Saturday, September 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 33

 My lady is acting pretentious

Everything about Isabella captivates me—her glistening emerald eyes, a droplet of sweat trickling down her cleavage, and her vulnerable, exposed, white midriff. I'm irresistibly drawn to her, reaching out.

"Wow, what a beautiful beach!"


Just as I was about to touch her soft bosom, I was abruptly alerted by a faint voice of an intruder carried by the wind. I glanced around and noticed a group of several people who had seemingly appeared on the beach, even though there should have been no one else around. For now, they seemed unaware of our presence, but that would likely change soon.

"Eins! What's going on here?"

This situation is getting out of hand.

I quickly shifted my focus. I moved away from Milady and summoned Eins to assess the situation.

Wasn't this beach supposed to be exclusive to a select few?

"I apologize, Sir Crow. A group led by Prince Albert is currently approaching us."

"What did you say!?"

Eins's report made me feel dizzy. This beach was indeed limited to a very elite group, which meant anyone from that select group could use it, including royalty.

(Why did they have to come at the time when Milady was climaxing...?)

It seemed like incredibly bad luck, with the timing being terrible. If I had known in advance, I might have been better prepared. However, due to various issues yesterday, I hadn't had the opportunity to gather information or make necessary preparations.

Originally, this trip was arranged hastily, so I brought only a small number of followers. I couldn't blame Eins and the others for this situation.

But now, the consequences of that decision were apparent.


In any case, I couldn't allow Milady, in her current state, to be exposed to prying eyes. I gently placed my hand on her cheek and spoke.

"Hmm... Crow? Aren't you going to touch me?"


(Oh, for crying out loud... She's so adorable!)

I tilted my head, trying to maintain my composure despite Milady's sweet, enticing voice and her question. It felt like getting punched in the head.

As tempting as the sight before me was, I had more pressing matters to attend to. I needed to handle the situation at hand.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't the right moment. Prince Albert and his group are currently heading to this beach."

"...? Wait, what?! Why are His Highness and the others here?"

Milady had been looking at me curiously for a moment before finally grasping the situation. She quickly regained her composure.

She seemed ready to jump up from her beach chair in response, but her haste caused her swimsuit to slip. She hastily covered her chest with both hands and sat back down.

"You should ask them about that. Anyway, you can't appear in front of His Highness and the others dressed like that. I'll keep them busy while you get yourself ready."

"F-fine, I get it..."

Milady, still clutching her chest, looked down at her disheveled state and blushed. She then nodded in agreement.

"Well, well, Prince Albert! What a surprise to run into you in a place like this."

I needed to make sure Prince Albert and the others didn't notice Lady Isabella. I hurriedly approached them, blocking their path as an obstacle.

"Are you Isabella's butler? What's your business here?" The group of men, including the prince, appeared suddenly and eyed me warily, positioning themselves protectively around Maria. They needn't have worried; I was only interested in Milady. Nevertheless, trying to reassure them seemed futile.

"Let's clarify first—did His Highness and his group come here for some leisure at this beach?"

"That's quite obvious" replied the prince, maintaining an assertive tone.

"I'm sorry, but Milady is currently using this area. Could you and His Highness consider using another location?" 

"Why must we heed such a request?"

"We are merely requesting your understanding."

I tried to maintain a respectful tone, although I felt my face contort in frustration. Dealing with people of high status was always a hassle. Despite their ability to bend things to their will with their status and wealth, dealing with these individuals often proved to be an exercise in futility.

"Hey, what's all this talk about? Oh, Crow!"

Just as I struggled to keep my anger in check, a more troublesome woman interrupted the conversation.

"Maria, please step aside."

"Why? We're just having a conversation."


It seemed the prince couldn't assert himself against Lady Maria as he accepted her request and backed down.

Come on, you could've tried a bit harder. Don't make me deal with this woman.

"Long time no see, Crow! How do I look? I bought this swimsuit in town; does it suit me?"

Maria stepped forward and turned around, displaying her swimsuit as if to show it off to me. Frankly, I couldn't care less, and to be completely honest, I didn't find her attractive at all. Having just seen Milady's splendid swimsuit attire, I found this display rather painful.

"It's been a while, Lady Maria. Yes, it suits you very well."

"Hehe, I'm glad."

But if I were to speak the truth, it was evident that the knights behind her were glaring at me. Reluctantly giving her a compliment would only invite more unwanted attention from these men. What was I supposed to do?

"Right, Crow, why don't you join us too!"


As I contemplated this and looked into the distance, Lady Maria suddenly made an outrageous proposal. Even Albert hurriedly tried to stop her.

I had no desire to participate. Why should I sacrifice my time with Milady to be with these people?

"That's a great idea! It'll be more fun if we all play together."


"No, Lady Maria. I am—"

"—Could you refrain from recruiting my servant without permission?"

Suddenly, Prince Albert surrendered to the situation, and my attempt to decline Maria's offer quickly was interrupted by a familiar voice from behind.


"Isabella! How dare you—!?"

Prince Albert tried to confront Milady, who appeared elegantly from behind. However, he stumbled over his words and froze in shock.

"What's going on, Your Highness? Do you have a problem with me?"

"What are you wearing, for heaven's sake?"

Curiously tilting her head, Milady made Prince Albert blush deep red, rendering him flustered and unable to respond properly. Not only the prince but also the men accompanying Maria turned red and became visibly embarrassed by Milady's outfit, each to varying degrees.

In this country, open sexual interactions were officially prohibited. It was not uncommon for male nobles to remain inexperienced with women until marriage. It was likely the case for the princes before us.

Milady's unabashed and provocative attire seemed too stimulating for these inexperienced men to handle.

"Regardless of what you say, it's a beach, so wearing a swimsuit is only natural, isn't it?"

"I, I understand that!"

The prince, who couldn't muster his usual confidence, stammered and couldn't make a proper argument against Milady, who proudly displayed her body without any attempt to conceal it.

This time, it seemed that Milady had the upper hand.

(—It's getting on my nerves.)

However, within me, a muddied feeling emerged as I watched this scene. It was a mix of emotions directed at Milady, who was unabashedly showing off the swimsuit that had been mine just moments ago, and at these obnoxious men who were brazenly looking at her.

It was an ugly possessiveness.

I was well aware of that. After all, Milady didn't belong to me from the beginning, and I had no right to entertain such thoughts. Furthermore, it could be argued that, as the prince, he had every right to see the skin of his fiancée.


"Milady, please leave this to me."

"Huh? Oh, um, okay…"

Feeling irritated, I forcefully took Milady's arm, hiding her from the prying eyes of those men behind me. Then, I turned to face Lady Maria, the only one who had been eyeing Milady intently.

"I apologize, Lady Maria. I appreciate your invitation, but I must decline. I have duties to attend to for Milady."

"Ugh... Why not? It's not like you're always working, you know! I just thought we could have some fun!"

Perhaps realizing the disparity in status after seeing Milady in her swimsuit, Maria appeared flustered and tried to convince me. Her reaction only fueled my growing irritation, and I almost found myself clicking my tongue.

"It appears you might not understand, so let me be clear: you're being annoying."


"I serve Milady willingly because it brings me immense joy. Could you please refrain from interfering with your unfounded assumptions?"

"That's just... so cruel!"

Maria seemed taken aback by the unexpectedly strong rejection, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I apologize if my words were harsh, but serving Milady is a personal choice that brings me great happiness. Could you kindly refrain from disrupting it with your baseless beliefs?"

"You! How dare you! Why are you speaking like that when Maria has extended an invitation!"

Seeing that Maria's tears had seemingly returned Albert to his original state, I had to deal with another troublesome situation.

Are you trying to bring Lady Maria and me closer together or keep us apart? Please clarify your intentions.

"Your Highness, may I have a moment?"


"Please, hear me out."

With a strong desire to end this conversation, I put my arm around Albert's neck, forcibly initiating a private negotiation.

"Am I correct in understanding that you have feelings for Maria, Your Highness?"

"Why on earth did you...!?"

He had been so daring in his advances, thinking that no one would notice. But now, that wasn't the main issue.

"Let's set that aside for now. Do you have feelings for Lady Maria?"

"Uh, well..."

"Leaving aside many things, like your fixation on another woman despite being engaged to Milady, are you really okay with me getting closer to her?"

"What do you mean?"

If he was serious, it was rather comical. This guy, the future king of the country, was a cause for concern.

"As far as I can see, Lady Maria seems to be quite fickle. What do you think would happen if I, a new romantic interest, got closer to her?"


While Maria herself appeared to be enjoying a harem-like situation, it wouldn't last forever. Their current situation was likely the final stage of their rivalry to win Maria's affection. Adding another rival to the mix wouldn't be desirable for the prince.

"If I were by Lady Maria's side, and she started showing interest in me, wouldn't you dislike that, Your Highness? Besides, I simply want Milady to relax. How about we both agree not to interfere with each other?"

"I suppose... Well, if that's how it is."

"Great, I'm glad you understand" 

I replied with a smile as I released the prince and, once I confirmed that the prince was consoling Maria, turned to address Milady.

"Our discussion is over. Shall we go, Milady?"

"Huh? Wait a moment..."

I grabbed bewildered Milady's hand and left the princes behind, returning to our original spot on the beach.


We had successfully concluded negotiations with the princes and returned to our previous location. However, Milady, who had been in high spirits earlier, was now sulking due to Lady Maria's appearance. She sat on the beach chair I had prepared, hugging her knees and glaring at Maria and her companions, who were having fun in the distance.

"Please, Milady, try to cheer up."

"I'm perfectly fine, just as usual."


She was emitting an overwhelmingly gloomy aura from head to toe, so I had my doubts about her being "perfectly fine." However, it wouldn't be good to leave her like this indefinitely. I wondered if there was something I could do to change her mood.

"I have an idea. Since we're at the beach, how about going for a swim, Milady? Moving your body might lift your spirits."

"Don't want to."

"An immediate response!?" I thought some exercise would be perfect for a change of mood, but Milady promptly rejected the idea. Is there absolutely no merit in considering it!?

"Why do I have to do something like that? It's tiring and dirty, and I absolutely hate it!"


She continued her rapid-fire objections, but I sensed a slight unease in her demeanor. While it's not unusual for Milady to be somewhat selfish, this time, it felt different. If anything, it seemed like she was trying to hide something.

Hiding something, huh... Considering Milady's personality, the current conversation, and the circumstances, I had a hunch.

"Could it be, Milady, you can't swim?"

"Wh-what!?!" I had no concrete evidence, but I voiced the possibility, and Milady reacted visibly, freezing in place.


It seemed I had hit the bullseye on the first try. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't recall ever seeing Milady swimming. Considering she rarely visited this city and had few opportunities elsewhere, it was somewhat expected.

"W-what are you saying! Of course I can swim! It goes without saying that I can!"

While I felt it wasn't worth fussing over, Milady, who aimed for perfection herself, would never admit she couldn't swim, especially after seeing Maria energetically swimming over there.

"…What's with that look?"

"It's nothing."

I was met with a half-hearted glare, but I wasn't making fun of Milady. If anything, I found it adorable that she was pretending to be strong despite not being able to swim.

"You think I can't swim, don't you? Fine! Watch me prove you wrong right here, right now!"

"Woah....! Milady!"

With those words, Milady swiftly tossed her beach wrap in my direction, creating a whirlwind of sand as she dashed into the sea at lightning speed.

As the sand settled, I temporarily lost sight of everything around me.

"How about this? I can do this much! Got it?"

When the sand cleared, I saw Milady in the water, her swimming resembling more of a frantic struggle than anything else.

It looked less like swimming and more like a desperate attempt to stay afloat. I worried that such a method would quickly exhaust her.

"Ah, ugh... L-Like this! Ah!"


Just as I had suspected, Milady, who had been struggling as I anticipated, suddenly let out a small cry and froze in place. Her figure disappeared as the waves swallowed her.

Without hesitation, I screamed and leaped into the sea.

"Pant... Pant... Milady, are you alright?"

I managed to rescue Milady, who had nearly drowned, and placed her safely on the shore. Thankfully, we had been swimming close to the shore, so the rescue happened swiftly, which was a fortunate turn of events.

Milady had already coughed up the water she'd swallowed, and her breathing had steadied. For now, things seemed alright.



"That's right! I can't swim! So what!? It can't be helped! I've never done it before! It's not a big deal, I can't swim! Besides, I can fly with magic, so why should I engage in such unproductive and pointless activities? It makes no sense! Are you stupid!?"

Perhaps to cover her embarrassment at her ungraceful display, Milady suddenly began to yell like a child having a tantrum.

If she had this much energy to complain, she was probably okay.

"M-Milady, please calm down. No one is blaming you for anything."

"What about you, Crow?"


As I tried to calm down the yelling Milady, her anger suddenly turned toward me.

"I bet you can't swim either! Come on, I'll watch, so swim!"

"W-Wait, I'll go! Don't push me! Ahhh!"

Before I could react, Milady, who was grinning mischievously, pushed me headfirst into the cold sea.

"Though, even if I'm told to swim..."

Being dunked in the water gave me a moment to gather my thoughts, but what should I do?

I've never swum before, that's for sure...

Wait a minute, earlier, I saved Milady without even thinking about it, but how did I manage to do that?

"I remember, at that moment..."

I tried to swim based on the sensations I remembered, and gradually, I recalled various aspects of the proper way to swim. Using the knowledge stored in my memory, I adjusted my movements, reducing water resistance more accurately and efficiently.

(Oh... This is the first time my knowledge from my previous life has been useful.)

I almost forgot, but I had experienced life once before. I thought those memories were useless, but the knowledge from a world with significantly advanced civilization was still there. Thank goodness for compulsory education.

"Is this swimming style alright?"

After satisfying myself with some swimming, I emerged from the sea and returned to Milady.

It felt good to swim again, and it seemed like the haze that had been lingering in my mind had cleared.



However, upon my return, I received a merciless body blow.

Her slender arm had concealed an unexpectedly sharp right hook, which precisely targeted my abdomen, leaving me writhing in agony.

"If you could do it, you should have said so from the start. Are you making a fool of me?"

"No... I never intended..."

I crouched, clutching my stomach, as Milady looked down at me with cold eyes and spoke with disdain. I hadn't meant to make a fool of her, but considering the circumstances, it wasn't unreasonable for her to think that way.

"Ugh, everyone always treats me like a fool. It's so frustrating!"

Oh no, Milady's mood had worsened again.

"Please calm down, Milady. If you can't do it now, you can learn. I'll teach you, so let's work on it together."

To reassure Milady, I held both her hands and looked straight into her eyes. In reality, she only lacked knowledge of how to swim; her coordination wasn't that bad. With the right guidance, she should be able to swim well.

"...If I can't do it, I won't forgive you."

"It's alright; I'm sure you can do it, Milady."

"Hmph... Alright, let's go."

"Of course, Milady."

Milady seemed somewhat satisfied for now. She turned away from me and took my hand, leading the way. I followed behind her, feeling the soft touch of our joined hands as we moved forward slowly.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...