Friday, November 17, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 33

 Reincarnated Elf (106), watching from the side

"Superior Magic - Flame Attribute Mana Infusion, Black Flame Serpent's Nest Valharaq"

Minori skillfully infused mana into the wooden sword, wrapping it in black flames that seemed to incinerate even the surrounding air. With her sword positioned mid-level, she faced her opponent.

For a moment, her crimson hair gently swayed in the wind, and with a burst of momentum, Minori kicked the ground forcefully.

"I'm going all out!"

A loud noise accompanied the heat-induced shimmering of the air around Minori.

Facing her, Jin, although somewhat awkward, began to craft mana.

"Today's sparring, please!"

It was the 182nd match between Minori and Jin.

The mana Jin applied to his wooden sword included a mana interference jammer that could nullify Minori's mana infusion enchantment. However, it would only activate when the mana flowing through the wooden sword exceeded a certain threshold.

So far, Jin had managed to completely block Minori's swordplay only once. However, recently, he had started to grasp the sensation of handling mana and slowly adapted to Minori's mana infusion enchantment.

Moreover, in terms of the original skill with the sword, Jin was superior. If the match turned into a straightforward sword fight, Minori would be at a slight disadvantage.


In the moment when Minori forcefully swung her sword towards Jin.

"Integrating body and sword...! Allowing the sensation to flow through the body, feeling the flow of mana!"

Jin muttered to himself, starting to channel mana and confirming his senses, a sign that his unwavering practice was finally bearing fruit.

With a crash, Minori's wooden sword, wrapped in the black flame serpent's nest, struck Jin head-on. However...


Jin's mana interference jammer activated, causing the magic to vanish from Minori's wooden sword. Only the weight of the wooden sword pressed onto Jin.

Even though the magic was dispelled, Minori's sword strike remained incredibly powerful. But Jin seemed to sense this as his greatest opportunity.


In a magic-free match, Jin had a significant advantage. Constructing a spell and refilling mana from scratch for a high-level magic like Minori's took at least 20 seconds.

"Well, you're doing well. But...!"

However, that was a story from just a little while ago.

Just like Jin was growing, Minori was continually evolving. Including spell construction and mana replenishment, the time required for these actions had now been reduced to about 5 seconds.

By the time Jin regained his composure, Minori had once again enveloped her sword in flames.

"I won't lose so easily!"

Jin, attempting to infuse mana into his sword on the spur of the moment, found that he no longer had enough mana as the mana interference jammer functioned.

A blast of heat and the sword sent Jin and his wooden sword flying backward. Jin, hitting a branch of Yggdrasil, fell to the ground looking frustrated.

Well, considering he managed to block Minori's strike, it was a commendable performance at this stage.

"Ugh... I-I can still go on...!"

"I understand your determination, but recovery is limited to once a day. Pushing your body beyond that can be unnecessarily burdensome. Here, Goddess's Gentle Restoration."

Jin, lying face down with a sword in hand, had a high-level healing spell cast on him. Currently, his determination surpassed his physical stamina, but as his magical power increased, fatigue would become more pronounced. Overexertion was not advisable. A faint green light enveloped Jin, and his stamina was promptly restored.

Sitting down, Jin faced the sword.

"So, I was able to channel mana, right...?"

"Yeah, that's right. The first two times might have been successful due to an unbalanced flow, but this time, you definitely channeled mana by your own will... It flowed beautifully."

"…Now it's about stamina. I'll practice my swings!"

While Jin swung his sword to confirm his senses, another disciple, a bit shyly, pulled the sleeves of her clothes.

"Minori, your recovery after running out of mana was amazing. The replenishment of mana is much faster now compared to before. Good job."

"Hehe~. I won't lose anytime soon."

Her dignified appearance from earlier had completely changed to a carefree smile. Her red hair, swaying like a tail, vividly reflected her emotions.

Moreover, there seemed to be a slight increase in the frequency of her requests ever since Jin arrived... Well, she was cute, so let's overlook that.

Now that Jin was learning to channel mana, the training stage needed to progress to the next level.

According to the legends, what's needed for the awakening of the "Hero" factor are companions who possess each of the four magical attributes and can overcome difficulties alongside the hero.

With me and Minori accompanying him, there shouldn't be any difficulties, and he won't awaken to his hero potential.

However, just as I was thinking that...

"Say, Sir Reese? Is something coming from over there?"

Minori pointed to the sky, where a black dot gradually grew larger as it approached.


Her name was Vritra.

She was a dragon with a carefree demeanor who set out on a journey around the world half a year ago.

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