Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 27

 My lady is being caressed

"Mnnghh... for some reason, my throat feels off today."


Milady's words about her throat caught me off guard, jolting me awake from my half-asleep state after a sleepless night.

Honestly, making her ingest semen was probably not the wisest idea. It definitely wasn't pleasant, no matter how you looked at it. I might have gone too far. But it was so exhilarating, and to be honest, I wanted to experience it again...

(No, no, I shouldn't be thinking about that right now...)

I pushed the alluring memory of Isabella from just a few hours ago out of my mind, struggling to regain my composure. While Milady likely hadn't noticed anything unusual, I couldn't afford to display any odd behavior that might arouse suspicion at this point.

"It's possible that the fatigue from yesterday is still lingering. I'll prepare some soothing tea for your throat later."

"I see, very well" 

Milady responded, seemingly satisfied with my brief explanation. She gave a small nod and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. In moments like this, Milady's straightforward nature is quite helpful. Not that I mind it, of course.

"Lady Isabella is here!"

As soon as Milady entered the dining hall, students who had been having their meals gathered around her, forming an impromptu circle. I instinctively became more alert due to this unusual situation, but it seemed unnecessary.

"It's said that she led a group to defeat a unique species at the head of a horde of monsters. Impressive, Lady Isabella!"

"Not only beautiful but also strong. I admire you!"

"You truly live up to the renowned Valiaz Ducal family's daughter. People like Lady Isabella are the true nobility."

Apparently, news of Milady's feat in defeating the unique monster had spread among her teammates and others overnight. Achieving such a remarkable feat naturally earned her this admiration.

"Of course, I'm Isabella Valiaz! Dealing with such mediocre monsters was a piece of cake!"

In response to the words of praise from the students, Milady laughed heartily, clearly in high spirits.

(They're all just saying what suits them, aren't they?)

While observing this situation from the sidelines, I cast a cold gaze at the students surrounding us. Among them were not only Milady's usual entourage but also students who had previously been by the prince's side or remained neutral, not affiliating with any faction.

All of them wore superficial smiles and seemed solely focused on ingratiating themselves with Milady, who had gained fame from this incident. It's natural for the weaker to flatter the stronger, but when it's so blatant, it becomes rather distasteful.

"Milady, it's about time..."

"Oh, dear. I understand. I would have liked to chat a bit longer, but I also want to have breakfast. Could you lead the way? I'd appreciate it."

I felt sorry for interrupting Milady, who was enjoying the admiration of those around her, but we had come here for a meal. We couldn't afford to be delayed any longer. I urged her.

And honestly, I wanted to get Milady out of this uncomfortable environment as soon as possible.

"In that case, this table is available, Lady Isabella!"

"Then I shall bring your meal to you!"

"Lady Isabella, what would you like to drink?"

As Milady made her request, the crowd quickly made way for her, and the nearby students eagerly rushed to prepare her meal. Their overly zealous efforts caused me to instinctively step back. It was quite an unseemly scene, but the only consolation was that Milady didn't appear bothered by this display of devotion.

"──Lady Isabella is truly remarkable."

"──How splendid, Lady Isabella!"

"Lady Isabella! Lady Isabella! Lady Isabella!"

"Well, there's no need to state the obvious."

Even after taking her seat, the students' continuous praise showed no signs of stopping. To be honest, in such a spotlight, I doubted I could even enjoy my meal. Nevertheless, Milady remained composed, gracefully savoring her food while interacting with the students.

In moments like these, one could truly see the natural qualities of a born leader. She was undoubtedly the lady I serve.

However, isn't she getting a bit carried away? Based on past experiences, these moments when Milady gets overly confident are the riskiest. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's a sense that things might take a turn for the worse later on.

"But I suppose this settles the evaluation for this training, doesn't it?"


After basking in the praise for a while, Milady seemed to change the subject to the evaluation of the training. The students who had been enthusiastically praising Milady until now suddenly fell silent. In fact, they exchanged awkward glances with each other.

It seemed my intuition had been correct.

"Um... Lady Isabella, haven't you heard about it?"

"What are you talking about?"

One of the students timidly asked Milady, but naturally, she had no idea what they were referring to. However, judging by their reactions, it appeared to be something that wasn't going over well with her.


"What? What is it!?"

Witnessing Milady's puzzled reaction, the students exchanged disapproving glances and began whispering among themselves in hushed tones.

During this time, Milady could only wear a bewildered expression, utterly unaware of the situation.

"Lady Isabella, um... this is a bit difficult to say..."


Finally, it appeared the students had reached a consensus among themselves, and a timid female student stepped forward to speak before Milady. With an adorable tilt of her head, Milady listened to the hesitant girl's words, making her the unfortunate messenger.

Meanwhile, as Isabella dined, surrounded by numerous students, a pair of eyes from a distant table observed her intently.


The young girl's pen had already stopped moving across the notepad. Instead, she clutched it tightly in her hand, producing a creaking sound, almost as if it mirrored her inner turmoil.


With its durability pushed to the limit, the pen finally snapped in her hand with a sharp crack. She tossed it aside, holding her notebook to her chest. Maria, the young girl, left the cafeteria as though escaping from the unsettling scene.


Our training expedition, despite its many troubles, had finally come to an end without major incidents. However, inside the carriage on our way back to the capital, Milady was causing quite a commotion.

I could only let out a small sigh as I sat across from her in the overly spacious carriage.

By the way, the other students were not in this carriage. Given Milady's current state, they had all fled to other carriages, fearing they might get caught up in whatever was happening inside.

Their judgment was wise.

Honestly, I also wanted to escape.

...But that might be impossible.

"We put in so much effort, and now it's all for nothing! It's just too much!"

Milady's behavior might seem typical, but what she was upset about now was the cancellation of this training expedition.

An unusual situation had arisen during this expedition due to the sudden proliferation of monsters caused by the appearance of a powerful unique species. In response, the faculty had immediately decided to cancel the training and rescue the students.

That part was understandable.

The problem lay in the fact that the cancellation meant there would be no evaluation for this training.

Now, let's return to Milady.

In the end, Milady had successfully defeated a powerful unique species, carrying its remains as proof, and managed to escape the forest, the designated goal, within the allotted time.

Naturally, this had come with its fair share of hardships.

Fighting tirelessly against the monsters, struggling without rest, and then immediately rushing through the forest to meet the time limit – one could easily imagine the hardships Milady had endured.

All of her hard work had gone to waste, and it was understandable why Milady was furious.

Strictly speaking, Milady's reputation had actually risen due to her victory over the unique monster during this expedition. However, for her, it probably felt like all her efforts had been in vain.

"Why? What's wrong with them canceling it? I defeated the monster horde, after all!"

"Well, you see..."

"Why are you giving me such a half-hearted response? Crow, you should be more furious!"

"No, even if you say that..."

I had been giving half-hearted responses to Milady, but suddenly, she appeared in front of me and scolded me.

However, this was the sixteenth time I had heard Milady's complaints. She had been incessantly making the same fuss since before we got on the carriage, and frankly, I was getting tired of it.

After all the hard work we had put in yesterday, it was quite impressive how she still had the energy to make such a fuss.

"This tyranny will not be forgiven! Once we return to the capital, I will protest to the academy and make sure they... retract this decision."


Despite her determined complaints, Milady suddenly slumped and sat down helplessly.

I instinctively grabbed her shoulder to support her. What had happened?

"It's... nauseating..."


I worried about the sudden change, but when I looked at Milady's pale face, it all made sense.

The carriage's ride was far from comfortable, especially on the bumpy roads we had been traveling. Despite that, she had been making so much noise earlier. It was understandable that even someone as composed as Milady would feel nauseous.

"That's because you were making such a fuss. Here, take this medicine. Can you drink it?"


Reluctantly, I held Milady and gave her the motion sickness medicine. Then, I arranged some cushions on the seat and helped her lie down sideways.

"It's so hard..."

After managing to get her to lie down, Milady began to complain about the hardness of the seat.

Due to the nature of the training, we hadn't brought any extra cushions or soft bedding, so the only available cushions were the ones we were sitting on.

As a result, I couldn't support Milady's entire body on the hard wooden seat, leaving her legs and the rest of her body sprawled uncomfortably.

Despite her complaints, she didn't seem too bad off. In fact, given her current condition, her energy level was surprisingly high.

"I'm sorry, but this is all we have for now. Please bear with it."

With no other options, I took a seat and gently placed Milady's head on my lap.

I knew it might be uncomfortable for her, given that it was a man's lap and quite firm, but there was no other cushion available.

"Well, I suppose I have no choice..."

Milady sighed reluctantly and rested her head on my lap without further protest, closing her eyes.

(Honestly, you're such a person...)

I couldn't help but smile as I watched her serene expression. Despite all the commotion earlier, just gazing at her like this made it all worthwhile. I didn't mind being at her beck and call; in fact, I found it rather enjoyable.

Despite my astonishment at how hopelessly in love I was with her, I couldn't resist finding her utterly endearing, prompting me to gently reach out my hand.

"W-what are you doing!?"

"Ah... I'm sorry."

(Oh no!?)

My eyes widened in surprise as I suddenly realized what I had been doing – I had been absentmindedly stroking her golden hair.

What a blunder.

Perhaps the sensations from last night hadn't completely faded, causing me to unconsciously repeat the same action.

"W-Wait! There's no need to stop, right?"

I panicked inwardly, attempting to withdraw my hand, but her voice halted me.

...Wait, what did Milady just say?

"Um... So, is it alright if I continue?"

"Crow, if you really want to, I wouldn't mind allowing it" Milady replied, averting her gaze as she spoke. Her response, in line with her noble demeanor, made me chuckle inwardly. It was quite a challenge to pretend not to notice the adorable blush on her ears peeking out from her golden hair.

"......May I continue to pet your head, Milady?"

"Well, I suppose I can't help it. Permission granted."

"Thank you."


With her permission, I resumed stroking her lustrous golden hair with my right hand. Milady closed her eyes, clearly enjoying it, and occasionally pressed her head against my palm as if demanding more.

If this was what it took to satisfy her, I was more than willing to continue.



After a while of petting her head, I felt a soft sensation against my left hand. When I looked down, I found Milady's hand gripping mine, just like the last time when she had granted me this privilege as a reward, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Why? Don't you want a reward?"

"No, that's not the case. I'm just deeply touched by this unexpected joy, Milady."

Noticing my puzzled expression seemed to displease her, so I responded by gently holding her hand. Feeling the softness of her smooth palm, happiness washed over me.

"Hehe... Well, that's fine then. Look, your hand stopped. Keep petting me."

"Yes, Milady."

As I continued to stroke Milady's head, who was now in high spirits, I couldn't help but wish for this peaceful moment to last indefinitely.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...