Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 92

The former lady of the duke is being invited

 "It suits you very well."

"Flattery won't do... That's why I didn't want to wear it."

Norman complimented me as I got ready to head to the royal castle in my room, but those words now seemed more like sarcasm.

Upon seeing my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but sigh.

I was currently dressed in a jet-black military uniform prepared by my new employer in advance. Truly a costume for the occasion.

The pure white knight's attire of the kingdom was the same, but why did they always go for such flashy outfits?

...Well, considering this world is the stage for an otome game, I guess I have to accept it.

Not to mention the noble attire I wore the other day; such flashy clothes don't suit me at all.

I do miss the familiar butler uniform, but I am no longer in the position of a servant.

Wearing that now would be out of the question.

"I don't think that's the case. ...Isn't that right, Milady Isabella?"


"Well, it suits you. I think it looks fantastic."

Surprised by Norman's words, I turned around, only to find Isabella, who had finished preparing, had somehow come to her room.

She wore a calm blue dress and, looking me up and down, smiled with satisfaction.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I guarantee it. So hold your head high with confidence."

Still not convinced, Isabella took my hand and smiled at me encouragingly.

It seemed I was nervous in this new role.

Listening to her words, I strangely felt a surge of confidence.

"Besides, you are, um, my fiancé, so..."



Blushing at saying it directly, Isabella, though a bit shy, showed her affection.

Watching her endearing figure, my restraint snapped, and I lifted her up in my arms.

"Eins! Cancel all plans for today!"

"Understood. I'll inform Prince Dietrich about canceling today's meeting later."

Given such a cute sight, there's no way I could resist. Even if there were plans, I'll leave them to Eins, and spending the day flirting with Isabella is the top priority.

"There's no way that's okay, right!?"


However, reality isn't as sweet. My plan to go straight to bed was thwarted as Isabella, with a raised corner of her eye, delivered a sharp chop to my forehead.

Ugh... My fiancée can be quite strict, but that's one of the things I like about her.

"Come on, it's almost time for the carriage to arrive. Let's go."


Isabella, back on the ground, wore an exasperated expression, took my hand, and dragged me to the mansion's entrance.


"Welcome after your long journey, Crow, Isabella. Welcome to our empire," greeted Dietrich, seated at a desk, as he welcomed us into a room guided by Hanna, who had come to receive us for the second day in a row.

Inside the room, besides him, were two other individuals. One, like me, was dressed in military uniform, stationed beside the desk—a guard recognizable from the kingdom, named Luke if I recall correctly. The other was a gentle-looking lady, presumably someone I hadn't met before, who radiated an amiable smile.

"We express our gratitude for accepting us, Your Highness."

"I've heard it was quite challenging, but I'm relieved you both are safe. Now, I want you to wield your abilities to their fullest under my command."


"Well then, let's dispense with the formalities here. You're among trustworthy individuals, so feel free to relax."

We exchanged formal greetings and bowed for the time being. In the kingdom, there would be a need for formal ceremonies when assuming the role of a new noble, especially before the king. However, in the empire, such formalities were unnecessary.

This was because my current position as a noble was limited to one generation. Although the empire mentioned the possibility of becoming a noble based on achievements, many others, besides me, were one-generation nobles. It was apparent that the Emperor couldn't afford to attend to each one personally.

If we achieved further merits, we might rise to become regular nobles instead of one-generation nobles, but for now, securing a place in the empire was more than enough.

"Before anything else, may I make a statement, Your Highness?"

"Isabella. Sure, go ahead. You can say anything," Dietrich said, granting permission with a smile after finishing a light greeting. Isabella, who had been standing half a step behind, moved forward. I was surprised by her actions, as I hadn't been informed of anything, but Dietrich gave his approval with a smile.

"Apologies for the disrespectful remarks made in the kingdom, Prince Dietrich."



Isabella continued to bow deeply, surprising me. It was rare to see Isabella bowing so obediently to someone other than her father. Dietrich seemed intrigued, narrowing his eyes with a smile.

"I take full responsibility for this matter. If there's punishment, let it fall solely on me."


"Ah, hold on! Let's stop right there."

Before I could intervene, Dietrich interrupted, raising his voice.

"He's a foreign exchange student named Dixon from the empire, and it has nothing to do with me. Is that clear?"

"...Is that acceptable?"

Dietrich, who had previously maintained a relaxed smile, hurriedly explained, confirming to ensure there were no misunderstandings.

In response, both Isabella and I exchanged puzzled looks.

"Moreover, it's because of the Prince's unauthorized use of a false identity as a student that this happened. Isn't that right, Your Highness?"

The noblewoman, who had been silently observing, spoke up.

"Well, I've already apologized properly. It won't be an issue if I'm already reflecting on it, right?"

Though Dietrich typically displayed a carefree attitude, he appeared quite humble in her presence. She seemed like an ordinary, kind woman at first glance, but there was something about her that made me wonder.

"Therefore, Lady Isabella doesn't need to worry about this matter."

"Um... you are?"

"I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am Fiene Schnebel, Prince Dietrich's fiancée."

She asserted her position to Dietrich, smiling at Isabella, then elegantly bowed, introducing herself.

The revelation that Dietrich had a fiancée was surprising enough, but what was even more astonishing was that he had left such a beautiful fiancée alone for nearly a year while he studied abroad in the kingdom. And, it seemed, without permission.


"Yes, I'm Fiene Schnebel, the eldest daughter of the Schnebel Duke family that governs the eastern part of the empire. I'm also Luke's sister, standing over there. Nice to meet you."


I listened to Fiene's explanation, recognizing the name. Meanwhile, Luke, who had been motionless, groaned.

Although the empire and the kingdom were separated by the massive mountain range known as the Border Mountains, the eastern part was connected to the Magic Forest, similar to the kingdom. While not as severe as in the kingdom, magical creatures invaded from the Magic Forest, and the Schnebel family was responsible for preventing their influx.

Given her role as the heiress of such a prominent family, it wasn't surprising that she would become the fiancée of the prince.

"I see."

I began to understand the dynamics between these three.

The two men present seemed to have great respect for her. Despite her calm appearance, she seemed to be a formidable woman, unrivaled even by the prince of the empire and his close aide.

I should be careful as well.

"Cough... I don't intend to blame you. Relax, I won't do anything that would make Crow dislike me."

Dietrich deliberately coughed, concluding the conversation. While I could infer what had transpired between him and Lady Fiene, there was no need to press further. If Isabella were to be punished by Dietrich, I couldn't predict how I would react. In that sense, his decision seemed appropriate.

"Your Highness, is it okay now?"

"Yeah, do as you please."

"In that case... Lady Isabella, would you like to join me for a tea party? I've prepared various things today, and I'd like to hear your story from His Highness."

It seemed that Lady Fiene had business with Isabella. She invited her to a tea party, smiling warmly.

While it sounded pleasant, a tea party in aristocratic society was often a form of political maneuvering. Being invited by the fiancée of the prince, who was also the future empress, meant it was more than just enjoying tea and cakes. Lady Fiene probably intended to assess Isabella, a former Valiaz family heiress and also the imperial enemy, during this gathering.

"Yes, of course. I would be delighted to join."

Isabella responded with composure, showing no hesitation. Her elegant demeanor embodied the aristocratic ideal I had admired.

"Well, I'm glad that's settled. Excuse me, Sir Crow, but can I borrow Lady Isabella for a moment?"

"...Sure, go ahead."

While Fiene checks with us, her presence lacks the intimidating aura that Isabella and Dietrich emanate. It's easy to let one's guard down in the face of her gentle smile, but it only makes the situation more eerie and calls for heightened vigilance.

"Shall we, Lady Isabella?"


With that, Fiene gracefully leads the way out of the room, and Isabella follows suit. In the brief moment when she passes by me, Isabella glances over, offering a reassuring small smile. All I can do is silently watch her retreating figure, filled with concern. It's worrisome, but for now, I can only trust Isabella.

"Don't worry too much; Fiene will take care of her."

It seems my inner thoughts were apparent, as Dietrich reassures me with a smile. However, his smile only adds to the suspicious atmosphere, making it hard to let my guard down.

"...You seem quite close to her."

Unable to speak bluntly about my concerns, I decide to inquire about her, sensing a more intimate connection than mere engagement.

"Oh, well, the Schnebel family has deep ties with the royal family, and we've all grown up together, including Luke here."

"Your Highness has been quite a handful since childhood..."

From Dietrich's explanation, it becomes clear that the three of them share a childhood friendship. Considering this, their casual relationship makes more sense. Despite being the future leaders of the same nation, their dynamics differ significantly from those between Isabella and Prince Albert.

Next to us, Luke wears a subtle smirk, hinting that there might have been challenges despite their long-standing friendship.

"Now, let's get to the main topic. First, please accept this."

"What's this?"

Lady Fiene brought Isabella out, probably not wanting to interrupt our conversation. With their absence, Dietrich, who finally broached the main topic, handed me a small notebook.

The cover of the leather-bound notebook bore the imperial crest, a dragon emblem, indicating its importance.

"Ah, this is your identification document in the empire. Since you're considered my direct subordinate, showing this should gain you the trust of most people. It's crucial, so make sure not to lose it."

"I see, that's quite convenient... Huh?"

In essence, it was something that guaranteed I had the prince's backing at the moment. As the future emperor's support, its effect was immeasurable.

I decided to check its contents and opened the notebook. I tilted my head at what was written there.

"'First Imperial Prince's Exclusive Secretary and Special Advisor to the Institute of Magical Technology'? ...What is this? Wasn't my job supposed to be just secretarial duties?"

While the notebook contained my personal information along with a photo, what caught my attention was the unfamiliar string of characters indicating my current affiliation.

The first part wasn't entirely unfamiliar since it had been explained beforehand. Considering the original butler duties, the content wasn't much of an issue.

The problem lay in the latter part mentioning magical technology. It was entirely unknown in the kingdom, and its meaning was unclear. Even the name suggested it had something to do with magical tools...

"To explain that, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Come with me."

In response to my bewilderment, Dietrich, the one who decided on this, smiled and stood up from the table.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...