Sunday, November 5, 2023

Reincarnated Elf Chapter 24

 Reincarnated elf (102), sending off a friend

When someone is on the brink of death, it's said that they resemble the brightest version of themselves from their past. If there were gods in this world, I'd think it's a clever arrangement.

"Master, you shouldn't be in a place like this yet."

While tapping his broad right shoulder, bearing a massive axe, Grillet showed a mischievous yet troubled smile.

"Don't worry. I plan to return in just a few minutes. I felt the need to have one last chat with you, Grillet. I assumed you hadn't completely passed away yet, so I'm relieved that I made it in time."

If a living being hasn't completely died yet, their soul finds its way to the threshold of death. I thought it was worth a shot after seeing a reaction when I held his hand on his deathbed, and it worked quite well.

"It seems I can still sense temperature and hear a bit, huh? Your hands, Master, they haven't changed a bit since that time. They're still white, clean, and youthful as ever."

"Elves typically begin aging after they reach 800 years."

"Which means that the clan chief must have lived for such a long time!? I see, the lifespan of the Elven race is truly remarkable..."

Grillet couldn't see, but his eyes seemed filled with wonder.

"In fact, Grillet, I can use my magic to give you a physical body as well. There's a revival spell for necromancers. A great necromancer in history performed a forbidden ritual known as the 'Ancient Rite of Resurrection,' which temporarily called forth the 'Origin Demon Lord' and the 'Dragon King' into the world. The number of oaths involved was staggering, but I will certainly find a proper resurrection method. Even if it's only temporary until then..."

"Hahaha, you can truly accomplish anything, can't you, Master?"

Saying that, Grillet moved forward.

"Of course, it's fine. I've lived a long and fulfilling life already. Your visit, coming to see an old man like me on his deathbed, makes me feel truly grateful for the life I've had."

It's a fact that every person will eventually face death. Despite the countless magics in existence, there's still no magic capable of defying the cycle of life as it wanes with age. No matter how many severe injuries or illnesses one can heal, you can't heal the natural lifespan of a person.

"I consider myself fortunate. Without you, I might not have had the opportunity to spend my final moments with my family. I wouldn't have witnessed my grandson, Vais. It's possible I wouldn't have felt comfortable entrusting the lordship to Garius. It's all thanks to you, and I have no regrets."

"Is that true?"

Grillet is the first friend I've made since arriving in this world. Despite our different races, Grillet has shown me countless kindness by visiting the forest occasionally and teaching me about the outside world. There's no one else in this moment that I would rather repay than him.

"Well, there is one thing."

Saying this, Grillet placed his hand on his chest, the very place that had once caused him to fall into a coma.

"I have one lingering regret. I couldn't do anything about those talking magical beasts and the demons. To this day, I still think that if I had been stronger back then, if I could have defeated them... I wish for the hero to be found and for them to slay the Demon King, no matter what, so that the world remains safe from destruction."

I cannot bring him back to life entirely. Therefore, the best I can do is ensure he passes away without any lingering regrets.

"I accept your request. No matter how many years it takes, the 'Hero' will be found without fail. To defeat both the demons and the magical beasts, to protect the twenty years you've safeguarded, we'll continue protecting it. I promise. That's why I came to tell you."

Upon hearing this, Grillet smiled again.

"With you and Garius, I truly have nothing to worry about, do I?"

His face was radiant.

"One final message from Garius: 'Thank you, and please rest peacefully.'"

"Indeed, from the beginning to the end, you've always been such a considerate person. I've told Garius many times. Now, I'll go and deliver this message to you."

Grillet's smile softened in response to Garius' words, and his expression was so bright that one would hardly think he was someone passing through the gate to meet their death.

"I appreciate you shedding tears for someone like me, Master. Until you enjoy a long and prosperous life, I'll find some good spirits on the other side and wait for you. Please take your time."

With a cheerful pat on my shoulder, Grillet walked toward the gate, still smiling.

The next morning, Grillet Garland, at the age of 58, departed from this world. The end of the warrior who had defended the frontlines of Kukule Fortress against countless magical beasts for twenty years came peacefully, watched over by his family.

It was truly an enviable way to pass away.

"All right, make way, make way! Goods from the Mikaela Marquisate are passing through!"

"We've got fresh fish from the Tuell Sea! Won't you buy some?"

"We have the newly released books on household magic. They're really handy. They make housework much easier."

"I believe this is all the guild mission requests for today... Wait, one is missing, isn't it?"

"Where's the Golem extermination task?... The Klazia Cavern!? Isn't that really far away!?"

In the bustling lower town of Kukule Fortress, with the morning sun rising, a constant stream of people bustled about. The crowd included individuals from various occupations, such as delivery workers, local fishermen selling their catches, the receptionist at the magical tome shop, and adventurers.

Everyone went about their daily routines as if it were entirely normal.

The tranquility that now embraced Kukule Fortress was the culmination of the twenty years that Grillet had spent building it. Currently, this serenity had been firmly passed from Grillet to Garius.

The memory of holding Grillet's hand for the last time still lingered. It was a hand reduced to bones and skin, cold and wrinkled, with no response left.

"Your hands, Master, haven't changed a bit since that time. They're still white, clean, and youthful as ever."

As I remembered this, I gazed at my own hands, which remained exactly the same as the day we first met—startlingly unaltered.

"Sir Reese, would you like to take a little break?"

Amid the constant movement of people, Minori, who had been by my side, leaned in with a concerned expression. It seemed I had stopped suddenly, without even realizing it.

"Are you okay?"

"Thank you. I'm fine now."

My very first friend in this world had passed away.

"Ready to go, Minori?"

I grasped Minori's hand, and her red hair at the top playfully bobbed.

"Of course, I'll stick with you, Sir Reese!"

We waved at the tallest building in the city center and departed from Kukule Fortress.


And so, three years later...

"Hey, why do you think we're babysitting someone as worthless as you? If you can't even handle the job of carrying our stuff, we'll ditch you at some random place. Got it? Huh?"

In a certain forest, the voices of an adventurer party resonated.

"All of this is training... and this too... training!"

At the rear of the party, a young boy, lacking proper armor or gear, struggled to carry something twice his height, his forehead beaded with sweat as they navigated the forest.

"Geez, this is why we can't stand useless people who can't even use magic. If you can't bring back at least one thing, we'll make you pay for it."

The party members chuckled with smirks, and the boy clenched his lips and silently trailed behind them.

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