Thursday, October 12, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 55

 The butler is engaging in blackmail.

Time passed, and the day of the magic tournament arrived.

Next to the grand white castle at the heart of the capital city stood the arena where today's tournament would take place. This arena, usually used for knightly training and such, was now swarmed with citizens from all walks of life who had gathered to watch the event.

In addition to the regular seats for the general public, there were exclusive VIP boxes located on the upper level of the arena. These were accessible only to specific high-ranking nobles and their entourages.

A man, accompanied by his attendants, arrived at one of these VIP boxes.

"Well, it seems Azurite's daughter isn't here," remarked Galius Valiaz. Galius was the head of the Valiaz family, one of the three major ducal households in the kingdom. He looked around the room and noticed that one of the four chairs was empty. One of the chairs belonged to Galius, but there was a missing figure that should have occupied the other.

"Apparently, there have been signs of a monster flood in Azurite's Forest. She's currently dealing with the situation," replied the man seated in the other chair, wearing an expressionless face.

He was Duke Marvin Sherald, the kingdom's prime minister. In addition to assisting the king, he also served as a mediator in resolving disputes among the various noble families. Among the kingdom's nobility, Galius was known for causing the most trouble, and Marvin, behind his spectacles, regarded the situation with a wary gaze.

"Is that so? It must be quite the challenge. However, isn't it somewhat problematic that the head of House Azurite doesn't personally assess the use of her sword?" 

The three major ducal houses have been assigned significant roles in the kingdom since its founding. The Sheralds serve as the brains of the nation, holding the position of chancellor. The Valiaz manage the finances to enrich the kingdom, while the Azurites are responsible for wielding the sword.They lead the kingdom's knightly order, defending against any and all threats that may arise. For House Azurite, the upcoming magical tournament, which assesses promising knights and mages, holds paramount importance.

"...What are you trying to say?"

"Oh, nothing in particular. I expected that the former head of House Azurite would have effortlessly handled a minor monster flood and attended this event. I wonder if the role of the kingdom's sword is somewhat overwhelming for her."

However, the previous head of House Azurite, who had served as the commander of the kingdom's knights in the recent war against the Empire, along with his sons, had all passed away, leaving only his young, inexperienced daughter. Due to the exceptional capabilities of the former head, there are high expectations for her. For a young and inexperienced individual like her, the responsibility of being the current head of House Azurite, known as the kingdom's sword, is undoubtedly a challenging burden.

"She should be more than capable of fulfilling her role!" declared a red-haired man who had been silently standing behind Galius and the others, his words carrying a clear hint of mockery.

He was Gunter Russell, the current commander of the kingdom's knights, a hero who had distinguished himself in the previous war. He had originally served as a knight in the Azurite household and currently acted as the guardian of the young Azurite Lord.

Furthermore, Gunter's son was engaged to the Azurite Lord, making him the de facto ruler of the Azurite household in place of the inexperienced head.

"Do you truly believe that to be the case? Commander, you haven't forgotten the recent kidnapping incident, have you? Allowing such a band of rogues to perpetrate such an act is evidence that she, as the kingdom's sword, has not fulfilled her role, wouldn't you agree?" Galius smirked internally, pleased that his target had appeared. He brought up the recent kidnapping incident to further his investigation.

Officially, the incident had been attributed to a criminal group from abroad, with the blame directed at the kingdom's knights for allowing such an intrusion. Considering that the role of leading the kingdom's knights was supposed to be the responsibility of the Azurite family head, this incident was widely seen as a result of her negligence.

"That's just your scheme, isn't it? Shameless ploys...!" However, even if that were the case, Gunter couldn't agree with his claims. Moreover, there were several unnatural aspects to the incident. Evidence of someone's interference had been found, both in the form of tampering and in the motive for the crime. Given the circumstances, it was clear that the man standing before him was involved in some way.

"Oh my, let's put an end to these baseless accusations, shall we? Where is this so-called evidence?"


"I was aware that such rumors were being whispered among some fools, but I find it rather disheartening that even you, a nobleman, believe in such wild claims." he said. However, as Galius pointed out, there is an absolute lack of evidence connecting him with these matters. The curiously meticulous removal of any evidence suggests the involvement of the Valiaz family's espionage unit, an organization renowned for its unwavering confidence in its agents and their ability to evade detection. This is why Galius can wear that smug grin so confidently, knowing his tracks remain well covered.

"Incidentally, there were rumors about you, too, Your Excellency. Rumors that you, as the Knight Commander, were responsible for the death of the previous Azurite Duke in the last battle."

"What did you say!?"

Even though he understood it was a provocation, Gunter's anger flared, and a murderous aura emanated from him. It was true that in the previous war, he had failed to protect the late Azurite Duke as their forces were separated, and by the time he arrived, it was too late. Although celebrated as a hero, he had done nothing more than rally his shattered allies in desperation.

However, the accusation of intentionally neglecting his duty and conspiring to seize control of the duchy was a severe insult.

"I see. If that were indeed the truth, it would be understandable to believe such rumors. After all, one might think I would have done it myself, considering my role."

"If you continue to insult me, regardless of your status as my counterpart, I will show no mercy."

"Oh... What would you do, then? Please, do enlighten me."

Sharp-eyed Gunter crouched low, presenting his massive shield, which was a symbol of his heroism. Simultaneously, Galious, still wearing his sly smile, charged magic into his staff.

Both Gunter, leading the Royal Knights, and the Duke of the Valiaz family, Galious, were formidable individuals. As their magical powers intensified, the tense air thickened, filling the surroundings.

Though they were currently assessing each other, it was apparent to everyone that this place could become a battlefield with just a single catalyst.

"Enough of this," King Jürgen Farrant declared, rising from his seat to defuse the tense situation between the Knight Commander and Duke Valiaz. His presence, adorned in a brilliant crimson cloak with a staff in hand, radiated authority and nobility. His striking blue eyes conveyed unwavering dignity as he addressed the two men on the verge of confrontation.

Jürgen Farrant, the ruler of the Farrant Kingdom, was a figure unparalleled in this world. He wore a crown embedded with six magic stones, each representing a different element. He was the epitome of wisdom and leadership, known as the wise king who had achieved the historic feat of securing peace with their arch-enemy, the Empire.

"Commander, I understand your concerns, but for now, let's sheath our swords. Today marks a grand stage for the young individuals who will carry the future of our nation."

The Knight Commander reluctantly lowered his shield, following the king's command. His eyes, however, remained locked onto the man before him, Duke Valiaz, who still sported a provoking grin.

"Duke Valiaz, please put away your staff. Engaging in a futile battle here is not in anyone's best interest, I believe."

The Duke responded, "I acted in self-defense. Your Majesty, please ensure this man's actions are closely monitored."

The king conceded, "I'll keep that in mind."

King Jürgen may have had concerns about their behavior, but he refrained from addressing them. Despite being the ruler of the Farrant Kingdom, the Farrant family, behind the scenes, held substantial power and influence. Removing them was not a viable option for the smooth operation of a major nation. Thus, the king managed the country, albeit with significant imbalances.


As the commotion settled, Galious took his seat, and the king, along with his retinue, returned to their positions.

However, the atmosphere in the VIP chamber had soured significantly.

In the midst of the heavy and tense air, the Prime Minister, the only neutral figure, released a deep sigh.


"We've been waiting for this day!" My lady Isabella, dressed in her school uniform, exclaimed while looking at the arena. She had her arms crossed and a determined expression.

Despite her eagerness to win, we were currently standing right in the middle of the main street leading to the arena. The surrounding area was packed with numerous spectators who had gathered to watch the tournament. Amid this crowd, Milady's spirited stance was nothing but a nuisance.

"Milady, instead of staying here, why don't we head to the venue?"

"Well... I suppose you're right. Come on, escort me properly."

"Of course."

While nobody dared to complain about someone who clearly looked like a noble, it was evident that lingering in this place wasn't an option. In response to my suggestion, Milady nodded and extended her hand towards me. I took her hand with a respectful bow and guided her through the crowd, making our way to the arena.

"Be sure to watch my splendid performance!"

"Yes, I'm looking forward to your remarkable performance."

As we entered the arena, we temporarily parted ways in front of the section reserved for academy personnel only. It's worth mentioning that I'm not a student or have any official status at the academy. I'm just an outsider. While I could be at the academy thanks to Milady's influence, that didn't apply outside the academy.

However, there were various ways to handle that. In fact, I'd already infiltrated the venue with Milady's maids, who were there to support her. As long as they were present, there shouldn't be any issues.

"It's time for me to get to work," I thought.

As I watched Milady disappear down the hallway and head to the other side, I turned and headed towards the audience seats.

Now, let's briefly discuss this magic tournament.

The magic tournament follows a tournament format with one-on-one elimination matches. Participants can use magic and weapons, and victory is achieved when the opponent surrenders or becomes incapacitated.

Naturally, Milady aims to win the tournament, which means winning every match in the tournament. However, as the matches progress, the opponents naturally become stronger. Even with breaks scheduled between the matches, lost physical and magical strength doesn't easily recover. In other words, the key to winning this tournament is how well you can preserve your strength for the next match.

However, the issue that arises here is that this tournament is also a stage for students to showcase their abilities. Unlike powerful individuals like the lady, most students with moderate abilities don't aim for victory and don't focus on advancing too far. Their purpose is to demonstrate their own abilities, and match outcomes don't matter. Of course, advancing further will earn them better evaluations, but exiting without showcasing their abilities would be a waste.

So, they generally give their all in every match, and facing such opponents, who come at you with all their might while conserving your strength, is challenging. However, if you use too much energy to defeat an opponent, it may affect your performance in the next match.

──Then, what should we do in this case?

"Winner, Isabella Valiaz!"

Right at the start of the match, Milady's wind magic blasted her opponent off the stage, swiftly deciding the outcome.

"Heh... Such a minor challenge."

In the midst of the enthusiastic crowd, Milady elegantly brushed her hair back. When she spotted me in the audience, she waved with a beaming smile.

As I waved back, she nodded in satisfaction and headed back to the dressing room. Meanwhile, I left the venue with a specific goal in mind.

"H-hey... Sorry for the delay."

After passing the time at a nearby café near the arena, a dejected male student approached me. This young man had been Milady's opponent in the previous match.

"I did what you asked. So, will you keep your promise?"

"Yes, I have the promised item right here."

As soon as he sat down at the same table, he promptly asked for his reward. It was rather remarkable how greedy he could be, considering he was no match for Milady. Nevertheless, a deal was a deal. I nudged my bag toward him with my foot, and he quickly checked its contents.

"Thank you for this; now I can afford to cure my mother's illness."

"You don't need to thank me; this is just a contractual agreement."

The man, visibly relieved after inspecting the bag's contents, expressed his gratitude. While the sum inside the bag might not be significant to Milady, it was likely a substantial amount for a low-ranking noble like him. That's precisely why this arrangement could be made.

Yes, it was merely a contract. I intentionally allowed Milady's opponent to perform relatively well, and, in return, provided him with what he desired. Participants like him, low-ranking nobles, entered the magic tournament to showcase their abilities and secure positions with influential noble families.

With the backing of the ducal family, it was possible to give the man the significant sum he desired, introduce him to various noble families, or even secure him a position in the Royal Knights.

In other words, by offering them what they desired, they would gladly dedicate their victories to Milady.

Unfair? No, this was a legitimate strategy. Using anything available to secure victory was a matter of course.

"Also, please keep this matter strictly confidential."

"I understand."

"Now, I wonder who her next opponent will be..."

As my opponent left his seat, I also rose and returned to the arena. My next step was to negotiate with the next match's opponent.

Afterward, Milady continued to secure victories while conserving her strength through steady negotiations, making her way towards winning the tournament.

However, just when her victorious streak seemed uninterrupted, an unexpected event occurred.

"I refuse."

As the tournament reached its crucial phases, with only a few contestants left, the negotiation I proposed to Milady's next opponent was promptly rejected.

"You don't like the terms I offered? Or do you have different preferences?"

"I don't need any of that. I simply want to test my own abilities in this tournament. Besides, I despise sneaky individuals like you the most."

The male student, a legitimate scion of a certain count's family, glared at us with a scornful expression. His family was known for its martial prowess, and it appeared he detested underhanded tactics that might tarnish a sacred competition.

Quite a foolish and illogical argument, typical of a dim-witted person.

"Understood. If that's the case, you're defying the ducal family."


I issued a final warning, but regrettably, he remained unwavering.

"It can't be helped. Let's withdraw for now. We'll return, and I hope to receive a more favorable response next time."

"No matter how many times you return, my answer won't change."

"I see."

Recognizing that further negotiations would be pointless, I reluctantly stepped back. It was anticipated that not everyone would readily comply, so it wasn't a significant issue.

"Even though they're nobles, they're just kids at the end of the day. Occasionally, you come across such foolish folks who don't seem to grasp their own status."

"The negotiation was a failure. Now let's proceed as planned."


As I separated from the young man, I turned the corner and wiped away the negotiating smile I had been wearing.

I retrieved a communication crystal from my bracelet and issued a command to my subordinate.

These clueless creatures who can't even comprehend their own place need some proper guidance, don't they?

"You're back?"

"Yes, have you reconsidered since our last conversation?"

"No matter how many times you ask, my answer won't change. If you understand, then leave already."

After a while, I approached the same man again. He scowled and waved his hand as if to shoo me away.

"If that's your final word, I guess there's no other option but to give up. But before we part ways, may I show you something?"

"Hmph, my stance won't change no matter what you show me."

"Is that so?"

To the man who appeared puzzled, I presented the communication crystal once more.

As I extended it toward him, an image gradually materialized within the crystal.

"What...! Hey, what is this!?"

The image displayed within the crystal caused the man's confident expression to wane, and his face grew pale.

Inside the crystal, there was a young girl, bound to a chair in a dimly lit room. She was likely a noble's daughter, dressed in a finely crafted dress. Her well-defined features were twisted in fear.

"Oh, don't you recognize her?"

"Why is my sister captured in a place like that?"

"Hmm, is this young lady your sister? She's quite adorable."

"You...! Release her right now!"

The infuriated man seized my collar, and my body dangled in the air. He continued to glare at me as if ready to fire, yet it seemed he still failed to grasp his own predicament, which almost elicited pity.

"Do it."


Upon my command, a water spear, launched from off-screen, pierced the captive girl. She let out a high-pitched scream as she fell to the ground, along with the chair. Blood began to spread across the floor from the wound in her thigh.


"Isn't this terrible? Allowing your cute little sister to wander around alone, even in the well-patrolled capital. Don't you remember the recent kidnapping incident?"

Overwhelmed by this sudden act of violence, the man stared at the crystal, rendered speechless. When I lightly tapped the hand that held me by the collar, he seemed to grasp his own situation, and he released his grip on me.

Dealing with people of pure brute strength can be quite a hassle, and now my clothes were wrinkled because of him.

"D-do you think you'll get away with this after what you've done?"

The man, now devoid of his previous arrogance, muttered words of condemnation but, still focused on my reaction, he appeared to cower, his muscular frame retracting.

"Well, what are you saying? It's undoubtedly unfortunate that your sister was kidnapped. However, it was a heinous criminal's doing, and we have absolutely nothing to do with it."

"Ugh, ack, aaah!"

But I couldn't care less about such matters. This incident was, without a doubt, an unfortunate case of kidnapping perpetrated by criminals within the capital. The Valiaz family, including myself, had absolutely no connection to the incident.

However, whether his empty head managed to comprehend this or not, the man looked at me with eyes as if he were staring at a demon.

"Alright, I accept your terms! Please, release my sister," the man, who had come to realize his predicament, eventually capitulated, hanging his head in the process.

With that, he agreed to our terms, and my objective was achieved.

"What are you talking about?"

———Why would we do that?


"I already mentioned earlier, we have no connection to this matter. Even if you ask for her release, there's nothing we can do."

"No way?!"

The man, who had mistakenly believed that his sister would be saved, crumbled on the spot, looking at me with a bewildered expression. Why should I pardon a fool who dared to defy Lady Isabella for free?

"However, I'm not heartless enough to abandon her in this situation. So, how about this? I'll lend you our Valiaz family's rescue team. They're quite competent. Your sister will be released soon enough, I'm sure."

In reality, all it would take is a command to our maids who were monitoring her. However, this man needed to pay a higher price for what he did.

"But, you see, we're making the effort to mobilize the Duke's forces for your sake. The implication is something you can surely grasp, regardless of who you might be, right?"

"You devil...!"

Borrowing the Duke's military power comes at a cost, and now the man, having comprehended this, cursed me in a strained voice. There's nothing quite as satisfying as the howl of a defeated dog.

It's essentially a contract being pushed onto him, but if he refuses, his sister will die. There was never a genuine choice from the start.

"Now, what's your decision?"

With a pleasant smile, I peered into the face of my despairing opponent.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...