Monday, September 25, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 25

 My lady Returns

In the eastern territories of the kingdom lies the Azurite Territory, bordered by vast wilderness, where an abundance of formidable monsters reside. In this land, which borders the vast territory of formidable monsters, it is one of the kingdom's most perilous regions, richly blessed by nature but teeming with countless powerful monsters.

Yet, even in such a place, the people can lead their lives with determination, thanks above all to the presence of the knights who protect them, serving as a significant pillar of support.

"Captain, everyone is ready" a knight announced.

On the outskirts of the densely wooded forest, knights dispatched from a nearby city in response to a call for assistance had formed an organized formation. Their mission was to rescue the students stranded within the forest.

Every year around this time, the neighboring forest served as the training grounds for the students of the Royal Academy of Magic, where they undertook expeditions as part of their training. This year, just like in previous years, it was expected to end without any major issues. However, it was abruptly disrupted by the sudden appearance of a horde of monsters.

While the majority of the students had already been successfully evacuated thanks to the efforts of the waiting teachers, around a hundred students remained stranded within the forest. Rescuing them, while simultaneously fending off attacks from the horde of monsters within the vast forest, posed a significant challenge.

Nonetheless, with their elite skills honed through countless battles against monsters day and night, they believed it was possible.

"Alright, then let's begin—"

"Wait, please!"

"What's going on?"

As the knights' captain prepared to give the order to depart, a group of students led by Maria, a girl with pink hair, rushed over, followed by Prince Albert.

"Pant, pant... Please, allow us to help with the rescue mission!"

"We're in too. We can't just leave our friends behind!"

"No, it's too dangerous. Leave this to us, and all of you should stay safe" the knights' captain said, shaking his head.


"In that case, I'll look after them. Is that acceptable?"

"Prince Wilhelm!?"

The man in white robes who offered his help to Maria and her group was Wilhelm Farrant, a healing magic instructor at the academy and the king's half-brother. Despite relinquishing his claim to the throne, his influence was undeniable.

"Don't worry; these are exceptional students. They won't be a burden" reassured Wilhelm.

"If you say so, then we'll trust your words. But please, don't overexert yourself" Maria replied.

"Understood. Maria, is this okay with you?"

"Yes! Thank you, Professor Wilhelm!"

However, Albert, who felt overshadowed by his uncle's assistance, wore a dissatisfied expression. Although he respected Wilhelm as his uncle, he couldn't ignore the rivalry over Maria's affections. Maria's gratitude toward Wilhelm only added to Albert's inner turmoil.

"Alright, let's get ready to depart" the captain began, but before they could proceed, one of the vigilant knights who had been on guard duty sensed something unusual approaching from deep within the forest.

"Captain! Something is approaching us from deep within the forest!"

"What did you say!? Everyone, assume combat positions! Prepare for an attack!" the captain commanded.

Just as Maria and her group had geared up for departure, a knight's urgent warning shifted their focus to the forest's depths. The knights' expressions turned serious as they readied their weapons and peered into the dim forest.

"Al! We should—"

"I know. Maria, stay behind me!" Al replied.

Following the knights' lead, Maria and her companions quickly prepared their weapons. Gradually, the sound of something drawing closer, accompanied by the crashing of trees, reached their ears.


"Did you hear that!? Everyone, be on your guard!"

"They're coming!"

And then, with everyone watching closely, it appeared.


"Clear the waaaaaay!"

"Wait, seriously!?"

"Be careful!"

From the depths of the forest, the "something" emerged, crashing through trees and heading straight for Maria and her group. The knights who had gathered quickly scattered to avoid the approaching threat. As the knights moved aside, the enormous "something" leaped into the space they had vacated, bouncing on the ground a few times before finally crashing into a tree and coming to a stop.

"Are you alright, Maria?"

"I'm fine, but what in the world is that?"

Maria had narrowly avoided danger by being pushed to the ground by Albert. She shook her head and looked around to assess the situation.

This was supposed to be an event where they would defeat the boss, but what on earth was happening? This was definitely not something that existed in the game, that was for sure.

"What is this?"

"Cough, cough... Seriously, what are you all doing?"

As the squad leader cautiously approached the object that had crashed in, a female voice could be heard from the cloud of dust.

"Oh my, you've all gathered here to welcome me like this? How considerate."

As the dust cleared, the identity of the object that had flown in became apparent—it was a massive cart. Standing on top of it, Isabella appeared. When she noticed the presence of the surrounding knights, she covered her mouth with her hand and broke into a cheerful laugh.

"The Fourth Squad, along with the Third, Eighth, and Thirteenth Squads, totaling one hundred and twenty members, have just arrived. Um... we're not late, are we, Crow?"

"Yes, just barely on time... Ugh..."

In response to Isabella's question, Crow, who had been lying at her feet, raised his head to answer but immediately spat out blood and collapsed. Judging by his previous condition, he had likely driven recklessly to get here. Upon closer inspection, many other students around the cart were also lying exhausted.

"Hey, Crow! Pull yourself together! Someone, quickly get a doctor!"

"Oh, um... if that's the case, I'll examine him. Squad leader, may I borrow some of your subordinates to assist in transporting everyone?"

"Understood. Hey, lend them a hand."


With the top priority being rescue efforts, Wilhelm and a few other knights, along with Isabella, began carrying the fallen students. Meanwhile, the squad leader issued orders to his subordinates.

"Now, could you provide me with more detailed information? Especially regarding the ogre corpse at your feet" the squad leader inquired, directing his gaze toward the massive corpse loaded onto the cart. The creature he remembered as an ogre looked nothing like this one in size or appearance, likely indicating it was a unique species and probably the leader of the recently encountered group of monsters.

"More importantly, I just want to take a bath as soon as possible."

However, Isabella, who was running her hand through her disheveled blonde hair, wore an expression of reluctance upon hearing those words. She had finally arrived at a place where she could rest in peace, and honestly, it was understandable that she wanted to quickly bathe and relax in a warm bed.

"I understand. You seem tired too, so I won't keep you long."

"I suppose there's no other choice. Let's quickly handle the troublesome matters."

However, as the squad leader, Isabella couldn't neglect her reporting duties. She sighed and then jumped down from the cart, following the squad leader.

"They've left. It seems all the students have returned safely, so shall we head back?" Wilhelm proposed as he watched Isabella and the others depart. Now that the students had returned safely, there didn't seem to be much more they could do in this place.


Amidst this, Maria stared in bewilderment at the corpse of the monster loaded onto the cart. Her eyes seemed to waver as if she had witnessed something unimaginable, and she was visibly shaken and breathing heavily.


"Huh? Oh, yeah. What was I saying?"

"Well, I mentioned that since the students have returned safely, we should head back... but is there something on your mind?"

"Nah, it's nothing. Let's head back" Maria quickly flashed her usual smile in response to Albert's concerned question.

Her smile reassured Albert and the others, prompting them to decide to return to the city.


Just before they reached the city, Maria's gaze drifted back to the Ogre's corpse tied up on the cart. Her eyes betrayed an unmistakable sense of urgency, though no one else seemed to notice.

(Why is that woman defeating the boss!? Isn't that the role of the heroine, which is me?)

During the journey back to the city, Maria struggled to make sense of the situation, her thoughts in disarray.

The Ogre's corpse that Isabella had brought in should have been the boss Maria's group was meant to defeat. In the game, Isabella was portrayed as a coward who would flee from monsters, abandoning her fellow students. Yet, she had somehow managed to defeat that boss.

What on earth was happening?

(Has my actions somehow influenced the game's main story?)

True, this Maria and the "Maria" in the game were different. She had taken some reckless actions to pursue the Harem route, and her personality deviated from the game's character. However, such deviations had never previously affected the overarching story.

This time, a crucial event in the story has gone off track. In this event, Isabella was supposed to act as a coward, abandoning her fellow students to save herself and tarnishing her own reputation. Conversely, Maria was meant to be celebrated as the heroic savior of the students.

(Anyway, I need to fix this deviation from the game as soon as possible.)

While it might be a minor deviation for now, who knows how it might affect things in the future. She had to make corrections; otherwise, this deviation could gradually worsen, potentially leading to the worst-case scenario—an undesirable ending.

(There's no way I'm letting that happen!)

She was Maria Norton, the blessed heroine of this world. If that was the case, then a happy ending was the only suitable outcome.

—No, it was more than that. She had to ensure it. As a fan who once loved this game, she absolutely couldn't allow this magnificent story to be ruined.

Gritting her teeth hard enough to feel like they might shatter, Maria renewed her determination.

"Thank you very much."

I bowed my head and left the infirmary. This place was a military base near the forest where the training had taken place. After safely traversing the forest, all of us had been brought here for treatment.

However, it was already past midnight. The treatment had finished relatively quickly, but the healer who examined me seemed to have figured out what I had done and had scolded me, causing a significant delay.

Walking down the hallway, I muttered bitterly, erasing the smile I had worn just moments ago.

The healer mage who had treated me appeared to be overflowing with a sense of benevolence and had lectured me quite earnestly about valuing all lives equally, taking better care of myself, and other such pointless sermons.

It was truly a meaningless ordeal. How could the lives of someone like me, a commoner, be of equal value to the life of a noble like Milady?

My lady was brilliant, noble, and incredibly beautiful. Such a person could never be compared to the likes of me. What hesitation could there possibly be in sacrificing one's life to protect someone like her?

Yes, Milady, our kingdom's Milady most precious Milady's treasure, Milady in her own right.



──I desire her.

I crave that person, that woman, that presence.

I yearn to possess her exquisite form, to capture her like a precious gem, and to savor every moment.

What expression would grace her face then?

Would it be anger?

Sadness, perhaps?

Or maybe even fear?

Just the thought of it stirs a fire within me.

"What a fool...."

I shake my head to forcefully clear my thoughts.

My mind has been far from stable for a while now.

In fact, it feels more like an accumulation of sexual desire.

Probably, my near-death experience triggered some primal instincts, urging me to procreate.

And the fact that our encounter by the lake was cut short due to the attack might be adding to these feelings.

"This is problematic."

Honestly, I don't have much confidence in controlling these impulses.

If I were to meet Isabella right now, I might end up forcing myself upon her.

That would be disastrous.

I'm pretty sure no words like "just a regular massage" could explain everything I'm willing to do.


While I'm lost in thought, I realize I've reached the door to Isabella's assigned room.

"Welcome back, Sir Crow."

With trembling hands, I open the door, and Eins greets me with a lowered head.

I glance around, but there's no sign of Isabella.

"Where's Milady?"

"Mistress already went to bed a while ago" Eins informs me.

"I see" I breathe a sigh of relief at Eins' words.

Thinking rationally, it makes perfect sense. It's late at night, and Isabella must have been exhausted from her work.

"This way" Eins guides me to the bedroom.

Inside the dimly lit room, Isabella is lying on the prepared bed, wrapped in sheets. She's fast asleep, emitting small, peaceful snores, showing no sign of waking up.

As I gazed at her innocent sleeping face, a dark emotion stirred deep within me.


In response to Isabella, I...

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...