Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 54

 My lady is being pursued obsessively.

At the academy where nobles from the kingdom gathered, there were various facilities to showcase their wealth and power. The dressing room I was brought to was one of these.

While it was possible to instantly cleanse sweat and dirt with purification magic, some students, like Milady, preferred taking showers. To accommodate them, there was a shower room adjacent to the dressing room.

However, purification magic had its limitations, and not everyone could use it. Hence, the availability of a shower room was not entirely pointless.

"Ugh, what's with that man, saying whatever he wants! Crow pitiable? Don't make me laugh!"

"Now, now, please calm down, Milady."

"There's no way I can calm down about this!"

Moving on from that, since classes were still in session, the dressing room was empty, and Milady vented her anger at Dee without restraint. As I tried to console her while she removed her robe, her anger showed no signs of subsiding, and she stomped her foot on the ground repeatedly.

"Is it an honor for Crow to serve me... right?"

After her fit of anger, it seemed that she had become uncertain about her own words. Her voice gradually softened, and she cautiously observed my reaction, appearing somewhat timid.

"Yes, I'm happy to serve you, Milady."

"Of course! You're my servant, and there's no greater honor!"

Milady's response was amusing, and I couldn't help but smile. It appeared that my words had reassured her, as she laughed openly, wearing a proud expression.

"Now, Milady, there's something I'd like to ask."

"Hm, what is it?"

"I couldn't help but notice that you seemed quite friendly with that man. Did something happen between you two?"

With Milady back in good mood, I decided to bring up the topic that had been bothering me. Although she generally kept her distance from others, there seemed to be something special about her relationship with that man named Dee.

Based on their earlier conversation, I was sure that something had transpired between them.

"H-huh!? Why do you think I'm friendly with such a man!?"

"So you're not denying that something happened?"


The straightforward Milady couldn't hide her secrets, and she readily admitted it when pressed.

Is it wrong for me to be relieved that she's so straightforward during moments like this?

"Could you please tell me the reason?"



Milady seemed uncertain, her words faltering. While she typically spoke freely to me, it appeared this topic was difficult for her.

Could it be that something had occurred with that man which she couldn't bring herself to discuss with anyone? I wanted to believe this wasn't the case, especially with Milady, but if such a situation had indeed arisen, I would need to handle it. My face tensed at the thought of the worst-case scenario.

"It's something that doesn't concern you."

"...Can't you tell me, too?"

"That's right."

In the end, Milady's words were a clear refusal. I felt profoundly shocked by this. We had never kept secrets from each other, and the impact of this newfound distance was significant. Had I presumptuously assumed I was completely trusted? Or did she consider that man a higher priority than me?

"Alright, let's drop this topic. Now, help me with taking off my clothes."

"I see..."

Milady clapped her hands, trying to abruptly change the subject. But I couldn't accept it. I didn't want to.

Despite my deep feelings for Milady, why was she rejecting me like this? The mix of sadness and anger within me swirled uncontrollably, gradually turning my affection into resentment.

"Huh? Kyahh!"

Before I knew it, I had grabbed her arm and pressed her back against the wall. In that moment, Milady screamed, but my overpowering emotions made me apply more pressure to her arm.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?"

Milady stared back at me, showing more confusion than anger. It seemed that, because of the trust she usually placed in me, she couldn't fathom why I was acting this way.

Her reaction only further fueled my anger.

"You're in the wrong here, Milady, for keeping secrets from me."

"That's why I said it doesn't concern you..."

"It does concern me. As your servant, I need to know everything about you."

"That can't be true, can it!?"

Oh, yes, that's right. A mere servant doesn't have such rights. Our social statuses are completely different. Master and servant, noble and commoner. Despite our closeness, the gap between us remains insurmountable.

The harsh reality I had been avoiding suddenly weighed heavily on me.

"Are you willing to talk now?"

"If you release me right now, I might forgive you. Stop this immediately! I won't tolerate any further misconduct, no matter who you are!"

Isabella's confusion seemed to give way to anger, and her gaze became even more piercing. Her clear rejection froze my heart.

"I understand; you really have no intention of talking..."

"I said it earlier, right? If you understand, then...."

"In that case, I'll have to ask your body directly."


To my own surprise, my voice came out ice-cold. I retrieved a knife from my sleeve and swiftly tore open Isabella's uniform from the chest. Her fair skin was exposed, and her ample bosom spilled out, causing Isabella to let out a high-pitched scream.

"C-Crow...? You're acting strange today."

"...Is that so? I'm just the same as always."

Isabella seemed to have finally realized that I was serious, and she looked at me with fear.

Yes, I should have done this from the beginning. Crush their will and dignity, eliminate anyone who stands in the way, and take everything I desire. That's what it means to be me.

However, why does my heart ache when I'm gazing into her emerald eyes?


As if shaking off my sentimentality, I bury my face in the exposed neck before me and let my tongue wander.

Just that action causes Isabella to go limp, as if all her strength has left her, and she nearly collapses on the spot.

While forcibly keeping her upright with the arm I'm gripping, my free left hand cups her exposed breast.

I was careless.

It's foolish to think that a prince who has no interest in women would overlook such a fine lady. 

"Ngh! It hurts! Stop this!"

With frustration as my excuse, I roughly apply more pressure to her breast, making Isabella scream.

However, I can't afford to be concerned about that right now.

This woman, with such an alluring body, how far has she gone with other men besides me?

Just thinking about it makes my mind boil with heat.

(Don't you mess with me.....)

This woman belongs to me.

Her ample bosom, her fair belly, her well-rounded buttocks, her slender limbs, and...


I lower the hand that was gripping her breast and slip my fingers through the gap in her panties.

I locate her tightly closed slit and forcefully insert my fingers, breaking through the resistance.

This enchanting pussy, that sticks to men so tightly, is all, all mine. I would never give her to another man.

"Nghh, ah...."

While stroking the nape of her neck with my tongue, I slowly move my fingers in and out inside Isabella's private area. Initially, her body had resisted the intrusion, but over time, it began to respond to my touch. Her arousal caused her to release more love juices. As I coated my fingers with her wetness and continued to stimulate her, Isabella started to let out soft moans.

"No... Nghhh, ahh, ah....!"

As the caresses continued, her love juices flowed even more abundantly. I deliberately created wet, slurping sounds with my sensual finger movements, causing Isabella's cheeks to turn deep red with overwhelming embarrassment. Despite these emotions, her body betrayed her, and to facilitate my play, Isabella willingly spread her legs and seductively enticed me by moving her hips.

"Ugh, ah, nghh....!"

"Ah, no.... aahh...! No! I'm, I'm cummiiing!?"

Intense heat burns deep inside my head. I grit my teeth against frustration and focus on exploring sensitive areas within. Isabella shivered under those intense caresses and quickly reached her climax.

"Haa, haa, haa...."

Isabella lay there, still catching her breath from her intense climax. But was she under the impression it was all over?

"What are you taking a break for?"

"Uh, wait! I just came, and... Ahh!?"

While Isabella was still recovering from her earlier climax, I resumed stimulating her with my fingers, drawing out more of her excitement.

Isabella tried to stop me, but when I latched onto her perky, delicious nipples, her body jerked with pleasure.

"Hmm...! Don't pull on my nipples like that..."

I lightly nibbled and tugged at her nipples, causing Isabella to let out a mix of a yelp and a moan. It was clear that her voice expressed both pain and desire.

"No, no! I'm going to... again..."


Of course, my caresses continued not only up top but also down below.

As I continued to explore her intimate areas, which were now dripping with moisture, Isabella resisted with a shake of her head, like a reluctant child.

Seeing Isabella's charming figure, I couldn't help but sport a mischievous smile. Naturally, I wanted to tease her further.


"Noo, not again..... ah, aaah!"

Like this, I gently nibbled on her nipples and used my fingers to stimulate her clitoris, which I hadn't touched before. She experienced her second climax swiftly, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure.

"More, there's more to come, Milady..."

This isn't the end, and I won't let it be.

I need to savor this woman even more...

"Enough of this! Stop it!"


But as I was getting carried away with starting the next assault, Isabella's hand struck my head.

I couldn't evade or defend myself, and her blow sent me crashing onto the floor.

"I have no idea why Crow is so angry, but I get it! I'll talk! I'll tell you!"

"Ah, yes..."

Tears welled up in Isabella's eyes as her hair fell into disarray, and she shouted hysterically.

The unexpected turn of events and the pain brought me back to my senses, and I decided to cooperate quietly.

"Uuuuuuuuuugghh...! Sighhh..."

Isabella, who had been grumbling for a while, sighed with an air of resignation, as if she had given in.



"So, during the expedition training, that guy told me to release you, Crow! He said I couldn't even manage my subordinates, that I'm useless, and that I'm not fit for the role. He said all sorts of infuriating things... Ohhh, just thinking about it makes me even angrier!"

Isabella, as if she had given up, began to vent. To be honest, it took me some time to fully grasp the content of her words. So, did it mean that the man's intention was never Isabella, but me from the beginning...?

However, there was one puzzling aspect to this.

"Why did you try to hide it in the first place?"

The reason we ended up in this situation, to begin with, was because Isabella had tried to keep something hidden. It was unusual because she typically never kept any secrets from me. So, why had she made such an effort to hide it this time?

"Because it's embarrassing..."


Her muttered words, as she turned away, surprisingly made sense. Perhaps Isabella herself had some feelings about Dee's words.

Come to think of it, it was after that training that Isabella began to reward me more frequently.

So, should I be thankful to that man who seemed to have sparked Isabella's personal growth?

"Really, I never expected you to get so angry over something like this. You've even ruined my uniform..."


I couldn't find the words to respond to Isabella, who held the tattered uniform and wore a look of exasperation. I was fully aware that I had completely misunderstood and overreacted. To be honest, I realized that I had done something that could warrant execution.

"Is there anything you'd like to say about what happened earlier?" Isabella inquired, her smile seemingly friendly, though her eyes told a different story.

Despite reaping what I sow, I really didn't want to die like this.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

"Very well, it's good to see you've learned your lesson," Isabella responded, her stern demeanor softening as she forgave me. I had anticipated more than just a scolding, so it was surprising that she genuinely forgave me. Isabella, wearing her usual graceful smile, was there when I looked up.

"Let's put what happened earlier behind us. Now, please continue" 


"Cro....Crow, you must be feeling quite frustrated too, don't you?" Isabella's gaze was fixed on the clearly erect meat visible through my pants.

With a hesitant gesture, Isabella reached out and began to stroke my meat through the fabric. My meat, unrestrained, twitched and seemed to demand release.

Surprised by its response, Isabella's eyes widened, and she blushed slightly.


Isabella quietly slid her hand under her skirt, slowly lowering her panties. She then leaned against the wall, facing me, lifting her skirt with one hand, revealing her intimate area. Her hips swayed seductively as she teased me.


"Kyaah! You don't have to... so sudden.... nngggh....!"

Seduced like that, there was no way I could resist. Without hesitation, I moved closer to Isabella and sensually slid my exposed meat along her sensitive area. I moved my meat back and forth a few times to ensure it was fully coated in her arousal. Then, I directed the tip towards her back entrance and gently pushed my hips, slowly sliding it inside.

"Wait, not so fast... it's too intense...! Mmm..."

Her anal passage clung tightly to my shaft, as it always did, but thanks to her arousal, my movements met with no resistance. However, given the teasing she had subjected me to moments ago, I knew I would climax quickly if I let my guard down. That's why I firmly gripped Isabella's slender hips and thrust vigorously.

"Mnnghh, aah, ahhh...!"

Despite the apparent discomfort from my deep thrusts, Isabella still synchronized her movements with mine, just as I had taught her before. The explicit sounds of our flesh colliding reverberated throughout the changing room, further exciting Isabella as she tightened her grip around my shaft.


"Ah, no..... Nghh, ahh....!"

I leaned over Isabella's body, grasping her bouncing breasts with both hands. With each thrust and the kisses I planted on her neck, I could feel our limits drawing near.

"I'm comming....!"

"Nghh, gah... ahh, ngghhaa....!"

As we reached our limits, my semen was released like a dam bursting, flowing deeply into her rectum. Then, a moment later, Isabella shivered in my arms as she experienced her climax.

"Goodness, I came here to take a shower, and now I'm even dirtier."

"I'm sorry."

As we both recovered from our climax and I softened, I pulled out and put on my pants. Isabella's anus, which had gaped open after our activities, allowed my semen to overflow. I looked at her with a somewhat moist gaze and quickly raised my hands in surrender.

"Alright then, I'll take a shower, so I'll leave the cleanup to you."


The bell signaling the end of the class would ring shortly, and other students would soon arrive. That's why Isabella hurriedly grabbed her clothes and headed for the shower room.

"Now, let's get to work."

Suppressing the immediate desire to rush into the shower room, I rolled up my sleeves and prepared to clean the various fluids spilled on the changing room floor.

TL NOTE: day off tomorrow

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...