Monday, October 9, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 51

 The men are plotting in secret

In the slums, which are usually isolated from the surface, there are always curious individuals who venture in from time to time. These fearless boys and girls are nothing more than easy targets for the slum residents. And today, just like any other day, unfortunate intruders found themselves within the slums.

When the slum dwellers spotted them, they launched a coordinated attack...

... and were utterly defeated.

"Ugh, ah..."

The people they thought were their prey turned out to be ferocious predators, and it was the attackers who ended up on the receiving end.

The first person to realize this abandoned their companions and desperately tried to escape, crawling on the ground in an undignified manner.

"As soon as they realized they couldn't win, they immediately sacrificed their friends as bait and tried to escape alone... I see. Such cunning and selfishness, typical human traits. I don't dislike it."


A voice came from behind, causing the fleeing person to freeze in their tracks. Trembling with fear, they slowly turned around to find a silver-haired young man standing before them with a cheerful smile.

Dietrich, who spoke to the man with the ease of taking a stroll, had an unusual backdrop of countless ice sculptures.

Each of these sculptures bore expressions of terror, clearly not being tourist attractions for the slum.

"W-what the hell are you!?"

"No matter what you call me, I'm just a servant for now."

The man, horrified by the gruesome sight of his mutilated comrades, shouted in a mad frenzy. In response, Dietrich closed the grimoire he held and sat down on the ground, wearing a puzzled smile as he looked at the man.

"Don't be so frightened. I only have some questions for you."

"Don't mess with me! You're probably going to kill me just like the others!"

"Isn't it because you attacked us first?"

Dietrich raised his eyebrows in surprise at the man's words. He felt no remorse or guilt for taking lives. While tracking the peculiar actions of the Selpan, their ultimate goal in reaching this slum was solely to gather information. They had no intention of fighting unless they were attacked first.

"If you answer my questions honestly, I'll spare your life and, of course, pay you for the information. How about it? I don't think it's a bad deal, right?" Dietrich offered, extending a leather bag filled to the brim with gold coins.


The man, taken aback by the sight of the rarely seen gold coins among commoners, couldn't resist their allure and swallowed hard.

"Are you really going to let him go?" 

"It doesn't matter to me. I promised to let him go, and thanks to him, I got some interesting information. It was a win-win situation," Dietrich replied, watching the man hurry away with the reward bag. Nearby, Luke returned from keeping watch and joined him.

Thanks to the man's change of heart, becoming cooperative after learning about the payment, they had gathered valuable information about the underworld.

"However, can we really trust the man's story? It's hard to believe that the kingdom's hero, Balga, who was once hailed as the Scarlet Sorcerer, is already dead," Dietrich mused.

While the man's stories were intriguing, the most significant revelation was an event that had occurred ten years ago. It involved a large-scale operation to crush an organization that had wreaked havoc in the slums during Wild Fang's reign. Surprisingly, the kingdom's hero had participated in that battle and, according to the man's account, had been killed.

"It's true that he disappeared from the kingdom's public eye around ten years ago, and the timing matches," Dietrich acknowledged.

"But even if it were true, are we supposed to believe that a mere commoner, let alone a child, managed to defeat him?" Luke questioned skeptically.

When it came to the Crimson Sorcerer Balga, he was a hero of the kingdom who had achieved numerous victories in the previous war against the empire. Naturally, his name was known in the empire as well, along with a sense of awe. The revelation that such a hero had connections to the underworld was surprising enough, but even more astonishing was the claim that this hero had been defeated by a commoner with no magical abilities, and a young boy at that.

It was a story that defied common sense, and both Luke and the man who shared the tale dismissed it as a baseless fabrication.

"Well, who knows?" Dietrich pondered aloud.

However, could it really be dismissed as mere fiction?

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

Certainly, if one were to consider only the story in isolation, Dietrich might have reached the same conclusion as Luke. But there was one detail in the man's account that bothered him.

For Luke, and indeed for the people of the Empire, it was an unremarkable piece of information. But this was the kingdom.

"Have you forgotten, Luke? In the Empire, it may not be such a big deal, but in this kingdom, black hair is rare," Dietrich pointed out.

Luke's eyes widened in realization.

Indeed, the man had mentioned that the hero was defeated by a black-haired child. In this kingdom, there was only one person that came to mind when black hair was mentioned.

Recalling the butler he had confronted only once before, Luke couldn't help but shudder.

"Well, it's just speculation at this point. But if that child really is the one who defeated the hero...?" Dietrich trailed off.

Killing a hero would be a remarkable feat, and yet, despite its potential significance, the information had barely circulated in either the mainstream or underworld. However, Dietrich was convinced of the boy's true identity.

"Oh, I was right. You never fail to amuse me."

Trembling with excitement, Dieterich wore a crazed smile that he couldn't hide. Madness was clearly evident in his eyes.


"So, are you saying that you serve as the president of the Leibra Trading Company in the public eye while also holding the top position in the underworld as Ouroboros?" 

"Yes, that's right."

Crow sat in a room within the Duke's mansion, calmly flipping through some documents. Selpan, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a bead of sweat forming on his brow. After all, he was facing the Hero Killer, the man who had once thrown the slums into chaos.

Oddly enough, Crow had a bright crimson leaf pattern on his cheek, but Selpan had more pressing matters to address.

A night had passed since the recent incident, and Selpan had come to the Duke's mansion to apologize. Fortunately, Lady Isabella had decided to skip school that day, which allowed Selpan to meet with Crow right away. However, the real challenge lay ahead.

Based on the reports of last night's attack, it was clear that, over the past decade, Crow and his associates had not lost their edge. On the contrary, they had sharpened their skills to a level beyond what they were during the chaos they had caused in the slums.

Their ferocity suggested that they were still a formidable group, ready to crush anyone who provoked their wrath, regardless of the adversary's identity. It was reminiscent of the time when Crow had defeated a hero.

"So, are you telling me that your subordinates were responsible for this whole incident?"

"Yes, I'm truly sorry for their actions. They acted on their own without permission."

Recognizing the potential consequences of this situation, Selpan had done his best to maintain favorable relations with Crow and his master, Isabella, to avoid any hostilities. However, all his efforts had been in vain due to Isabella's unauthorized actions. The responsibility for it was now unjustly pinned on Selpan and the Ouroboros.

If he could have simply claimed that it was the doing of his subordinates, absolving himself of any blame. In the past, when a certain organization, albeit indirectly related, had incurred Crow's wrath in the slums, more than ten organizations with even the slightest connection had been collectively crushed as retaliation. No matter how persuasive Selpan's excuses might be, Crow would never lend an ear.

As proof of this, Selpan had prepared the head of the mastermind behind the recent incident as a sort of offering, yet Crow didn't spare it a glance.

"What do you think?"

"The contents Selpan-sama reported align with the information we recovered from that hideout. I believe there is no mistake."


As Crow handed over the documents while looking over his shoulder, Selpan watched with bated breath. While Selpan was a skilled negotiator, especially when using his wealth and organizational power to gather information and gain the upper hand, dealing with Crow was an entirely different matter. Crow's thought process remained an enigma even to Selpan.

Crow was known for his whimsical nature, moving without apparent motive, yet leaving a significant impact wherever he went, much like a natural disaster. No matter how skilled Selpan was, dealing with such an unpredictable opponent was a formidable challenge.

Selpan found himself in a deadlock, even though he had prepared for this meeting with care.

Perhaps the only vulnerability was that Crow had somehow pledged his loyalty to Lady Isabella. However, this attack was a result of harm coming to Lady Isabella.

"That's fine, isn't?"


Selpan was taken aback by Crow's unexpected response, stumbling over his words.

"What, do you have a problem with that?"

"N-No, it's not that. But are you sure about this?"

"The mastermind is already dead, isn't he? Then there should be no more problems."

Given what Selpan knew about Crow, he expected Crow to remain relentlessly angry until he had his revenge, possibly targeting Selpan and the Ouroboros as well. Selpan had braced himself for the worst, even considering the possibility of the Libra Company and the Ouroboros being completely obliterated.

However, Crow, who was currently poking the box containing the head on the desk with his toe, seemed to have lost interest in this matter.

Selpan didn't know.

Crow's anger had subsided entirely after Lady Isabella had petted him last night. In fact, he had no interest in this matter whatsoever anymore. Instead, he was preoccupied with figuring out how to mend his relationship with Lady Isabella, who had misunderstood their shared bed experience and given him a slap. Crow didn't even remember last night's events, as he had completely forgotten them. Thus, Selpan's concerns had been futile from the beginning.

"Sir Crow."

"I know, I know. Indeed, having no penalties at all is problematic. So, just like with that woman, I'll let this matter slide. You shouldn't have any complaints about that, right?"

"Yes, thank you very much."

However, Crow seemed to have judged that having no repercussions at all would be unwise, so he waved his hand in response to the maid's suggestion during their conversation, indicating his agreement.

While it was agreed that this incident would be forgiven, honestly, this was a small price to pay.

"Welcome back, President. I'm relieved that you're safe."

"Yes, it seems he's in a good mood. I hope we won't have to deal with something like this ever again."

After managing to get through the interaction with Crow unscathed, Selpan left the mansion and was greeted by his aide, Stan, as he climbed into the waiting carriage. The carriage started moving immediately, and once the Duke's mansion was no longer in sight, Selpan finally relaxed, sinking back into his seat as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

Selpan had been through his fair share of tough situations, but the feeling of a blade at his throat was far from pleasant. While things had turned out well this time, he knew it was mostly due to luck. Such good fortune wouldn't likely last.

"Now, President, what should we do with this package?" asked Stan.

"Oh, right. I don't need it anymore, so dispose of it... No, wait. Since we have it, send it to the Boss along with the report," Selpan decided.

The package Stan was holding contained a severed head, which Crow had ultimately rejected, claiming he didn't need it. Selpan had considered disposing of it, but he changed his mind and issued new instructions.

"Is that acceptable?" Stan inquired.

"In the end, all this trouble happened because of that individual's unnecessary actions. I think we're allowed to do this much," Selpan replied.

"Then, I will do so."

While the head itself held no value anymore, given the losses they had suffered in this incident, it was necessary for the organization's leader to make a statement of protest. Going too far with retaliation against such a formidable opponent would be troublesome, but this level of payback should be acceptable.

Understanding his superior's thoughts, Stan took out his notebook and began making notes. Selpan closed his eyes gently.

With the two of them on board, the carriage headed back toward the slums.


In the heart of the capital city stood the majestic white castle, an iconic symbol of the kingdom. Inside its walls, numerous nobles toiled day and night to govern the nation.

Within a corridor accessible only to high-ranking nobles, an elderly butler made his way purposefully. This butler, named Norman, served as the head's servant of the Valiaz family. Upon reaching his destination, he took a deep breath, then gently knocked on the door.

"Come in"

"Excuse me"

Norman turned the doorknob and entered the room. As he stepped inside, his eyes were drawn to a mountain of documents meticulously arranged on a desk. On the far side of this paperwork stood a middle-aged man with striking golden hair and emerald eyes.

This man was Galious Valiaz, the head of the Valiaz family, one of the kingdom's three major ducal houses. He had been engrossed in reading the documents but looked up as Norman entered.

"Norman, what brings you here?" Galious inquired.

Norman respectfully replied, "Sir Selpan of Ouroboros has sent a report regarding the recent matter."


Galious nodded and began to peruse the documents. However, as he delved deeper into the contents, his expression gradually shifted to one of increasing concern and seriousness.

"Hmph, did that young lad fail? What a useless fellow. I went through the trouble of feeding him information, and he still couldn't deliver. Even the organization that once ruled the underworld has fallen from grace," Galious lamented. He finished reading the documents and placed them back on the desk, sounding somewhat disappointed.

Ralph had known the location of the attackers' hideout because Galious had leaked the information. However, the end result was that Regina and her Beehive associates had taken down the attackers, forcing a revision of the initial plan.

"Regina, you say? She's a bit challenging to deal with, but so be it. Proceed with negotiations with her," Galious instructed.

"Yes, understood," Norman replied.

"With this, even the noisy supporters of the king will quiet down for a while," Galious remarked.

He decided to negotiate and secure credit for resolving the recent incident to enhance the Valiaz family's prestige. The Kingdom's Knights, who had been unable to achieve any significant results despite the incident affecting even the nobility, would likely face scrutiny. This situation could affect the credibility of the royal family that commanded them.

In recent years, the royal faction had expanded its influence by advocating for improved treatment of commoners, while Galious's noble faction had been pushed into a disadvantageous position. However, since the incident, the royal faction had visibly lost ground.

If the Valiaz family could be credited with resolving the incident, Galious's noble faction would likely regain its momentum in the ongoing power struggle.

To achieve this, Galious had intentionally brought a united criminal syndicate into the kingdom and allowed them to cause chaos. Simultaneously, he had obstructed the Kingdom's Knights' investigation. Despite some unexpected developments, one could say that the plan had largely succeeded.

"Now, sir, please take a look at this," Norman said.

Galious, who was smirking as he contemplated the upcoming developments, was presented with another wooden box.

"What's this?" he asked.

When he opened the lid, he found an unfamiliar man's head inside.

"Perhaps this is the merchant you proposed the plan to, sir?" Norman explained.

"I see... I suppose it's a protest. He's as stubborn as ever," Galious commented.

Thinking of the man who led the opposing organization, Galious couldn't help but smile. His ability to push his own demands mercilessly without provoking Galious's anger was a testament to his outstanding skills as a merchant.

"Considering the significant damage inflicted on Mr. Selpan in this incident, compensation should be provided," Norman suggested.

"Yes, indeed. I'll let you handle it," Galious agreed.

This time, they executed the plan with only a select group of trusted subordinates, so even Selpan, who knew nothing about it, suffered the consequences. Selpan was competent, but he was by no means obedient to Galious. If he saw an opportunity, as is the nature of merchants, it wouldn't be hard to imagine him betraying Galious for his gain.

"What's the matter? Is there something on your mind?" Galious inquired.

"No, it's nothing significant," replied Norman.

Although Galious had given all the instructions, Norman seemed preoccupied with something, not moving while gazing at the documents. When Galious addressed him, he lifted his head in haste, as if he had been deeply absorbed in thought. While it piqued Galious's curiosity, Norman had been serving the ducal family since the previous generation and was one of the few trustworthy individuals amidst his numerous enemies. If Norman said it wasn't anything significant, then that was likely the case.

"Very well, you may leave," Galious said.

"Thank you, then," Norman replied as he exited the room. Just before leaving, his eyes caught a glimpse of the coat of arms displayed in the room.

The emblem featured a set of scales intertwined with a snake, the symbol of the Valiaz family. The Valiaz family emblem was the heraldry representing their noble lineage.

The nobles commonly referred to as the Three Great Dukes were descendants of three men who had aided in the founding of the kingdom. One had wielded a sword to fend off invading enemies. Another had contributed wisdom to guide the kingdom's future. As for the man who became the first head of the Valiaz family, he had offered his wealth to lay the foundation of the kingdom.

However, the wealth he contributed was tainted with a deadly poison. Over the course of many years, it had slowly corroded the kingdom, leading to an irreversible situation today. The Valiaz family, with their overwhelming wealth and spies hidden throughout the kingdom, held influence in various regions, to the point where even the royal family couldn't contain their power.

Norman didn't know if the poison would ultimately consume the kingdom or if the royal family could eliminate the toxic influence of the Valiaz family before that happened. Nevertheless, he was determined to do what he believed needed to be done.

As he turned away from the closed door in front of him, Norman slowly walked down the corridor, ready to fulfill his responsibilities.

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1 comment:

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...