Friday, November 17, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 34

 Reincarnated Elf (106), making a promise with Vritra

"Ahahaha, it's been a while, my friend Reese."

"You returned quite quickly, didn't you? I thought you might run out of magical energy sooner."

It had only been half a year since Vritra gained her freedom. Despite concerns about running out of magical energy, Vritra shook her head.

"Of course, the magical energy I received from you shows no signs of running out anytime soon. Moreover, I've learned to do things like this."

While Vritra had been an imposing presence under the Yggdrasil branch, with a patting sound, she suddenly shrank. With a cute fluttering of wings, she perched on my shoulder, exuding no trace of intimidation.

"D-Dragon got smaller...? Truly, it's thanks to Sir Reese's magical energy. It's so squishy and cute!"

In fact, Minori poked Vritra's body with her index finger, enjoying its squishiness.

"Perhaps it's because my body was originally created from a mass of magical energy. It's quite flexible. So, why is a dragon, who has gained such freedom, here again?"

When I asked the question, Vritra casually replied, "The outside world is uncomfortable due to interference from the demons. I thought I'd stay here for a while."

"With the revival of the Demon Lord a few years away, magical beasts and demons are gradually gathering, showing signs of increased miasma. You're aware of that, right?"

"Is that so?"

Humans like Minori and Jin hadn't noticed to the extent that it was understandable. I first noticed the anomaly when I met Minori for the first time and was given a Tula fruit. Back then, the miasma, which could lead to the activation of demons and magical beasts, was only about 1%. Now, picking up fruits from the surroundings would yield about 5%, and Minori even takes care to remove the miasma from the meat and fish she collects, thanks to my magic.

In a region close to the Demon Territory, Vritra, who had recently returned, sensed the subtle signs of the Demon Lord's revival gradually corroding the world.

"At night, magical beasts and demons have become more active than before. It's quite unpleasant to feel the maggots wriggling around while I try to sleep. I've decided to defeat the demons for a peaceful sleep. If you accompany me, can't we defeat the Demon Lord as well?"

"You're still the carefree dragon. Just to be clear, it's not me who will defeat the Demon Lord."

"What!? With your power, you should be able to defeat even the Demon Lord. I thought that once the little candidate for the hero opened the 'Factor,' everything, including magic and factors, would be taken. Can't you do it?"

What a sinister idea this dragon has come up with. However, it's not entirely impossible. In the past, there were dark magic spells used by demons that could absorb attribute magic residing in individuals, and there existed skill absorption techniques that could take away acquired skills.

There are also a few books related to "Factor." By reading and reinterpreting them, it might be possible to create a new magic like "Factor Absorption." But...

"Well, watch closely. Right now, things are like this, but after six months, he'll be a different person. Perhaps even a prodigy that surpasses Minori. It'll be clear soon enough that there's no need for me to forcibly take from him."


"Besides, you came at the right time. There's something I'd like to ask you too."

As I whispered a proposal to Vritra while she groomed herself with her legs, she suddenly stopped moving.

"Ahahaha, interesting. Very well, I agree. It's a story about whether the little one will show appropriate growth in the remaining half year."

In response to Vritra's gaze, Jin continued to swing his sword diligently without any change.


――Six months had swiftly passed since the promise with Vritra.

"Advanced Fire-Attribute Magic Enchantment, Flame-Wrapped Sword: Fire Sword!"

Minori unleashed her magic enchantment at an unbelievable speed. Jin skillfully interfered with Minori's magic using his disruption jammer, showing little hesitation.


The wooden swords clashed vigorously, dispersing Minori's magic.

"—Guh! Magic encha—"

"I won't let you!"

In a swift motion, Jin struck his wooden sword, determined not to let Minori recharge her magic. Over the past six months, Jin had learned to recharge his magic and disrupt Minori's before she could complete the process.

He continued his relentless assault, not giving Minori a chance to regain her composure. Though Minori had become faster at replenishing her magic, Jin's interference prevented her from fully charging it.

It was clear that Jin, with his superior swordsmanship, had the advantage. Vritra, watching from my shoulder, was also impressed, remarking, "Well, it's quite a transformation compared to the beginning."

"People are mysterious creatures. If you lack talent, find another path. Despite having a lifespan of only 50 years, there are those who spend a decade without any concern, unlike that guy. The ten years for us long-lived beings and the ten years for humans cannot be equated."

"Whether good or bad, he was straightforward. Without using the absence of magic as an excuse, he continued to refine himself. I never thought he would really deplete his magic every day without a break for a year."

As time passed, the battles between Minori and Jin became more intense, often exceeding ten minutes in a single encounter. However, Minori, as the senior disciple, couldn't afford to lose. Without wiping the sweat from her forehead, she faced Jin and swung her sword.

Vritra let out a small yawn, seemingly uninterested.

"...It's determination, both of them," I remarked.

Compared to the beginning, Jin now required a vast amount of time and magical refinement to deplete his magic capacity in a single day. Despite not knowing if the "Hero" factor would blossom, he continued to trust my words without complaint.

Minori was the same. For over ten years since our encounter, she stayed by my side without a single complaint.

"Heh, you have quite human-like thoughts for someone over 100 years old," Vritra chuckled.

"Not at all. They are much more human than I am."

Explosive magic and glistening sweat filled the air as the two continued their relentless battle.

Minori vs. Jin marked the 365th encounter that day. In this decisive battle, Jin, for the first time, ended the fight without once kneeling before Minori.

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