Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Chapter 16

 Fayette's Mansion

Carried by Lulu, we arrived at a big mansion after crossing rooftops in town. As we silently landed in front of the gate, the guards were surprised and were ready.

Lulu adjusted her hold on me and said, "Wait, wait, I just brought Lucienne-La Fayette."

"They should have known this, though," Lulu added.

Lulu's hand touched my forehead, lifting it. The guards nodded, and the gate opened.

With a casual wave, she strolled through the gate, saying, "Thanks a bunch."

Approaching, the mansion was impressively large.

"This is the new home," Lulu announced, standing at the main entrance.

She grabbed what seemed to be a knocker and boldly knocked on the door.

From inside, a servant—probably a butler or servant in his fifties or sixties—opened the door wider.

"Welcome back, young lady. I've heard from the master. Please, come inside," he said.

Lulu, still holding me, entered the mansion.

Inside, the place was neat, without flashy decorations, giving off a sense of order.

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Oliver-East, the butler of this mansion. Feel free to call on me anytime," the man greeted, bowing deeply.

Feeling bewildered, I hesitated; no one had ever bowed to me like this, not even Lulu.

"I-I'm Lucienne. Nice to meet you," I stammered.

Oliver nodded in acknowledgment.

"Starting today, the young lady will be living here. If there's anything you need, just let us know... Linnea, Melty," Mr. Oliver called to the two women behind him.

Both women, in their thirties, wore simple black dresses with frilly white aprons down to their ankles.

"Yes," they replied together. 

"They'll be the young lady's maids, taking care of her needs," Mr. Oliver explained.

One of the women stepped forward at those words.

"I am Linnea Wells. As your's maid, I will serve with sincerity. Nice to meet you."

The other also stepped forward.

"I am Melty Lastinel. From today onwards, along with Linnea, I will be serving the young lady. Nice to meet you."

They both bowed to me.

What do you say in these situations?

I nodded to them.

"Um, nice to meet you both. Please take care of me..."

I couldn't find better words, so I stuck close to Lulu, avoiding the gaze of the two elegant maids.

"Let me show you to your room," Mr. Oliver said.

As he walked, Lulu followed, and the two maids trailed behind.

The mansion was indeed as spacious as it looked. I felt like I'd get lost alone.

After a while, Mr. Oliver stopped.

"Here's the young lady's room."

The door opened.

Inside, it was spacious and even larger than the palace storage room I lived in.

High-quality furniture and a soothing color scheme of light greens and whites gave the room a welcoming feel.

...But there was another door?

I wondered aloud, and they explained it to me.

"This is the bedroom, and that door over there leads to the bathroom. There's also a waiting room for the maids in the adjacent room."

Apparently, there's a bathroom attached.

...I'm a bit happy about that.

"By the way, who are you..."

Mr. Oliver turned his gaze towards Lulu.

To which Lulu replied, "Oh, I got hired by the Fayette family today. I'll be serving as Milady's attendant. Nice to meet you!"

In response to Lulu's words, Mr. Oliver briefly showed a thoughtful expression but then muttered, "I see..."

"If that's what the master has decided, we'll make the necessary arrangements. Well then, Linnea, Melty, the rest is up to you."

The two maids responded simultaneously.

After that, Mr. Oliver said, "I'll excuse myself. Please relax and enjoy your time," and left the room.

In the room were me, Lulu, and the two maids.

"Miss, if you're not too tired, would you like to take a bath? We've already prepared everything, so we'd be happy to assist you," Linnea suggested.

...A bath, huh?

I instinctively looked down at my own body.

...Yeah, it's not exactly clean.

But being surrounded by people I don't know in a place I've just arrived at is a bit scary, and I'm anxious about being away from Lulu.

...I do want to take a bath, though...

Unconsciously, I grabbed onto Lulu's clothes.

"Lucy, something wrong?" Lulu peered into my face.

... Can I say it? But if I say it, both Lulu and the two maids might be troubled. As I pondered, Lulu called out, "Lucy?"

"I won't get mad, so go ahead and tell me," Lulu urged in a drawn-out voice. Maybe Lulu really won't get mad.

"Well, you see, I want to stay with Lulu... I'm scared to be alone." Now that I mentioned it, the two maids exchanged glances.

"Oh, I see, I get it. It's scary to be alone in a new place," Lulu said, patting my head. One of the maids frowned slightly.

"...How about we make a partition in the bathroom, and you can stay on that side? What do you think?" The maid's face clearly showed confusion.

...Right, Lulu is a boy. But, well, my body has already been seen when I bathed or received medical attention. It's a bit late for that concern.

"Yeah, that's fine," I agreed. Linnea said, "Please wait a moment," and Melty suggested, "Please have a seat over here," pointing to the sofa.

Lulu sat down, still holding me.

"Oh, right, can I have some water?" Melty nodded at Lulu's request and poured water into a glass from a pitcher in the room. Lulu took it and handed it to me.

"Lucy, you haven't been drinking much water today, have you? The water in the bottle I gave you hasn't gone down."


"You didn't notice, huh?"

...I totally didn't notice.

"Yeah, because Lulu came right after I woke up."

"I see."

Holding the glass with both hands, I took a sip.

...Oh, this might be the first time I've sat properly in a chair and had a drink or food like this.

Water entered my mouth.

It had a faint fruity fragrance and sweetness.

As I took the first sip, my seemingly parched throat quickly downed the contents of the glass.

Lulu took the empty glass, offered it to me, and Melty refilled it.

And again, the glass returned to my hands.

By the time I had drunk about half of the second glass, Linnea returned.

"Everything is ready."

Lulu looked at me.

"More water, okay?"

"Yeah, thank you."

He took the glass from my hand, handed it to Melty, and lifted me up.

Linnea opened the door for us. The bathroom was spacious, with a large clawfoot bathtub, a chair placed in the corner, and a folding screen surrounding it.

Lulu placed me on a chair without a backrest in the bathroom.

"Well then, I'll be over here."

He waved slightly, and Lulu disappeared behind the folding screen.

I couldn't see him, but the reassurance that he was there on the other side was comforting.

"First, let's take off your clothes," Linnea said to me as I sat in the chair.

I nodded, ready to lift the hem of my clothes, but Linnea gently touched my hand, signaling me to stop.

"I'll assist you, so there's no need for the young lady to do it herself."

She released my hand from the clothes, and with great care, Linnea pulled the tattered dress away from me.

Both maids made a sound of amazement. My body was covered in bruises, still bearing the marks of Lulu's treatment, which must have surprised them. Nevertheless, they delicately peeled away the cloth covering the wounds.

Next, the fabric around my feet was removed.

Finally, I undressed, removing my underwear and undergarments.

Both maids looked at me with sympathy.

Moving to another chair, I was gradually showered with warm water and lathered with frothy bubbles.

...The bubbles stung a little.

But as they washed, the foam surprisingly turned brown, and once rinsed away, something like residue remained on the surface of my skin. Again, I was thoroughly washed.

However, the wounds and bruises didn't hurt as much as I expected, so I believed they were being gentle.

Water splashed as it was poured over me, rinsing away the foam.

Then, my bangs were lifted, and my face was washed.

...It felt like a gentle massage.

After being washed twice with fluffy foam and having the moisture removed, a pack-like substance was placed all over my face.

"Now, young lady, please come this way."

After finishing washing my face and body, we moved to the bathtub.

I was lifted under my arms and gently placed in the bathtub, where there was a footing.

This way, there seemed to be no risk of accidentally slipping and sinking.

Lying down on the footing, my body was perfectly immersed in the water. Placing my head at the edge of the bathtub, Linnea and Melty, working together, washed my hair.

Despite the likely difficulty of untangling my hair, they patiently worked to unravel and wash it repeatedly.

Relieved to be in my first bath in what felt like forever, I gazed blankly at the ceiling while soaking in the tub. I felt so comfortable that I dozed off. Meanwhile, they rinsed off the foam from my hair and continued washing with another substance.

After the hair treatment, a sweet fragrance filled the air as my hair was gently touched by something.

...Was it hair oil, maybe?

They carefully massaged it into my hair, using a brush to untangle any knots. By the end, my body felt warm and comfortably snug.

Next, my hair was wrapped in a cloth and lifted out of the bathtub.

Swiftly dried and dressed in what seemed like a bathrobe, I returned to the initial chair. The face pack was removed.

Various substances were applied to my face, then to my body. I was dressed in underwear, an undershirt, and a beautiful white dress with a hint of frill – slightly oversized, with long sleeves and a hem that almost touched the floor.

My hair was dried and meticulously brushed.

"Done yet?"

Lulu's voice came from behind the partition.

Linnea nodded and stepped aside.

"Yes, we're finished. Well done, young lady."

Lulu stood up, approached me, and ran his hand through my hair.

"It looks great."

Satisfied, Lulu nodded and effortlessly lifted me.

Exiting the bathroom, we returned to the bedroom. Lulu sat on the sofa, pouring water into a glass and handing it to me. I drank another full glass.

Perhaps due to the warmth in my body, drowsiness overcame me.

As I drifted off, I found myself lying on a soft surface.

Probably the bed.

The bedroom featured a large canopy bed.

When I managed to open my eyes, Lulu was sitting on the edge of the bed, peering down at me.


I reach out and grasp Lulu's clothing.

"It's okay; I'm right here."

I feel the comforting touch of his large hand stroking my head.

...Ah, I don't have to go back to the harem anymore.

Simultaneously relieved from the depths of my heart, I let go of consciousness.

Just before completely losing consciousness, I thought I heard Lulu's voice.

"Goodnight, Lucy."

* * * * *

I turn over and wake up, momentarily unsure of my surroundings. Glancing around, I find myself in a bed with a canopy.

Lulu is seated in a nearby chair.

"Good morning," he greets me in a relaxed tone.

"Good morning, Lulu," I reply.

The room is bathed in orange light streaming through the window, suggesting I must have slept deeply during my nap.

My stomach emits a small growl, and Lulu squints playfully.

"Oh, looks like you're hungry. But we should wait for the doctor to check you before having a meal."

Approaching the bed, Meltie hands me a glass containing water with a familiar fruity aroma.

Lulu carries me to the bathroom, and upon my return, I find a woman in her fifties in the room.

She introduces herself as the doctor.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Zoé Elaine, and I'll be the young lady's attending physician from today," she says with a warm smile.

Though interacting with women typically makes me nervous, the age difference between the two maids and the doctor seems to make the situation less intimidating. I'm still a bit uneasy, but it's not as daunting.

"I'm Lucienne. Nice to meet you," I reply.

"Yes, nice to meet you too. May I examine your body a little today?" she asks.

I nod in response.

Lulu steps away, and Linnea assists me in undressing. The doctor maintains her smile but thoroughly examines my body with seriousness.

The doctor thoroughly checked my mouth and throat, even the inside. She also examined my stomach and back with her hands.

"Thank you, that's enough," I said, and Linnea helped me get dressed again.

"The young lady shows signs of malnutrition and a bit of dehydration. Possibly due to the bruises, she's also starting to run a fever. I'll prescribe ointment, pain relievers, and fever-reducing medication. Take them after meals. Stick to easily digestible and stomach-friendly food for a while. And until the fever subsides, please rest."

Linnea nodded in understanding.

The doctor smiled kindly. "Eating well and getting good sleep will help you recover, so make sure to follow that advice."

I nodded back, thankful for the reassuring words.

"Thank you," I expressed as the doctor left, with Meltie following her.

Linnea asked, "Feeling up to having a meal?" I nodded, and Linnea went to fetch my food.

Lulu sat on the edge of the bed, patting my head. "You do seem a bit feverish," he remarked, his hand touching my forehead, confirming my elevated body temperature.

Linnea returned with a service cart. Lulu approached and retrieved my meal, bringing back a dish with white contents, roughly the size of his palm. Using a spoon, he scooped some, blowing on it to cool before offering it to me.

I opened my mouth, and a spoon gently entered, followed by a slow withdrawal when I closed it.


It appeared to be a mix of milk with bread, providing a comforting sweetness.

Tears welled up and spilled over.


To experience a proper meal again made this day feel surreal. While I had known about the coup since regaining my memories, savoring this meal made the reality sink in.

Linnea gently dabbed my cheeks with a handkerchief. I took it, wiping away tears that wouldn't cease.

"Crying raises your temperature, you know," Lulu mentioned, offering a spoon despite my tears.

As I opened my mouth, Lulu guided the spoon inside. Eating while shedding tears.

On a soft, spacious bed, in a warm room, dressed in comfortable nightwear-like clothing, enjoying a delicious meal...

...How blissful.

And to top it off, Lulu was right there with me.

I ate a few more spoonfuls.

When I signaled that I was full, Lulu handed the spoon and plate to Linnea.

Meltie returned, wiping my mouth, and handing over what looked like medication.

...Powder medicine...

I unwrapped the package and swiftly placed the powder in my mouth, washing it down with water from the glass Lulu provided.


It was bitter, sharp, with a hint of unpleasantness.

I swallowed the remaining powder in my mouth with a sip of water.

"There you go, a little treat for you."

Lulu produced something, and the moment I recognized it, my mouth opened.

The small treat rolled into my mouth.

Sweet, slightly bitter, and fragrant. The palate-cleansing chocolate was delicious.

While I savored the treat, Linnea and Melty removed my clothes and applied ointment and dressing all over my body.

During this, Lulu stayed away from the bed.

They treated me within the spread canopy curtains, creating a makeshift blindfold. Even though I could faintly see Lulu's silhouette from outside, it didn't evoke anxiety.

Once the treatment was complete, they dressed me again.

"Thank you."

Linnea and Melty exchanged a brief glance, and Linnea spoke in a calm, gentle voice.

"...Young lady, there's no need for gratitude. It's natural for servants to serve their master."

Is that the customary etiquette?

Even if it is, not expressing gratitude when someone has done something for you feels uneasy.

"But I still want to say thank you... Thank you, Lulu."

Opening the canopy curtains, I expressed my gratitude, and Lulu smiled with narrowed eyes.

"You're very welcome."

Linnea and Melty looked at each other without saying anything more.

But there was a subtle softening in their expressions.

I remained lying on the bed.

"Since the doctor mentioned that the fever might intensify from tonight, we will be in the adjacent room. If you need anything, please ring the bell."

"Got it."

Linnea informed Lulu, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

With that, Linnea and Melty left the room.

It would be the item placed on the table near the bedside — probably a handbell.

Once the door closed completely, I let go of all the tension in my body.

Lying limply on the bed, Lulu poked my cheek.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... but I'm tired."

Even though I knew there wouldn't be any violence, the presence of another person made me tense, and my body unconsciously stiffened.

Linnea and Melty are also serving maids.

Yet, the appearance of those maids somehow reminded me of the ladies-in-waiting and maids in the royal palace.

I wondered about the fate of those who were in the harem when the coup happened.

Not that I'm particularly interested, but the thought crossed my mind.

Well, it doesn't matter.

Turning to the side, I reached out to Lulu.

"Can we hold hands until I fall asleep?"

Lulu narrowed his eyes.

"Sure thing."

His large hand enveloped mine.

Just that simple act brought me immense comfort.

Despite having slept once, perhaps due to the fever, I still felt drowsy.

I drifted into a slow and peaceful sleep, hand in hand with Lulu.

* * * * *

Lefebvre observed Lucienne peacefully asleep.

The tension in their clasped hands gradually dissipated.

Yet, Lefebvre held onto Lucienne's small hand for a while longer.

Since arriving at the Fayette mansion, Lucienne had been reticent, particularly around the maids. It wasn't a fear of people but rather an unease around women.

Given Lucienne's history of abuse by the queen, princess, and princes, as well as the cold treatment from the maids in the harem, her discomfort was entirely understandable.

Lefebvre was slightly surprised when the maids allowed access to the bathroom. However, seeing Lucienne's anxious expression, he couldn't bring himself to ask them to leave.

During the doctor's examination and treatment, he faced somewhat challenging looks but chose to ignore them.

As a servant, Lefebvre knew his actions and demeanor differed significantly from those of regular servants. Yet, he had no intention of adopting a subservient attitude towards Lucienne.

Being a servant was only until Lucienne turned sixteen. Once she reached adulthood, he would take her away, and there would be no point in continuing his role as a servant. Moreover, he would eventually part ways with the Fayette family.

....Living as a servant isn't so bad.

Lefebvre had lived in the underworld, quietly hiding. However, watching Lucienne's growth while living with her for about ten years might not be a bad idea.

If someone had connections with the underworld, they might have heard the name Lefebvre Nicolson at least once. Those who feared death wouldn't dare to approach.

....I hope they won't get involved with Lucienne.

He gently stroked Lucienne's still-red eyes with traces of tears.

It seemed she felt relieved after coming to the Fayette mansion.

Even while crying, she managed to eat her meal.

...But we really need to increase the amount of food.

Lucienne couldn't finish half of the food on the prepared plate.

The quantity she consumed was insufficient, primarily due to the meager meals she had in the harem, resulting in her being petite and slender.

It's crucial to gradually increase the amount she eats; otherwise, it won't be good for Lucienne's health.

Although the maids seemed to have various thoughts, they didn't cut corners in taking care of Lucienne. They probably understood that Lucienne couldn't relax if they were present, hence their decision to move to the adjacent room.

Lefebvre gently combed Lucienne's now silky hair with his fingers. Once the dirt was washed away, her dull brown hair transformed into a calming dark brown.

...Truly a chocolate-like color.

If she continued living here, this delicious-looking hair color would likely become even more lustrous.

She needed to eat properly every day, get enough sleep, and take care of this slender body.

Lefebvre touched her forehead, moving aside her bangs.

Perhaps due to crying, her temperature was rising. Although the medicine should prevent a severe increase, it might still be challenging for Lucienne, given her low stamina.

Lefebvre held Lucienne's hand once again.

When she woke up, Lefebvre wanted to be the first person she saw in her eyes.

* * * * *

Melty and Linnea, who had moved to the adjacent room, closed the door and exchanged glances.

"The young lady, were originally a princess, weren't she?"

"No, that's incorrect. She became the adopted daughter of the new royal family, so she's not 'formerly' a princess; you should address her as 'Princess.'"

The two maids recalled their newly assigned mistress and displayed expressions that were difficult to put into words.

Though the two of them, working as servants in the Fayette household, were fortunate not to struggle with poverty, the meals became simpler year by year.

The head of the Fayette family, the marquis, also adhered to modest meals. In turn, he sold his personal assets to compensate for this and support the commoners and the nation.

Both Linnea and Melty came from humble baronial or viscount families, equally struggling with poverty. They managed to sustain their families by sending money from their salaries.

This was why they didn't hold a favorable impression of the royalty.

When they heard that the marquis had orchestrated a coup and become the new king, they understood and felt a sense of pride in serving their new master.

However, when they heard about adopting a princess as a foster child, they couldn't help but question, "Why?"

Although they received an explanation from the butler Oliver, accepting it as part of their job and genuinely feeling convinced were different matters.

The image everyone had was that royalty liked luxury and were akin to tyrants.

Both Linnea and Melty felt burdened when entrusted with the role of attending to the princess's maidservant.

And so, the princess arrived.

Despite being five years old, the girl who arrived was dressed uniquely and carried a surprisingly small body. Her long hair, terribly damaged with frayed ends, and the worn-out clothes she wore were shocking. Her exposed limbs were clearly too thin.

Her face, mostly hidden by the long hair, clung to the peculiarly dressed girl in an anxious manner.

Though they had heard she was five, nobody would have realized she was the princess if they hadn't been informed in advance.

When the princess arrived, Linnea and Melty felt that they had been given a troublesome task.

She had not spoken much during the entire process.

She seemed comfortable talking to the young man who stuck close to her, but she appeared scared of people, tensing up even when touched during the bath.

Most notably, her body was covered in wounds.

I heard the new mistress suffered abuse in her upbringing; bruises, small scrapes, and cuts covered her small body, with the back, soles of her feet, and left shoulder showing severe damage.

"The young lady..... the doctor mentioned that scars might remain on her back and the soles of her feet."

"...I see."

"...Somehow, it's different from what I anticipated."


Despite her royal background, they expected her to be selfish and difficult to deal with. However, what they saw was a small, fragile girl. Covered in wounds, emaciated, and trembling with a fear of people, she cried while enjoying a simple meal of bread soaked in milk.

Just thinking about the abuse she endured sends shivers down their spine.

They distanced ourselves, thinking she wouldn't be able to rest with us around. Yet, both Linnea and Melty couldn't help but worry about their small mistress.

That young man, who spoke with Oliver about becoming the mistress's attendant, didn't seem like a servant at all.

"That young man is unusual too," Melty thought the same.

"If our Master and Mr. Oliver have approved, we have no choice but to obey. Besides, the young lady seems to trust that young man," Linnea said.

"Yeah, that's true, but..."

"For now, let's observe the situation for a while."

Both Linnea and Melty had lost the desire to reject the new mistress just because she was royalty.

Looking at the small, wounded body and remembering Oliver's words during the explanation, "The young lady is also a victim of the royal family," they couldn't bring themselves to refuse.

* * * * *

....It's hard to sleep.

True to the doctor's prediction, I find myself with a fever, and the discomfort wakes me up.

I peer up at the canopy. The room, though dark, is not entirely devoid of light. A gentle orange glow paints the canopy from a source somewhere in the distance.

...It's warm. I'm parched...

With a slight movement, I realize my hand is holding something.

Curious, I glance down, and there's Lulu, seated at the edge of the bed.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Our connected hands gently release, and Lulu rises, taking something from my forehead. He then pours water from the bedside pitcher into a glass.

Sliding his hand between my shoulder and the bed, he lifts me slowly, using one arm for support. With his other hand, he brings the glass to my lips.

As I open my mouth, the glass tilts slightly, allowing a small amount of water to trickle in.

Even swallowing feels challenging, despite my thirst.

Nevertheless, Lulu patiently continues to pour water into my mouth, bit by bit.

I'm content after drinking about half of the glass. As I close my mouth, the glass is taken away.

My body is gently settled back onto the bed by Lulu.

His hand touches my forehead.

"...Alright, she has already taken the fever reducer."

His soothingly cool touch brings relief.

I lift my heavy arm, grabbing Lulu's hand, and bring my face closer.

Lulu shifts, extending his other hand to the table, grabbing something.

Splash. There's a sound of water, and then a dripping noise.

After that, something cool and soft covers my forehead.

I can't help but let out a relieved breath at the sensation.

...This is probably a wet towel...

While my forehead feels cold, the rest of my body remains hot.

Not just warm but feverish. Heat emanates from the core of my body, making me feel sluggish. Even the bed against my back feels hot.

Rolling over to the side, the bedsheet briefly felt cool, but that fleeting sensation quickly gave way to warmth as I returned to my original position.

... It's still too hot.


The heat had nowhere to escape, pooling within my body.

Somehow, my hand had slipped away, and Lulu, noticing this, dipped the fallen cloth back into the water, wringing it out, then gently placing it back on my forehead.

Even though I knew this, I felt dazed, unable to find words of gratitude.

"Lucy, you still have time until sunrise, so go ahead and get some more sleep."

When Lulu's cool hand touched my neck, it felt like the heat eased.

Lulu's soothing, elongated, whisper-like voice gently spread through my head.

After that, I think I drifted in and out of sleep, caught between dreams and reality.

I remember that Lulu stayed with me the entire time. He frequently cooled the cloth on my forehead, wiped away the sweat, and comforted me when frustration due to the accumulating heat brought me to tears.

Having a fever in a five-year-old's body is incredibly exhausting. Despite my irritation with the persistent heat, Lulu, while casually saying things like, "Kids are surprisingly energetic," stayed with me until I wore myself out crying.

He remained by my side, covering my forehead and swollen eyes with a cold cloth after I collapsed onto the bed. Thanks to that, there were times when I could sleep for an extended period.

Even when I woke up in the morning, Lulu was there.

"Good morning, Lucy."

Saying that, Lulu removed the cloth from my neck, wearing something similar to what Butler Oliver had on.

* * * * *

Lucienne cried during the night, but it was expected. Even adults sometimes cry when they have a fever and feel weak. When I went to fetch the servant's clothes, the Faiyett family's butler warned me about young children becoming restless or teary during a fever, so I should be cautious.

Lucienne cried, groaning and muttering about the heat while rolling restlessly on the bed. Cooling the cloth provided a brief respite, but the restlessness continued.

In my earlier days as an assassin under the same master, I once nursed a fellow novice who had botched an assassination. Shot with a poisoned arrow, he cried and muttered about pain and fever, but I didn't pay much attention, and the memory has faded.

Returning from my errands, I remained by Lucienne's side throughout the night. I can function without sleep for a few days, and while caring for Lucienne, I can sit and rest. If necessary, I can observe the situation and catch some sleep later.

The only concerns were the somewhat restrictive nature of the servant's clothes and the subtle coolness without the cloth covering my face.

Morning arrived, and the fever had slightly subsided. Lucienne, upon waking up, was surprised to see me.

"... Lulu, you're here."

With a slightly hoarse voice, Lucienne opened her mouth in surprise and murmured.

* * * * *

Lulu changed into new clothes, shifting from a snug all-black outfit to something resembling a tailcoat, still in black. It appears that when he received the clothes, he was told by the butler to uncover his face if he's going to be a valet. The scarf-like accessory, his trademark, has been removed, revealing Lulu's handsome face.

Although the fever has subsided, it hasn't completely gone away. According to Lulu, the fever might rise again at night. Well, fevers tend to decrease during the day and increase at night. My body still feels heavy, and Lulu assists me in drinking water.

Then Lulu rings the bell to summon the maid, and Melty arrives.

"Please bring a change of clothes for Lucy."

In a rush, Melty brings new pajamas. Linnea arrives with a slightly steaming bucket and cloth, suggesting that it's a good idea to wipe my body. With Linnea and Melty helping me wipe my body and change my underwear and undershirt, Lulu dresses me in pajamas.

I've noticed that Lulu sometimes watches Linnea and Melty closely, and he seems to time it perfectly to come to my side.

"Young lady, do you have an appetite?" Melty asks, and I ponder. To be honest, I have no appetite at all, but if I'm going to take medicine, I should eat something. After a brief thought, I respond.

"I can eat a little if it's fruit."

Melty shakes her head. "Young lady, you don't need to use polite language with the servants," she advises. Linnea also nods in agreement.

But breaking the formality is scary. In silence, I see Linnea and Melty exchange slightly troubled glances. That's when Lulu speaks up.

"Hey, if Lucy's okay with it, then it's fine, right?"

Linnea and Melty exchanged glances again. "Exactly," they nodded. "The young lady's comfortable words matter the most." I felt relieved that they understood.

Afterward, Linnea left the room and returned a little later pushing a service cart.

On top, there was a flat plate with an assortment of fruits. Lulu took the flat plate.

"This one here is grated apple. It's sweetened with honey."

"Well, I might be able to eat that."

Lulu nodded in agreement with Linnea's explanation.

It was scooped up with a spoon and offered.

As I opened my mouth, the spoon entered, and as I closed it, the spoon was slowly withdrawn.

The sweetness and aroma of the apple, followed a bit later by the sweet taste of honey, spread in my mouth.

It felt like the sweetness gently soaked into my body. The grated apple was in a small plate, and it wasn't that much, so I managed to finish it.

I ate three grapes from the fruit assortment.

Lulu had neatly peeled them, so I simply put the smooth grapes in my mouth.

There were seeds, but once I finished eating, Lulu brought the empty plate close to my mouth. I sorted the seeds from the flesh in my mouth and handed them back onto the plate, covering my mouth with one hand.

After eating, I took some bitter powder medicine.

"Is this the one from yesterday?"

Yesterday's medicine was quite bitter too.

"This one's a painkiller. The one you had yesterday was a fever reducer. This might be a bit more bitter, I guess."

Although Lulu said so, both tasted quite bitter to my tongue.

...Well, maybe it's because I have a child's taste buds.

After taking the medicine, I went to the bathroom and returned to find the sheets replaced with new ones.

By the way, Lulu accompanied me to the bathroom. It's advisable not to walk much until the fever subsides and the wounds on my feet heal, although they seem to be improving.

Lulu applied medicine to my injuries, allowing me to walk without pain. However, Linnea and Melty disagree, insisting that Lulu should carry me until it fully heals.

At the moment, there aren't many occasions for movement, except for going to the bathroom or bathing.

I indulged in the chocolate offered to cleanse my palate. Afterward, I tried lying down on the bed, but I wasn't very sleepy. I observed Lulu sitting on the chair next to me.

Despite his sharp attire, the way he sat with one leg over the other and an elbow on the backrest made him appear a bit rough. Linnea disapproved from behind, but Lulu seemed indifferent. Though he claimed to be my attendant, he doesn't show signs of changing his behavior just because he's a servant.

I can't quite imagine Lulu serving me seriously, so perhaps this is fine. Moreover, when he suddenly becomes reserved, it creates a sense of distance, making me feel a bit lonely.

"Lulu, what kind of work does an attendant do?" I asked to redirect Linnea's disapproving gaze.

Lulu stopped swaying the chair and tilted his head. "I wonder? Maybe it's a job to be around the master and take care of various things? Well, I don't want to do anything else."

"Do you do it without knowing?"

"Yeah, because if I'm not an attendant, I can't be by Lucienne's side." Lulu's words surprised me.

"Is it because you want to be with me?"

"Yeah, exactly. Despite appearances, I get approached quite a bit, you know? So, being with someone all the time, that's something I've never experienced before."

"So, be grateful," he said, nodding as he continue.

He, once an assassin, changed his profession to become my chamberlain just to stay by my side.

"Thank you! I love you, Lulu!"

Jumping up and embracing him, he caught me securely.

"Lucy, that's dangerous," he said, still smiling, gently placing me back on the bed.

Him becoming my attendant means he'll truly be by my side forever.

With that thought, an inexplicable surge of energy welled up within me.

... That's right, forget about the original story.

While this world may resemble that game world, just like how Lucienne met Lefebvre, things don't always progress according to the game.

Both I and Lefebvre, along with others, are living, thinking, and acting on our own.

If that's the case, I just need to make sure things don't follow the original story.

Determined, I closed my eyes.

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