Monday, October 9, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 50

 My lady stays up late

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

While Crow and his group were raiding the kidnappers' hideout, in a room within the slums, a man was furiously swearing as he packed his belongings into a bag.

"Those idiots! Out of all the people, they had to provoke that guy and get on his bad side, even though I warned them to be cautious. The Marle branch had just been wiped out, and now this... it's unbelievable."

The man was a businessman involved in the underworld, primarily dealing with the Western Union. Thanks to this relationship, he had been engaged in significant business ventures. However, it seemed that his new business partners had made a grave mistake.

"But I've made enough money. I'll take this cash, head west, and start fresh there; that should do it."

The man was involved in significant human trafficking, establishing a relationship where his business partners would supply him with goods, and he would distribute them to various countries within the Union through his channels. After all, the goods he dealt with were young girls with magical abilities from the kingdom, and there was a high demand for them among many people.

As a result, the man had amassed immense wealth in a short period. However, it was undoubtedly a step too far when he targeted nobles. Now, not only were knights from the kingdom involved, but also members of the three major organizations in the slums.

With things having reached this point, it was probably time to exit this business. Making that decision, the man began packing his belongings, preparing to escape to the Union, where the kingdom's reach couldn't touch him.

"Hey, what are you dawdling for? While they've got their eyes on us, we need to get moving!"

To ensure a smooth escape, he had instructed his subordinates to take out as much of their assets as possible. However, there was still no report that the preparations in the man's room had been completed. It seemed that the Beehive and Ouroboros had pinpointed the location of their trading partners and had information that they were taking action. Naturally, there should be records of their transactions with the man in their hideout. They had to escape before they were found out.


But no matter how long he waited, there was no response from his subordinates. Growing suspicious, the man was about to leave his room to check on the situation when the door opened, and someone entered the room.

"You're late! What's—?"

"Well, well, why the rush?"

"What? President!?"

The man was taken aback by the unexpected presence of someone who shouldn't be here. It was Selpan, the boss of Ouroboros, and the top slum merchant.

"It's quite a problem, isn't it, when you've been up to no good."

"What do you mean, President? I'm just a regular merchant trying to make a living..."

"No, no, you can't play innocent anymore, can you?"

"W-What are you talking about? I have no idea..."

Under President Selpan's usual smile, the man broke into a cold sweat. He couldn't help but feel uneasy. Wasn't Ouroboros supposed to be dealing with those people on the other side along with the Beehive? And judging from Selpan's tone, it seemed they knew about his business.

"In the recent series of kidnapping incidents in the capital, the ringleaders were a group from the Western Union, but it seems you provided them with assistance, didn't you?"


As the man suspected, Selpan knew about his involvement in the recent business. Under the piercing gaze of Selpan, who seemed to see through all his thoughts, the man's expression stiffened. His opponent was one of the top leaders of the three major organizations that controlled the underworld. If he couldn't find a way out of this situation, death awaited him.

"They abducted women and sold them using your distribution channels. You must have made quite a profit."

"Please don't say such unpleasant things. I only bought the goods they brought in and sold them. I had no idea they were kidnappers."

It was true that the man had sold the women, but it was the people he had been dealing with who had actually kidnapped them. In this slum, human trafficking was a common occurrence, and if some of those kidnapped ended up mixed in, what was the problem?

"Oh, no, I'm not blaming you for that at all. It's perfectly normal for a merchant to buy and sell goods."

"...So, what's the matter then, President?"

However, Selpan spoke as if the man's words weren't much of a concern.

With that explanation, the man's tension eased.

But then, why had Selpan come to visit the man?

"I'm really sorry, but I urgently need your head, and I hope you'll cooperate willingly."

"What? What are you talking about? Even if you're the President, joking about something like that won't fly!"

In response to the man's question, Selpan widened his eyes and essentially delivered a grim ultimatum.

Up until that moment, the man had thought he might escape unharmed. However, he now felt anxiety welling up as he confronted Selpan with anger, without trying to conceal it.

After all, his business had been deemed acceptable, so why was he facing a death sentence? The man couldn't comprehend the reason.

What he could grasp, though, was that Selpan before him was deadly serious.

"This is no joke. You see, the people you've been dealing with tried to make a move on my valuable customers. Fortunately, there was no harm done, but my clients are furious. I have to apologize to them, and as a token of my apology, I need your cooperation."

"Grr... Someone, take care of this guy!"

Selpan usually explained things politely, but today, he had an unusual angry look on his face. When Selpan got involved to this extent, it meant the client was probably a high-ranking noble. Understanding this, the man could somewhat justify Selpan's reaction. However, that didn't mean he intended to quietly accept his impending doom. Luckily, there was only Selpan in front of him. After dealing with Selpan, he could potentially escape to the Empire. Even if they pursued him, he might manage to avoid capture.

"Hey, what's going on? Why haven't they come yet?"

"It's futile. Haven't you ever wondered why I'm here?"

"What... You can't mean..."

However, his subordinates crucially didn't arrive. As the man grew more anxious, Selpan maintained a pleasant smile.

In the first place, this building should have been entirely guarded by the man's subordinates. When a visitor arrived, they should have been guided by the subordinates to reach the man. However, in Selpan's case, none of that had happened.

No, the truth was that Selpan had taken a significant risk, where his subordinates might have been exposed to danger. His subordinates must have known they were dealing with a formidable opponent. They wouldn't just let someone like that pass through to reach the man.

So, why was this man here?

"President, we have completely taken control of this building."

"Good job, Stan."

As if confirming his suspicions, a man named Stan, one of Selpan's close associates, entered the room. Stan held a blood-stained sword, a clear sign that a battle had recently taken place. It was obvious that the opponents were the man's own subordinates. Moreover, now that the room had been secured, any hopes of his subordinates coming to his rescue seemed bleak.

"Now that you've grasped the situation, would you mind surrendering peacefully?" Selpan made this request with a mocking tone.

"Fool, don't underestimate me!" In response to Selpan's request, the man aimed a magical tool he had retrieved from his bag.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, and a bullet was fired toward Selpan, creating a sharp explosion.

"I see, is that a prototype magical gun stolen from the Empire? Its power might not be extraordinary, but it could be quite effective when catching someone off guard."

"Why...?" The surprise was evident in the man's voice as his unexpected shot was deflected by Stan's sword.

This reaction clearly indicated that Selpan was familiar with the capabilities of this magical tool. Information about this prototype was supposed to be limited to a select few within the Empire, so how did Selpan know about it?

"Well, you see, I've recently had the opportunity to do business with someone quite knowledgeable about magical tools. He taught me quite a few things. Though I must admit, it did lead to some suspicion and difficulties..." Selpan's words essentially revealed that he had connections to the upper echelons of the Empire, despite having recently been in a state of strained relations with them. It would be difficult to believe that he had no ties to the Union. Even if the man managed to escape this situation and flee the country, he couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be able to escape from Selpan.

"It's about time. Stan, please."

"Yes, sir. Be prepared."

"Don't come any closer!"

Before the man could figure out a way to change the situation, Selpan gave the order, and Stan poised his sword. The man desperately fired his gun in resistance, but a gun that could only shoot quick bullets, especially when not catching the enemy off guard, was ineffective against a former knight.

Every bullet he fired was deflected by the sword. When the man ran out of bullets, Stan quickly closed the distance and swung his sword, swiftly cutting the man in two and ending his life.

"Sigh, what a bother, dealing with 'the boss.'"

As Selpan picked up the magical gun that had fallen to the ground, he wore an unusually tired expression. The man he had just disposed of was greedy but ultimately insignificant. He lacked the capacity to orchestrate such a bold event.

The real mastermind behind this was someone else.


"I understand. I also pick my fights carefully. Being a hired president isn't easy."

However, there could be no further investigation. There was no evidence, but more importantly, the opponent was the de facto ruler of the country. Selpan, merely a lapdog with a collar, couldn't possibly resist.

"Before we move on, let's address our own issue," Selpan said, clapping his hands to change the mood. He wore his usual enigmatic smile and proceeded to give new instructions to his subordinates.



"I understand, okay!"

A procession of carriages sped through the narrow lanes of the slums. Responding to Ralph's instructions from the front carriage, the coachman urged the horses on with his whip, pushing the carriage to go even faster.

"Are you alright, Maria?"

"Yeah, I'm holding up... somehow."

Back inside the carriage, Ralph looked concerned as he saw Maria, who was seated and clearly fatigued. They were traversing the bumpy and poorly maintained streets of the slums, which was undoubtedly challenging for someone unaccustomed to it.

"We should be reaching our destination soon. Just bear with it a bit longer."

"I know, but we have to save everyone."

While Wild Fang had pinpointed the location of the kidnapping gang that had been causing chaos in the capital, Ralph and Maria had also discovered that the children from the orphanage they were associated with had been abducted.

Upon learning this, Maria had forcefully joined Wild Fang's assault plan on the kidnappers' hideout, becoming an unexpected participant in this slum event.

"Everyone, please stay safe..."

Although the orphanage children were minor characters unrelated to the main game's plot, the bonds formed during their shared childhood naturally led to feelings of concern. While they expected the rescue mission to succeed, in this world, game scenarios were not guaranteed, as their past experiences had taught them.

Thinking about the possibility of Maria making a mistake, Ralph couldn't help but tighten his grip on his knees.

"We've arrived."

"Let's go, Maria."


The carriage came to an abrupt stop, and the two of them swiftly exited the vehicle.

However, what met their eyes was an unexpected scene. The building they had presumed to be the kidnappers' hideout appeared to have already been ravaged. Around it, members of another organization were in a hasty manner, as if they were cleaning up after an event that had already concluded.

"You're rather late. Your prey is probably all gone by now," taunted Regina, who had been overseeing the operations.


Ralph clenched his fists, feeling the sting of humiliation. In this competition for the same target, it was evident that Regina's faction had emerged victorious. This loss, especially when Wild Fang, a symbol of power in the slums, was expected to excel, meant that Ralph and his group would face an even more challenging situation in the slums moving forward.

Given the situation, tension hung in the air between them.

"Who's this old lady?"


But, Maria, who didn't know anything about the complex relationships between the organizations, disrupted the tense atmosphere.

Even though they were meeting for the first time, Maria felt irritated that Ralph was talking so casually with a woman she had never even seen before, either in the game or in person.

To assert her presence, Maria hooked her arm with Ralph's, as if to show that he was hers, and tried to intimidate Regina.

"You're an impudent little girl, huh? Bringing your lover with you is your choice, but if you're going to show her off, make sure to educate her properly."

For Regina, an experienced courtesan, the jealousy of this inexperienced girl seemed quite amusing. Normally, someone showing such disrespect would face harsh consequences, even a hanging as an example. However, at this moment, Regina was in high spirits after having outwitted Ralph. She took a deep drag from her pipe and, ignoring the watchful eyes of the bystanders, decided to offer some advice to Ralph, who was Maria's owner, in a mentor-like manner.

"What's wrong with this woman?"

"Sorry, she's being rude. Regina, could you please fill us in on the situation?"

"Wait, Ralph!?"

Maria, irritated by Regina's indifferent attitude, kept on yelling and making a fuss. Ralph, looking tired, gently restrained Maria and then asked once more about the current situation.

"We found the hideout of those scoundrels, and our organization teamed up with Selpan's to take them down."

"I see..."

"By the way, what about everyone? Are they safe?"

The answer was as expected, but Maria couldn't accept it. In the past, there were times when the game's storyline went off track, but that was due to Isabella, another reincarnated individual, acting independently. However, this time, it had nothing to do with Isabella, and the events in the slums were entirely unrelated to her. Furthermore, the credit for their success in the slums went to the unfamiliar woman standing before Maria. Since she couldn't make sense of the situation at all, she couldn't be sure if the people they were supposed to rescue were safe. Considering the worst-case scenario, Maria's face turned pale.


"Among the people who were abducted, there should have been some from our orphanage. Do you know anything about them?"

Regina noticed Maria's desperate demeanor, and Ralph decided to clarify further as he faced Regina intently.

"Oh, you mean those girls who were captured. We've already returned all the surface people, but if they originally belonged to our side, they should still be around here somewhere. That's if they weren't sold, though."


"I get it, I'll go check!"

After Regina's remark, Ralph and his companions exchanged glances, and Maria hurried off to ensure the safety of their comrades.

"I thought you weren't interested in women, but it seems like you're doing just fine," Regina teased while watching Maria's departure.

"Stop it. Maria is not like that," Ralph retorted. However, Regina, with a knowing smile, seemed to understand otherwise. Ralph, feeling frustrated and irritated at being treated like a child, clicked his tongue and turned away from Regina.


"I'm back."

When I returned to the mansion after dealing with various matters regarding the abducted women, it was already well past midnight, approaching 2 AM. Tomorrow—or rather, later today—there would be classes at the academy, so I should get some rest in my bed. I was exhausted after today's unusual activities.

"You've finally returned. Mistress is waiting for you in her room. You should go to her right away," Martha, the head maid, hurriedly informed me as I made my way back to my room, my body heavy with exhaustion.

The mention of Milady surprised me, and I instantly forgot about my fatigue. It was completely unexpected to hear that she was staying up so late. Normally, she would have retired to bed by ten o'clock. What could she possibly be doing at this hour, especially with school the next day?

"I'm back, Milady!"

"Ah... you've finally returned? You're so late," My lady Isabella greeted me sleepily from the sofa as I hastily opened the door and entered.

Perhaps it was to help her stay awake, but the room was filled with the strong scent of herbal tea brewed in a cup. There were countless sweets scattered on the desk.

"Milady, why are you still awake? Staying up until this hour isn't good for your health," I scolded.

"While my subordinates are working hard, how can I, as their leader, leisurely go to sleep?" Isabella responded with a yawn.

"Well, that may be true..." I was almost convinced by Milady's words that she had been waiting for me. However, it's not healthy or advisable for a lady to stay up late. It's out of the question.

Moreover, it seemed that Milady, who wasn't accustomed to staying up late, had reached her limit. Her gaze was unfocused, and her speech was slurred.

"By the way, did everything go smoothly?"

"Yes, we managed to rescue the abducted girls safely. We've entrusted the rest to the Royal Knights."

"I see..."

While listening to the report, Milady had already started to drift off, her head nodding. It would be best to put her to bed immediately.

"I'll provide a more detailed report tomorrow, so please get some rest for today. Excuse me."


I carefully lifted her, supporting her knees and back, and Milady obediently clung to my neck. Whether due to her drowsy state or not, I found her compliance quite endearing as I carried her to her bed.

"Well then, goodnight."

"W-wait a moment..."

"Milady, is there something else?"


After placing Milady in bed and preparing to leave her room, she called me back. I turned around to find Milady reclining and motioning for me to come closer.

Puzzled about what more she might need, I approached the bed, following her invitation.



As I leaned in closer, she suddenly pulled me into her embrace. I lost my balance and tumbled onto the bed, my face nestled in Milady's generous bosom.

"M-Milady, what's going on?"

I tried to break free, but her arms seemed strangely strong, and I couldn't escape. Milady's body was still as soft and fragrant as ever. In this position, my male instincts were starting to react...

"You've done well. So, here's your reward..."


Just as I thought Milady had spoken from above, she began to gently stroke my head. That simple gesture erased any impure thoughts from my mind, leaving me utterly speechless.

"This is bad... Everything is falling apart..."

As I lay cradled against Milady's soft bosom, her heartbeat became audible through her skin. The steady rhythm of her pulse, coupled with the gentle strokes on my head, caused all the dark emotions, like anger and hatred, that had been simmering within me to melt away completely.

"It's incredibly comforting..."

In this deeply soothing state, my thoroughly exhausted consciousness dissolved and dispersed. Unable to resist any longer, I gradually slipped into slumber while nestled against Milady's chest.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...