Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 28

 My lady feels disheartened.

I know this is sudden, but in the Farrant Kingdom, situated in the central part of the continent, there are four distinct seasons. To be honest, I don't know if these four seasons in this world are the same as the ones on Earth in my previous life or if they operate under entirely different rules. Such matters are best left to scholars to investigate; it's not my concern.

What's important here is:

—Summer has arrived.

The sun in the sky has been emitting its intense heat, subjecting the residents of the capital city to relentless sunlight for the past few days. According to reports, many people have collapsed due to the heat, and the city's clinics have been receiving numerous patients every day.

"Next, I'd like to have some strawberries."

"Yes, Milady"

"Ahh,munch..... nngghhhh~"

However, within the Duke's mansion, such concerns held no relevance. While the scorching heat outside sharply contrasted with the frosty interior, thanks to magic, I sat comfortably on a sofa. Plucking a ripe strawberry from a plate on the table, I playfully offered it to Milady, who rested with her head on my lap.

As I gazed down at her, enjoying the juicy strawberry, I couldn't help but smile and affectionately stroke her head.

After the tumultuous expedition training, the academy promptly ushered in a one-month summer break. While many students chose to return to their respective territories, a few, like Milady, opted to spend their vacation within the royal capital.

Initially, Milady had been quite enthusiastic about going out and savoring her vacation. However, as the scorching heat intensified, her frequency of going outside gradually decreased, and eventually, she didn't step out of the mansion at all.

Fortunately, the Duke's household had the advantage of employing a talented ice-element mage. Consequently, the mansion remained comfortably cool.  In the corner of the room, there was a giant ice crystal created by magic, serving as an air conditioner, continuously spreading cold air throughout the room until its magical power ran out.

Without this magical relief, enduring the relentless heat would have been an insurmountable challenge.

"That being said, is there still no sign of my drinks?" 

As I continued to feed Milady strawberries and stroke her gently, she grumbled with dissatisfaction. 

Come to think of it, it had been quite some time since I'd sent Eins to the kitchen to prepare our drinks. Given her diligent nature, slacking off seemed unlikely. So, what could be taking her so long?

"I believe she should have returned by now. It's getting late. Shall I go check on her...?"

"Crow, stay right here."

"Very well."

Although I initially attempted to rise and investigate, Milady grabbed the hand that had been stroking her head, preventing me from moving. 

Reluctantly, I settled back onto the sofa and resumed stroking Milady, patiently awaiting Eins's return.

"Mistress, I have brought your drinks."

"You're rather slow; I've grown tired of waiting."

"My apologies."

As Eins returned with our drinks, I offered a straw to Milady, who was reclined and turned to the side. She sipped from the glass slowly.

Though it might seem a bit unconventional to dine and recline like this, we were the only ones present, so there was no issue.

"Thank you. Did something happen?"

"It's just that..."

I turned my attention from Milady to Eins, who had been waiting nearby. Simply fetching drinks from the kitchen shouldn't have taken this long, so there must have been some issue on the way. Thinking this, I asked, and Eins glanced at the door she had just entered through.

"May I come in?"

The door, previously closed, swung open, and Martha, the head maid, entered the room. She scanned the room, and when she saw Milady reclining on my lap, her eyes widened in alarm.

"Mistress! Please refrain from such immodest behavior!"

"M-Martha!? Why are you here!"

Milady, taken aback by the sudden scolding, quickly rose from the sofa and stared wide-eyed at the head maid. Admittedly, her unkempt appearance just moments ago wouldn't befit a lady. However, it wasn't uncommon for the head maid, who usually oversaw Milady's care, to make unannounced visits.

"Is there a problem with me being here? And Mr.Crow, could you please refrain from spoiling Mistress too much?" The head maid's unexpected criticism earned her a quizzical glance from Crow.

"My role is to fulfill Milady's wishes. Even if it's a request from the head maid, I cannot comply with such a directive. Besides, it's quite presumptuous to suggest that I'm pampering her with something so trivial."

For some reason, the head maid's disapproval appeared to be directed more at Crow, even though he was simply carrying out his duties. There was no basis for such criticism, and Crow was confident in that.

"Honestly, you're always..." 

Crow was about to express his thoughts further but halted when he noticed the head maid's disapproving expression.

Choosing not to dwell on it, he redirected his focus to the main issue. 

"Anyway, rather than dwelling on that, may I inquire about Milady's needs? I highly doubt someone as busy as yourself would visit us for casual conversation" Crow remarked, hoping to shift away from the awkward atmosphere.

"You're absolutely right. It's a waste of time to dwell on such matters. Let's get to the point" the head maid concurred, eager to move past any unease. She hadn't come all this way for mere small talk, after all.

"Mistress, one of the ice magic users we employ in the estate, collapsed earlier" the head maid reported.

"Hmm? Well, can't you just find someone else?" Milady responded casually. The news was indeed important, but it didn't seem like something that required her immediate attention. Ice magic users were valuable, but the prestigious Valiaz Ducal House surely had more than one in their employ.

As Milady suggested, finding a replacement should have been a straightforward solution. However, the head maid's next words shattered that assumption.

"Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Due to the heatwave, all the other personnel have also fallen ill, and currently, there are zero ice magic users available at the estate."

The head maid shook her head, refuting our initial thoughts. As I mentioned before, Milady's comfort within the estate was largely thanks to the ice magic users employed by the Ducal House. If all of them were incapacitated, it meant...

"...So, what are we going to do then?"

"In this situation, there isn't much we can do. Until they recover, Mistress will have to endure some inconveniences, and I hope you can understand" the head maid replied with a hint of apology in her tone.

"No waaaaayyyyy!?"

Upon hearing the head maid's stern announcement, Milady's screams echoed throughout the mansion.

In other words, it had been decided that Milady would have to endure the same scorching heat as outside for the next few days.

"It's so hot..."

The next day, Milady lay face down on her bed, utterly drained. Her vivacity from the other day had vanished, and even her distinctive vertical curls drooped weakly in the oppressive heat

The cooling magic that had been maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room had faded due to a depletion of magical power, leaving the air inside tepid. Although we had mobilized all personnel capable of using magic to address the situation, it was still challenging to produce the same level of cooling effect as the top-tier ice magic provided.

While the current temperature was certainly cooler than outside, it was still unbearable for Milady, who had been accustomed to the frigid environment.

"Are you feeling alright, Milady? I've brought you a drink. Please, take a sip."

"What about this looks alright? It's even warm."

"I apologize."

Milady slowly raised her head, took a long sip from the glass I offered, but soon grew weak and collapsed back onto the bed. At this rate, her strength wouldn't last.

"Sir Crow."

"Yes, how did it go?"

I wasn't just sitting idly by in this situation. Eins, whom I had tasked with finding a solution, returned. However, judging by her expression, it seemed things hadn't gone well.

"I'm sorry. Out of the 14 ice-affinity mages currently in the capital, I tried contacting the ones other than the four we employ here, but none of them responded positively."

"I suppose so. Those high-tier elemental mages are already employed by wealthy patrons. There's no reason for them to switch to our service."

These mages possess rare and valuable elemental abilities, and other noble families and even the royal family wouldn't willingly let them go. While it might be possible to recruit mages with lower status through intimidation or bribes, it's a different story when dealing with such influential individuals.

"In situations like this, going to a summer resort might be a good idea..."

"I won't return to our estate. I don't want to trouble Father, who's already so busy."

"I understand."

The Valiaz Duchy, located in the northern part of the kingdom's territory, should have a relatively cool and comfortable climate. However, if Milady insists otherwise, it's difficult to persuade her against her wishes. While I can't help but have concerns about the unusual relationship between Milady and her family, I, as a mere servant, shouldn't interfere in such matters.

"But yes, a summer resort..."


"Exactly! That's right! There's just the perfect place for times like these! Once it's decided, make preparations right away. We're leaving now!"

It seemed that something had occurred to Milady during our earlier conversation, and she suddenly jumped up, landing on her bed, and then quickly closed in on me.

"Um, Milady, even if you say it so suddenly, I have no idea. Where are we going?"

While being slightly pushed back by her enthusiasm and arching my upper body backward, I tried my best to calm Milady down. I really had no clue since it was such a sudden decision, and I hadn't made any preparations.

"Come to think of it, you've never been there, have you, Crow? I've only been there once a long time ago, so it can't be helped. Very well, I'll tell you."

Milady nodded several times as if she understood what I meant, and she placed her hands on her hips, turning back to face me.

"We're heading to the town of Marle in the southern part of the kingdom's territory, a royal demesne!"

And then, without hesitation, she pointed her finger right in front of my eyes and made her declaration.

"Is everything prepared?"

Within the vast mansion grounds, there was a dedicated training area for the Duke's personal knights responsible for guarding the estate.

Milady, who had arrived in her elegant white dress and lace gloves, squinted as she faced the relentless sunlight pouring down, even through her parasol.

"My lady, we're all set here. We can depart whenever you're ready."

Milady was greeted by a middle-aged knight donning a full suit of armor. He was Jerald, the commander of the Valiaz Duke's Third Knight Order, responsible for safeguarding the mansion in the capital.

Despite his stern appearance, Jerald was accustomed to being at the mercy of Milady's unpredictable whims due to his position, making him quite the hardworking individual.

This time, luck was not on his side as he had been given the task of arranging this sudden journey with only an hour's notice.

"These Wyverns are eager to work after a long hiatus. We assure you a comfortable journey in the skies."

In the spacious training area, numerous small dragons, Wyverns, were standing by with their equipment on.

As Jerald reached out to affectionately stroke one of the Wyverns nearby, it responded with a contented purring sound. These Wyverns were a type of magical creature commonly referred to as "familiars" and essentially were domesticated magical beasts.

When it came to familiars, people would often think of creatures like unicorns with their sturdy bodies or even Pegasus, which was depicted in the Azurite Duke's family crest.

However, due to their special training requirements and the enormous cost of upkeep, it was difficult for nobles below the rank of a duke to manage them effectively. Nonetheless, their abilities far surpassed those of ordinary livestock.

"Great, let's depart right away."

Milady promptly climbed into the carriage that had been prepared in the center of the training area. Although it was referred to as a carriage, it was a specially modified vehicle designed for her comfort, similar to the carriages she usually used.

"Captain, I'm relying on you today."

"Y-yeah... Leave it to me..."

Just before I boarded the carriage following Milady, I bowed my head to the captain. It seemed like he didn't like me very much, as he avoided making eye contact, but I wasn't too bothered by it. As long as he fulfilled his role properly, it didn't matter.

"Let's go, everyone, it's time to take flight!"

We made sure that the maids were safely aboard another carriage separate from ours. Following the captain's orders, the knights mounted their wyverns, and with powerful wingbeats, we began to ascend into the sky. 

As I looked through the window and watched the ground below grow smaller and the capital city recede into the distance, I started to think about the plans for this journey.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...