Saturday, September 30, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 34

 My lady is being praised

"Got it? Don't you dare let go! If you do, I won't like it!"

My lady Isabella was right in front of me, her eyes sternly locked onto mine. Her emerald eyes exuded the dignity of a noble, and most people would have quivered in fear under her gaze.

However, this was just when you considered her face.

While she held my hands, she seemed somewhat unsure and wasn't in a position to assert her authority.

"Yes, yes, I won't let go. You don't need to remind me. Milady, please try what I showed you earlier."

I chuckled softly at her behavior and gently tightened my grip, aiming to reassure her. To avoid drawing attention, we had moved away from our previous location and now stood at a rocky part of the beach further inland. Here, the waves' sounds masked our voices, and the rocks shielded us from the view of Maria and the others, making it an ideal spot for our training.

I had started teaching Milady the basics of swimming, and we were about to put it into practice when she stumbled.


"It's okay, Milady. You can do it."

"I know!"

It appeared that her recent near-drowning experience had left her apprehensive about the water. She timidly gazed at the sea's surface, akin to a startled cat. While words of encouragement received spirited responses, she remained hesitant to actually swim.

This might require a little help.



"No matter what happens, I will always be here to assist you. So, Milady, could you please trust me?"

I pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, still holding it, and locked my gaze onto her eyes. It was ultimately just to comfort her, but if it could alleviate even a bit of her anxiety...

"......Huh!? What's that supposed to mean? It's like you're expecting me to fail! Just watch! I'll show you how quickly I can do this!"

Perhaps my words had irked her, as she raised her eyebrows even higher. With resolve, she submerged herself in the water, as if to prove a point. She then started moving her legs awkwardly but managed to swim with my assistance.

"Yes, yes, you're doing great, Milady."

"Heh, of course! This is only natural!"

As I continued to hold her hand, Milady proudly flashed a satisfied smile. Though she was still at a very basic level, her content expression was more than enough. Plus, she had overcome her fear of the sea from earlier, and that was a significant achievement.

"Now, Milady, how about trying to put your face in the water?"


I planned to teach her to swim gradually, taking this one step at a time. However, as I cheerfully gave my next instruction, Milady's smile vanished, and she froze in place.

I've mentioned this before, but Milady is quite skilled in activities like dancing, so she has good coordination. In fact, when I carefully taught her the basics of swimming, the clever Milady quickly caught on. In less than an hour, she had mastered swimming perfectly.

"How's this? Look at my graceful swimming!"

"Bravo, Milady."

I watched with a smile as Milady swam out to sea, clearly delighted by her newfound skill. Her happiness was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel elated as well. It seemed her mood had improved, likely due to our conversation with the princes earlier.

"Hehe... What do you think? With me, this is a piece of cake."

After her satisfying swim, Milady approached me, emerging from the water with a radiant smile. As droplets of water sparkled in the sunlight, dripping from her wet hair, I found myself captivated by her dazzling grin.

"Yes, it was an impressive swim. You should be fine now."

"Of course, there's nothing I can't do, being the perfect me."

Milady confidently held her chest high, wringing out her long, water-soaked hair with both hands. As droplets traced a path from her pristine collarbone, they created an alluring spectacle that made me involuntarily look away.

"So, what now? Is there anything else?" Milady placed a hand on her chest and looked at me with one eye, trying to gauge my reaction.

"Anything else?" I asked, puzzled by her request.

"Come on, Crow. There must be something you should do for me."


Despite her words, the lack of information left me unsure of what exactly Milady was expecting. She had never made such requests before, so I couldn't fathom her intentions.

"You're so slow! Just hurry up and praise me!"

Perhaps growing impatient with my inaction, Milady pushed her head toward me, exerting pressure as she urged me on.

"Is... is this okay?"

"Hmph, just do it from the start" Milady commanded.

I hesitantly placed my hand on her golden hair and gently stroked it, earning a satisfied, narrowed-eyed expression from Milady.

By the way, I had absentmindedly done this when applying sunscreen earlier.

"Do you like it?"

"What are you talking about? I'm only allowing it because it seemed like something you wanted to do, Crow."


Despite my initial reservations about her demands, I couldn't help but continue to stroke her hair as she giggled softly.


"Honestly, you're such a person...." 

I muttered, although I had many things I wanted to say. But seeing Milady looking so happy with an unrestrained expression made me forget all my reservations.

It felt like she was showing a childlike smile, which was rather unfair.

(No, it's nothing like that.....)

In truth, it wasn't just about something as simple as this that made her happy.

As someone born into a Duke's family, and as the Prince's fiancée, Milady had always been expected to be perfect. She had to do everything, and it was expected to be done perfectly. In such an environment, had Milady ever been genuinely praised by someone?

Judging by her reaction, it seemed she might have never experienced it even once. That's probably why she was so delighted by this small gesture.

I couldn't imagine just how much responsibility Milady carried on those delicate shoulders. But if I could help her even just a little...

"Hyaah! What are you suddenly doing?!" Milady exclaimed as she suddenly found herself in my embrace.

I held her with determination, silently hoping she would rely on me and whispered 

"No reason, I just wanted to do this."

"What's that? ... Well, I don't mind, though."

Milady appeared somewhat puzzled, but she rested her head on my chest and accepted the embrace without any objections. As we held each other, feeling the rhythm of her heart against my chest, we remained that way for a while.

"Is there anything else you'd like me to do, my lady?"

"Something I wanted..."

"Anything you desire, I'm here to fulfill your wishes."

While I ran my fingers through her hair during our embrace, her demeanor gradually changed. Her face turned red, her breathing became heavier, and her heartbeat quickened. I felt the same effect on myself. We were probably both thinking the same thing.

──So, this was simply a confirmation.

"In that case, let's continue from where we left off."

She said, looking up at me with eyes filled with desire.

And most likely, I had a similar look in my eyes.

"As you wish, Milady."

While still holding Isabella, I gently slid my right hand between the gaps in her swimsuit, touching her soft breast.

"Mnnn, ngghh....."

I could feel her warmth and heartbeat through the palm of my hand.

When I gently pressed my fingers into her firm breast, Isabella squirmed slightly.

"Please, don't hold back. No one can hear us here."

"Even if you, say that..... mnnggh!?"

She appeared a bit embarrassed and had been covering her mouth with her hand, trying to muffle any sounds. But when I lightly nibbled on her cute earlobe, she couldn't help but let out a surprised gasp.

"Ah, don't... lick my ear like that" she murmured, and the splashing sounds of our actions filled the air. Her face turned a bright shade of red as her breathing became heavier. Lost in the moment, I pulled her swimsuit up, exposing her well-developed breasts.

"Wait, doing this here...!"

Although Isabella sounded flustered after revealing her chest, she didn't make any real effort to resist. In fact, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed herself against me.

"Even though you're already this excited, why are you saying that?"

"Ah, no... that... I'm going to...!"

I released her ear, which was now damp with saliva, and gently played with her hardened nipple using my fingers. Isabella shivered as she clung to me, and it seemed she had a minor climax even though I had only touched her breasts.

"Haa.... haa.... haaa...."

"Are you alright, milady?"

As I gently stroked her back with my free hand, Isabella, still trembling, responded with a series of soft gasps. Her reddened face exuded an unmistakable aura of desire as she gazed at me with hazy eyes.

"Excuse me"

"Mnn.... ah, ahh....!"

I can't resist when she looks at me like that.

I moved the hand that had been caressing her back down to her abdomen. Tracing the crevice over her swimsuit, Isabella couldn't endure the heightened sensitivity and leaned into me, pressing her body against mine.

With the swimsuit shifted aside, I ventured deeper and felt the slippery sensation with my fingertips. As I had anticipated, Isabella seemed more than prepared.

"It's cold...!"

As I entered Isabella's crevice, her vaginal walls, warm in stark contrast to the water's coldness, welcomed me. Although she instinctively tried to pull away by arching her back, I had no intention of allowing that.

"Milady seems quite stirred up down here. Did it feel that good?"

"Ah, ah, ahh..."

While roughly gripping her breasts, I whispered into Isabella's ear. She was too overwhelmed to answer, clutching me with all her might.

Her devoted reaction only fueled my excitement further.

"You're such a good girl..."


I trailed my tongue along her neck, savoring the slightly salty taste. Her warm interior allowed my fingers to explore her, searching for the sensitive spots I already knew well. I teased those areas relentlessly, causing Isabella's hips to tremble as she clung to me, eagerly anticipating her climax.

"Ah, ah, ah..... that's, not good, I mean it! Wait..... no, nononono......~"

Isabella seemed quite flustered, and at this point, it must be challenging for both of them to continue teasing without relief.

Despite my sympathy, I knew I had to maintain a bit of firmness and give her the attention she needed.

"Come on, let it go."

"Ggh?! Ahhh, ahhhh!"

As I signaled near her ear, I gently pressed her clitoris with my thumb, causing Isabella to convulse even more intensely as she reached her climax.

"Oh, noo....."

As Isabella reached her climax, she became less tense and let out a soft moan. Simultaneously, warm fluid started flowing from her urethra, wetting my hand.

The golden liquid trickled down my hand, making a gentle sound as it dripped onto the water's surface. Isabella couldn't stop it; she covered her face with both hands. She shivered as she released every last drop. The whole experience, unexpected as it was, sent shivers down my spine, fueled by a mixture of shame and intrigue.

It was quite the sight, to be honest, but I couldn't just stand here dwelling on it. I had to break this awkward silence.

"Um... It's okay, you know. It'll just wash away into the sea."

Isabella's response was unexpected.


"That's dangerous?!"

I tried to console her, but it seemed to have infuriated Isabella. She suddenly launched a gust of wind at me from close range, and I narrowly dodged it.

"I told you to wait, didn't I?! Can't even obey your master's orders, you worthless dog!"

When I looked up, Isabella's flushed face showed none of the earlier bliss. Instead, it was a mix of embarrassment and anger. Her anger seemed to have affected her control over magic, as a storm raged around us.

"Well, under normal circumstances, waiting would be okay, right?!"

"I don't know anything about that! Forget it now, or else you'll die!"

"That's crazy, right?!"

Isabella's face turned bright red, and her attempts to explain were futile as she hurled another wind blade at me.

The wayward spell tore through the sea, even splitting a nearby rock in its path. If that had hit me, it would have sliced me in two. I definitely didn't want to die over something so absurd!

Why did things have to take this turn? We had a great moment just a while ago, and now it's all ruined. I had plans to thoroughly enjoy my time with the cute Isabella, and now, thinking about it, I was getting frustrated.

Speaking of frustration, it reminded me of when I confronted those princes earlier. Isabella had flaunted that outfit to anyone but me. Damn it, they ogled her like she belonged to them! Isabella, being herself, parading around without realizing her charm.



"I apologize."

No, this wasn't working. Remembering those moments was making it harder to hold back. Driven by anger, I kicked up seawater to block Isabella's view. In that brief moment, I circled around her and then pressed her body against a nearby rock.

"Let me go!"

"Sigh... You're quite an unreasonable person, aren't you?" 

I thought while keeping her restrained with one hand. I took a moment to appreciate Isabella's figure from behind. She had a well-rounded buttocks and sizable breasts, even visible from this angle. Her waist was slender to the point of fragility, and her exposed, fair back was a captivating sight.

Wearing such a seductive outfit in front of other men, I couldn't help but feel she lacked self-awareness. The thought of the princes seeing her like this added to my frustration.

It was time for a little punishment.

"Did you think it was only Milady who was angry?"


While holding her against the rock, I embraced her from behind and sank my teeth into her fair neck. Just that made Isabella shiver and fall into submission.

"Yes, that's right. Just stay quiet, okay?"

"Mm, ah..."

As I fondled her breasts, which retained their shape even under gravity's pull, I lovingly traced my tongue over the bright red bite mark on her neck. Every time my tongue followed the pattern of the bite, Isabella let out small moans and trembled.

This would leave a mark that would heal within half a day with noble regenerative abilities, but it was just perfect for now. At least, for this moment, everyone would understand that this woman belonged to me.

I moved Isabella's swimsuit aside, revealing her already moist private area.

As I pressed my erect meat against it, Isabella instinctively responded by arching her hips toward me.

"You're such a good girl" I murmured.


Her reaction was a mix of pleasure and surprise, letting out a soft gasp.

I continued to gently play with her ample breasts, using one hand, while my other hand caressed her head, causing her to shiver.

"Could you please close your legs, my lady?" I politely asked.

"L-like this.....?"

"Yes, please stay just like that."

I lowered her swimsuit and gently slid my aroused meat into the small gap between her thighs, where she was moist and eager.


"That's it... You're doing great, Milady" 

I reassured her as I began to move my hips slowly. At first, it was a bit awkward, but her increasing wetness made our movements smoother, accompanied by the seductive sounds of our lovemaking.

"Milady, Milady...!"

"Ah, it rubs.... ah, hng..."

She gasped and panted as I held her, rhythmically thrusting into her thighs.

In the serene ambiance of the quiet rocky shore, the only sounds were the waves crashing and Isabella's alluring moans, along with the rhythmic impact of our bodies.

"Ngh, I'm...."

"Eep!? Ahhh....!"

As I moved my hips and traced my tongue over the bite mark I had made earlier, Isabella's body quivered, and more of her love juices flowed.

Her increasing excitement fueled my desire, and I intensified my movements.

"Ah! Ahh, it's intense... Ahh, ahhhh!"

"Milady, Milady, Milady!"

I held Isabella's body firmly, my movements becoming wetter and sloppier as I tainted her thighs.

Her thighs were utterly captivating.

We were rapidly approaching our limits, and I gritted my teeth, waiting for that moment.

"Receive this, Milady!"

"Ah, ahh... I'm, I'm... Ah, ahhh!"

I reached my breaking point, pushing my hips against Isabella's thighs and releasing all the pent-up desire at once.

The sensation of release was overwhelming, and my semen burst out forcefully, spreading over Isabella's thighs and stomach.

"Haah... haah..."

After the long climax, I savored the afterglow, breathing heavily.

I had ejaculated more than I expected, and my mind felt heavy, unable to think clearly.

In the end, I had used Isabella solely for my own sexual gratification during that last part. I wondered if everything would be alright.


"Oh, are you alright, Milady?"

Isabella's strength seemed to drain from her body, and she nearly collapsed on the spot. I rushed to support her, but I was also feeling unsteady, and both of us tumbled into the shallow waters.

Fortunately, it was a shallow area, so the water only reached our waists. While Isabella was unharmed, it was clear that we had gone a bit too far.



With a flushed expression, Isabella gazed vacantly in my direction and reached out to embrace me.

"Just a bit longer... like this..."

"Yes, I feel the same way."

Wrapped in each other's arms, we both surrendered to a pleasant fatigue for a while.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 33

 My lady is acting pretentious

Everything about Isabella captivates me—her glistening emerald eyes, a droplet of sweat trickling down her cleavage, and her vulnerable, exposed, white midriff. I'm irresistibly drawn to her, reaching out.

"Wow, what a beautiful beach!"


Just as I was about to touch her soft bosom, I was abruptly alerted by a faint voice of an intruder carried by the wind. I glanced around and noticed a group of several people who had seemingly appeared on the beach, even though there should have been no one else around. For now, they seemed unaware of our presence, but that would likely change soon.

"Eins! What's going on here?"

This situation is getting out of hand.

I quickly shifted my focus. I moved away from Milady and summoned Eins to assess the situation.

Wasn't this beach supposed to be exclusive to a select few?

"I apologize, Sir Crow. A group led by Prince Albert is currently approaching us."

"What did you say!?"

Eins's report made me feel dizzy. This beach was indeed limited to a very elite group, which meant anyone from that select group could use it, including royalty.

(Why did they have to come at the time when Milady was climaxing...?)

It seemed like incredibly bad luck, with the timing being terrible. If I had known in advance, I might have been better prepared. However, due to various issues yesterday, I hadn't had the opportunity to gather information or make necessary preparations.

Originally, this trip was arranged hastily, so I brought only a small number of followers. I couldn't blame Eins and the others for this situation.

But now, the consequences of that decision were apparent.


In any case, I couldn't allow Milady, in her current state, to be exposed to prying eyes. I gently placed my hand on her cheek and spoke.

"Hmm... Crow? Aren't you going to touch me?"


(Oh, for crying out loud... She's so adorable!)

I tilted my head, trying to maintain my composure despite Milady's sweet, enticing voice and her question. It felt like getting punched in the head.

As tempting as the sight before me was, I had more pressing matters to attend to. I needed to handle the situation at hand.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't the right moment. Prince Albert and his group are currently heading to this beach."

"...? Wait, what?! Why are His Highness and the others here?"

Milady had been looking at me curiously for a moment before finally grasping the situation. She quickly regained her composure.

She seemed ready to jump up from her beach chair in response, but her haste caused her swimsuit to slip. She hastily covered her chest with both hands and sat back down.

"You should ask them about that. Anyway, you can't appear in front of His Highness and the others dressed like that. I'll keep them busy while you get yourself ready."

"F-fine, I get it..."

Milady, still clutching her chest, looked down at her disheveled state and blushed. She then nodded in agreement.

"Well, well, Prince Albert! What a surprise to run into you in a place like this."

I needed to make sure Prince Albert and the others didn't notice Lady Isabella. I hurriedly approached them, blocking their path as an obstacle.

"Are you Isabella's butler? What's your business here?" The group of men, including the prince, appeared suddenly and eyed me warily, positioning themselves protectively around Maria. They needn't have worried; I was only interested in Milady. Nevertheless, trying to reassure them seemed futile.

"Let's clarify first—did His Highness and his group come here for some leisure at this beach?"

"That's quite obvious" replied the prince, maintaining an assertive tone.

"I'm sorry, but Milady is currently using this area. Could you and His Highness consider using another location?" 

"Why must we heed such a request?"

"We are merely requesting your understanding."

I tried to maintain a respectful tone, although I felt my face contort in frustration. Dealing with people of high status was always a hassle. Despite their ability to bend things to their will with their status and wealth, dealing with these individuals often proved to be an exercise in futility.

"Hey, what's all this talk about? Oh, Crow!"

Just as I struggled to keep my anger in check, a more troublesome woman interrupted the conversation.

"Maria, please step aside."

"Why? We're just having a conversation."


It seemed the prince couldn't assert himself against Lady Maria as he accepted her request and backed down.

Come on, you could've tried a bit harder. Don't make me deal with this woman.

"Long time no see, Crow! How do I look? I bought this swimsuit in town; does it suit me?"

Maria stepped forward and turned around, displaying her swimsuit as if to show it off to me. Frankly, I couldn't care less, and to be completely honest, I didn't find her attractive at all. Having just seen Milady's splendid swimsuit attire, I found this display rather painful.

"It's been a while, Lady Maria. Yes, it suits you very well."

"Hehe, I'm glad."

But if I were to speak the truth, it was evident that the knights behind her were glaring at me. Reluctantly giving her a compliment would only invite more unwanted attention from these men. What was I supposed to do?

"Right, Crow, why don't you join us too!"


As I contemplated this and looked into the distance, Lady Maria suddenly made an outrageous proposal. Even Albert hurriedly tried to stop her.

I had no desire to participate. Why should I sacrifice my time with Milady to be with these people?

"That's a great idea! It'll be more fun if we all play together."


"No, Lady Maria. I am—"

"—Could you refrain from recruiting my servant without permission?"

Suddenly, Prince Albert surrendered to the situation, and my attempt to decline Maria's offer quickly was interrupted by a familiar voice from behind.


"Isabella! How dare you—!?"

Prince Albert tried to confront Milady, who appeared elegantly from behind. However, he stumbled over his words and froze in shock.

"What's going on, Your Highness? Do you have a problem with me?"

"What are you wearing, for heaven's sake?"

Curiously tilting her head, Milady made Prince Albert blush deep red, rendering him flustered and unable to respond properly. Not only the prince but also the men accompanying Maria turned red and became visibly embarrassed by Milady's outfit, each to varying degrees.

In this country, open sexual interactions were officially prohibited. It was not uncommon for male nobles to remain inexperienced with women until marriage. It was likely the case for the princes before us.

Milady's unabashed and provocative attire seemed too stimulating for these inexperienced men to handle.

"Regardless of what you say, it's a beach, so wearing a swimsuit is only natural, isn't it?"

"I, I understand that!"

The prince, who couldn't muster his usual confidence, stammered and couldn't make a proper argument against Milady, who proudly displayed her body without any attempt to conceal it.

This time, it seemed that Milady had the upper hand.

(—It's getting on my nerves.)

However, within me, a muddied feeling emerged as I watched this scene. It was a mix of emotions directed at Milady, who was unabashedly showing off the swimsuit that had been mine just moments ago, and at these obnoxious men who were brazenly looking at her.

It was an ugly possessiveness.

I was well aware of that. After all, Milady didn't belong to me from the beginning, and I had no right to entertain such thoughts. Furthermore, it could be argued that, as the prince, he had every right to see the skin of his fiancée.


"Milady, please leave this to me."

"Huh? Oh, um, okay…"

Feeling irritated, I forcefully took Milady's arm, hiding her from the prying eyes of those men behind me. Then, I turned to face Lady Maria, the only one who had been eyeing Milady intently.

"I apologize, Lady Maria. I appreciate your invitation, but I must decline. I have duties to attend to for Milady."

"Ugh... Why not? It's not like you're always working, you know! I just thought we could have some fun!"

Perhaps realizing the disparity in status after seeing Milady in her swimsuit, Maria appeared flustered and tried to convince me. Her reaction only fueled my growing irritation, and I almost found myself clicking my tongue.

"It appears you might not understand, so let me be clear: you're being annoying."


"I serve Milady willingly because it brings me immense joy. Could you please refrain from interfering with your unfounded assumptions?"

"That's just... so cruel!"

Maria seemed taken aback by the unexpectedly strong rejection, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I apologize if my words were harsh, but serving Milady is a personal choice that brings me great happiness. Could you kindly refrain from disrupting it with your baseless beliefs?"

"You! How dare you! Why are you speaking like that when Maria has extended an invitation!"

Seeing that Maria's tears had seemingly returned Albert to his original state, I had to deal with another troublesome situation.

Are you trying to bring Lady Maria and me closer together or keep us apart? Please clarify your intentions.

"Your Highness, may I have a moment?"


"Please, hear me out."

With a strong desire to end this conversation, I put my arm around Albert's neck, forcibly initiating a private negotiation.

"Am I correct in understanding that you have feelings for Maria, Your Highness?"

"Why on earth did you...!?"

He had been so daring in his advances, thinking that no one would notice. But now, that wasn't the main issue.

"Let's set that aside for now. Do you have feelings for Lady Maria?"

"Uh, well..."

"Leaving aside many things, like your fixation on another woman despite being engaged to Milady, are you really okay with me getting closer to her?"

"What do you mean?"

If he was serious, it was rather comical. This guy, the future king of the country, was a cause for concern.

"As far as I can see, Lady Maria seems to be quite fickle. What do you think would happen if I, a new romantic interest, got closer to her?"


While Maria herself appeared to be enjoying a harem-like situation, it wouldn't last forever. Their current situation was likely the final stage of their rivalry to win Maria's affection. Adding another rival to the mix wouldn't be desirable for the prince.

"If I were by Lady Maria's side, and she started showing interest in me, wouldn't you dislike that, Your Highness? Besides, I simply want Milady to relax. How about we both agree not to interfere with each other?"

"I suppose... Well, if that's how it is."

"Great, I'm glad you understand" 

I replied with a smile as I released the prince and, once I confirmed that the prince was consoling Maria, turned to address Milady.

"Our discussion is over. Shall we go, Milady?"

"Huh? Wait a moment..."

I grabbed bewildered Milady's hand and left the princes behind, returning to our original spot on the beach.


We had successfully concluded negotiations with the princes and returned to our previous location. However, Milady, who had been in high spirits earlier, was now sulking due to Lady Maria's appearance. She sat on the beach chair I had prepared, hugging her knees and glaring at Maria and her companions, who were having fun in the distance.

"Please, Milady, try to cheer up."

"I'm perfectly fine, just as usual."


She was emitting an overwhelmingly gloomy aura from head to toe, so I had my doubts about her being "perfectly fine." However, it wouldn't be good to leave her like this indefinitely. I wondered if there was something I could do to change her mood.

"I have an idea. Since we're at the beach, how about going for a swim, Milady? Moving your body might lift your spirits."

"Don't want to."

"An immediate response!?" I thought some exercise would be perfect for a change of mood, but Milady promptly rejected the idea. Is there absolutely no merit in considering it!?

"Why do I have to do something like that? It's tiring and dirty, and I absolutely hate it!"


She continued her rapid-fire objections, but I sensed a slight unease in her demeanor. While it's not unusual for Milady to be somewhat selfish, this time, it felt different. If anything, it seemed like she was trying to hide something.

Hiding something, huh... Considering Milady's personality, the current conversation, and the circumstances, I had a hunch.

"Could it be, Milady, you can't swim?"

"Wh-what!?!" I had no concrete evidence, but I voiced the possibility, and Milady reacted visibly, freezing in place.


It seemed I had hit the bullseye on the first try. Now that I thought about it, I couldn't recall ever seeing Milady swimming. Considering she rarely visited this city and had few opportunities elsewhere, it was somewhat expected.

"W-what are you saying! Of course I can swim! It goes without saying that I can!"

While I felt it wasn't worth fussing over, Milady, who aimed for perfection herself, would never admit she couldn't swim, especially after seeing Maria energetically swimming over there.

"…What's with that look?"

"It's nothing."

I was met with a half-hearted glare, but I wasn't making fun of Milady. If anything, I found it adorable that she was pretending to be strong despite not being able to swim.

"You think I can't swim, don't you? Fine! Watch me prove you wrong right here, right now!"

"Woah....! Milady!"

With those words, Milady swiftly tossed her beach wrap in my direction, creating a whirlwind of sand as she dashed into the sea at lightning speed.

As the sand settled, I temporarily lost sight of everything around me.

"How about this? I can do this much! Got it?"

When the sand cleared, I saw Milady in the water, her swimming resembling more of a frantic struggle than anything else.

It looked less like swimming and more like a desperate attempt to stay afloat. I worried that such a method would quickly exhaust her.

"Ah, ugh... L-Like this! Ah!"


Just as I had suspected, Milady, who had been struggling as I anticipated, suddenly let out a small cry and froze in place. Her figure disappeared as the waves swallowed her.

Without hesitation, I screamed and leaped into the sea.

"Pant... Pant... Milady, are you alright?"

I managed to rescue Milady, who had nearly drowned, and placed her safely on the shore. Thankfully, we had been swimming close to the shore, so the rescue happened swiftly, which was a fortunate turn of events.

Milady had already coughed up the water she'd swallowed, and her breathing had steadied. For now, things seemed alright.



"That's right! I can't swim! So what!? It can't be helped! I've never done it before! It's not a big deal, I can't swim! Besides, I can fly with magic, so why should I engage in such unproductive and pointless activities? It makes no sense! Are you stupid!?"

Perhaps to cover her embarrassment at her ungraceful display, Milady suddenly began to yell like a child having a tantrum.

If she had this much energy to complain, she was probably okay.

"M-Milady, please calm down. No one is blaming you for anything."

"What about you, Crow?"


As I tried to calm down the yelling Milady, her anger suddenly turned toward me.

"I bet you can't swim either! Come on, I'll watch, so swim!"

"W-Wait, I'll go! Don't push me! Ahhh!"

Before I could react, Milady, who was grinning mischievously, pushed me headfirst into the cold sea.

"Though, even if I'm told to swim..."

Being dunked in the water gave me a moment to gather my thoughts, but what should I do?

I've never swum before, that's for sure...

Wait a minute, earlier, I saved Milady without even thinking about it, but how did I manage to do that?

"I remember, at that moment..."

I tried to swim based on the sensations I remembered, and gradually, I recalled various aspects of the proper way to swim. Using the knowledge stored in my memory, I adjusted my movements, reducing water resistance more accurately and efficiently.

(Oh... This is the first time my knowledge from my previous life has been useful.)

I almost forgot, but I had experienced life once before. I thought those memories were useless, but the knowledge from a world with significantly advanced civilization was still there. Thank goodness for compulsory education.

"Is this swimming style alright?"

After satisfying myself with some swimming, I emerged from the sea and returned to Milady.

It felt good to swim again, and it seemed like the haze that had been lingering in my mind had cleared.



However, upon my return, I received a merciless body blow.

Her slender arm had concealed an unexpectedly sharp right hook, which precisely targeted my abdomen, leaving me writhing in agony.

"If you could do it, you should have said so from the start. Are you making a fool of me?"

"No... I never intended..."

I crouched, clutching my stomach, as Milady looked down at me with cold eyes and spoke with disdain. I hadn't meant to make a fool of her, but considering the circumstances, it wasn't unreasonable for her to think that way.

"Ugh, everyone always treats me like a fool. It's so frustrating!"

Oh no, Milady's mood had worsened again.

"Please calm down, Milady. If you can't do it now, you can learn. I'll teach you, so let's work on it together."

To reassure Milady, I held both her hands and looked straight into her eyes. In reality, she only lacked knowledge of how to swim; her coordination wasn't that bad. With the right guidance, she should be able to swim well.

"...If I can't do it, I won't forgive you."

"It's alright; I'm sure you can do it, Milady."

"Hmph... Alright, let's go."

"Of course, Milady."

Milady seemed somewhat satisfied for now. She turned away from me and took my hand, leading the way. I followed behind her, feeling the soft touch of our joined hands as we moved forward slowly.

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Friday, September 29, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 32

 My lady arrived at the beach.

"Okay... Is this good enough?"

The next day, I finished setting up the parasol on the beach behind the villa and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

I had also gathered beach chairs and a table based on information from the beach equipment shop staff, but was this sufficient?

This white sandy beach, stretching as far as the eye could see beside the blue sea, was a private beach reserved only for members of the royal family and some high-ranking nobles. Currently, it was just me and my maids; there was no one else.

While we had been interrupted yesterday, here, we could fully enjoy the sea with Milady without any disturbances.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sir Crow. Please, have a drink."

"Oh, sorry for troubling you."

I had just finished the preparations and was taking a moment to catch my breath when Eins walked over and offered me a glass of cold refreshment. I took it and sipped through a straw, feeling the cool juice soothing my overheated body.

"What about Milady?"

"We received word just a little while ago that she's finished changing. By now, she's probably on her way here."

"I see."

Milady was currently changing at the mansion. Despite the anticipation she had built up the previous day, she hadn't shown her swimsuit yet as part of the "tomorrow's surprise." I couldn't help but wonder what kind of swimsuit she had chosen, and I'd been feeling restless since yesterday.

"...I've been curious for a while, but what's with that outfit?"

So, while waiting for Milady to arrive, I decided to ask Eins about something that had been on my mind since this morning.

She was wearing a swimsuit that modestly covered her chest with navy fabric adorned with pure white frills. Below that, there was an apron-like bottom. Atop her gray hair, she wore the headpiece symbolizing a servant.

In the context of my past life's memories, her outfit resembled what one might call a "maid bikini." It felt more like a costume than a typical swimsuit. What added to the curiosity was that all the maids present were dressed similarly, and it would be odd not to find it intriguing.

"It's a simple swimsuit. Didn't it suit your fancy?"

"No, it's not about that..." I began, causing Eins to tilt her head in confusion.

Indeed, because of the scorching heat, I had suggested that they wear swimsuits instead of their maid uniforms. I had also picked up a swimsuit from that shop for myself, for the same reason.

However, I hadn't expected them to choose swimsuits like these.

But, in the first place...

"Did that shop even have swimsuits like these?"

I had only taken a quick look, but that shop was clearly meant for nobility. On the other hand, Eins was wearing a swimsuit with a design that emphasized her role as a maid. It was hard to imagine that a swimsuit designed for servants like this would be sold in a noble's shop.

"I got this swimsuit ready before we even got to this town. If you don't like it, I can find another one."

The trip was a spontaneous decision by Milady, and there wasn't much time for planning.

But having this swimsuit ready meant they had prepared it long before the trip, even though they weren't sure they'd use it.

While the Duke's servants were expected to be prepared for anything, it still seemed a bit much.

"Well, if you're okay with it, then it's fine."

"Thank you."

There didn't seem to be any problem with it.

If they were happy with it, then it didn't matter.

While Eins pinched her apron lightly and bowed, I found myself lost in thought.

"The view here is quite nice. It was worth coming all this way."

As Eins and I passed the time like that, it seemed Milady had finished changing, and I heard her voice from behind.


I turned around, trying to calm my racing heart, but the moment I saw her, my thoughts stopped abruptly, as if I'd been struck by lightning.

My lady Isabella, who had just arrived on the sandy beach, looked different from her usual mature and alluring self. She was wearing a pure white and blue bikini, giving off an elegant vibe.

With a pāreu around her waist and her long golden hair flowing in the sea breeze, she looked like a living painting.

"Oh... After I went through the trouble of showing you my swimsuit, you have nothing to say?"

Clearly displeased with my frozen reaction, Milady came right up to me, placed both hands behind her head, and struck a pose to showcase her swimsuit.


The startling sight jolted me out of my stiffness.

While Milady probably wasn't aware of it, the slight arch in her chest as she posed brought her very ample bosom to the forefront.

The combination of her exceptional figure, which sharply contrasted with her elegant swimsuit, created such intense allure that even an average man would likely find himself unable to resist bending forward without question.

Even for someone like me, who was accustomed to seeing Milady's naked body, it was honestly quite risky.

"No, I was simply captivated by your beauty, Milady. I apologize. The swimsuit suits you very well" I regained my composure and offered an honest compliment to Milady with a friendly smile.

It was quite risky...

Milady's charm was overwhelming, and I had almost given in to the temptation to embrace her right then and there.

"Hehe, being beautiful is only natural for me. Come on, praise me more, adore me!" Milady, unaware of my impure thoughts, quickly perked up and covered her mouth while smiling.

(Oh, she's really cute...)

I couldn't help but be charmed by her innocent smile.

Her fair arms and healthy thighs, exposed without a care, continued to fascinate me.

I wondered how happy I would be if I could hold her soft body right now. My mind was filled with such thoughts.

"By the way, it's still so hot, isn't it?"

After being thoroughly praised and satisfied, Milady seemed to be reminded of the heat. She raised her face with an exasperated expression and fanned herself with her hand.

Even though we were under the parasol's shade, the unrelenting heat from the sun in the cloudless, bright blue sky was steadily increasing the ambient temperature.

"The weather forecast said it would be clear all day today, making it the perfect beach day, Milady."

"But there should be limits, shouldn't there? Oh, you happen to have something good. Hand it over."

"Oh, Milady!?"

"Mmm, slurp, slurp..."

Milady forcefully took the partially filled glass from my hand and began sipping from the straw. Her soft lips closed around the same straw I had just used, and I could only stare in astonishment as she gulped down my leftover juice.

"Ahh, refreshing. Crow, please take care of this."

After quickly finishing the remaining juice in one gulp, Milady pushed the now empty glass toward me.

Seemingly satisfied after getting some relief from the heat, her expression was brighter than before.

"If you had asked, I could have prepared a new drink for you."

"I wanted this right now. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, Milady. If this is what you prefer, then there's no issue."

I double-checked, but it seemed that Milady didn't consider her actions to be a problem. It was only natural; I was just a servant, and she didn't see me as a member of the opposite sex, just like yesterday.

Despite a faint, unsettling emotion brewing within me, I chose to ignore it and maintained my usual smile.

"Well, since we're at the beach, I would like to take a dip"

"Milady, before heading into the sea, it's important to apply sunscreen. Going in without protection can harm your skin."

Milady, having taken a sip of juice and eager to dive into the water, was swiftly halted.

Although nobility possessed superior healing abilities compared to commoners, we couldn't risk damaging Milady's delicate skin.

"You should have told me sooner!"

"My apologies."

"So, what should I do now?"

Though her playfulness was slightly disrupted, Milady obediently complied with my instructions.

I needed to complete this task swiftly to maintain her good mood.

"Now, Milady, please lie face down on that beach chair over there."

"Just lie down here, you say... Hmph."

As Milady, having shed her pāreu, reclined on the beach chair face down, her generous bosom was gently pressed under her weight, causing some of it to spill from the sides of her swimsuit.

Not only that, her dazzlingly pale back was exposed without reservation, and her shapely posterior swayed enticingly, as if inviting my gaze.

Fortunately, this was a private beach.

If she were to flaunt such an enticing figure elsewhere, other men wouldn't remain silent.

"Come on, let's get this done."

"Yes, right away."

I had been engrossed in watching this scene, but when I heard Milady's voice, I snapped back to reality. I reached out to undo the strings on the back of her swimsuit to make it easier to apply the sunscreen.

This wasn't the main purpose of the task, but there was an undeniable excitement in undressing Milady like this.

"Excuse me..."


While managing to keep my composure, I began dripping the oil from a small bottle I had prepared onto her fair back. As the oil trickled down, the cold sensation elicited a small squeal from Milady.

Smiling at her reaction, I gently spread the oil across her back with both hands.

"Mmm, ah... nngh...!"

Although I wasn't doing anything inappropriate this time, every time my hands caressed her soft skin, Milady couldn't help but make alluring sounds, which started to affect my mood.

To put it simply, Milady was just too seductive.

"......Are you okay, Milady?"

"W-What do you mean? This is nothing... Ahh!"

I thought it might be getting a bit too daring, but watching Milady try to act tough was incredibly endearing, so I decided to continue. Not only that, if I traced her exposed back with my fingertips, she would let out cute screams and her body would react in response.

As I thought...


"Oh, is something the matter, Milady?"

"Kuh... just continue!"

While giving me a slightly teary-eyed glare, Isabella turned away as if pretending not to care, unable to say anything more. Watching Isabella's reaction, I felt a tingling sensation.

(Isn't it Milady's fault for behaving so provocatively toward a man?)

"Nngh, where are you touching...!"

"I need to apply it thoroughly, or it will be troublesome later. I apologize, but please bear with it for now."


I discarded all previous restraint and boldly continued to apply the oil meticulously from Isabella's armpit down to her ribs. During the process, my fingertips accidentally brushed against her breasts, and each time, Isabella let out sweet moans.

It was purely accidental, as my fingertips happened to touch her soft side breasts, so there was no helping it.

"Ungh, kuh, ah...!"

I continued to watch as I diligently massaged the area around her lower back. Moving on, I aimed for her lower body, starting from her waist and descending further. It appeared to be quite sensitive too, and when I held her slender waist, Isabella would let out endearing sounds.

While I firmly gripped her waist to prevent excessive squirming, she initially resisted, but over time, as I carefully applied the oil, her resistance gradually waned, and eventually, she seemed to surrender entirely.

"Milady, could you try to relax a bit?"

Continuing my journey, I touched Isabella's buttocks. I could feel tension in her muscles, as if she was trying to resist. Honestly, I could have proceeded as it was, but it would be even better if Isabella willingly accepted it...

"A-ahh... kuh... You're such an idiot, Crow...!"

Perhaps she had experienced a small climax from our previous actions, but Isabella glared at me while panting heavily.

Her defiance was charming, but for now, I wished she would cooperate.




"...Fine, just this once!"

Since there was no other way, I gently massaged her buttocks, gradually easing the tension, and leaned closer to her ear to whisper softly.

"Good girl."


Surprisingly, Isabella blushed crimson, jumped a little, and gradually relaxed, as if she had been pacified.

It wasn't clear why, but it suited me just fine.

I placed both hands on her buttocks and slowly began to caress them, easing the tension.

"Ungh, ah, nnahh...!"

Isabella, now far more compliant, had surrendered to her pleasure and didn't bother suppressing her moans anymore. As I diligently applied oil under her swimsuit, my hands gently slid beneath the fabric, and Isabella reveled in the sensations, her generous buttocks swaying enticingly.

"Milady, now that we've finished your back, could you please lie on your back?"

"Haah... haaah... Hahi..."

Having completed her back, I asked her to lie on her back for the next phase of the oil application. However, Isabella, who had provocatively positioned herself with her rear end towards me, was already breathing heavily.

"Ah... Crow..."

"I'm right here."

Taking her extended hand, Isabella, now looking languid, slowly reclined on the chair once again. She seemed to have wholly surrendered to her desires, gazing at me with lust-filled eyes.


I couldn't resist and swallowed hard as I succumbed to the enchanting atmosphere Isabella exuded. While giving in to her seduction was tempting, there was still plenty of time. I decided to save the best for later.

"Ungh, ah, ahh...!"

Dripping oil onto Isabella's fair abdomen once more, I gently spread it with my palms. At this point, every part of her body had become incredibly sensitive, causing Isabella to tremble and moan uncontrollably.

"Too sensitive..."

Despite the absence of any aphrodisiacs in the oil, Isabella's overwhelming sensitivity worried me. While grappling with these thoughts, my hands continued their journey, moving from her belly towards her breasts.

"Mnnhh, ah, aaah..... aahhh!"

Certainly, I made sure to keep her swimsuit in place by sliding my hands underneath it and carefully applying oil to her breasts.

Isabella, who was now emitting soft moans, was driving my self-control to its limits. Nonetheless, I stayed solely focused on the task of applying the oil.

"Ugh, ah, please... don't tease me like this..."

"Milady, please bear with me a little longer. Once we finish this, I will gladly attend to your desires."


Although my actions might seem questionable, I genuinely was only applying oil. I couldn't touch her erect nipples, clearly visible through her swimsuit, and this restraint appeared to frustrate Isabella.

Whispering in Isabella's ear, she seemed considerably more compliant than usual, softly nodding in agreement.

"What a good girl you are."


However, I, too, was nearing my limit, and there was no time to waste. I swiftly finished her upper body and proceeded to her supple thighs.

I gently caressed her firm thighs and allowed my hand to glide along their inner sides.

"Ah, ah, nngh..."

Isabella seemed to become more cooperative, lifting her legs to make it easier for me to apply the oil.

Suppressing my overwhelming desires, I held her trembling legs and meticulously spread the oil.

At this point, it was likely that both of us were thinking the same thing.

"Ah, ah... ah..."

As I finished applying oil to her legs, leaving only one part untouched, Isabella enticingly spread her legs towards me. She was in an unladylike position, exposing her intimate area.

Isabella's swimsuit, which still covered her private parts, was drenched despite us not having entered the sea yet, leaving a noticeable wet stain in the center.


With a face flushed from the heat, Isabella reached out her hands, inviting me. Following her lead, I slowly extended my hand towards her intimate area.


As my hand slipped into her swimsuit, I could feel the intense heat radiating from within. My fingers encountered a sticky, arousing moisture that conveyed Isabella's excitement.

The urge to thrust my fingers into this inviting crevice and make Isabella moan right now was overwhelming. However, I resisted the temptation, choosing to proceed with the final steps of our task.

"I apologize for the wait, Milady."

"Ah... Crow..."

After completing the oil application, I had finished tidying up and returned. I promptly leaned over Isabella, who lay limply on the chair.

I was at my limit.

My desire to touch Milady was about to burst. I was sure that if I looked in the mirror, I'd see the eyes of a wild beast staring back at me.

I placed my hand on her cheek, and Isabella closed her eyes, rubbing her cheek against my hand while resting her hand on top of mine.

"Hurry" she said with expectant eyes.

Under her gaze, filled with anticipation, I reached out toward her swaying bosom, which seemed to beckon me.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 31

 The heroine felt a sense of confusion.

"We've arrived!"

Maria had just reached the city of Marle. She stepped out of the carriage and stretched her stiffened body, squinting in response to the strong sunlight.

"It took quite a while, didn't it?"

"Sorry, Maria. We could have arrived much faster if I could have borrowed a summoned beast from my father..."

Prince Albert, who disembarked from the carriage after Maria, expressed his regret. They had decided to leave the capital for a trip to the seaside about a week ago. Despite taking breaks in towns along the way, they had been continuously jostled in the carriage, which left them physically fatigued. Albert's apologies were quite understandable, especially considering that if they had access to summoned beasts like Pegasuses, they could have arrived in just half a day.

"It wouldn't hurt His Majesty to be a bit more flexible"

"Summoned beasts are essential equipment for the Knights Order; they shouldn't be used as mere transportation for travel. This is why you're such a musclehead..."

"Oh, really!? Then why didn't you ask your father to lend one?"

"Do you not understand that it would have been impossible!"

After them, Leon and Julius disembarked and began to argue. Leon was the son of the Kingdom's Knight Commander, and Julius was the son of the Prime Minister. They often clashed, but their animosity had lessened, and now they engaged in playful banter. There was a time when not only they but also other harem members had tense relationships, but thanks to Maria's patient persuasion, they had managed to reconcile.

"Hey, you two. It's okay to have fun, but how about we start moving?" 

Those were the words of Prince Wilhelm, the younger brother of the king, as he scolded the playful pair. He was the only adult among the group and had come along as the trip's supervisor. Without him, this journey might never have happened.

"...Maria, shall we go?"

Ignoring the noisy commotion of the others, a timid boy, quite different from the rest, tugged at the hem of Maria's dress. He was Gino, the son of the Kingdom's Chief Magician, and the only junior character within the game. Maria, with a mental age exceeding forty, surrendered effortlessly to the innocent puppy eyes of this younger boy, both in this life and her previous one.

"That sounds like a plan. It looks like Leon and the others are busy, so should we head to the mansion first?"



As Maria took Gino's hand, he blushed with shyness.

They quickly headed to the mansion, leaving Albert and the others behind as they realized they had been left behind.

"By the way, there are so many different shops here."

After dropping off their luggage at the mansion, Maria and her group decided to explore the town. They arrived quite late, and the sun was already beginning to set, but the city was still bustling with life, which piqued Maria's interest.

"This area is for visiting nobles from outside, Maria. Do you want anything special?" 

Maria recalled the game's scenario and replied, "Hmm... Since we've come all this way to the seaside, I'd like to get a swimsuit."

Maria replied, recalling the game's scenario. She remembered that visiting the swimsuit shop in this town triggered an event. It was a straightforward event where they had to catch a peeping tom shopkeeper, but whether or not they completed this event would have a significant impact on the next chapter, so Maria wanted to make sure they did it.

"A s-swimsuit? Well, in this area..."

However, Albert, who seemed unaware of Maria's intentions, became flustered and avoided eye contact. Indeed, going to buy a swimsuit together might be a challenging proposition for him.

"If it's a swimsuit shop, it should be on the street over there. I'll guide you."

"Thank you, Julius!"


Not missing this small chance, Julius took Maria's hand, leaving Albert grinding his teeth. Maria headed toward the desired shop, enjoying Albert's reaction.

"What... is this?" Maria muttered in astonishment as she was led by Julius and arrived at the scene in front of the intended shop.

In front of the target store, knights were standing to seal it off, and a crowd of people had gathered around.

The bustling atmosphere from earlier disappeared in the face of this solemn scene.

"What on earth is going on?"

"Oh, are you nobles? Well, it seems the owner of this store has been murdered."


When Albert asked the gathered people about the situation, Maria's thoughts abruptly stopped at their response.

This event shouldn't have been in the game. In the original scenario, they were supposed to capture the shop owner and gather information about the criminal organization to advance to the next stage. The scenario appears to be in complete chaos.

"What... does this mean?" She tried to make sense of it, but it didn't add up. While there had been changes in the scenario due to Maria's actions before, this was the first time they had arrived at a place where she hadn't done anything yet. Despite that, the scenario appeared to be significantly affected. Could such a thing even be possible?

"Is something bothering you, Maria?"

"Well, um... I'm just a bit frightened by the idea of murder in such a peaceful town."

Albert, misinterpreting Maria's contemplative expression, leaned in with concern for her well-being. Maria, in a state of confusion, couldn't tell them the truth, so she skillfully devised a suitable excuse to navigate the situation.

"Alright, Maria, please wait here. I'll go and inquire about the situation with the knights."

"Your Highness, I will accompany you."

"In that case, I'll join as well. My medical knowledge might be of use."

Following Albert, Leon, the bodyguard, and Wilhelm, the doctor, decided to accompany him. With these two along, it should be sufficient.

"Sorry, we're entrusting Maria to you two."

"Of course."


With Maria now under the care of the remaining two, Albert and the others decided to make their way through the crowd and approach the knights stationed in front of the store to inquire about the situation.

"Excuse us, but we'd like to know what's going on."

"Y-Your Highness! Please wait a moment, I'll fetch the captain. Captain!"

Upon addressing the knight standing in front of the store, the surprised knight hurriedly went inside and returned with the middle-aged captain.

"Huuh? What is it, especially at such a busy ti... Your Highness!? Why are you here, Your Highness?"

"My apologies. We heard about a murder, and we came to inquire about the situation."

"I see. Anyway, please come inside."

Led by the knight, the captain, who had initially been surprised by the sudden appearance of royalty, quickly regained his composure and guided Albert and the others into the shop.

"Hmm, I heard there was a murder, but it seems the inside of the shop is quite clean."

Albert, after being shown inside, looked around. He noticed various swimsuits on display but didn't see anything particularly unusual.

"The crime scene isn't here; it's in the back in the staff area."

"Can I see it?"

"The crime scene? You'd better not. It's a nightmare. If someone like Your Highness sees it, they might faint."

"Are you implying that I'm weak?"

"I didn't mean it that way. It's just..."

Albert, feeling his pride as a man hurt by the comment, was about to respond, but the captain scratched his cheek with a troubled look.

"Then it would be fine. Don't worry, I've been through my fair share of tough situations. I won't be rattled by something minor."

"It's not exactly 'minor,' but if you insist, I'll show you. Just be ready to step out if you start feeling queasy."

"Got it, lead the way."

Finally, giving in, the captain guided Albert and the others into the back room.


Upon entering the room sealed by the barrier, Albert immediately gagged at the overwhelming scent of blood.

"What is this..."

What met Albert and the others was a gruesome sight: a room drenched in blood with dismembered human limbs scattered about. At the center, a lifeless body lay with its insides brutally torn out.

"Ugh... ugh..."

"Your Highness!"

Overwhelmed by the horrifying scene, Albert couldn't hold back his urge to vomit and knelt down. Despite his efforts to suppress the sour sensation rising in his stomach, the gruesome image remained etched in his mind.

"This is worse than I imagined... Leon, take Albert outside. This is too much for you both."

"I'm sorry. We'll leave it to you."

After Leon escorted Albert out of the room, Wilhelm, who remained, donned gloves and approached the bodies to examine them.

"It's not surprising; even our young ones were deeply affected by this sight. Are you all right, Lord Wilhelm?"

"Well, given my profession, I'm used to seeing corpses. However, it's been a while since I've seen something this gruesome."

"You're right. Even bodies torn apart by monsters wouldn't be as horrifying as this."

While conversing with the captain, Wilhelm examined the body. There were no traces of magic on the corpse, and it had been repeatedly stabbed with a sharp blade—likely a knife due to the depth of the wounds.

(Perhaps they first took the magic stone catalyst to render the victim powerless...)

Although there were signs of resistance, there was little evidence of a struggle within the room. The victim had likely been overwhelmed. Judging from the remaining equipment, they were probably a capable magician themselves. Who could have so completely dominated such a person?

"Do you have any leads on the culprit?"

"Not at all."

"Not at all... huh?"

The Knight Order wasn't incompetent, especially in such an important city. The knights stationed here were among the kingdom's best. The fact that they had no leads was troubling.

"Well... there was definitely someone other than the victim in this room, but we couldn't find any traces. They probably went to great lengths to erase any evidence, so there's not much we can do."

The captain sighed in front of Wilhelm. The fact that the culprit could erase evidence so thoroughly suggested they were highly skilled.

"If they're that skilled, maybe we can narrow it down by considering anyone who might have had a grudge against the victim?"

"Indeed, there are several potential suspects, more than one might imagine. It's a bit embarrassing, but this man had a warrant out for his arrest in the capital five years ago due to his involvement with a nobleman's daughter. While hiding in this city, he apparently rigged the dressing rooms with recording crystals to capture footage of unsuspecting women."


"Yes, and he was linked to a criminal organization that was secretly selling the footage. Many people might have fallen victim to this guy."

Wilhelm was aware of such crimes, but he was surprised to hear that such activities were happening in an ordinary shop.

"I see... So, it could be revenge from the nobles he wronged or retaliation from the members of that criminal organization."

"All we know for sure is that this man had earned quite a bit of resentment, nothing more."

"I see....."

Yes, this victim had many wounds, but the direct cause of death was having their throat cut at the end.

It seems the victim was alive before that. Maybe the perpetrator didn't kill them right away but chose to dismember their body slowly, causing despair and suffering.

How much could the perpetrator have hated this man?


Despite the challenging investigation, as Wilhelm examined the body, he felt something odd in the scars, but he couldn't quite figure it out.

"Seeing a scene like this reminds me of twenty years ago" 

"Oh, you mean the last war with the Empire. Indeed, that was a dreadful time"

In response to the captain's words, Wilhelm looked up. Given the sea of blood all around them and the scattered human remains, it was understandable that this scene would evoke memories of that nightmarish war.

"Oh, Your Highness, were you also part of that battlefield?"

"I was just in the medical unit in the rear"

While peace had been achieved today, back then, the Empire, the Kingdom's arch-enemy, initiated wars nearly every year. That year, what had initially seemed like a minor skirmish had escalated into a quagmire, causing significant damage to both countries. The cause still remained unclear.

However, the Kingdom had lost many skilled nobles, including Duke Azurite, who had been the Commander of the Kingdom's Knights at the time. The Empire had also suffered heavy casualties.

Following the aftermath of that war, peace was eventually brokered between the two nations. However, Wilhelm, who had served as a medic during those harrowing days, couldn't forget the gruesome scenes he had witnessed.

(Yes, this wound is just like the ones I saw back then, caused by Imperial magical tool...)


As this realization dawned upon him, Wilhelm began to question his own sanity.

After all, those who typically used magical tool came from a specific background...


So, had a commoner done this?

A mere commoner had killed a noble, and not just any noble, but a former royal magician?

"This can't be..."

Wilhelm muttered in denial, but the evidence laid out before him confirmed that his thoughts might not be wrong. All the wounds on this corpse were inflicted by blades enhanced with the same magical power. Magical devices had the characteristic of emitting a constant level of magic, even though their output was weak. Nobles, on the other hand, would inevitably create fluctuations in their magic when using such tools. Yet, there were no such fluctuations in the wounds on this body. Besides, if they were nobles, they could use their own magic without relying on such tools.

"Did you find anything?"

"No... nothing. I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful."

"I understand. It can't be helped. Thank you for your cooperation."


In the end, Wilhelm couldn't bring himself to share his thoughts with the knight in front of him. He found the idea absurd, and he doubted anyone would believe him even if he did.


(What if, hypothetically, there were commoners who could kill nobles...)

That would become a significant threat to the country. The nobility held positions of power in this nation primarily because of their strength, derived from their extraordinary magical powers. Commoners revered them out of fear of that power. So, anyone who could challenge this norm, an irregular of this magnitude, could have unimaginable consequences for the country.


There's no concrete evidence; it's all just a wild imagination.

But Wilhelm couldn't help but feel a cold sweat running down his back.

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 30

 The butler will kill gruesomely

"What's this place?" Milady wondered aloud. She stumbled upon this shop while exploring the city once again after finishing her ice cream.

The shop was located in a side alley just off the main street. Curious about what was inside, Milady stretched to peer through the window, but honestly, she couldn't discern the nature of the shop.

"Please wait a moment."

"Well, fine. We'll figure it out once we're inside."


I was about to open my notebook to look up more information, but before I could, Milady impulsively opened the door and entered the shop. I hurriedly followed her inside.

Inside the shop, an array of colorful fabrics hung on hangers, neatly displayed.

At first glance, they resembled lingerie, but upon closer examination, their designs and materials varied.

In essence...

"Are these... swimsuits?"

Indeed, every item lined up in the store was a swimsuit.

I hadn't seen anything like them in this world before, but in a seaside resort like this, it wasn't surprising.

Honestly, it seemed like there wouldn't be much use for them anywhere else, but visiting a place like this was a pastime reserved for nobles with spare time and money, so it probably wasn't a problem.

However, there was something worth noting...

"It's all women's wear, isn't it?"

I casually picked up a nearby swimsuit, only to discover that it was clearly designed for women.

Looking around, I realized that there were only a few scattered men's swimsuits tucked away in a corner of the store. The majority of the shop was dedicated to women's swimsuits.

Well, I guess when it came to men's swimsuits, any option would do.

"Oh, that's great. With so many options, I should be able to find a swimsuit that suits me" Milady said with excitement.

"That's true" I replied, smiling slightly.

Honestly, with Milady's fantastic figure, I thought she would look good in anything. But it would be impolite to say that while she was enthusiastically picking out swimsuits.

"Hehe, welcome."

As we chatted, the shop owner, who appeared to be a young man, finally appeared from the back of the store. He approached Milady, rubbing his hands together as he spoke.

"Have you made any decisions, ma'am?"

"I'm still choosing" Milady replied.

"I see. There are fitting rooms over there, so please feel free to use them if you find something you like. I'll be in the back, so if you need anything, just ring the bell at the counter" the shopkeeper said and then withdrew to the back of the shop.

With no other staff in sight, it was unclear if he was genuinely interested in making a sale, which bothered Milady.

However, my concern went beyond the shopkeeper's attitude.

While assisting Milady with her swimsuit selection, the shopkeeper had been eyeing her body inappropriately. Such behavior was already unacceptable, but I supposed it was somewhat common when dealing with someone as strikingly beautiful as Milady.

The real issue, though, was...


"Yes, I'm here"

While Milady was engrossed in selecting a swimsuit, I whispered quietly to avoid her notice, and Eins appeared silently by my side.

"Immediately investigate this shop, with a particular focus on the fitting rooms" I instructed.

"Understood" Eins replied before vanishing into the shadows to carry out the task.

I closed my eyes, recognizing the shopkeeper's lecherous gaze all too well. It was akin to the predatory eyes of the scoundrels in the slums when they targeted their prey.

"Sir Crow, I have something to report..."

"I see, huh....."

I kept a close watch on Milady for a few minutes and then quietly signaled Eins when she returned with the report. Honestly, I had hoped for a different outcome, but it appeared my suspicions had been confirmed.

"In that case, I'll entrust Milady to you" I told Eins.

"Understood" Eins replied.

"Wait, Crow. Where are you going?" Milady called out as I was about to head toward the back of the shop. Until that moment, she had been engrossed in selecting swimsuits.

I couldn't reveal our true intentions, so I needed to find a way to divert her attention.

"I'm just going to have a brief chat with the shopkeeper. Please continue shopping, Milady" I replied.

"I see? Make it quick then" Milady urged.

".....Certainly" I replied, attempting a convincing smile. I couldn't afford to darken Milady's mood over such a trivial matter. Suppressing the intense emotions surging within me, I turned away from her.

"Hehe, it's been a while since we had such a high-quality guest" the shopkeeper chuckled in the room at the back of the shop, gazing at a crystal ball on the table with an unkempt grin.

The crystal ball displayed an image from another crystal embedded in the dressing room's ceiling. At that very moment, it showed the golden-haired beauty who had just entered the fitting room with her maid.

"Come on, hurry up" the shopkeeper urged with eager anticipation as he stared at the crystal. In this world, crystals had a unique property - they could resonate with each other, allowing one crystal to project images or sounds captured by another. This technology was mainly used for long-distance communication between cities.

The shopkeeper had a dark past as a former royal mage who had misused this magic to secretly film women, including their nudity. He had used these illicit recordings to blackmail them into performing acts against their will. When his crimes were discovered by chance, he was expelled from the capital city. Somehow, he managed to elude the knights' pursuit and found refuge in this town.

Though he currently ran a swimsuit shop as a cover, he continued to secretly record customers changing clothes and sold these compromising videos to an illegal organization in the town's underground, reaping substantial profits.

"Hey? What's with that woman?" The man, who had been eagerly waiting for the customer to undress in the video, now wore a puzzled expression. He had noticed something strange happening in the footage.

In the video, the young maid suddenly turned to face the camera, as if she knew they were being watched. She delicately lifted the edge of her skirt and curtsied, then moved her lips slowly, as if conveying a message.


Despite being a former elite magician of the kingdom, it was easy to decipher his words just from his mouth movements. As the man attempted to grasp the meaning of those words, the video abruptly plunged into darkness, obscuring everything.

"Hey! Why now, just when things were getting interesting! Damn it, this lousy crystal! Going crazy in a situation like this!"

In response to this sudden twist of events, the man shot up from his chair, clutching the crystal, and let out a scream of frustration. He tried various maneuvers, such as channeling magic into the crystal in hopes of restoring the video, but to no avail. The screen remained dark, reflecting only his bewildered face.


However, this unexpected turn allowed him to notice something crucial. Amidst the all-encompassing darkness, the crystal revealed an image of someone behind the man, poised to strike with a gleaming blade.


In a split second, the man swiftly dodged to the side. Simultaneously, there was a deafening crash as the table he had been seated at moments earlier shattered into pieces. Naturally, the crystal atop the table didn't escape unscathed, breaking into countless shards that now littered the surrounding area.

"Oh my, you managed to evade, didn't you? I had hoped to end it with one swift strike, but it appears that won't be so simple" remarked the person responsible for the chaos. He stood amidst the wreckage, wearing an untroubled smile, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

"Bastard....... Who the hell are you?"

"I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Crow, My lady Isabella's personal butler."

"A butler?"

The shopkeeper, who had managed to stand up after hastily retreating, glared at the man before him. He looked puzzled as he observed Crow, who had gracefully bowed and seemed unfazed by the hostile gaze.

Upon closer inspection, Crow indeed wore the attire of a typical butler. The shopkeeper hadn't noticed earlier, as he had been exclusively focused on the young ladies present, likely considering Crow to be one of the customers' maids.

"Now, what's a butler doing here?"

"I have no interest in your activities, but if you plan to harm the Milady, I'll have to intervene. Let me ask you this: Do you intend to admit your guilt and surrender to the knights voluntarily?"

With a reassuring smile, Crow crushed a large crystal shard that had been on the ground, locking eyes with the shopkeeper.

(Tsk... Looks like they've figured it out)

Realizing that there was no more room for deception, the shopkeeper began to think about his next move. Most likely, these intruders had something to do with the disruption of the crystal's display earlier.

(He caught me off guard earlier, but he's just a commoner.)

The shopkeeper couldn't sense any magical power coming from the butler in front of him. On the other hand, despite being expelled and no longer holding his title, the shopkeeper was once a royal mage of the kingdom. In a contest between a commoner and a noble, the outcome was already clear.

"So, what do you say? Would you be willing to atone for your sins quietly?" the butler asked.

"『Flare Lancer』!" Without warning, the shopkeeper unleashed a spear of flames, catching Crow off guard. The room was engulfed in a fiery explosion. In that situation, there was no way to dodge it. A mere commoner hit by a spell of such magnitude would surely meet an immediate and fiery end.

"Hah, if you hadn't done anything unnecessary, you might have lived longer" the shopkeeper sneered, still burning in the flames.

Having already involved himself with this man, there was no way they could simply let the lady customer go now. Regardless, with her exceptional physique, there was never a choice other than to indulge from the beginning, so the outcome would be the same either way.

"Rest assured, once I've had my fill and satisfied your mistress, I'll send you to the same place" he added, relishing the excitement of what was to come.

"──You, what did you say just now?"

However, his words triggered an unexpected response, and there was now someone reacting to them.


As the flames were abruptly extinguished, Crow appeared unscathed, leaving the shopkeeper bewildered.

"What's this? I think I heard something rather unpleasant. Say it again."

(What's happening? His demeanor has changed from earlier...?)

"I see, a magical tool. But even if you brought out a toy like that..."

The shopkeeper noticed Crow's intense aura but, like many other nobles, was accustomed to unconsciously underestimating commoners. It was not unreasonable for him to fail to realize the abnormality of a commoner remaining unharmed while dealing with magic.

"I had originally planned to incapacitate you and hand you over to the knights, but screw that"

"...Quit your blabbering, you commoner! 『Flare Javelin』!"

Enraged by the insolent remarks of a lower-class commoner, the former noble shopkeeper cast a more powerful spell than before.

The weakness of magical devices lies in their output. Although Crow had managed to evade the previous attack, he couldn't defend against this spell, which boasted particularly high offensive power from the shopkeeper's perspective.

"Out of my way"


With those words, Crow casually flicked his knife, causing the spell to dissipate into mere magical energy. The extraordinary sight left the shopkeeper shocked.

"It shouldn't be that surprising, should it? I may be imitating nobles, but I can perform tricks like this" Crow remarked casually.

"What...did you do?"

Despite Crow's nonchalant tone, the shopkeeper, now understanding the nature of the act, couldn't help but feel dismayed. While nobles, especially knights, could negate spells by infusing their blades with magic, it was merely a method to forcefully counteract magic. What Crow had just done was an entirely different kind of technique. He had severed the very core of the magic, making it vanish.

In such a perilous situation, where even the slightest mistake could lead to instant death, identifying and cutting only the tiny core of a spell was impossible for an ordinary person.

"Ugh... It's just a coincidence, it has to be a coincidence! This time, you'll die! 『Flare Javelin』!'"

The shopkeeper, trying to conceal his inner turmoil, unleashed the fiery spear once, twice, and thrice, but Crow cut through and nullified every one of them.

"...Is this all you've got?"

"What... No, this can't be happening..."

Once might have been brushed off as a fluke, but when his magic was continuously neutralized, the shopkeeper finally realized the extraordinary nature of the butler before him.

"Don't tell me you can only do this much? Looks like I overestimated you."

"What did you say!? Don't you dare underestimate me, you commoner!"

Furious, the shopkeeper continued to cast spells, looking down upon Crow, but every one of his attempts was effortlessly thwarted.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Hit, hit, for heaven's sake, hit!"

Even so, the shopkeeper persisted, casting spells frantically. For him, a noble, acknowledging any inferiority to a commoner was absolutely unthinkable.


"Don't come closer! Don't come!"

Amidst the barrage of magical spells, Crow effortlessly dodged and nullified those he couldn't avoid using his knife. He began to approach the shopkeeper methodically, an image that felt like a living nightmare to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was desperately trying to defend against Crow, who seemed like a grim reaper, advancing steadily and seemingly impervious to his attacks.


"What... he vanished!?"

In the brief moment when the shopkeeper momentarily diverted his attention to use magic, Crow disappeared from his sight thanks to an enhancing magical tool.

"Ah...! My hand... my hand!"

In the blink of an eye, Crow, who had slipped past the shopkeeper's guard, flashed his knife and severed the shopkeeper's right hand, the one adorned with a magical ring that served as a catalyst. The shopkeeper couldn't react in time, and the sound of his hand hitting the ground finally made him realize the gravity of the situation. He clutched his bleeding wrist as he knelt.

However, Crow was not one to let such an opportunity slip away, and he showed no mercy.



Crow drove the tip of his shoe into the shopkeeper's abdomen as he knelt and kicked him away.

The shopkeeper was slammed against the wall, then slumped to the floor, completely losing his will to fight.

"Ugh, ugh..."

(What should I do? How can I survive?)

The shopkeeper frantically thought as he heard Crow's approaching footsteps. Although he had lost his primary magical ring catalyst, he still had a spare magic stone.

Using it to somehow—


In the midst of his thoughts, the shopkeeper suddenly screamed, overwhelmed by the excruciating pain in his ear. Blood trickled down his cheek.

(No way...)

"As expected, you were hiding one. I'll take this too."

Crow casually picked up the shopkeeper's ear and the magical stone earring attached to it from the ground.

Even though he had been rendered completely powerless after losing his last magical stone, the shopkeeper felt an indescribable terror as Crow effortlessly collected the magical stones, as if he had known about them all along.

He was clearly experienced, both in his initial attack and in how efficiently he incapacitated the shopkeeper. It was evident that he wasn't someone new to dealing with nobles. It seemed like he had confronted nobles like this countless times before.

"I'm sorry! My mistake! I truly apologize and won't do it again! In fact, I'll give you information about the organization I was working with. I was just following their orders."

As this realization dawned on him, the shopkeeper began to plead for his life earnestly. He no longer cared about his noble pride; his only concern was the overwhelming fear he felt towards the man before him.


"A, aahhh..."

Whether his plea had any effect on Crow or not, Crow knelt down in front of the shopkeeper and offered a reassuring smile. Seeing this, the shopkeeper let out a sigh of relief, not even realizing he had done so.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

The shopkeeper's world turned crimson.


A searing pain pierced his right eye, and he screamed. Using his remaining left eye, he beheld Crow's knife lodged in the place where his right eye had once been.

(Why, why, why?)

"I don't care about your crimes or what you're involved in."

With an unpleasant squelching sound, the knife was pulled from his right eye, its tip smeared with a bloody eyeball.

"Ahh... A..."

"But you dared to touch Milady! Know your place, scum! Understand this! Milady is off-limits to the likes of you! You trash!"

"Guh!? Agh! Ugh...!"

With the shopkeeper no longer able to resist, Crow straddled him and angrily kept stabbing with the knife. Each time it pierced the flesh, blood splattered, turning Crow's body crimson, but he didn't seem to mind, driven by madness.

"I-I don't want to die...!"

"Don't worry, nobles are surprisingly hard to kill. You won't die that easily. Besides, in the end, they all beg for death themselves."

"No, noooo!"

The shopkeeper pleaded desperately, but Crow responded with a twisted, smirking smile as he raised the knife. Faced with those dark, haunting eyes, the shopkeeper could only scream.

"...Has he broken already?"

The voice that had been muttering something earlier had now completely stopped, and the shopkeeper's vacant eyes remained motionless. Crow halted the relentless stabbing with the knife, instead opting to grab the shopkeeper's head and slam it against the wall a few times. However, there was no response; it seemed like he had broken completely.

"Oh, well"

If he's broken, there's no use for this anymore.

With a swift slash of the knife, the shopkeeper's head thudded to the ground. After confirming this, I stood up and stretched.

"Geez, they made me go through all this trouble. Ugh, I'm covered in blood..."

Finally, I noticed that my clothes were soaked and blackened with dried blood. I couldn't return to Milady in this state.

"Excellent work, Master."

"Zwei huh."

As I thought about this, a bespectacled, blue-haired maid appeared before me. If Eins was my top subordinate, Zwei could be considered number two. In cases like this, when I entrusted Milady to Eins, Zwei often played the role of my support.

"First, take care of this one. I can't go back like this."

"Okay then, here we go. 『Cleanse』"

Zwei gently placed her hand on my blood-soaked clothes. A watery sphere formed in her palm, enveloping my entire body before vanishing in an instant. What remained were my clothes, now as pristine as if they were brand new.

"Your magic is as impressive as ever."

"Thank you."

Purification magic's effectiveness supposedly depended on the caster's skill, and Zwei's work was undeniably exceptional. Whether it was Eins or Zwei, I couldn't help but feel fortunate to have them.

"I'm heading back to Milady. You two, take care of disposing of the evidence."

"Understood! Master, what about the organization that man mentioned?"

"Ah, that... It's troublesome. Let the city's knights deal with it; it's not something we should get involved in."


We came here for a vacation originally.

Honestly, I didn't want to waste any more time on unnecessary matters. Plus, getting tangled up with the knights and their investigations would be a hassle. They were well-paid, so they should be useful in situations like this.

"I'm back, Milady."

"You're late! What were you even doing?"

After finally returning to the shop, Milady was waiting impatiently, her forehead showing signs of irritation. Dealing with the persistent shopkeeper took longer than expected.

"My apologies."

"Because you took so long, I've already finished choosing my swimsuit."

"Wha!? No... way....!"

Upon hearing Milady's words, I involuntarily collapsed to my knees. Out of all things, did I miss seeing the precious Milady in her swimsuit? What a monumental failure. I should have taken care of that shopkeeper much sooner...

"What... What's going on all of a sudden..."

Above my head, I could hear Milady's bewildered voice, but right now, the shock of not being able to see her in her swimsuit was too overwhelming for me to move.

"Mistress, it appears that Sir Crow is in great shock over not being able to see you in your swimsuit."

"Huh? Over something like that?"

I could hear voices, probably between Eins and Milady, but I was done for. This is depressing... I want to die...

"It may not be important for you, Mistress, but it was something significant for Sir Crow. I've heard that men, in particular, appreciate seeing women in swimsuits..."

"Is that so? I don't mind showing him my swimsuit anytime he wants."

"Really!? Milady, it's a promise!"

Upon hearing that Milady would show her swimsuit, I immediately jumped to my feet. I grabbed Milady's hand firmly and looked into her eyes.

"If you put it that way, I certainly won't refuse! I'll consider it an honor to see my beautiful swimsuit!"

"As expected of you, Milady."

"Naturally! Oh-ho-ho!"

With the swimsuit now acquired and Milady in high spirits, she headed back to the mansion.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...