Saturday, September 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 34

 My lady is being praised

"Got it? Don't you dare let go! If you do, I won't like it!"

My lady Isabella was right in front of me, her eyes sternly locked onto mine. Her emerald eyes exuded the dignity of a noble, and most people would have quivered in fear under her gaze.

However, this was just when you considered her face.

While she held my hands, she seemed somewhat unsure and wasn't in a position to assert her authority.

"Yes, yes, I won't let go. You don't need to remind me. Milady, please try what I showed you earlier."

I chuckled softly at her behavior and gently tightened my grip, aiming to reassure her. To avoid drawing attention, we had moved away from our previous location and now stood at a rocky part of the beach further inland. Here, the waves' sounds masked our voices, and the rocks shielded us from the view of Maria and the others, making it an ideal spot for our training.

I had started teaching Milady the basics of swimming, and we were about to put it into practice when she stumbled.


"It's okay, Milady. You can do it."

"I know!"

It appeared that her recent near-drowning experience had left her apprehensive about the water. She timidly gazed at the sea's surface, akin to a startled cat. While words of encouragement received spirited responses, she remained hesitant to actually swim.

This might require a little help.



"No matter what happens, I will always be here to assist you. So, Milady, could you please trust me?"

I pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, still holding it, and locked my gaze onto her eyes. It was ultimately just to comfort her, but if it could alleviate even a bit of her anxiety...

"......Huh!? What's that supposed to mean? It's like you're expecting me to fail! Just watch! I'll show you how quickly I can do this!"

Perhaps my words had irked her, as she raised her eyebrows even higher. With resolve, she submerged herself in the water, as if to prove a point. She then started moving her legs awkwardly but managed to swim with my assistance.

"Yes, yes, you're doing great, Milady."

"Heh, of course! This is only natural!"

As I continued to hold her hand, Milady proudly flashed a satisfied smile. Though she was still at a very basic level, her content expression was more than enough. Plus, she had overcome her fear of the sea from earlier, and that was a significant achievement.

"Now, Milady, how about trying to put your face in the water?"


I planned to teach her to swim gradually, taking this one step at a time. However, as I cheerfully gave my next instruction, Milady's smile vanished, and she froze in place.

I've mentioned this before, but Milady is quite skilled in activities like dancing, so she has good coordination. In fact, when I carefully taught her the basics of swimming, the clever Milady quickly caught on. In less than an hour, she had mastered swimming perfectly.

"How's this? Look at my graceful swimming!"

"Bravo, Milady."

I watched with a smile as Milady swam out to sea, clearly delighted by her newfound skill. Her happiness was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel elated as well. It seemed her mood had improved, likely due to our conversation with the princes earlier.

"Hehe... What do you think? With me, this is a piece of cake."

After her satisfying swim, Milady approached me, emerging from the water with a radiant smile. As droplets of water sparkled in the sunlight, dripping from her wet hair, I found myself captivated by her dazzling grin.

"Yes, it was an impressive swim. You should be fine now."

"Of course, there's nothing I can't do, being the perfect me."

Milady confidently held her chest high, wringing out her long, water-soaked hair with both hands. As droplets traced a path from her pristine collarbone, they created an alluring spectacle that made me involuntarily look away.

"So, what now? Is there anything else?" Milady placed a hand on her chest and looked at me with one eye, trying to gauge my reaction.

"Anything else?" I asked, puzzled by her request.

"Come on, Crow. There must be something you should do for me."


Despite her words, the lack of information left me unsure of what exactly Milady was expecting. She had never made such requests before, so I couldn't fathom her intentions.

"You're so slow! Just hurry up and praise me!"

Perhaps growing impatient with my inaction, Milady pushed her head toward me, exerting pressure as she urged me on.

"Is... is this okay?"

"Hmph, just do it from the start" Milady commanded.

I hesitantly placed my hand on her golden hair and gently stroked it, earning a satisfied, narrowed-eyed expression from Milady.

By the way, I had absentmindedly done this when applying sunscreen earlier.

"Do you like it?"

"What are you talking about? I'm only allowing it because it seemed like something you wanted to do, Crow."


Despite my initial reservations about her demands, I couldn't help but continue to stroke her hair as she giggled softly.


"Honestly, you're such a person...." 

I muttered, although I had many things I wanted to say. But seeing Milady looking so happy with an unrestrained expression made me forget all my reservations.

It felt like she was showing a childlike smile, which was rather unfair.

(No, it's nothing like that.....)

In truth, it wasn't just about something as simple as this that made her happy.

As someone born into a Duke's family, and as the Prince's fiancée, Milady had always been expected to be perfect. She had to do everything, and it was expected to be done perfectly. In such an environment, had Milady ever been genuinely praised by someone?

Judging by her reaction, it seemed she might have never experienced it even once. That's probably why she was so delighted by this small gesture.

I couldn't imagine just how much responsibility Milady carried on those delicate shoulders. But if I could help her even just a little...

"Hyaah! What are you suddenly doing?!" Milady exclaimed as she suddenly found herself in my embrace.

I held her with determination, silently hoping she would rely on me and whispered 

"No reason, I just wanted to do this."

"What's that? ... Well, I don't mind, though."

Milady appeared somewhat puzzled, but she rested her head on my chest and accepted the embrace without any objections. As we held each other, feeling the rhythm of her heart against my chest, we remained that way for a while.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do, my lady?"

"Something I wanted..."

"Anything you desire, I'm here to fulfill your wishes."

While I ran my fingers through her hair during our embrace, her demeanor gradually changed. Her face turned red, her breathing became heavier, and her heartbeat quickened. I felt the same effect on myself. We were probably both thinking the same thing.

──So, this was simply a confirmation.

"In that case, let's continue from where we left off."

She said, looking up at me with eyes filled with desire.

And most likely, I had a similar look in my eyes.

"As you wish, Milady."

While still holding Isabella, I gently slid my right hand between the gaps in her swimsuit, touching her soft breast.

"Mnnn, ngghh....."

I could feel her warmth and heartbeat through the palm of my hand.

When I gently pressed my fingers into her firm breast, Isabella squirmed slightly.

"Please, don't hold back. No one can hear us here."

"Even if you, say that..... mnnggh!?"

She appeared a bit embarrassed and had been covering her mouth with her hand, trying to muffle any sounds. But when I lightly nibbled on her cute earlobe, she couldn't help but let out a surprised gasp.

"Ah, don't... lick my ear like that" she murmured, and the splashing sounds of our actions filled the air. Her face turned a bright shade of red as her breathing became heavier. Lost in the moment, I pulled her swimsuit up, exposing her well-developed breasts.

"Wait, doing this here...!"

Although Isabella sounded flustered after revealing her chest, she didn't make any real effort to resist. In fact, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed herself against me.

"Even though you're already this excited, why are you saying that?"

"Ah, no... that... I'm going to...!"

I released her ear, which was now damp with saliva, and gently played with her hardened nipple using my fingers. Isabella shivered as she clung to me, and it seemed she had a minor climax even though I had only touched her breasts.

"Haa.... haa.... haaa...."

"Are you alright, milady?"

As I gently stroked her back with my free hand, Isabella, still trembling, responded with a series of soft gasps. Her reddened face exuded an unmistakable aura of desire as she gazed at me with hazy eyes.

"Excuse me"

"Mnn.... ah, ahh....!"

I can't resist when she looks at me like that.

I moved the hand that had been caressing her back down to her abdomen. Tracing the crevice over her swimsuit, Isabella couldn't endure the heightened sensitivity and leaned into me, pressing her body against mine.

With the swimsuit shifted aside, I ventured deeper and felt the slippery sensation with my fingertips. As I had anticipated, Isabella seemed more than prepared.

"It's cold...!"

As I entered Isabella's crevice, her vaginal walls, warm in stark contrast to the water's coldness, welcomed me. Although she instinctively tried to pull away by arching her back, I had no intention of allowing that.

"Milady seems quite stirred up down here. Did it feel that good?"

"Ah, ah, ahh..."

While roughly gripping her breasts, I whispered into Isabella's ear. She was too overwhelmed to answer, clutching me with all her might.

Her devoted reaction only fueled my excitement further.

"You're such a good girl..."


I trailed my tongue along her neck, savoring the slightly salty taste. Her warm interior allowed my fingers to explore her, searching for the sensitive spots I already knew well. I teased those areas relentlessly, causing Isabella's hips to tremble as she clung to me, eagerly anticipating her climax.

"Ah, ah, ah..... that's, not good, I mean it! Wait..... no, nononono......~"

Isabella seemed quite flustered, and at this point, it must be challenging for both of them to continue teasing without relief.

Despite my sympathy, I knew I had to maintain a bit of firmness and give her the attention she needed.

"Come on, let it go."

"Ggh?! Ahhh, ahhhh!"

As I signaled near her ear, I gently pressed her clitoris with my thumb, causing Isabella to convulse even more intensely as she reached her climax.

"Oh, noo....."

As Isabella reached her climax, she became less tense and let out a soft moan. Simultaneously, warm fluid started flowing from her urethra, wetting my hand.

The golden liquid trickled down my hand, making a gentle sound as it dripped onto the water's surface. Isabella couldn't stop it; she covered her face with both hands. She shivered as she released every last drop. The whole experience, unexpected as it was, sent shivers down my spine, fueled by a mixture of shame and intrigue.

It was quite the sight, to be honest, but I couldn't just stand here dwelling on it. I had to break this awkward silence.

"Um... It's okay, you know. It'll just wash away into the sea."

Isabella's response was unexpected.


"That's dangerous?!"

I tried to console her, but it seemed to have infuriated Isabella. She suddenly launched a gust of wind at me from close range, and I narrowly dodged it.

"I told you to wait, didn't I?! Can't even obey your master's orders, you worthless dog!"

When I looked up, Isabella's flushed face showed none of the earlier bliss. Instead, it was a mix of embarrassment and anger. Her anger seemed to have affected her control over magic, as a storm raged around us.

"Well, under normal circumstances, waiting would be okay, right?!"

"I don't know anything about that! Forget it now, or else you'll die!"

"That's crazy, right?!"

Isabella's face turned bright red, and her attempts to explain were futile as she hurled another wind blade at me.

The wayward spell tore through the sea, even splitting a nearby rock in its path. If that had hit me, it would have sliced me in two. I definitely didn't want to die over something so absurd!

Why did things have to take this turn? We had a great moment just a while ago, and now it's all ruined. I had plans to thoroughly enjoy my time with the cute Isabella, and now, thinking about it, I was getting frustrated.

Speaking of frustration, it reminded me of when I confronted those princes earlier. Isabella had flaunted that outfit to anyone but me. Damn it, they ogled her like she belonged to them! Isabella, being herself, parading around without realizing her charm.



"I apologize."

No, this wasn't working. Remembering those moments was making it harder to hold back. Driven by anger, I kicked up seawater to block Isabella's view. In that brief moment, I circled around her and then pressed her body against a nearby rock.

"Let me go!"

"Sigh... You're quite an unreasonable person, aren't you?" 

I thought while keeping her restrained with one hand. I took a moment to appreciate Isabella's figure from behind. She had a well-rounded buttocks and sizable breasts, even visible from this angle. Her waist was slender to the point of fragility, and her exposed, fair back was a captivating sight.

Wearing such a seductive outfit in front of other men, I couldn't help but feel she lacked self-awareness. The thought of the princes seeing her like this added to my frustration.

It was time for a little punishment.

"Did you think it was only Milady who was angry?"


While holding her against the rock, I embraced her from behind and sank my teeth into her fair neck. Just that made Isabella shiver and fall into submission.

"Yes, that's right. Just stay quiet, okay?"

"Mm, ah..."

As I fondled her breasts, which retained their shape even under gravity's pull, I lovingly traced my tongue over the bright red bite mark on her neck. Every time my tongue followed the pattern of the bite, Isabella let out small moans and trembled.

This would leave a mark that would heal within half a day with noble regenerative abilities, but it was just perfect for now. At least, for this moment, everyone would understand that this woman belonged to me.

I moved Isabella's swimsuit aside, revealing her already moist private area.

As I pressed my erect meat against it, Isabella instinctively responded by arching her hips toward me.

"You're such a good girl" I murmured.


Her reaction was a mix of pleasure and surprise, letting out a soft gasp.

I continued to gently play with her ample breasts, using one hand, while my other hand caressed her head, causing her to shiver.

"Could you please close your legs, my lady?" I politely asked.

"L-like this.....?"

"Yes, please stay just like that."

I lowered her swimsuit and gently slid my aroused meat into the small gap between her thighs, where she was moist and eager.


"That's it... You're doing great, Milady" 

I reassured her as I began to move my hips slowly. At first, it was a bit awkward, but her increasing wetness made our movements smoother, accompanied by the seductive sounds of our lovemaking.

"Milady, Milady...!"

"Ah, it rubs.... ah, hng..."

She gasped and panted as I held her, rhythmically thrusting into her thighs.

In the serene ambiance of the quiet rocky shore, the only sounds were the waves crashing and Isabella's alluring moans, along with the rhythmic impact of our bodies.

"Ngh, I'm...."

"Eep!? Ahhh....!"

As I moved my hips and traced my tongue over the bite mark I had made earlier, Isabella's body quivered, and more of her love juices flowed.

Her increasing excitement fueled my desire, and I intensified my movements.

"Ah! Ahh, it's intense... Ahh, ahhhh!"

"Milady, Milady, Milady!"

I held Isabella's body firmly, my movements becoming wetter and sloppier as I tainted her thighs.

Her thighs were utterly captivating.

We were rapidly approaching our limits, and I gritted my teeth, waiting for that moment.

"Receive this, Milady!"

"Ah, ahh... I'm, I'm... Ah, ahhh!"

I reached my breaking point, pushing my hips against Isabella's thighs and releasing all the pent-up desire at once.

The sensation of release was overwhelming, and my semen burst out forcefully, spreading over Isabella's thighs and stomach.

"Haah... haah..."

After the long climax, I savored the afterglow, breathing heavily.

I had ejaculated more than I expected, and my mind felt heavy, unable to think clearly.

In the end, I had used Isabella solely for my own sexual gratification during that last part. I wondered if everything would be alright.


"Oh, are you alright, Milady?"

Isabella's strength seemed to drain from her body, and she nearly collapsed on the spot. I rushed to support her, but I was also feeling unsteady, and both of us tumbled into the shallow waters.

Fortunately, it was a shallow area, so the water only reached our waists. While Isabella was unharmed, it was clear that we had gone a bit too far.



With a flushed expression, Isabella gazed vacantly in my direction and reached out to embrace me.

"Just a bit longer... like this..."

"Yes, I feel the same way."

Wrapped in each other's arms, we both surrendered to a pleasant fatigue for a while.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...