Sunday, October 1, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 35

 The heroine encounters a mishap

Deep beneath the sea, where sunlight barely reaches, "he" floats silently, his massive body swaying gently. He is the ruler of these waters.

Despite being an immensely powerful presence, he remains cautious, never letting his guard down. Unlike his siblings, who mindlessly consume whatever they find, he possesses innate intelligence. This awareness makes him keenly aware of his vulnerability. His status as a ruler is the result of his efforts to avoid danger and prolong his life. Of course, luck played a role as well.

An invisible barrier surrounds these waters, repelling anything larger than a certain size. While this barrier keeps him trapped, it also prevents larger, more powerful beings from entering his domain.

However, what about above the surface?

He has observed the presence of smaller beings on the tranquil sea above. Unable to navigate the depths of the sea, they would become helpless if brought into his territory, making them seem like easy prey. But these creatures are relentless. Once they target something, they pursue it endlessly, often returning in groups for revenge. They are formidable enemies.

In the past, his brothers had been killed for foolishly meddling with them.

In reality, surviving by procuring daily sustenance in the depths of this sea seems to be the most suitable course of action. He has, after all, managed to survive this way for a considerable period.

However, these days of living in this manner are drawing to a close.


Having evaded numerous deadly threats and lived for a long time, he has grown too large. The prey available in this territory can no longer satisfy his hunger. Yet, he is trapped by the presence of a protective barrier that has kept him safe, preventing him from escaping to the outside world.

His intellect, once sharp, wavers in the face of insatiable hunger brought on by consuming the local prey.


At this moment, his sensory organs detected a new source of prey. The location of this prey is above, in the world where those smaller creatures reside.

Under normal circumstances, he would never consider such a foolish choice as interfering with them.

However, in his current state of desperation, his rationality is no longer intact.



Even as she played with everyone by the sea, Maria's heart remained clouded. Despite her attempts to hide it, the recent events cast a dark shadow over her emotions.

In this world, Maria is the protagonist of the otome game "Jewel Prince" a role she had played in her previous life. Ever since regaining the memories of her past life as a child, she had lived as Maria Norton and had been loved by the world in various ways.

Even in the lawless slums, her childhood friend protected her, and the adults around her were kind-hearted. After being adopted by Baron Norton, her biological father, she was treated kindly by everyone, despite her commoner origins. While the noble training was troublesome, her memories from her previous life made it easier to adapt.

Her school life had been challenging at first, but thanks to the princes' help, she had quickly deepened her relationships with them.

The only one who had openly shown hostility toward her was Isabella, but even that was because of her role as the game's villainess. Other than that, Maria was beloved by everyone.

That's why Crow's clear rejection earlier had been shocking to Maria.

True, for some reason, the capture route hadn't progressed, and Crow's affection toward Maria remained low. However, in the game, he should never have treated Maria so indifferently.


(What was with that look!? That was supposed to be directed at me, wasn't it!?)

Just before leaving with her friends, the way Crow had looked at Isabella, full of tenderness, remained etched in Maria's mind, refusing to fade away.

Maria recognized that expression.

It was the expression Crow showed during an event when his affection level for the protagonist had become high enough for him to open his heart. Why was he directing that expression towards the villainess Isabella instead of the main character, Maria? 

It didn't sit right with her, not at all!

"Wait, what...?"

While still in the midst of these jumbled emotions, Maria suddenly looked toward the sandy beach and noticed that Crow was no longer in sight. Just a moment ago, he had been with Isabella at the beach, but now, where could he be?

"What's wrong, Maria?"

"Albert, do you know where Crow went?"

"...I'm not sure. I didn't see him either."

Albert approached, concerned about Maria, who seemed frozen. When asked about Crow's whereabouts, he hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. It seemed that even Albert didn't know where Crow had gone. Just where could he be?

"I see..."

"Maria, maybe you should..."

As Albert was about to say something to Maria, his expression turned disappointed, but he abruptly closed his mouth. Maria found his behavior peculiar when suddenly something wrapped around her leg.

"Wueh....? Kyaaa!?"

Before Maria could identify the creature, her legs were forcefully pulled, leaving her suspended in mid-air.


"W-what's happening?"

Hanging upside down, Maria scanned her surroundings to understand the situation. Her eyes locked with another pair of eyes.

"Eh, umm..... hello?"


"Eeek.......! Someone, please help!"

Despite her attempt at a friendly greeting, Maria's efforts failed. She cried out for assistance as a gigantic squid-like monster roared menacingly.

"I'm on my way! Let Maria go, you monster!"

Others didn't stand by silently. Albert, the closest person, acted swiftly, leaping at the monster in an attempt to rescue Maria.



However, in response to the threat, the monster swung one of its arms, sending Albert plunging into the sea.


"Ah, ugh...."

Albert, struck directly, fell but was quickly pulled from the sea by the monster's arm.

Although his eyes were rolled back, and he twitched, it seemed like he had only lost consciousness, and there didn't appear to be any life-threatening injuries.

For now, Maria felt relieved, but the situation hadn't improved at all.

(But wait, isn't this an event!)

In the midst of the sudden turn of events, Maria finally remembered that this situation was one of the events in the game.

Maria and her friends, who had been playing in the sea, were suddenly abducted by a Kraken and then stranded on a deserted island.

If this is that event, then it should be safe to assume that there is no immediate danger to their lives.

With Leon, the last one to be defeated, and the captured Maria being dragged into the sea by the Kraken.

(But wait, what about Crow?)

Just before that, she remembered something important.

In that event, Crow should have been involved as well.

The fact that he wasn't there means...

"Wait, wait a minute...!"

Although Maria tried to stop it in a panic, the monster paid no attention to such things.

The Kraken mercilessly submerged itself in the sea, and Maria lost consciousness.


"...? It seems quite noisy here, doesn't it?"

Upon our return to the beach with Milady, the scene had drastically changed. Instead of being mostly deserted, several knights were now bustling around the sandy shore, creating an intense atmosphere. I couldn't help but wonder what had occurred while we were away.

"Welcome back, Mistress, Sir Crow. I was just about to call you" Ein greeted us.

To gain a better understanding of the situation, we joined Eins, who had been issuing orders to the maids near the parasol area. Eins must have recognized us since he approached and offered a slight bow.

"Mistress, are you injured?"

"Huh?! N-No, it's nothing" 

Milady replied, her face turning slightly red as she touched her neck, which had caught Eins's attention.

While Eins inquired, I couldn't help but grin as I watched Milady's embarrassment. Even though I had been scolded when the bite mark was discovered, I considered this moment well worth it.


"Well, it's nothing serious. Right, Milady?"

I reassured Eins. To ensure she understood, I pulled Milady closer and theatrically opened my mouth wide, pretending to bite the opposite side of her neck, effectively conveying the information to Eins.



In response to my shenanigans, Milady got annoyed and stomped on my foot, followed by a swift backhand to my face. I winced in pain and crouched down, clutching my face.

Well, maybe I got a bit too carried away, but her embarrassment was rather cute...


"Don't get too cheeky! Now, can someone please explain what's happening here?"

"Of course. A giant Kraken suddenly emerged from the sea not long ago. Fortunately, we were at a safe distance, but His Highness and those nearby were attacked and dragged into the sea. Currently, both the city's knights and the kingdom's knights are collaborating on a search and rescue operation."

While I was writhing in pains, Milady turned to Eins, seemingly ignoring me as she sought answers. Eins provided the explanation with his usual expressionless emotion, though there was a hint of exasperation. Or maybe that was just my imagination?

...Couldn't she show a bit more concern?

"Why are there monsters in a place like this? Wasn't this city protected by a barrier?" I asked, gritting my teeth against the pain as I stood up.

Exactly, the city's prosperity and its status as a resort destination are thanks to the strong barrier that shields it. This situation is quite unexpected.

"It's not that uncommon, really. The barrier around this city is primarily designed to prevent powerful monsters from entering. Weaker, less threatening creatures can come and go as they please"

Milady was the one who answered my question. She no longer seemed angry and instead wore a serious expression as she kindly explained things to me, knowing I wasn't well-versed in magic.

Her explanation was clear and easy to understand, which I appreciated. However, it was hard not to feel a bit excited, considering the contrast between her current composed demeanor and the passionate sounds she had made in my arms earlier.

"So, it seems that the local knight order in this town regularly patrols the area to exterminate monsters, but from what she told us, it seems they inadvertently let one grow secretly."

So, it seems like the local knight order in this town messed up. 

By the way, the kingdom's knight order, responsible for guarding the princes, likely had a similar issue.

I see, that's why they look so desperate.

And to make it worse, the victims were the princes of this country. There will surely be consequences.

Excuses about not finding it in such a vast sea are pointless in reality.

How pitiful...

"What should we do next?"

However, these matters don't concern us.

The important thing is deciding our next steps.

"This situation is their mistake, and it's not something we should get involved in. Besides, it looks like this beach won't be usable for a while, so there's no choice but to return to the mansion."

"Understood. Eins, please prepare for our departure."

Milady, perhaps satisfied from her earlier swim, didn't seem too concerned and decided to head back to the mansion without specific demands.

That's a relief. While highly unlikely, if she had chosen to stay here, I would have had to use force to ensure her safety.

"Shall we go, Milady?"

"Yes, I've worked up a bit of an appetite from moving around. Let's have a meal when we get back."

"Sure. By the way, Milady, the mansion has prepared freshly caught seafood for us, just this morning."

"Oh, that sounds delightful."

Leaving Eins in charge of the current situation, Milady naturally took my hand as we walked side by side. Hand in hand, we headed back to the mansion, chatting about various things along the way.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...