Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Chapter 17

 Adoptive Brother

Four days after reaching the mansion and falling ill,

Thanks to regular meals and bitter medicine, the fever had completely subsided, and the heaviness in my body had significantly improved. The doctor granted permission, saying, "Avoid intense exercise, but getting out of bed is fine." However, walks were off-limits due to the injury on my feet.

While the left shoulder still displayed bruising, it had become less painful, allowing more movement, thanks to the ointment. Confined to bed for all four days, my body had grown somewhat sluggish.

During this time, the maids Linnea and Melty bathed me without disturbing my injuries, uplifting my mood.

...Baths really are the best, aren't they?

My hair was silky and fluffy, and my skin was soft and supple. The dull color in my hair and skin was gradually returning to its original hue. Additionally, during free time, Lulu shared various things with me.

'Lucy, if you don't know about yourself, it might be inconvenient later.'

And so, he explained about myself.

My current name is Lucienne La Fayette. I turned five four days ago, on the day of the coup.

The coup was orchestrated by Marquis Bernard Fayette, who now became the new king, King Bernard Loire Fayette. I was accepted as the adopted daughter of the new royal family, the Fayette, and my status seemed to be that of the first princess.

By the way, female members of the royal family have 'La' before their family name, while male members have 'Loire.'

I was kept alive despite mistreatment in the palace because the Marquis intended to assassinate the second prince and, upon the king's death, set me up as a puppet queen with the queen herself ruling the country. That was the plan.

I questioned why I was chosen, but it seems that in the old royal family, only those inheriting amber eyes could become king. Other than the late king, only the second prince and I possessed amber eyes.

So, while keeping me alive, the queen abused me to prevent me from having a sense of self. And I, as in the original story, escaped execution. But to prevent the misuse of this royal blood and as a form of surveillance, I was adopted into the new royal family.

If it weren't for Lulu, my plan was either to remain unmarried, fully devoted to my duties, or to marry a trustworthy noble without having children.

But Lulu expressed his desire for me.

And my stepfather, the new king, apparently approved it.

With Lulu, it was decided that he wouldn't misuse the royal blood, and the condition was not to have children.

"When Lucy turns twelve, we'll be engaged, and when she comes of age at sixteen, we'll get married."

He said it as casually as discussing the weather.

I was surprised, but I had no complaints or worries.

...Engaged to Lulu?

The emotion I felt after surprise was happiness.

At the same time, I felt relief that the situation had deviated from the original story.

The fiancé of Lucienne has changed from the original story. While it's unclear how this change will affect the story, it avoids the narrative where the heroine bullies and becomes jealous, losing her fiancé.

"Do you not want to marry me?"

Lulu peered into my face as I remained silent.

"No, I'm happy. Marriage means being together forever, right?"

"That's right."

"I'll marry Lulu."

His extended hand gently stroked my head like a compliment.

This hand has never harmed me.

I trust Lulu more than anyone else and love him, so if I can marry him, I would be happy.

"When we get married, let's live together in my house, okay?"

"...Lulu, you have a house?"

He already owns a house at this age?

"No, I plan to buy one. Once you can go out, let's go see houses together. Choosing a house you like, placing furniture you like, gradually arranging it together sounds fun, right?"

"Sounds fun!"

"Yeah, right?"

Above all, marrying Lulu would deviate from the original story. Moreover, I would be with Lulu forever. For that, I have to learn various things before reaching adulthood.

"I'll learn cooking, laundry, and cleaning. I want to make meals for Lulu."

When I made that determination, Lulu chuckled.

"You don't have to learn since we can hire someone, you know."

"But I want to cook for Lulu."

"I see. Then, I'll look forward to it."

With that, it was decided that I would marry Lulu after coming of age.

But until then, as a princess, I must at least attend some minimal official duties. Official duties start at the age of twelve. Until then, I have to learn the manners and culture befitting royalty.

...Can I remember all of that?

Also, the academy starts at fifteen. It would be great to avoid attending the academy, but it's difficult for a princess not to go. Unless there are reasons like illness, it seems impossible.

As I pondered over these thoughts, there was a knock on the door. Melty opened the door, and after confirming the visitor, I heard a somewhat flustered voice.

"The young lady is still recovering from an illness... Besides, introducing her to the young master should wait until the master returns."

After Melty's words, I heard a voice I hadn't heard before.

"I just want to see her face."

It was a young boy's voice.

It reminded me of the original story. If I recall correctly, in the Fayette family where Lucienne was taken, there was a boy who became her stepbrother.

This boy was also one of the capture targets. Lucienne admired her stepbrother, but he found her clingy and bothersome, and their relationship was not very good.

...But is that really okay?

After becoming Lucienne, I realized various things. Lucienne, who had been bullied by royal princes and princesses connected by blood, met a new family that didn't mistreat her.

It's natural for her heart to lean toward that family.

If it weren't for Lulu, I would have been lonely. Meeting people who treat me well, without abusing me, and wanting to become close as a family is a normal thing. The original Lucienne trying to prevent the heroine from taking her stepbrother and fiancé might be driven by the fear of loneliness.

After all, a fiancé is a future family. It's natural to want to protect that.

...Lucienne isn't bad, right?

Well, stealing and destroying personal belongings, or resorting to violence, is not good. But the anger Lucienne feels about the heroine trying to take her fiancé is somewhat understandable.

What if even her stepbrother is about to be taken away?

Wouldn't Lucienne, who was imprinted with loneliness from a young age, feel fear of being taken away?


"Enough already! Let me in!"

Ignoring Melty's protest, the owner of the voice entered the room.

The boy had black hair, blue eyes, and looked to be around seven or eight years old. His face was well-featured but somewhat cold.

Entering the room, he looked around, found me sitting on the bed, and approached.

However, when the boy got about a meter away from the bed, Lulu, who was sitting in a chair, disappeared. The next moment, he was behind the boy, grabbing the back of his collar.

The sudden halt made the boy's face show surprise.

"Okay, that's far enough. Don't go any further."

In Lulu's elongated voice, the boy turned around.

"Who are you! Let go of me!"

"Me? I'm Milady's attendant."

"Attendant!? I didn't hear anything like that!"

"Well, I don't need your permission."

Lulu nonchalantly brushed off the boy's protests. The boy blushed and tried to escape Lulu's grasp, but it didn't seem to work.

Dragging the boy along, Lulu tossed him out of the room.

With a stumble, the boy tried to turn back, but Lulu closed the door right in front of him.

Despite the knocking sounds, Lulu leaned against the door, putting his weight on it to prevent it from being opened.

"Lulu, is it okay...?"

He's technically a prince, that kid.

But Lulu nodded while leaning against the door.

"I'm not just an attendant, but also a guard, you know. It's not a good idea for some guy to barge into a girl's room without warning."

There was some commotion outside the door for a while, but when Oliver's voice was heard, it quieted down.

He probably came over after hearing the disturbance.

When it became quiet, Lulu stepped away from the door.

Then, he returned and took his usual seat, the chair next to my bed.

That was the meeting with Aristide Loire Fayette, my stepbrother and one of the capture targets.

* * * * *

That night, while lying in bed, I found myself thinking about Aristide Loire Fayette.

In the original story, he was the main hero, the most significant capture target, and quite popular among readers.

Aristide, the cool and distant Crown Prince.

His mother's passing was a result of illness. When they discovered her illness, it was already too late. Aristide's mother, in a selfless act, pleaded with her husband to use the money meant for expensive medicine on the people instead.

And so, Bernard, Aristide's father, honored his wife's wish.

Aristide's mother succumbed to illness.

Witnessing his mother's death alongside his father, Aristide developed a deep resentment for the royal family.

He believed that if they could have afforded the medicine, his mother wouldn't have suffered. Aristide attributed his parents' decision to the burdensome taxes imposed by the royal family, consequences of their reckless rule.

Therefore, Aristide harbored strong animosity towards the old royal family.

Even if he learned about Lucienne's mistreatment, he couldn't bring himself to accept her as family. The idea of being treated as a brother was painful for him. Each time Lucienne acted selfishly or made extravagant purchases, he felt a sense of disgust, all linked to her amber eyes, a clear sign of the old royal blood.

In summary, he disliked Lucienne because of her strong ties to the old royal family.

However, the incident with his mother and Lucienne were unrelated.

Well, I won't seek closeness with my stepbrother.

After all, I have Lulu. Lulu is more than enough.

I'll keep my distance from Aristide.

He probably dislikes Lucienne anyway.

No need to unnecessarily get closer.

"Lucy, go to sleep already," scolded Lulu as I struggled to fall asleep.

"Yeah, I'll sleep now. Goodnight, Lulu."


For now, I'll maintain a distant attitude towards my stepbrother.

If we don't interact more than necessary, even if the heroine appears, I won't need to take action.

Maybe I should avoid dealing with the capture targets altogether.

Just keep my distance from everyone except Lulu.

...Yeah, that seems like a good plan.

Wrapped in the sheets, I closed my eyes.

* * * * *

"What's with that attendant...!"

Seating himself on the bed in frustration, Aristide let out a sigh.

The high-quality mattress absorbed his impact.

He had heard about his stepsister from his father.

The sole survivor of the old royal family, enduring abuse for the first five years of her life.

He hadn't bothered to listen to the details, but the girl he saw today did indeed give the impression of being smaller than her age.

Her long dark brown hair covered her face, spreading across the bed, making her look almost like a ghost, he thought as he reminisced.

...But she should at least come to say hello.

It was only natural for an adopted daughter to greet the members of the household, and though Aristide had no intention of accepting her as a stepsister, if his father had decided so, he wouldn't deny it.

He understood it was necessary to prevent the misuse of the old royal blood.

But it bothered him that four days had passed, and there was not a single word of greeting.

...Come to think of it, she mentioned recovering from an illness.

Could she be sick?

If so, she should be recovering in a clinic rather than the mansion.

There's no way his father would bring her to the mansion without proper treatment.

However, the stepsister he saw during the day seemed smaller.

Although he hadn't interacted much with younger children, he still thought she appeared slightly older.

Above all, that attendant was the problem. Even if he were a servant, he should serve the household.

That attendant had, instead, grabbed Aristide as if catching a stray cat, and unceremoniously threw him out of the room.

And on top of that, prevented the door from being opened.

Thanks to that, he got scolded by the butler, Oliver, who heard the commotion.

...But, the words of the attendant were not entirely wrong.

Even if she were adopted into the Fayette family, it was Aristide who forcefully entered the room of a girl he had just met, disregarding the maid's attempts to stop him.

There was a part of him that thought it was understandable to be kicked out.

"Ugh, this is so frustrating!"

Aristide ruffled his hair in frustration, throwing himself onto the bed.

Aristide lay on his bed, pressing his face into the sheets that carried a clean scent of soap.

His stepsister's bloodline from the old royal family bothered him, especially since she hadn't come to greet him. His father had promised to introduce her once she calmed down, and Oliver had advised waiting until she settled in. However, the waiting left Aristide frustrated, unable to focus on his studies.

"...I know, I should write a letter."

Directly visiting might result in being thrown out by that attendant again. So, he decided to convey his intention through a letter. Tomorrow, when he woke up, he would write a letter and ask a servant to deliver it.

Feeling accomplished with this idea, Aristide took off his shoes and slipped under the sheets.

After a while, the rhythmic sound of regular breathing could be heard.

In the dim room, a figure descended from the ceiling to the side of the bed.

"...Doesn't seem to harbor hostility."

Looking down at the lump on the bed, Lefebvre muttered in a whisper.

If Aristide Loire Fayette showed any hostility toward Lucienne, he had intended to warn him to stay away.

However, it seemed there was no hostility. He just seemed to be quite concerned about Lucienne. Lefebvre found that a bit irritating, but with that alone, harming the child, who was both the employer's son and Lucienne's stepbrother, would be too risky.

Lefebvre returned to the ceiling.

After one last glance down at Aristide, he shifted his gaze away and returned to Lucienne's room.

* * * * *

The next day, a letter arrived.

It was from Aristide Loire Fayette.

...Why a letter?

The maid delivering it seemed uncomfortable.

Despite being inside the house, the letter sealed with wax was opened by Lulu, using a paper knife.

After glancing at the received envelope, I slowly extracted its contents.

Inside was a message card.

"...I can't read this."

Seeing the characters, I was puzzled.

It was probably writing, something I'd never seen before.

Come to think of it, I'd never had an opportunity to touch letters in Lucienne's memories, and it was impossible for anyone to have taught me.

In essence, I couldn't read the characters.

"Lulu, what's this?"

I asked Lulu, who was nearby.

She peered into the offered message card.

"Well, it's a request. It says, 'Can I come to Lucienne's room around tea time today.'"

...Maybe because he was kicked out by Lulu yesterday?

This time, it seemed he decided to inquire through a letter before coming.

While I was contemplating, Lulu asked, "What will you do?"

...Hmm, it might be hard to refuse.

I was merely an adopted child, and refusing without any particular reason the wish of Aristide, the actual son of the adoptive family, was a bit troubling.

Also, it's probably better to make introductions. Even if Aristide ends up disliking me, since we live under the same roof, it might be essential to maintain some basic courtesy.

"...I'll go."

"Aren't you scared?"

Lulu asked, following my decision.

"Yeah, I'll be fine with you here, Lulu."

Aristide wouldn't resort to violence.

As I nodded, Lulu suggested, "Then, I'll write it for you," and quickly scribbled something on a message card kept on the room's desk. Folding it in half, she handed it to the maid who had brought the letter.

"Can you give this to the young master?"

The young maid briefly admired Lulu's composed face, but as soon as she took the card, she thanked us and left the room.

After the door closed, I asked Lulu, "What did you write?"

"Hmm? Just 'Understood,' that's all."

"I see."

I had to meet the person who would become my stepbrother in the afternoon.

It was quite an unfamiliar encounter, so I felt a bit anxious.

Perhaps due to that, I couldn't eat much at lunch; my mind was elsewhere.

...Seems like I should study reading and writing before manners. 

I'll ask Linnea or Melty if there are any simple books available later.

...I should probably learn letters from Lulu.

Also, I've been thinking of cutting my hair. It's getting a bit too long and is quite inconvenient.

If paper isn't too expensive, I'd like to get some for reading and writing. Although, it doesn't seem like it'll be cheap.

If it comes down to it, I can practice writing on the ground in the garden. I can use a stick to write and erase with my feet as many times as needed.

While mulling over these thoughts, Melty started preparing for afternoon tea.

Various sweets were set out on the table, but unfortunately, there was nothing I could eat at the moment.

My stomach is still a bit delicate, and I can't handle a regular meal. The plan is to slowly introduce solid foods and get my stomach used to them.

These preparations seem to be for Aristide.

In front of me were small, cut-up fruits, and instead of tea, there was a fruit drink.

As the preparations were wrapping up, there was a perfectly timed knock on the door. Linnea answered it and opened the door leading to the corridor.

There stood a boy slightly older than me.

Black hair, slightly upturned blue eyes, and perhaps because of his expressionless face, he seemed a bit difficult to approach.

I got up from the chair and unconsciously knelt on the floor.

Before my hands could touch the ground, Lulu lifted me up.

"Lucy, what are you doing?"

With hands on either side, Lulu lifted me. The visitor, Linnea, and Melty, who had been preparing, all furrowed their brows and looked at us.

Their three gazes felt piercing.

"Um, I thought I should greet him..."

"Greeting? By sprawling on the floor?"

"Well, that's how I used to avoid getting kicked before..."

I felt a faint pressure in Lulu's hands holding me.

When I looked up, Lulu, whose eyes met mine, smiled.

Then, I was embraced.

"Lucy is a princess; you don't need to do such things."

After that, I was placed back on the chair.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then sat on the chair Linnea pulled out.

Facing each other across the table.

His hair, glossy like the night, with sparkling blue eyes like jewels, and a well-featured face on his white, translucent skin. His neat clothing and the absence of any disorder hinted at his serious demeanor.

Melty brewed tea for the boy, and a silence settled between us.

...What should I do? We don't have any topics to discuss.

Considering that I, Lucienne, have hardly interacted with people before, becoming fast friends with my new stepbrother is quite challenging.

Feeling uneasy, I sipped on the fruit drink.

"I am."

I heard a voice and raised my head. The boy kept his gaze on his teacup. Our eyes met when he lifted his gaze.

"I am Aristide. Aristide Loire Fayette, seven years old. I was the eldest son of the former Fayette Marquis family, but now I'm the first prince of the new royal family. And I'm your stepbrother."

He's two years older, I learned. Come to think of it, in the original story, Lucienne was a first-year student at the academy when Aristide was in his third year. Since students attend the academy for three years starting from fifteen, recalling this fact made sense.

"...I'm Lucienne."

"Is that all?"

He said discontentedly, and my body involuntarily shrank.

"P-pleased to meet you..."

I wondered if Lucienne from the original story was also spoken to by her stepbrother Aristide in such a cold tone. Did she not realize she was being avoided?

No, that can't be. Considering she had endured so much abuse, I believe she was sensitive to people's emotions, especially negative ones.

If that's the case, maybe she didn't want to admit it. After finally having a 'family' that wouldn't resort to violence against her, she probably didn't want to think that her stepbrother disliked her. Perhaps she wanted to be liked.

So, in the original story, she clung to her stepbrother.

...Lucienne must have wanted to be loved.

I lowered my head, and my long hair covered my face.

"You know, Lucienne doesn't know anything about herself. Her name is Lucinne La Fayette, and she turned five on the day of the coup. She spent all her time being abused in the old royal family, and only yesterday did she finally recover from a fever."

Lulu shared this, and Aristide shifted his gaze.

"What about you?"

"I'm Lucy's attendant, hired by His Majesty, the new king."

"You don't seem like an attendant at all."

"Well, my real job is different."

Aristide and Lulu stared at each other in silence.

...The atmosphere seems a bit tense...

I took another sip from my glass.

To be honest, I'm a little hungry.

But reaching for the assorted fruits made me hesitate.

I don't know the table manners for this. Even though I only eat fruits, it's confusing to see not only spoons and forks but also knives. The already arranged fruits have been cut into bite-sized pieces. I don't know how to use a knife.

Should I cut them even smaller?

Also, the grapes still have their skins.

...Is it okay to grab and eat them with my hands?

While I stared at the plate of assorted fruits, my stomach rumbled.

Needless to say, it was the sound of my stomach growling.

"Lucy, are you hungry?"

Lulu peered into my face, and I nodded in response.

"Just wait a moment."

Saying that, Lulu took some fruits from the serving plate to another plate and cut them into small pieces.

One of the pieces was speared with a fork and brought close to my mouth.

"There you go, enjoy."

As I opened my mouth, the fruit entered.

The piece she cut was an orange. It had a slight acidity, but more than that, it was sweet with a vibrant citrus flavor that spread through my mouth.

As I carefully chewed my food, I noticed Aristide looking at me.

"Can't she eat by herself?" His words hit me hard.

I could manage eating alone, but what about Lucienne? She had endured abuse and didn't know proper table manners. Besides, I wasn't sure if my table manners matched those of this world.

When I reached for the fork, Lulu stopped me. "What's going on with you?"

Lulu turned to Aristide. "You might not like Lucienne showing up suddenly, but you should have heard the story from your father, right? A child who suffered abuse, deprived of proper meals, clothing, and a place to sleep can't receive proper education."

Lulu handed me another piece of fruit. This time, it was a small slice of apple. It had a satisfying crunch as I chewed.


As I muttered, Aristide placed his teacup on the saucer with a clink when I looked up. His expression showed tension, surprise, and bewilderment—a mix of complex emotions.

"It was that bad..."

Aristide slightly lowered his gaze. "Did your father not explain about Lucy properly?"

To Lulu's question, Aristide bit his lip. "No, my father was trying to explain. It was me who didn't want to listen..."

"Hmm?" Lulu tilted her head, then brought another piece of fruit to my mouth.

...Ah, is it melon this time?

It was incredibly sweet, juicy, and delicious.

"Well, I don't care about your circumstances, but don't bully a little girl smaller than yourself," Lulu said. "You haven't been bullying Lucy with your cold tone and authoritative attitude, right? If you don't like her, you could just not come."

...Ah, Aristide's shoulders slumped.

It seemed like Lulu's words struck a nerve.

I swallowed the melon in my mouth.


When I spoke, Aristide looked at me.

"I'll be quiet. I won't approach you. So, please, just leave me alone."

This way, we could both quietly coexist. If I didn't involve myself with my stepbrother, we wouldn't end up as close as in the original story. Besides, it seemed Aristide, like in the original, harbored some dislike for Lucienne due to her strong ties to the old royal family. So, I hoped he'd treat me as just a temporary guest.

After all, once I reached adulthood, I would leave the Fayette family. This proposal should have been beneficial for Aristide as well.

However, for some reason, he looked hurt. "You don't want to associate with me?"

"Well, that's how it seemed to me..."


Aristide fell silent.

On the contrary, Lulu, with a cheerful smile, offered me the next piece of fruit.

I ate it while observing the situation.

After a while, Aristide broke the silence. "No."

Aristide lowered his dark head. "I'm sorry. For yesterday and today, it was my fault."

Even though he apologized, I didn't know how to respond.

When I glanced at Lulu, his gray eyes were squinted, directed toward Aristide.

"And then?"


In response to Lulu's question, Aristide lifted his head.

"Kind and timid Lucy might forgive being treated coldly. So? You come to Lucy, scare her, apologize unilaterally, what exactly did you want to achieve?"

As I was starting to feel full, the hand offering fruits stopped, and my mouth was gently wiped with a napkin. The used plate was removed.

Aristide fell silent again, but this time it was shorter than before.

"...I hate the old royal family."

From there, Aristide quietly explained why he harbored hatred towards the old royal family.

As expected, similar to the original story, his mother's death was a significant issue.

It seemed challenging for him to accept Lucienne, who had strong ties to the old royal family, becoming his stepsister. However, even as a step-sister by marriage, he couldn't help but be curious about her.

After the coup, it seemed Aristide knew I had come to this mansion. I had been expecting him to come and greet me, but there was no sign of him.

Both my father and the butler just said they would introduce us once things calmed down.

Aristide wanted to confirm what kind of person his step-sister was. Was she someone like those he hated from the old royal family? Was there any meaning in my father adopting me?

He wanted to know.

"I never expected you to be so weak."

Under his intense gaze, I involuntarily lowered my head.

"I hate the old royal family. But I no longer hate you. You're different from them... As Father and Oliver said, you're also a 'victim of the royal family.'"

He apologized once again, and then Aristide asked me.

"If you don't like it, I'll make sure not to get involved. But if you're okay with it, I'd like us to become siblings little by little from now on."

Lulu's hands touched both of my shoulders.

Looking up, Lulu tilted his head as if asking, "What will you do?" and looked down at me.

...What should I do?

It would probably be safer not to get involved with Aristide.

However, that's assuming Aristide is the same as in the original story.

Right now, he doesn't seem to dislike Lucienne, me.

I gently placed my hand over my chest.

...What does Lucienne want?

...I want to get along.

I want to experience life with my new family. I want to be liked by my new family.

Such feelings welled up in my chest.

I had planned to avoid him because he was a capture target.

I thought it would be bad to get involved.

...Even though I said to myself, 'This world is similar, but it's not a game.'

I tightened my grip on my hand.

...Can I honestly live my life?

I lifted my head and looked at Lulu.

His gentle gray eyes met mine.

...Let's take a small step forward.

So, I looked at Aristide.

"I also... I also hope we can become friends little by little."

Aristide's expression brightened.

"Is that so...!"

An exuberant voice filled with joy rang out involuntarily.

Aristide quickly regained his composure, clearing his throat, but it was obvious it was just a cover for his embarrassment.

"Then, from now on, call me 'brother.' ...Lucienne."

I nodded in response to his offer.

"Yes... Dear Brother."

"Nice to meet you from today onward."

Aristide, or rather, Dear Brother, smiled with delight at my way of addressing him.

There could have been a path of not getting involved.

However, maybe this was good in its own way.

Aristide and Lucienne becoming close siblings, ensuring that even when the heroine appeared, the relationship wouldn't turn sour.

...But, if it goes as in the original.

"It's good, Lucy."

I looked up at Lulu, who was patting my head.

At that time, I'll ask Lulu to take me away.

Somewhere far away, outside of this country.

Anywhere would be fine as long as it's with Lulu.

* * * * *

Lefebvre observed Lucienne bid farewell to her stepbrother with a small wave, and then he looked down at the back of her head.

He felt a sense of satisfaction witnessing the growing bond between the step-siblings. What pleased him even more was that Lucienne agreed to Aristide's proposal to meet again tomorrow.

However, Lefebvre couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort. Lucienne building a close relationship with Bernard's son, Aristide, seemed like a positive development. Yet, if rumors circulated about discord between the step-siblings in the new royal family, there could be those who would look down on Lucienne. On the other hand, if Aristide and Lucienne were perceived as harmonious siblings, it would likely deter people from openly criticizing her. The constraints imposed by her status as the future king's sister would make it difficult for critics to act openly.

He understood this dynamic, but it wasn't particularly amusing to witness Lucienne forming close connections with someone other than himself.

...Maybe I should just whisk her away.

As the door closed behind them, Lucienne lowered her waving hand and looked up at Lefebvre.

To conceal his inner thoughts, Lefebvre smiled faintly and tilted his head when Lucienne asked, "Is something wrong?"

In response to Lefebvre's query, Lucienne stretched out her arms.

"Hold me."

"Hold you?"

Confused about the request, Lefebvre tilted his head even further. Lucienne, in response, clung to him.

...Could it be that she wants to be lifted?

Gently adjusting her form, he lifted her. Her small hands wrapped tightly around his neck.

Though Lefebvre wasn't fond of being touched around the neck, Lucienne's touch was different. Her delicate, small hands posed no threat, and the warm embrace felt slightly ticklish but also pleasantly comforting.

"Were you scared?"

Lucienne nodded.

"...Just a little."

It seemed that, due to the mistreatment she endured in the palace, Lucienne harbored fear not only towards women but also towards men. Having experienced torment from the first prince of the old royal family, it was plausible that she found boys around the age of eleven or twelve intimidating. Meeting Aristide, her newfound stepbrother, would have undoubtedly required considerable courage.

"Great job, great job. You did really well," he said while cradling her with one arm and patting her head.

In response, Lucienne happily smiled. "Because Lulu was there."

"Ah, Lucy is indeed a good girl."

Aristide had to ensure that things didn't take an awkward turn. He gently restrained himself from showing any unusual reactions.

As Lucienne continued to receive affectionate pats on the head, she suddenly exclaimed, "Oh!"

She tightened her grip on Lefebvre's clothes.

"Hey, Lulu, I have a favor to ask. My hair is getting long, and I want to cut it. Can you do it?"

Cutting hair was a special task. While there were professional hairdressers for the nobility and the wealthy, commoners usually relied on family members to cut their hair. It meant trusting someone significantly to let them handle this task.

For Lucienne, asking Lulu to do it was a clear expression of trust.

"I can do it! I'll take care of it for you."

If it was such a request, Lefebvre was more than willing. He gently guided Lucienne back to her seat and began preparing for the haircut.

* * * * *

When I asked Lulu to cut my hair, he readily agreed. Linnea or Melty, the maids, could have done it as well, but women still made me uneasy. I knew they wouldn't harm me; they had been taking care of me for the past five days, and I was sure they would continue to do so. Yet, despite understanding this logically, my heart felt differently.

In situations where Lulu wasn't present, being around the two maids made me unconsciously tense and nervous. However, they were always kind to me, keeping a comfortable distance when Lulu wasn't around.

...Even my stepbrother was a bit intimidating. He was smaller than the first prince, but I found boys a little older than me scary.

"I'll drape the cloth over you."

A chair was placed in front of a large dresser, and as I sat there waiting, a large cloth was gently placed over me. Through the mirror, I saw Lulu parting my bangs from behind.

"How do you want it to look?"


"If you don't have a preference, I'll cut it however you like. Should I decide for you?"

I wasn't particular about the hairstyle, so I agreed. "Sure, Lulu, you decide."

"All righty then."

Lulu held a slender knife instead of scissors, and Linnea and Melty seemed to be observing with a curious expression.

"Why not scissors?"

"Hmm? Scissors are fine too, but I'm better with this. I'm quite skilled with blades, you know."

"I see..."

Well, he was an assassin after all. I closed my eyes as he lifted my bangs. While I couldn't hear the cutting sound, I could feel the hair falling on the cloth with a light tap.

"I wonder, what's your name, Lulu?"

Tap, tap, the hair fell on the cloth.

I already knew Lulu's name.

But if possible, I wanted to hear it directly from Lulu.

"My name is Lefebvre Nicholson," Lulu answered casually.

"Lefebvre Nicholson... So that's why Lulu?"

"Yeah. Only you call me Lulu, Lucy. My colleagues don't use names much."

"What do you do for work?"

"I'll tell you when you grow up."

Oh, so that's a secret? A five-year-old probably wouldn't understand if I said, "I'm an assassin," and it might be a difficult thing to reveal.

"Well then, when you think it's okay to tell me, let me know."

Lulu replied with a clear "Sure."

And then, only the faint sound of hair falling in the room echoed for a while. It was a strangely peaceful silence. Lulu's hands touched my hair, my head, my ears. Just feeling his warmth was comforting.


I opened my eyes at Lulu's words.


In the mirror, a somewhat thin but cute girl was sitting. The bangs were a bit longer than the eyebrows, gradually extending towards the sides to match the contours of the face. The damaged tips were cut, giving it a shaggy look. Round amber eyes looked back at me.

"It's Lucy."

Lulu looked at the mirror and said, "Isn't it cute?"

I couldn't help but turn around and hug Lulu.

"Lulu, you're amazing! I look completely different!"

I didn't expect such a change with just a hairstyle.

"But Lucy was cute from the beginning. I just cut your hair."

"But it's really amazing! Lulu's hands are like magic! Thank you!"

Lulu smiled gently.

"You're welcome."

That smile was truly beautiful.

"...Young lady."

"We took the trouble to cover you with the cloth..."

Due to the embrace, some hair from the cloth ended up sticking to both my and Lulu's clothes.

Linnea and Melty frowned.


"We messed up, didn't we?"

Only Lulu was casually laughing.

* * * * *

In the quiet of the night, Aristide reflected on the day's events while sitting before his diary. His new stepsister, Lucienne, appeared delicate and small. The hand that held the glass was slender, and the wrists peeking out from the sleeves seemed fragile enough to break with a firm grip.

However, when he was told to leave Lucienne alone during their first encounter, Aristide felt both bewildered and shocked. Other noble children usually approached him without hesitation, so he never expected to be rejected. Moreover, he was astonished to find that she hadn't received any education. Typically, children born into nobility or royalty underwent tutoring in manners and etiquette to uphold the family's prestige or establish connections with other families. Yet, his stepsister seemed to have missed even that.

She seemed to prostrate herself before Aristide, as if suddenly thrust into the presence of nobility like a commoner. It was likely the same in the royal palace. Even after being returned to her seat, she remained tense and uneasy.

She was entirely different from people associated with the old royal family. When observed closely, her slender limbs, wrists with scars peeking from the sleeves, damaged hair, sickly pale skin, and her small stature—all of it was indicative of someone who had suffered.

Her soft-spoken voice revealed her fear of Aristide. He couldn't help but feel the impact of his family's accusations that Lucienne was a "victim of the royal family."

Despite having no valid reason to dislike her, he had strangely held onto the confidence that she would hate him without any effort on his part.

Perhaps due to this, his stepsister tried to avoid any interaction with him. Naturally, one wouldn't willingly approach someone who despised them.

Aristide felt hurt by his stepsister's attitude, realizing he had reciprocated with a similarly standoffish demeanor.

Simultaneously, he found himself wanting to become close to his stepsister. If he looked past the label of the old royal family, Lucienne was a child Aristide could genuinely like. She didn't approach him like other children of her age, didn't initiate noisy conversations, and remained a quiet girl. Despite being step-siblings, he wanted to build a friendly relationship with her and felt the urge to protect this small presence in front of him.

He could now understand why the attendant was so concerned. His petite stepsister seemed helpless, fragile, and in need of care, lest she disappear without a trace.

His stepsister accepted his apology and allowed their relationship to grow as siblings.

Although she still seemed afraid, the fact that she called him "brother" was heartwarming. It brought a sense of freshness and ticklishness, as he wasn't accustomed to being addressed as a brother.

"This is just the beginning," Aristide thought. They could slowly become closer from now on, and they had plans to meet again tomorrow.

"What do you mean by 'this is just the beginning'?"

Startled, Aristide turned around.

The attendant had quietly entered the room without him noticing.

"Hey, don't just barge in," Aristide exclaimed.

However, the attendant just smiled casually.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. It's a habit from my actual job, you know?"

A chill ran down Aristide's spine as he noticed the utter lack of a smile in the attendant's eyes.

The atmosphere was significantly different from when he was with his stepsister.

"So, is this your true nature?"

"Mmm, both are me, you know?"

The attendant tilted their head slightly, then straightened it.

"Anyway," the attendant continued, "It's fine if you become Lucienne's brother, but anything more than that is off-limits, okay?"

Aristide felt a cold magical energy emanating from the attendant. Could this be a threat?

An unpleasant sensation, as if his entire body was cooling from the depths of his stomach, gripped him. Aristide tightened his grip on the backrest of the chair.

Instinct told him that this person was dangerous.

"What do you mean by 'anything more than that'?"

"Just that. You might not have heard yet, but once Lucy becomes an adult, she'll marry me and come to my side. The king has already approved. So, be careful not to harbor feelings for Lucy beyond being a brother, okay?"

"Is that so..."

While it wasn't uncommon for nobles or royals to marry shortly after coming of age, the choice of this attendant as Lucienne's future spouse raised questions.

"Why you, though?"

For a princess's marriage, a certain status was required. Yet, this attendant didn't give off a noble vibe.

"I'm a professional assassin affiliated with the Dark Guild. Can't afford to let the blood of the old royal family fall into the wrong hands. It's just a pretext to protect Lucy. In reality, I took a liking to her, and she accepted me. So, I had to intimidate your father a bit to get her. That's all."

Aristide stared at the attendant in disbelief.

The role of an assassin made sense. Sneaking into the room undetected and getting close to him—this must be the reason.

But that wasn't the issue.

...Lucienne accepted this attendant?

Indeed, when he saw them together during the day, his stepsister seemed to trust this attendant implicitly and had entrusted everything to them.

"But I can't imagine Father making such a deal..."

Marrying a royal princess to an assassin?

"If someone other than me became Lucy's fiancé, I told him I'd kill that person, and he readily agreed. He seemed to be considering marrying her into a trustworthy family or something, but the life of his son was apparently more precious."

So, that's how it is.

"...Like a devil, aren't you?"

"Haha, maybe I am. Until Lucy comes of age, I'll be by her side as both an attendant and a fiancé. So, let's get along, okay?"

Aristide frowned and spoke, "Even if I become the crown prince, Lucienne holds the second position in the line of succession. It seems difficult to marry her off to you in your current state."

The attendant rolled their eyes and retorted, "I'll wait until she can relinquish her succession rights. But do you really think I'll sit idly until then?"

It appeared that this attendant had some plans in mind.

Aristide sighed softly. "Fine. I consider Lucienne as my sister, and I just want to protect her as a brother. Remember, I'm on Lucienne's side, not yours."

The attendant chuckled in satisfaction as Aristide glared up at them. "That works just fine."

The magical pressure that had been weighing down on Aristide dispersed.

"Oh, by the way, I'm called Lefebvre. Don't call me 'Lulu'; that's a nickname only Lucie gets to use, alright?"

"Who would call you that?"

Aristide's dismissive words prompted a genuine, amused laugh from Lucienne's attendant, Lefebvre.

Continued in volume 2

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