Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Akuyaku no Oujo ni Tensei Shitakedo Chapter 14

 Day 14: Coup d'état

I was jolted awake by a clattering noise.

In the pitch-dark and cramped space, it took me a moment to remember that I was hiding in the closet as Lulu suggested.

However, the confined space made me hesitate as I attempted to shift, and then another clattering sound echoed.

I held my breath.

"Haa... Why on earth am I doing something like this? I thought a coup would offer a more dramatic battle to vent my frustrations..."

A man's voice grumbled.

It seemed like he was searching through the storage room.

Sounds of rustling and clattering indicated he was examining different parts of the room.

Perhaps the coup had already taken place, and soldiers had reached the inner palace. If not, there wouldn't be any reason for a non-royal male to enter the inner palace.

What time could it be now?

I must have slept for a considerable amount of time.

Footsteps searching the room came and went.

Finally, the footsteps approached the closet where I was hiding.

The upper door screeched open.

"Tch, thought there might be some valuable stuff hidden sneakily in a place like this, but no luck."

The door was slammed shut rudely.

The vibration transmitted, and my heart raced nervously.

....Please don't open...!

I sensed a strong touch on the drawer.

Just as I thought I'd be discovered, another voice rang out.

"Hey, what are you doing over there!"

The hand that was touching the drawer seemed to retreat at the sound of the angry voice.

"Well, um, I was thinking there might be another royal hiding..."

In a flustered tone, the male voice responded, and the voice from earlier now sounded exasperated.

"No way a person could fit in such a small drawer. Besides, would that royal even come to a dusty place like this?"


"Stop searching this place and go over there. They were making a fuss about needing more hands."

"Alright, got it. I'll head over there!"

The footsteps of the man who was initially in the room moved away hastily.

As those footsteps faded completely, quiet and measured footsteps approached the closet.

Yet, strangely, I didn't feel fear.

I sensed a gentle touch on the drawer.

Slowly, the drawer I was in began to slide open from the outside.

* * * * *

Coup d'état day.

Lefebvre, disguised as a soldier, swiftly moved around the castle, acting as a communication link between hidden nobles and clients waiting outside for the coup.

Once this task was done, he could go and retrieve Lucienne.

So, Lefebvre promptly reported the locations of not only the royal family and the prime minister but also facilitated a quick capture after the coup began to ensure everything went smoothly.

Thanks to this, both the coup soldiers and the nobles faced no difficulties infiltrating the castle. The castle guards quickly gave up their weapons and abandoned the idea of resistance.

Unable to win in numbers and already low on morale, the royal soldiers seemed almost welcoming of the coup.

The first to be captured was the king, who was enjoying a carefree nap with his concubines. The women, barely dressed, were also apprehended without much ado.

The bewildered king was bound without resistance, but he seemed to regain his senses and began shouting various things.

Next on the list was the prime minister on the castle walls.

The prime minister appeared, speaking pitifully about having no choice but to follow the king's orders, and was captured without resistance.

Perhaps he thought there wouldn't be any evidence or believed he could talk his way out of it.

Despite his attempts to improve his standing by willingly submitting to arrest, it fell on deaf ears among the coup plotters.

All the embezzlement from the national treasury and the manipulation of the government in the king's absence were exposed.

Afterward, the soldiers also entered the harem.

Lefebvre blended in, patiently waiting for the precise moment when the queen consort, the second prince, the queen, and her three children were firmly captured.

The queen consort, maintaining her composure, thought her noble status would shield her from mistreatment. However, the noble leading the soldiers showed no hesitation in capturing the queen and her companions.

Despite their angry outbursts and verbal abuse, the soldiers and nobles paid little attention.

Joining the coup and leading soldiers, the noble explained to the captured royals, including the queen and her children, that this was a coup, and they would all be executed after capture.

It was only at this moment that the seriousness of the situation dawned on the queen and the children, who began to scream and protest. However, their pleas fell on deaf ears.

With the royals gone and the number of soldiers in the harem reduced, Lefebvre headed to the storage room.

There, he found a man searching the room. As soon as Lefebvre called out, the man hurriedly fled.

Amidst all the chaos, there are surprisingly many individuals attempting to take advantage of the situation by committing theft.

After dismissing the man, Lefebvre walks towards the closet.

... Fortunately, there are no signs of it being opened.

Grasping the handles of the two drawers, he slowly pulls them out.

Inside lies Lucienne, wrapped in a blanket, lying on her back, looking up at him.

"... Lulu?"

Even in disguise, Lucienne looks up at Lefebvre firmly and reaches out.

"You understood well, you're very clever."

He reaches out to pick her up.

In the process, a water bottle and a package roll off from Lucienne's chest.

Holding Lucienne with one arm, he picks up the items with the other. There's no sign that the water or the package has diminished.

"Aren't you thirsty?"

He shows the water bottle to Lucienne, and her hand reaches out.

Handing it to her, she opens the mouth of the water bottle, drinks, and hands it back.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

In exchange, he hands her the package.

Re-adjusting Lucienne in his arms, Lefebvre leaves the storage room.

His next destination is the client's place.

* * * * *

Lulu discovered Lucienne when he opened the drawer. Despite the differences in appearance and attire, the vibe and the way he looked at her made it unmistakably Lulu.

He lifts her up, cradling her in his arms. After having some water, he hands her the package of biscuits.

With Lucienne nestled in his arms, Lulu stands up, leaves the storage room, and strolls down the corridor.

"Where are we headed?"

She steadies herself by placing her hand on Lulu's shoulder.

Well, even without doing so, Lulu's arms provide surprisingly sturdy support, and there's not a trace of anxiety about falling.

"To the castle. Outside the harem."



She shakes her head in response.

"Not when Lulu is here."

As they walk down the corridor, a passing soldier-like figure looks at them with curiosity.

But Lulu doesn't seem to mind at all. Therefore, she decides not to mind either.

Certainly, Lulu must have a reason for taking her out.

Upon stepping outside the building, Lulu gazes up at the sky.

"Look, that's the castle."

She raises her face as indicated.

Beyond the harem fence stands a robust stone castle.

... How did the coup soldiers manage to infiltrate such a castle? Storming a castle is supposed to be quite challenging, right?

She never had the chance to leisurely admire the view outside the fence like this before, but the castle looked remarkably beautiful.

"It takes a bit of time to walk from here."

Lulu readjusts her in his arms.

"Lucienne, hold on tight, okay?"

Before she could respond with a "yes," a sensation of being firmly pressed overwhelmed her. However, in the next moment, a gentle floating feeling enveloped her, as if she had been tossed into the air.

Lulu effortlessly leaped over the harem's fence, gracefully landing on a tree beyond. He continued to leap through the gaps between the trees, carrying her along.

Her field of vision rapidly scrolled as he hopped from branch to branch without pause, swiftly moving away from the harem.

The harem's fence disappeared amidst the trees in no time, and the castle rapidly filled her vision as they approached.

"Lulu, amazing!"

It felt like a theme park attraction. Probably much faster than an ordinary person running.

If she unintentionally let out a cheer, she could feel the vibrations of Lulu's laughter.

"Having fun?"

"So much fun!"

She clung to Lulu's neck and exclaimed. It was her first time rushing through the air like this, cutting through the wind.

"Then, as a special treat, I'll show you something even more interesting."

With an excited voice, Lulu uttered a magic spell. He landed on the ground once, bent deeply, and then sprang up like a spring. Whoosh, surrounded by the wind, he soared even higher.

At the peak of the flight, Lulu, still holding her, turned upside down.

From there, she could see the castle, the city beyond the harem, and the endlessly expansive, deep blue sky.

"Wow! It's so vast!"

Spontaneous cheers escaped her.

While descending, he twirled once more and smoothly landed on the balcony of the castle, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Lulu brushed aside her disheveled hair.

"How was it?"

She smiled back into his narrowed gray eyes, "It was so much fun! I can't believe you can fly like that, Lulu!"

"Right? I'm amazing, aren't I?" He returned one of his hands to her, having held her with both before. Then, Lulu soared upward again, effortlessly scaling the outer wall of the castle.

Hanging onto Lulu's neck, she wondered how far they would go. Eventually, Lulu stopped at a place with several balconies.

"There are many people inside here. Is it okay for Lucienne to enter?"

She nodded in response.

Lulu lightly stroked her head, and for a moment, his figure warped before returning to its familiar appearance.

After that, Lulu walked along the balcony, and with a swift kick, shattered the double doors leading into the castle.

Glass, handles, and door fragments scattered dramatically.

"Just popping in a bit, okay?"

It was more than just "popping in"; it was quite a forceful entrance.

* * * * *

A thunderous crash resonated through the grand ballroom as one of the balconies was forcefully shattered, scattering fragments across the polished floor and luxurious carpets.

Figures emerged through the broken door.

"I'm barging in a bit, alright?"

The strangely elongated, familiar voice echoed through the room.

Bernard gestured to his subordinates, armed with swords and staffs, to stand down. Despite being an assassin, it was unclear why this person had made such a grand entrance. Nevertheless, the intruder was an ally.

"Could you enter more quietly?"

Bernard sighed as he addressed the intruder.

Through the broken glass and scattered shards walked the assassin Bernard had hired, Lefebvre.

With nondescript chestnut hair, sharp gray eyes, and half of his face concealed by a cloth, the slender assassin carried a child in his arms – likely Lucienne La Vérie.

Her once vibrant hair now dulled, Lucienne wore a tattered, ill-fitting dress, exposing wrists and ankles that seemed fragile and ready to break. Instead of shoes, torn fabric wrapped around her bare feet.

Her hair, reaching her waist, looked not only damaged but also forcibly cut, with split ends and a fringe long enough to obscure her face.

Recalling the report, Bernard suddenly realized that today was Lucienne La Vérie's birthday – she had turned five. Yet, she appeared excessively small.

Visible bruises and scars adorned her exposed limbs, creating an impression of extreme frailty, accentuated by her delicate features.

"Is that the girl, Lucienne La Vérie?"

He inquired of Lefebvre, who nodded in confirmation.

"That's right, you know."

Saying that, he brushed up the child's long bangs. Underneath, there was a slender yet charming face. The big, round eyes were a beautiful amber color with a slightly orange tint, shining like transparent jewels, captivating and drawing you in.


A high-pitched voice abruptly interrupted, causing both Bernard and Lefebvre to turn their heads towards the source of the sound simultaneously. The child in Lefebvre's arms trembled.

He gently comforted the child by patting his back.

...So even you would do such a thing.

For a moment, Bernard felt a mixture of surprise and something indescribable, but it was soon drowned out by the continued voice.

"Why aren't you tied up like me?! We're of the same royal blood!!"

The queen's shrill voice was grating.

Beside her, the king widened his eyes.

"Lucienne? ...Could it be, my daughter? The third princess? You're alive? What is the meaning of this?"

The king, with a puzzled expression, alternately looked at the child in Lefebvre's arms and the queen.

"Wasn't Lucienne supposed to be dead?"

In response to the king's words, Bernard looked at the queen, who was surrounded by questioning glares. Under the pressure, she fell silent.

Lefebvre then spoke up.

"Well, you see, Your majesty, you were deceived by the queen, you know?"

Lefebvre smiled like a carnivorous animal that had spotted its prey, squinting his eyes mysteriously.


The king turned to Lefebvre.

"Yeah. See, that queen over there told you that Lucienne was dead and secretly kept it hidden. Then, after killing the second prince, she planned to manipulate King by making Lucienne queen if something happened to you, the King."

Bernard, too, didn't know that the king thought Lucienne was dead.

...Did he not know, or did he knowingly ignore it?

"Well, Your majesty, you weren't interested in Lucienne, right? Even if you were told she was dead, you wouldn't have cared, huh? If you had even a little interest, you would have immediately realized Lucienne was alive, right?"

Certainly, that seemed to be the case.

The servants in the inner palace knew about Lucienne's presence. A simple investigation would have easily revealed that Lucienne La Vérie was alive.

"And you know, that queen over there was colluding with the prime minister. Your majesty might not be aware, but you were poisoned by the prime minister's men multiple times."

"No, that's not true!"

The prime minister interjected.

"A loyal subject would never harm their king! Besides, there's no reason for it!?"

Lefebvre tilted his head.

"Well, you know, considering the prime minister's position, there seem to be plenty of reasons, right?"

"On what basis are you saying such things!"

The prime minister, turning red with anger, faced Lefebvre.

"Well, well, your subordinates willingly provided us with evidence," Lefebvre said, glancing toward the man who used to work as the prime minister's right-hand.

With a pale face and a slight tremor, the man stood there, staring at the prime minister.

Seeing this, the color drained from the prime minister's face.

The evidence Lefebvre received from that man was now in Bernard's possession.

Every piece was more than enough to prove the crimes committed by the prime minister.

By the way, the man who betrayed the prime minister offered to atone for his sins. He pleaded for mercy, especially for his family.

Bernard accepted his plea along with his determination.

"Indeed. Tax evasion, embezzlement, unauthorized removal of national treasures, and various other crimes. There is also evidence of poisoning the king."

At Bernard's words, the king glared at the prime minister.

The prime minister shuddered and, in his bound state, shuffled away from the king.

The king tried to move toward the prime minister, but the soldiers monitoring him held him back.

"More importantly, I have a request for you, Marquis Fayette."

In this tense atmosphere, only Lefebvre casually spoke.

"What is it?"

Lefebvre's request didn't give a good impression.

However, when Lefebvre began chanting some sort of magic, a thin film enveloped Lucienne in his arms.

"First things first, can I have a say in how we handle the royals until their execution? I won't be satisfied until I've repaid what they did to Lucienne."

Lucienne, nestled in Lefebvre's arms, tilted her head in curiosity.

... I see, he's blocked the sound.

"What do you mean by repaying what was done to her?"

"Well, you know. It's not torture, and if it's something done in return for their actions, it should be fine, right?"

Bernard glanced at the royals.

Since they were too noisy, he shaded his hand and cast a soundproof barrier around them.

From their appearance, it seemed they had done various things to Lucienne. Entrusting her to the merciless Lefebvre would undoubtedly leave the royals emotionally shattered.

By witnessing their plight, the people might find some relief.

"Alright. We'll discuss that later. Anything else?"

"Yeah, one more thing. This is an important matter."

"I'll hear it."

The fact that Lefebvre considered this important intrigued Bernard.

Lefebvre, who had been carefree until then, suddenly sharpened his expression.

"Hire me as Lucienne's attendant."

This request was unexpected.

However, upon reflection, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

Once the royal family was executed, Lucienne La Verie would be the sole survivor among the royals. Given her bloodline, there was a high risk of her being kidnapped or harmed, either for misuse or as vengeance by those who held a grudge against the royal family.

Being a skilled assassin also meant being adept at protection. Lefebvre could be a good choice for a bodyguard.

Moreover, Lucienne would eventually be under Lefebvre's care.

...He'll probably come to see Lucienne on his own even if I refuse.

If that's the case, it might be wise to bring in a skilled assassin like Lefebvre to strengthen Lucienne's protection.

Considering the current situation, it seemed unlikely that Lefebvre would betray Lucienne.

"Alright, I'll make you her attendant from now on."

"Thanks a bunch."

Though they had known each other for several years, it was the first time Lefebvre had expressed gratitude.

With a subtle sound, the membrane burst, and Lucienne looked up at Lefebvre.

"What are you talking about?"

It was a whisper, but her high-pitched, clear, and lovely voice carried well.

"I talked to ensure I can stay with Lucienne from now on. That person there is going to be Lucienne's father, and I will be working for him."

Lucienne looked at Bernard.

Her small mouth opened.


Beautiful amber eyes gazed through the strands of her hair.

Bernard approached Lucienne, who was lifted by Lefebvre.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Bernard Fayette. I'll be your stepfather from now on. Let's welcome you as the adopted daughter of the Fayette family."

Bernard inwardly lamented his inability to come up with a more clever phrase at a time like this.

However, the atmosphere around Lucienne softened.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Lucienne La Verie. I'm in your care."

Her small head nodded.

"About Lefebvre... would it be alright if I hired the man carrying you as your servant?"

The amber eyes peeking through the hair sparkled.

"Together with Lulu?"

"Yeah, we'll be together outside all the time."

"I'm happy."

As Lefebvre leaned in, Lucienne smiled and followed suit, leaning her head in the same way.

...Seems like they've grown closer than expected.

It would be difficult to separate them at this point.

Following Lefebvre's suggestion seems like the only option.

"Lucienne will come to my mansion."


Leaving such a small child here any longer is not an option.

Besides, this little one covered in wounds needs proper meals and a safe place to sleep.

Lulu nodded at Bernard's words, and Lefebvre invited Lucienne, saying, "Let's go to the new home."

With that, they left through the broken window.

...Now, I don't have to worry about the child's eyes.

"Until the punishment is decided, tie all of those people to the underground cells!"

Things are about to get even busier.

Bernard watched the royals and the prime minister being led away with a cold gaze.

* * * * *

It seems the coup was successful.

As I'm being carried by Lulu, I reflect on the image of the royals I saw earlier. The king, chubby and almost in his underwear, is bound. By looking at the scantily clad women behind him, it's easy to grasp what had been happening.

...Even someone like that is a father, huh...

No, as mentioned earlier, from now on, Viscount Fayette will be Lucienne's stepfather. Still, the idea of a biological father is different.

A sense of sadness gently spreads in Lucienne's heart.

Her real father was surprised, but he never took the time to truly see Lucienne.

That, in itself, is heartbreaking, and Lucienne's heart cries out in pain. Perhaps Lucienne had a small hope that her father would notice her, recognize her existence, and reach out to her. But, in the end, it was just an illusion.

I knew that, but the part of Lucienne was sad, screaming in pain.

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my cheeks.


A hiccup escapes.

"Lucy, it's okay. I'm here."

Running over the rooftops of the city, Lulu strokes my back.

"I will never abandon Lucy."

Why does Lulu always give me the words I long for?

Amidst the sadness, a joyful feeling mixes in, and indescribable emotions arise.

"Lucy," I mumble while clinging to Lulu's neck.

"Yeah, Lucienne, so Lucy. A nickname only I can use. Nice, right?"

...Lucy has a lovely ring to it.

And it's a special name that only Lulu calls me.

I nod while clinging to Lulu's neck.

"...Yeah. Yeah, a name just for Lulu."

Despite having nothing, if Lulu wants it, I want to be with him forever.

"Yeah, I'm the only one who calls you Lucy. And you're the only one who calls me Lulu."

A special nickname just for me. A name exclusively for me.

While embracing tightly, I reflect.

I genuinely like Lulu, profoundly.

Lulu's face inches closer, delivering a kiss, a gentle touch on my cheek.

Just that is enough to ease the feelings of sadness.

"Lulu, I love you."

"I love Lucy too, probably."

Even with that vague expression, it's fine.

As long as Lulu is with me, everything will be okay.

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