Sunday, September 24, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 24

 My lady gives rewards.

"That's the report on the battle."

Later, I found myself in a room within the fortress.

As I woke up, I listened to Eins' report while lying in bed, trying to understand the situation.

It appears that they are currently preparing for departure and treating the injured from the battle.

"It's a miracle that there were no casualties in such a battle."

"Yes, indeed. Mistress's quick actions and the early defeat of the unique monster played a significant role."

"That's right. Thanks to this, Milady's reputation will surely rise."

We managed to defeat the unique monster, a challenge that even the knight order would struggle with, without any casualties.

Not only will the academy benefit from this, but this incident will undoubtedly become a topic of discussion in noble society.

All of this will enhance Milady's reputation and further solidify her position.

"I've recieved the report. You can return to Milady's side as before. I entrust her to you while I can't move."

"Understood, Sir Crow."

"Has she left..."

After Eins bowed gracefully and left the room, her footsteps gradually faded. I let out a small sigh of relief.

Finally, I can stop enduring this.

"Ugh, gah... Gaaah!"

I curled up, holding my body that had been in excruciating pain since I woke up, and released a suppressed scream from the depths of my throat.

The excruciating pain threatened to shatter my entire body, causing my vision to blur with tears involuntarily.

In addition to the overall muscle soreness, it seemed that my internal organs were in terrible shape, causing pain even when I breathed.

This was by far the worst I had ever felt.

However, it was to be expected.

Someone like me, an ordinary person, couldn't possibly wield such power without consequences.

Forcing magic into an unfit body and pushing it beyond its limits had resulted in my body breaking down.

In simple terms, that technique was self-destructive.

It could be likened to a flawed product.

"Damn it! It's frustrating!"

I couldn't help but resent my own body, which had become useless after just that one battle.

It was all because of my own weakness.

If only I had the natural aptitude for magic like Milady, I could have avoided ending up in this humiliating state.

I got some basic first aid, but the situation inside the fortress is pretty bad right now. Many people are injured, and we don't have enough medicine or personnel to handle it all.

Considering this, it's just not feasible to allocate resources to someone who self-destructed like that. Currently, all I can do is lie quietly in bed until I can receive treatment in town.

Honestly, my body is useless in this condition. I can't be of any help to Milady like this.

"Excuse me."

"Ugh... Who is it!"

After groaning in pain for a while, someone suddenly opened the door and entered the room.

Who is this? Who would come here at such a difficult time?

"Well, well, this looks bad. I heard you used an enhancement magical tool, didn't you? Using such a defective item is quite reckless. Do you maybe have a death wish?"

"You bastard, what do you want........." 

I managed to turn my face toward the entrance. There stood Dixon, wearing his usual smile, seemingly unfazed by my heightened wariness. He approached the bed without much regard for my guarded expression.

"Wow... Is that your true self? Oh, don't make such a scary face. After all, I did come to visit you, in a way."

"What do you mean?"

Due to the intense pain, I couldn't keep up the butler facade, and he appeared to find my condition intriguing.

What could be his purpose? I still couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but there was nothing I could do about it now. All I could do was quietly observe the situation.

"I wish I could use healing magic, but unfortunately, I've used up all my magic power while treating everyone earlier. It's not much, but here" Dixon explained, producing a small bottle containing green liquid from his pocket.

"What's this?" I asked.

"It's just a pain reliever. Unfortunately, all the ingredients for healing potions in the vicinity have been completely taken. I'm sorry I could only make this, but I assure you it'll work."

It appeared to be some kind of medicine, but I couldn't judge its nature just by looking at it.

He mentioned it was a pain reliever, but...

"Would you like to drink it right away...... Well, looking at your current state, that might be impossible. Shall I help you with that?"

"Give it to me" I demanded.

"Careful now..."

I forcefully snatched the bottle from Dixon's hand and opened it with one hand before downing its contents in a single gulp. The excruciating pain surged through my body again, but I managed to overcome it with sheer determination.

I chose to take the medicine rather than having it forced upon me by that man.

"Ugh, this tastes awful... I hope it actually works" I winced as the strong bitterness of the herbs and a hint of something metallic filled my mouth the moment I swallowed it. Although I managed to get it down, the peculiar taste lingered.


Reaching for a nearby pitcher of water, I turned to Dixon, who appeared somewhat surprised and was frozen in place for some reason.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Dixon eventually responded, "Oh no, I was just a bit taken aback by how readily you drank that. Weren't you concerned it might be poison or something?"

"I don't think you're the type of person to do something like that" I replied.

We hadn't spoken much yet, but Dixon's responses had always seemed sincere. While he remained cautious, I could trust him to some extent.

"Well... I appreciate the high regard you have for me" Dixon said with a wry smile.

"Is that so"

Dixon's response to my words was a slightly embarrassed expression, but I wasn't really interested in seeing any soft side from this guy.

"Anyway, I appreciate it. Thank you" I said.

It seemed the painkiller Dixon had brought actually worked. After a while, the excruciating pain that had been tormenting my entire body had lessened somewhat. I managed to sit up in bed without too much difficulty, turned towards Dixon, and bowed deeply to express my gratitude.

Dixon casually replied, "You don't need to thank me for something so minor."

"No, it's not just that. While your help means a lot, I'm truly grateful for your use of that ice magic at the end. Without it, Milady would have been defeated and killed. Please, let me show my appreciation."

That ice spear, which completely halted the movements of the powerful unique monster, played a crucial role. Without it, we wouldn't have been able to accurately hit Milady's magic, and we would have lost. Although it's easy to focus on the fact that it's an upper-tier ice attribute spell, it's an incredible feat to simultaneously launch four spells of such magnitude and ensure they all hit accurately. I was confident that the man in front of me had performed this remarkable feat.

Dixon asked, "...Why did you think that ice magic was mine?"

"It was process of elimination. Among the Kingdom members present, other than Milady, no one else can use upper-tier attributes. Furthermore, among the Imperial members, you are the strongest. Isn't that correct?"


At some point, Dixon's smile disappeared, replaced by a piercing and cold stare.

It was clear that this man was far from ordinary. The aura of pressure he exuded seemed even more intense than Milady's. Relaxing around him could lead to dire consequences.

"You're correct. That was indeed my magic. I'd appreciate it if you kept it a secret" Dixon admitted.

We had been locked in a tense standoff for a while, but it was Dixon who chose to break the silence first. He once again wore a softer smile, devoid of the earlier icy fear. It didn't appear to be an act. It was likely that both his previous and current expressions represented his true nature.

"I understand. But I will repay this debt" I reassured him.

Keeping this secret was a given, especially considering it involved sensitive information about an upper-tier attribute user from another country—practically a military secret. Moreover, that magic was probably one of this man's trump cards. He had taken a risk to help us, and I felt an obligation to repay his kindness.

That's the natural duty of someone serving as the butler of the Duke's daughter. To deviate from that path would be to tarnish Milady's reputation, so it's only right.

"In that case, I'd like to ask a favor regarding the Empire—"

"I can't do that. I'll only repay the debt within my capabilities."

"Ah, I see... That's disappointing."

Though there were things I could do and things I couldn't, I couldn't help but feel downcast after Dixon's immediate refusal. He seemed on guard, as he should be.

In fact, didn't he give up on recruiting me?

"I got it! So, how about a different request?"


Dixon, who had been hanging his head, quickly perked up, leaned closer to me, and changed his demeanor. His rapid switch caught me off guard, and I blinked in surprise.

"But, there's hardly anything I can do right now."

"It's okay. It's not that difficult."

"Well, if that's the case... What is it?"

If it wasn't an overly demanding request, then I had no reason to object. I turned to Dixon, who had a serious expression on his face, and waited for him to make his request.

Hopefully, it would be something less troublesome than one of Milady's orders.

"Would you be willing to become friends with me?"


After a brief pause, he finally uttered those words, and I couldn't help but freeze. I must have looked quite foolish at that moment.

(What's he talking about, friends?)

Was it some sort of metaphor?

Probably not, I guess

So, this guy seriously wants to be friends with me?

Such a ridiculous notion...

"I'm actually interested in you. Unfortunately, I can't stand shoulder to shoulder with you, but I wouldn't mind deepening our friendship as friends."

"Well, I guess I don't mind, but..."

It seemed like this guy was genuinely serious about it. Ignoring my confusion, Dixon, with shining eyes, continued to express his enthusiasm about wanting to be friends.

I honestly wanted to avoid getting more involved with this guy, but since I agreed to hear his request, I couldn't refuse now.

"Alright, alright, we're friends from now on! You can call me Dee with affection. Oh, and no need for formalities. We're best pals, after all!"

"Hey, what's with the 'best pals'? Don't arbitrarily elevate our relationship like that."

Reluctantly, I agreed, and Dixon, with a wide smile on his face, began talking excitedly.

Honestly, at this point, I was starting to regret agreeing to this man's request.

Help me, Milady...

"Come on, Crow. Start calling me by my name."

"This guy doesn't seem to listen to others beyond what I imagined...!?"

"Come on, come on, quickly!"

Was this guy always like this?

Despite feeling overwhelmed by Dixon's persistent nature, I couldn't simply refuse the request of my first-ever friend. I sighed softly, resigning myself to the situation.

"...Dee. Is this good enough?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's great! Now we're even more like friends."

"Do whatever you want..."

With a satisfied nod from Dixon, or rather, Dee, I should say, I had fulfilled his request.

I didn't have much of a choice; I ended up in a friendship with him. But when I think about it calmly, having a connection with this guy doesn't seem like such a bad thing after all. To be honest, I needed to think that way to get through it.

"Now, I'd like to deepen our friendship a bit more, but I still have things to do. I'm sorry, but I have to take my leave here."

"I see... You've been a great help."

"Don't mention it. If you ever need help again, don't hesitate to ask. I won't spare any effort for your sake."

With those words, the noisy man left the room. I watched him go and then collapsed back onto the bed.

"I'm exhausted..."

Doing unfamiliar things wasn't my forte. I realized that being by Milady's side suited me best.

For some reason, I had an intense longing to see Milady again.

"I wonder if I was a bit too pushy?" Dietrich pondered as he returned from Crow's room. He was reflecting on his recent actions, realizing that he might have been a tad too forceful.

Dietrich had a tendency to become overly assertive when his interest was piqued, and while he was aware of this trait, it wasn't easy to change.

As he walked down the hallway lost in thought, he noticed a figure approaching from a distance. The person's distinctive golden hair with vertical curls made them instantly recognizable. However, Dietrich didn't have any specific business with this person at the moment. He offered a casual nod and attempted to pass by without drawing attention.

"Wait a moment, you there" came a voice from behind, halting Dietrich in his tracks. With reluctance, he turned around to face the person who had addressed him. Her emerald eyes bore into his as she spoke.

"Well, well, if it isn't Lady Isabella. What brings you to me today?"

"Why are you here?" Isabella asked with a hint of caution in her voice, in stark contrast to Dietrich's attempt to be friendly.

Dietrich couldn't quite understand her reason for being wary. After all, he had very little interaction with her, so it was only natural.

"Well, I don't quite grasp the reason behind your question. Is there a problem with me being here?" he replied.

"There are no rooms beyond this one except for Crow's. As an Imperial, what business do you have with my servant?" Isabella inquired.

Ah, he had forgotten about that. Dietrich had wondered why Crow was kept separate from the other patients, but it seemed to be Isabella's decision. Her treatment of him had been rather dismissive until now, but had something changed in her attitude recently?

"Well, I simply came to visit him. It's not unusual to be concerned about a friend, is it?" Dietrich responded.

"A friend... you say?" He had only recently become a friend, but there was no need to mention that. Instead, Dietrich nodded as if he had understood something from Isabella's apparent agitation.

"What's so surprising about him having a friend? He's just another person. It's not strange for him to have someone he's getting to know in places you're not aware of" Dietrich replied.

"Well, I guess that's true, but..." Isabella started.

"May I ask a question in return? If you were so worried, why did you let him do something so reckless?" Dietrich retorted.

"What do you mean?" Isabella asked.

Dietrich seized the moment to counterattack. To be honest, he didn't hold Isabella in high regard. While her evaluation had improved somewhat after the recent battle, he still couldn't fathom why Crow was so attached to her.

So, he decided to test her here.

"Why would you let someone without the aptitude undergo enhancement magic? Are you out of your mind? We got lucky this time, but one wrong move, and his body would have been torn apart by the recoil, and he'd be dead" Dietrich questioned.

"I-I didn't know about that! It was all Crow acting on his own!" Isabella defended herself.

"I see. So, it means you couldn't even properly manage your subordinate" Dietrich concluded.

"Huh...! That is..."

However, Dietrich knew that even if he tried to stop Crow, Crow would likely have used the magic. Still, there was no doubt that it was her responsibility for failing to control her subordinate's rampage.

"Let me be clear about this. You are not fit to be his master. If you're aware of that, release him promptly. It's for his own good" Dietrich stated.

"What do you mean... not fit?" Isabella froze, her face showing a shocked expression. While Dietrich's words may have been somewhat harsh, it was all for Crow's sake.

If she persisted, perhaps Dietrich could ascertain her true worth. If she gave up, Crow could come to the Empire with Dietrich.

(Now, which one will it be?)

"Enough of your meddling!" Isabella snapped. 

"Err what....?"

"Regardless of what anyone says, Crow is my subordinate! Whether he's a friend or whatever else, it's none of your business!"


I see, that's her response, huh? 

Dietrich couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

"What's so funny?" Isabella questioned.

"No, you're right. I shouldn't have meddled as an outsider. I apologize" Dietrich said, sincerely apologizing to Isabella, who looked puzzled.

Indeed, at least her determination to be his master seemed genuine.

"His loyalty to you is unquestionable. Otherwise, he wouldn't risk his life so readily. You should be proud of that" Dietrich added.

"Of course, he's my subordinate" Isabella affirmed.

"That's right, indeed" Dietrich nodded. He could tell that Crow served her for a reason, and even understanding a part of it was gratifying.

"Okay, I get it. If those words earlier were genuine, then it's a duty to show a little more appreciation for him. Rewarding loyalty to one's subordinates is also the responsibility of a leader, right?"

However, she could at least express her concern as someone who worries about her friend without going overboard.

"I understand that without you telling me!"

"Heheh... I see, I see, my apologies for that."

With an irritated expression on her face, Isabella lowered her head, and Dietrich cheerfully left the room.

"I'm coming in."

After Dietrich left, while I was resting alone in the room, I heard a familiar voice.

"Milady, ugh!?"

"What are you doing? Just lie down there."

As soon as I jumped out of bed upon hearing the voice of the young lady entering the room, excruciating pain coursed through me, and I writhed in place.

Seeing me in that state, Milady couldn't help but wear an exasperated expression.

"How are you feeling?" Milady pulled a chair close to the bed and sat down, examining my face.

Her sudden proximity made my heart race. No matter how many times I saw her, I never grew accustomed to her beauty. In fact, with each encounter, she seemed even more radiant.

...But perhaps that was just my imagination.

"Yes, I'm starting to feel better, but it still seems difficult to return to regular duties. I apologize, Milady."

"Is that so? Well, it can't be helped then."

However, what brought this on? She rarely visited me like this, so it was quite unusual.

Still, I couldn't help but feel happy about it.

"Milady, are you sure you're not injured?"

"Are you asking me that? Don't worry, I'm completely unharmed."

"I see, that's a relief" 

I sighed with relief upon hearing Milady's words.

Though I had heard about it in the reports, I had been anxious until I could confirm it with my own eyes. If Milady's beautiful body had been injured in any way, I would have carried that regret within me forever.

"...Honestly, it's quite trivial. Why should I even bother caring about what that guy says?" Milady suddenly looked down, lost in thought.

Was there something on her mind?


"Y-Yes! What is it, Milady?" Just when he thought that, she suddenly lifted her head and looked directly into his eyes.

"Your performance this time was splendid. So, um..."


What's going on here? Milady rarely hesitates to speak her mind, but now she's saying something unusual.

"So, I'm offering a reward!"


Wait, did Milady really say that? A reward?

I can't believe it. Milady, of all people...

"Oh! Right! Milady, during the battle earlier, you suffered severe head trauma..."

Oh no, it's because I didn't have enough power. Milady ended up in such a dire situation.

I feel so powerless...

"Crow~? Is it really that strange for me to offer a reward?"

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,ow! Wait, that really hurt! I might die for real!"

With a smile on her face, Milady grabbed my collar, and I snapped out of my confusion when a sudden, excruciating pain shot through my entire body.

Immediately, she let go, and thankfully, I escaped without any serious harm, but honestly, I thought I was going to die.

"Huff, huff...."

"Jeez... How rude. Isn't it common to give rewards?" 

While I was catching my breath, Milady pouted as if sulking. Her expression was incredibly charming... no, wait, if she was serious, then it would be a bit hard to handle.


"Hey, why are you looking away?" 

I couldn't say it out loud, so I quietly averted my gaze. However, Milady approached me, puzzled.

No, that's...... how to put it.....

"Umm, once......"

"Huh? What's is it?"

Honestly, it was hard for me to say it out loud. I wished she could figure it out on her own, but she just looked at me with a question mark on her face. She really didn't seem to understand.

Well, it's only natural for me to be treated this way. Even though I've had more chances to be close to Milady lately, I shouldn't misunderstand things. After all, it's just the relationship between a noble and a commoner.

I've understood that from the beginning.

"Since I started serving you, Milady, I've only received a reward once."


Milady made a strange sound from her throat.

"And it was just a partially eaten piece of chocolate..."


Thinking about it now, she tossed that chocolate on the ground like you would give a treat to a dog. Can that really be counted as a reward? Well, she did call it a reward, and honestly, I was quite happy with it. Even now, I occasionally dream about that moment.

"St-stop it! That's not important right now! So, what do you want as a reward, Crow? Money? Status? Or perhaps honor? Anything you desire, just say it. I can provide most things."

"Well, even if you say that..."

For some reason, Milady blushed and pointed her finger sharply at me.

However, I don't actually want anything, so it's quite a dilemma. Money accumulates endlessly despite my substantial salary from the Duke's family, and a status suitable for a commoner like me would hardly be impressive. As for honor, I have no idea what's so splendid about it.

"There must be at least one thing you want."

Well, there is something or rather someone I want, but that's probably impossible. So, what else could there be?

By the way, the option of not receiving anything is no longer available. Since Milady said she would give a reward, it's a done deal even if I don't want it. At worst, I'll be forced to accept the reward. Milady is truly a troublesome person.

As my mind wandered, my gaze suddenly fixated on a small hand at the edge of my field of vision.

"Um, could you hand...?"

My words slipped out before I realized it.

"Hmm? What's with the hand?"

"I mean, could you hold my hand?"

I wasn't sure what I was saying, but when asked what I wanted, this was the only thing that came to mind.


I anxiously awaited Milady's response, feeling like I was confessing something. I'd be quite shocked if she declined.

"Well.... it's not a big deal... Is this okay?"

"Thank you, Milady."

Milady, wearing a puzzled expression, gently clasped my right hand. It felt remarkably different from a man's hand, soft and tender, and I couldn't help but catch my breath.

The warmth radiated from that small hand I was holding, and I could feel my own body temperature rising. Just holding hands had me so excited; it was like I was an adolescent boy again.

"So, what's next? What else you want me to do?"

"No, this is more than enough."

"Are you sure this is sufficient? There must be something else you'd like."

"No, this is all I need."

Simply holding hands with Milady filled me with unparalleled happiness. I felt a warmth in my chest far greater than when our bodies had touched.

"Is that so? Well, if you say so. It's not strange; we often hold hands during your escort duty."

Milady smiled gently as she spoke. While gazing at her, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a sense of affection.

"When I look at it this way, your hands are quite big, aren't they? And they feel rough too" Milady said as she squeezed my hand, as if checking its size.

Her hand was smaller than mine, fitting perfectly in the palm of my hand. Despite feeling ticklish from the cute sensation of her hand against mine, I allowed her to explore freely.

"Milady's hands are small and soft" I remarked.

"Ah! You don't have to say that!" Milady blushed and shouted, but she didn't let go of our joined hands. Gradually, we settled into a state where our fingers were intertwined, just like lovers holding hands.

"Anyway, we're planning to leave tomorrow morning, so make sure you rest well until then" Milady continued after a while, shifting the conversation to our future plans. Our hands remained firmly intertwined throughout.

"I see. But, are we giving up on training in these circumstances?" I inquired.

"What are you talking about? I have no intention of giving up" Milady responded firmly.

Given that tomorrow was the departure day, it appeared that we were abandoning the original plan to traverse the forest within the allotted time. That was my assumption, but it seemed I was mistaken.

"But, if we're leaving tomorrow..." I began.

"Yes, exactly. So, if we depart early tomorrow morning, it should provide us with enough time, don't you think?" Milady stated.

"Huh?" I was puzzled.

"Is there an issue?" Milady asked.

Our conversation wasn't aligning, and I felt the need to clarify.

"Milady, do you know what day of training it is today?" I asked for confirmation.

I sensed that we were not on the same page, and I needed to understand where the confusion lay.

"Today is the third day, isn't it?" Milady replied.

"No, today is the fourth day" I corrected her.

"Wha..." Milady froze upon hearing my words.

........I see, that explains it. Or so I thought.

"Well, considering the intense battle we waged for over a day, it's not surprising that your sense of time got distorted" I explained. She had probably been giving orders continuously without rest.

In a forest without any clocks or reference points, it wouldn't be unusual for one's perception of time to become skewed.

"Just a moment....... So, how much time do we have left?" Milady asked, with sweat forming on her forehead.

I had no choice but to reveal the cruel reality.

"We were aiming to depart by sundown, so from now, we have about three hours left" I replied.

"No wayyyy!" Milady's scream echoed through the fort. She remained frozen in shock.

"M-Milady?" I called out.

"Ha! This is no time to dawdle around here! Why are you just standing there? Prepare for departure immediately!" Milady snapped back to action, rushing out of the room.

Shortly after, the commotion outside intensified. Most likely, she was forcefully mobilizing the students who had been resting to make preparations for departure.

"Ehhhhhh........." I mumbled helplessly, unable to stop Milady's rampage.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...