eins had a reason for calling me, so I decided to make my way to Milady's room.

"Wait a moment, this is a bit too much..."

"What are you saying? It suits you perfectly. Sir Crow will surely be delighted."

As I approached Milady's room as instructed, I could hear voices coming from inside. It seemed like Eins and Milady were having a conversation, and there didn't appear to be any major issues.

"Milady, it's Crow. May I come in?"

"Crow!? Wait a second! Why are you here?"

My unexpected arrival seemed to have caught Milady off guard as she expressed her surprise and there was some commotion from the other side of the door.

Although Eins had called me, not Milady, it made me wonder if perhaps Eins hadn't informed Milady about my visit.

"I've called him to see your appearance, Milady."

"Huh!? There's no way I'm showing myself like this!"

"You're saying that after dressing up like this? We can't keep Sir Crow waiting forever. I'm going to open the door."

"What!? Wait, don't...!"

As they argued, I heard the door click open, revealing the scene inside the room. Eins and Milady were as expected, but Milady's attire was quite unexpected.

"Milady, what's with that outfit?"

"~~~Ugh! What's with those eyes? I've heard that all you gentlemen like this kind of attire, right!?"

"Well, I mean..."

Blushing with embarrassment, Milady clutched herself as she exclaimed in despair.

Milady was wearing a red and black swimsuit, a complete contrast to her usual daytime attire. The design was provocative, bordering on risqué.

First, there's a choker around her neck, impossible to miss. It's designed to hide the bite mark from earlier, but the design makes it look like a collar, emphasizing Milady's seductiveness.

Then, there are strings extending from it, supporting the fabric that covers her chest. This fabric is surprisingly small for her ample bosom, revealing her pink nipples at the edges. The fabric from the neckline continues down to connect with the fabric around her crotch, creating a sharp and provocative line. Because of this design, her golden pubic hair isn't entirely hidden, adding to the overall eroticism.

This is... really quite inappropriate...

"I didn't hear anything about this? Who on earth influenced her to wear such a thing?"

I was shocked for a moment, but then I realized something crucial.

Indeed, Milady is typically a very modest young lady. It's hard to believe she would choose such a swimsuit for herself.

So, there must be someone who convinced her to wear it...

"This maid over here!"

Milady pointed her finger, and Eins, lifting her skirt's hem, bowed respectfully.


In the first place, why are you dressing Milady like this!

"Um... Eins?"

"I've prepared something to suit Sir Crow's preferences. Did it not meet your approval?"

"That's not the issue..."

"I've also prepared several other options. If you have any specific requests, please feel free to share them."

Anyway, when I tried to ask about the situation, Eins acted as if it were no big deal, and I found myself going along with it unintentionally.

Moreover, Eins reached into a dimensional storage and retrieved several swimsuits from the hangers. I couldn't help but stare at her face in amazement, but Eins remained as expressionless as ever.

...What does she really think of me?

"Why on earth am I supposed to wear this?! I absolutely refuse!"

Naturally, Milady protested vigorously to Eins, but Eins remained unmoved, as if she were ignoring her completely.

I had always known they were contrasting personalities, but could it be that they were simply incompatible?

As I contemplated this, I couldn't help but admire Milady's figure from behind. Looking at it again like this, it was indeed quite seductive. When viewed from the front, it seemed to conceal the essentials, but from behind, it was practically just strings. How could something be more erotic than being completely naked?

But wait, maybe this swimsuit was designed for a purpose like this from the beginning. Perhaps it was meant as a mating costume, designed to arouse the desires of males and facilitate the insemination process.

Once I realized this, my mindset suddenly shifted. If that was the case, there was no need to hold back.

"Well, I don't mind that look. Good job, Eins. You can step aside now."


Crow embraced Isabella from behind, who had just been confronting Eins, and she let out a cute scream in response to the sudden gesture.

Isabella's body remained irresistibly soft no matter where you touched, and as Crow buried his face in her neck, he could catch a whiff of the pleasant soap scent, likely from her recent bath. There couldn't possibly be another woman as exquisite as her.

"Well then, please go ahead and enjoy yourselves."

"Huh, eh...? Crow? Your eyes, kind of scary, you know..."

Unlike Eins, who had left politely, Isabella remained bewildered and vulnerable, seemingly struggling to understand the situation. It almost felt like an invitation for something more.

"Milady, wearing such an outfit in front of a man, you seem to be too carefree. What if someone else besides me saw you?"

"What are you saying? I wouldn't show this outfit to anyone other than Crow, of course!"


I had wanted to offer advice, but her response left me completely vulnerable. The unwavering trust in Isabella's words made it impossible for me to hold back any longer.

In the depths of my mind, I felt like I heard the sound of the last remnants of my restraint shattering.

"Excuse me."

"W-What are you doing all of a sudden!?"

Lifting her effortlessly, I carried Isabella to the center of the room and placed her on the bed. There was nothing left in my mind but the desire to embrace her.

"My apologies, Milady. I won't let you sleep until morning."

"W-Wait! Can't you calm down a bit?"

"I won't wait."

As I leaned over her on the bed, I restrained her wrists, disregarding her attempts to calm me down. If she truly didn't want this, she could resist. I hadn't taken her magical ring, and a single spell would be enough to push me away. Despite her verbal protests, Isabella only showed resistance through her words.


"Ngh.... ah...."

As I kissed her neck, avoiding the choker, Isabella let out soft moans in response. Her reactions delighted me, and I continued to shower her neck with kisses, purposefully leaving marks as I sucked harder.

"Ah, ah, ahh..."

Each time she moaned, Isabella's cuteness fueled my sadistic desires. I released her restrained wrists, and our fingers entwined as she reciprocated.


When I bit down hard on her neck, she let out an inaudible scream and gripped my hand tightly, arching her back. Even the mighty Isabella, an absolute powerhouse, was now submitting to me. The knowledge of that fact sent my blood racing.

"Oh... haah... ngh..."

Satisfied after a while, I pulled away from her neck. Isabella's body went limp as she collapsed onto the bed, drained of strength. The clear bite mark on her neck was a testament to the completion of my mark.

My possessiveness was only slightly sated. I needed to make Isabella completely mine.

"How long are you going to stay dazed like this? We've only just begun, so please do your best."


I gently touched her cheek, peering into her unfocused eyes. Her face, damp with tears and saliva, was something she wouldn't want anyone else to see. I ran my tongue over her face, licking away her tears, and playfully licked it clean.

Now, what should I do next? Ideally, I'd like to thrust my meat into Isabella and fill her womb with my essence, but I still had enough restraint left to realize that would be a terrible idea. Well then, since we're already here, let's explore the uncharted territory from behind.

"Yes, that's right. Please turn over onto your stomach."


"Yes, keep your hips up just like that."


With her still dazed expression, I lightly slapped Isabella's cheek, prompting her to sluggishly roll over and present her back to me. A few gentle slaps on her buttocks, and she slowly raised her hips, assuming the position. It was quite an undignified posture, but I suppose that's what she gets for willingly complying like this. An aristocratic young lady shouldn't be arching her back in submission like this.

Looking at her from this angle, that swimsuit was truly something else. With most of her back exposed, her cute little anus was on full display in the center of her upturned rear. I hadn't touched it yet, but her pink anus twitched as if begging for attention.


I grabbed the flimsy string and pulled it upwards, causing her swimsuit to wedge into her slit with a squishing sound. It appeared that the earlier nibbling on her neck had already aroused her considerably.

"W-what are you doing!?"

"My apologies, Milady. Since we're here, shall we explore this area as well?"

"Stop it! That's such a dirty place... Hyaah!"

Isabella finally regained her consciousness and attempted to halt my actions as she comprehended the situation. Naturally, I disregarded her protests and continued to explore her delicate anus with my tongue, which made Isabella's hips twitch in response.

I used both hands to spread her buttocks apart, thoroughly examining every detail of her anus, from the wrinkles to its center.

"Milady, there's no such thing as a dirty part of your body" 

"No way that can't be..... Mnngh!"

Even though it wasn't really unpleasant, thanks to the lingering scent of soap from her bath.

While voicing my sentiments, I slowly penetrated her anus with my tongue, causing Isabella to tremble with unfamiliar sensations.

"Mm, hah... Nn, nn...!"

I firmly held onto her waist, preventing any attempts to escape, and continued to explore her tight anus. I stroked her plump buttocks and generously coated her hole with my saliva, using my tongue diligently to spread it around.

This relentless process continued.

"Mnn, ah, nghh..... Mnnn...."

As this continued, Isabella, who had initially seemed uncomfortable, gradually began to mix lust into her voice. Her anal passage had also relaxed considerably as my tongue continued to delve deeper.

"Uhh... nngh... nn, ohh..."

"Is it about time?"


Judging that it had loosened sufficiently, I withdrew my tongue and wiped my saliva-covered mouth. Isabella, surprised by the sudden halt, turned to me with a bewildered expression, clearly showing her dissatisfaction with the interruption.

"No need to make such a face; I'll make sure to finish properly."


I then retrieved a small bottle containing a specially formulated lubricant I had used before. Popping off the cap, I tilted it, allowing the contents to drip onto Isabella's open anus, which eagerly absorbed the liquid.

When the bottle was empty, I discarded it and gently inserted my index finger into her adorable opening. Slowly, I parted the walls of her rectum, and she swallowed my finger with ease, almost to the first knuckle. However, my progress halted abruptly when Isabella clenched her anal muscles tightly around my finger.

"Come on, Milady, relax your buttocks" I encouraged.

"Mm, like this...? Mmmh..."

"Yes, just like that. You're doing great."

As I gently caressed her plump buttocks with my free hand, I waited for Isabella to release the tension in her rear. After a deep exhale, her anal muscles relaxed, and my finger was free to move.

Finally, I began pleasuring Isabella's anus.

"Oh, don't slip in and out like that... Ah, ah..."

Initially, I limited my movements to a gentle back-and-forth at the entrance. However, Isabella was already moaning and gasping, despite this being her first time. Her sensitivity, despite my prior preparations with my tongue, was remarkable.

"It seems your behind is quite receptive too. Truly befitting a lady like you."

"Don't... compliment me like that... I don't like it..."

Frowning at the foreign sensation, Isabella protested aloud. However, the pleasure from my sudden withdrawal silenced her protests as her body shivered in response.

"Wait... you're still going deeper...!?"

"Come on, focus on my finger."

"Ah, it's... it feels like it's scratching inside..."

Feeling confident that she was fine, I continued to gently insert my finger. Her rectum, coated in lubricant, allowed for smooth movement, embracing me with warmth. I bent my finger and traced the inner walls of her anus with the pad of my fingertip, as if exploring its depths.

It appeared that she particularly enjoyed stimulation on the front wall of her rectum. As I slowly moved my finger in and out, reaching the very limit of withdrawal, Isabella gripped the sheets tightly, her hips quivering in response.

"Nghh, this.... make me, feel weird....! Ngghah!"

As I continued to move my finger in and out, caressing the inner walls of Isabella's rectum, her pleasure became evident. She buried her face in the pillow and arched her hips higher, as if longing for more. This posture, filled with desire, only fueled my sadistic tendencies further.

"Mmm, ah, aahh....!"

I delicately traced the area near her entrance, then applied pressure to her deeper spots, methodically exploring inside her anus. I targeted her sensitive areas, and her moans gradually turned into helpless cries of pleasure.

"Right here?" I asked.

"Ah! Ahh, hnngggg!"


With a final, deliberate motion, I pressed my fingertip firmly against the spot that had driven her wild. Isabella's hips bucked uncontrollably as she reached an intense climax.

"Haaa, haaa, haaa"

Isabella's body trembled with pleasure for a while, but eventually, she seemed to settle down, collapsing onto the bed, utterly spent.

Each deep breath she took caused the thick, sticky love juices that had overflowed from her intimate area to drip onto the sheets, creating a noticeable stain.

I couldn't help but swallow hard as I witnessed this sensual scene. My arousal had been building up since earlier, and my erect meat inside my pants was insisting on release.

I gave in to those desires and reached out for Isabella's limp body, sprawled out before me.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...