Sunday, October 8, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 49

 The butler laughed

I left the task of securing the other floors to my subordinates and focused on exploring the top floor of the hideout, which was the third floor.

Despite dealing with successive enemy encounters and searching through multiple rooms, I had yet to find the enemy's leader.

"Is this the only room remaining?"

I questioned the enemies I encountered along the way, and it's clear there's a boss in this building. Despite setting up multiple layers of surveillance around the hideout, there have been no reports from there, so they likely haven't escaped yet. So, I turn my attention to the door of the room at the far end of the unexplored floor.

"Inside, there are seven people, and except for one, all of them are armed."

"So, is that one person our target?"

Upon receiving the maid's report as she touched the door to assess the situation inside, I took a brief pause. It was likely that there were enemies within the room who had become aware of our intrusion. Whether the boss was among them remained uncertain, but the truth would become evident once we opened the door.

"Excuse us"



I kicked open the door, and at the same time, a barrage of colorful spells came flying at us from inside the room. However, I had expected this, so I calmly used what I had in my right hand as a shield. Moments later, the spells struck "it" directly, and the man's screams echoed throughout the area.

"I did it, take that, you scum!"

"Could you please refrain from killing people without reason?"

" that!?"

"Oh, I found it on my way here. But you guys are quite ruthless too, killing your comrades. They were still breathing when I found them, yet they're now dead."

It appeared there was a misunderstanding regarding the earlier death cry they had heard.

When I entered the room unscathed, it visibly unsettled the people inside. They were particularly surprised by the identity of the object I had used as a shield, which happened to be one of the individuals who had attacked me during my earlier exploration. I had spared this person, thinking they might be of use later, but it seemed my expectations were in vain.

"Now, about the matter at hand... I'm here to find the person in charge of this place. Does anyone happen to know where they are?"

The room fell into a tense silence, and the men inside reacted to my words. Their attention shifted momentarily toward a man sitting at an opulent desk in the back of the room.

"....Found you" I muttered as I focused on his figure, a faint smile crossing my lips. His appearance matched the information I had gathered, and it seemed I had located the mastermind behind all of this.

"Get him! Take that guy down!" The boss had apparently realized that he was the target and swiftly ordered his men to attack.

"Stay out of this. He's my prey."

"Understood. Best of luck"

The men found it amusing that I had the maids step back and was facing them alone. They all wore an unpleasant smirk on their faces simultaneously.

There were five enemies in total: three in the front and two in the back. Judging by their previous magical precision, it was safe to assume that all of them had backgrounds as former knights or spellcasters.

On the other hand, here I was, an ordinary civilian with no extraordinary powers. From a common-sense perspective, it was clear who held the advantage. The men, possessing the absolute power of magic, understood this best of all. Their confidence in their own abilities led them to underestimate me and become complacent, creating an opening I could exploit.


I swiftly stopped the three front-line attackers who were about to charge at me by throwing knives from my sleeves at the two on either side. They hesitated when they saw the magically enhanced knives and briefly paused in their advance. Meanwhile, the last one had already begun moving and had created some distance between them and their companions.


Seizing the moment, I closed the distance, and the man swung his sword downward. I blocked the blade, which was aimed at my skull, with the hilt of my knife in my left hand. With a harsh metallic sound, I deflected the sword and quickly maneuvered into his guard.

"Ugh.... this guy!"

"I won't let you escape!"

"Argh, ah..!"

As I closed in, the man attempted to step back to create distance, but I didn't let him. I released the knife in my left hand, reached out, and seized the man's arm. Then, in one swift move, I pulled his arm closer while drawing the knife from my waist, swiftly slashing it across his throat, causing his head to tumble away.


"You scum!"

I sensed their hostility and swiftly kicked the head of the man who had fallen at my feet. The head collided, as I had intended, with one of the rear guards, disrupting their magic. Seizing this opportunity, another rear guard attempted to cast wind blades at me, but I used the headless body of the fallen man as a shield to block the attack.

"This guy killed Als!"

"What are you saying? This is a fight to the death; people dying is just part of it, right?"

I would have preferred to deal with the rear guards first, but unfortunately, two of the frontliners were now standing before me. They seemed infuriated that their comrade had been killed, but what was one insignificant life worth, anyway?

"Alright then, die you bastard!"


As they swung their respective weapons at me, I expertly maneuvered to evade. Clearly, the conclusion was simple: if you didn't want to be killed, you had to kill your opponent. It was the only logical choice.

While I had managed to take down one of them unexpectedly earlier, facing two of them head-on was a different challenge. On top of that, the rear guards were casting magic from behind, making the situation quite precarious.

"Prepare yourselves!"

"We'll make you regret picking a fight with us!"

Their battle axes, strengthened by magic, sliced through the air, while their twin swords moved with impressive agility. I did my best to parry their coordinated attacks, but facing them at full strength left me with no opportunities to counter. I kept retreating and focused solely on defense, but they relentlessly closed in on me.

"You're tougher than you look!"

Perhaps fed up with my narrow dodges, one of them infused his axe with magic and swung it in a powerful blow.


"Don't think you can escape!"

To avoid the attack, I leaped backward, but they pursued me relentlessly, paying no attention to the magical device I had taken out from my pocket.

"That's why dealing with brutes is so simple."


""What the...!?""

The light magic activated on the magical device, producing a blinding flash in the area. Its primary purpose was to disorient rather than cause harm. However, the men, relying on their magic to defend against minor attacks, were momentarily blinded by the sudden flash.


I swiftly followed up with the body-enhancing magical device—a last resort. With augmented leg strength, I pushed off the floor, leaping over the temporarily incapacitated men.

"First, let's deal with these troublesome supporters."

"Wha, Gyah..!?"

Performing agile maneuvers, I landed on the ceiling, inverting my perspective. I set my sights on one of the remaining rear guards, then pushed off the ceiling and descended rapidly.

Caught off guard by the unexpected move, the man couldn't react in time. I efficiently severed his neck along with his raised staff.

"Eek...Don't... come any closer!"

Witnessing his comrade's head suspended in mid-air beside him, he finally realized the dire situation and began casting spells erratically.

"Quiet, and die."


I dodged a barrage of spells, swiftly sidestepping any I couldn't avoid. As I closed the distance, I discarded anything I couldn't dodge entirely. I struck one man with a flying knife, causing him to pause momentarily. The other had already launched himself into an attack, creating some distance from his comrades.




My knee found its target as I landed, doubling the man over in agony. Without hesitation, I delivered a swift kick to his jaw, knocking him onto his back. His comrade, who had been slightly slower to react, attempted to unleash a spell, but it was disrupted by his falling ally.

"Cough, ga, ah.....



The men who had finally regained their vision tried to rush me, but their earlier overextension had left them out of reach. While they struggled to close the gap, I used my foot to apply slow, steady pressure on the fallen man's neck until it snapped.

"That makes three."

I released my foot from the lifeless body and turned to confront the remaining two men. The self-assured grin they had worn earlier had vanished, replaced by looks of terror in the eyes of the two remaining foes.


I dodged the multitude of unleashed spells, deflecting what I couldn't avoid, closing in on my target. With the momentum, I drove my knee into the man's abdomen.




The knee strike hit its mark cleanly, causing the man to double over in pain. I followed up by kicking his chin, causing him to fall backward. With him on his back, I pressed my foot onto his neck, applying gradual pressure.

"Gah, s-stop!"


Finally regaining their vision, the front-line men attempted to rush towards me, but they had moved too far ahead earlier, and they couldn't reach us in time. With my audience now back in the picture, I exerted my strength, and there was a dull sound as the man's neck snapped.

"That makes three."

I released my foot from the lifeless body and turned back to face the remaining two men. The smug grin that had adorned their face moments ago had vanished, replaced by a look of terror in the eyes of the two men.

"Well, which one of you wants to be next?"

I spread my arms wide, wearing a grin that had become all too familiar in such situations.


"What... What is that guy?"

The organization's boss couldn't believe his eyes as he witnessed the unfolding chaos.

These men were once a notorious criminal group that had wreaked havoc in the Western Union. They had become the subject of international arrest warrants due to their extreme violence and had chosen to relocate their base to this kingdom, where their power still held sway.

One of their strengths lay in the key figures within the organization. These individuals were powerful and stood out even among the criminals who had gathered from various countries. Originally knights and magicians from their respective nations, they had fallen from grace for various reasons and turned to a life of crime. While their personalities were far from ideal, their abilities were undeniable.

So, who was this butler who appeared to effortlessly overpower them?

"Black hair, black eyes, and that outrageous strength... Well, there's no mistaking it."

Standing beside the boss, there was one man who had not yet joined the fight. He trembled as he watched the scene unfold. This man had been dispatched by an organization to gather information in the kingdom and was a capable operative, on par with the other senior members. However, for some reason, he had become immobilized upon seeing the butler.

"Quit standing there like an idiot and provide backup!"

Regardless of the situation, there was no room for hesitation. After witnessing the butler swiftly dispatch three elite fighters, it was clear that they couldn't defeat the remaining two with their current numbers. Moreover, the butler wore an eerie smile on his face, even in this dire situation.

The boss's intuition told him that they had to eliminate that butler at all costs.

"Th-this can't be a joke! There's no way we can stand against that 'Hero Killer'! I'm getting out of here!"

"Hey, wait!"

But the man, as if gone mad, shouted and sprinted towards the window, leaving the boss behind. His sudden flight, completely contrasting his usual confident demeanor, left no time for the boss to stop him.

"You fools, carry on killing each other until I escape..."

"Where do you think you're going?"


The man had tried to flee desperately, but before he could reach the window, a dark figure appeared behind him. With a face twisted in fear, he turned around just in time to see Crow swinging down a knife.

"Don't make this more troublesome than it needs to be. There's no way I'll let you escape, right?"

"Y-yes... yes..."

Crow severed the man's head in a single clean strike and casually wiped the blood off the knife. He had managed to turn the other senior members into lifeless bodies as well, leaving only the boss in the room.


Realizing he had no way out, the boss stealthily reached for something inside the desk. He opened a compartment, feeling for a magical tool, and carefully assessed his options.

"Now, there are many things I'd like to ask you. Just cooperate—"


In an instant, Crow closed the gap, reaching a distance where he could ensure a hit. The boss reacted by pulling out a magical tool and squeezing the trigger.

In response, a spell formation activated, causing the magic stone within the bullet's chamber to react in a chain, resulting in an explosion that propelled the projectile forward with tremendous force. The deadly bullet flew straight toward Crow at an almost impossible speed.


Or at least, it should have, but to everyone's astonishment, Crow effortlessly deflected the boss's shot using his knife.


The boss involuntarily froze as his deadly shot was nullified. Something was undeniably wrong. Crow couldn't have possibly noticed the attack just moments before. Moreover, how could he casually neutralize an attack from the latest imperial magical tool—a type that wasn't even available to the public? It was all too absurd to make any sense.


However, such thoughts left the boss vulnerable to a counterattack. The thrown knife pierced his arm, and the searing pain caused him to drop the magical tool he held. A follow-up kick to his face sent the boss flying, blood gushing from his nose.

"...a gun?"

Crow picked up the magical tool from the floor and looked puzzled. He seemed unfazed by the boss who had just been sent flying.

Though there were some differences in detail, the magical tool on the ground was unmistakably the same as the weapon from Crow's past life—a firearm that didn't belong in this world of swords and magic.

"Wow, you're strong. How about teaming up with me?"


Ignoring the boss's attempt to recruit him with a sycophantic smile, Crow responded by pulling the trigger of the gun in his hand.

The bullet hit its mark precisely, blowing off a chunk of the boss's ear and contorting his face with pain and fear.

"You should just answer my questions. Do you understand?"


With his collar gripped and the gun barrel pressed firmly against his forehead, the boss had no choice but to nod repeatedly. His silence spoke volumes.

As he peered into Crow's abyss-like, pitch-black eyes up close, the boss finally realized the truth.

This guy was on the same side as them—someone who cared nothing for life, justice, or ethics.

But what made it all the more horrifying was that he was even crazier than they were.

With an opponent like this, their defeat had been sealed from the moment they crossed paths.


Seeing the situation, the boss could only accept being restrained by the maids, wearing a sardonic smile.


"It's too late huh..."

When the carriage carrying Regina and the other Beehive members arrived, the area around the intended hideout was already eerily quiet.


"Yeah, I get it. None of you lay a hand on them!"

As they disembarked from the carriage, the captain of the accompanying combat squad stayed close by to ensure their safety, increasing their vigilance. When they looked around, they noticed that black-clad figures had silently surrounded them.

Being completely encircled like this was unsettling, but Regina first had to calm her hot-blooded subordinates. Fortunately, it seemed like the other side was just observing their actions for now and had no intention of attacking. They knew very well what would happen if they made the first move in this situation.

Since they were clearly at a disadvantage, Regina wanted to avoid combat under these circumstances.

"Why has the leader of Beehive come all the way here? What business do you have in a place like this?"

A voice as clear as glass shattered the tense atmosphere. Everyone turned to look at the source, and some of the black-clad individuals cleared a path, revealing a maid.


Witnessing her doll-like beauty, those in the vicinity couldn't help but sigh in admiration. Even Regina, who had interacted with her before and should have been somewhat used to her appearance, felt a bit dizzy seeing her again. It was no wonder that her subordinates, who had no resistance, were entranced by her charms.

With a beauty that could enchant anyone, intelligence beyond ordinary comprehension, and formidable combat abilities irrespective of gender, she was an object of desire for almost everyone. She had once served under Regina, but now, facing her, Regina realized how troublesome she could be. Despite having just appeared, this maid had completely taken control of the situation.

"So, it was you after all. It's been a while, Number One."

However, Regina, as the organization's leader, had her pride, especially since she had climbed up from the slums. She couldn't allow this woman to have her way any longer. Regina ordered her guards to step back and moved forward to confront her.

"It's been a while, Madam Regina. I must apologize, but I am no longer Number One."


Her statement was unexpected. She had vehemently resisted changing her name in the past, so what had happened?

"I have received a new name from my master, and I now go by Eins. Please remember it for future reference."

"Well, that's just fine. It's a good name."

"Thank you."

Regina responded warmly to Eins, who elegantly held her skirt and bowed. Still, she couldn't help but shudder at the content of their conversation.

She had mentioned that she had received her name from her master. It meant that he was indeed alive, the "Hero Killer." And now, he was here.

"I'm one of the rulers of the slums, and I've come to capture the bastards who've been causing trouble around here lately..."

"I see. But rest assured, we've already wiped out the organization."

Eins said it casually, but according to the information she had gathered beforehand, their opponent was supposed to be a fairly large organization. Moreover, it hadn't been much time since she had confirmed their status through communication before the attack.

To have wiped them out in such a short time meant that their fighting power was significantly high. As evidence of this, the captain of the combat squad she had brought along, who had been excited just a moment ago, now had a pale face and was sweating profusely.

"It seems so, but we can't just return empty-handed. We must at least meet with your leader. Would you be willing to arrange a meeting for us?"

However, Regina and her group had their reputation to uphold. Allowing others to do as they pleased without retaliation could make them appear weak in the eyes of the slum residents. Moreover, letting someone else snatch their revenge target away from them would be even worse.

"Madam Regina."


"I've been given orders by my master not to allow any interference. Do you understand what that means?"

Eins suddenly emitted a chilling presence, causing those present to momentarily freeze. It appeared that Regina had misspoken. Seeing Eins channeling her magical power with intense determination, her subordinates refrained from drawing their weapons.

"I'm requesting a compromise here. Moreover, I won't allow any harm to come to your master."

In this life-or-death situation where one wrong word could mean disaster, Regina met Eins' piercing emerald eyes head-on, displaying unwavering resolve. She hadn't survived in the slums for so long without navigating through numerous perilous situations.

"...You're right. Negotiating with you, the leader of one of the three major organizations that rule the slums, may be worthwhile. Please wait a moment while I consult with my master."

Eins, who had locked eyes with Regina for a while, lowered her gaze and suppressed the earlier aura of danger. She casually brushed her ashy hair from her face and touched a crystal earring on her ear, initiating communication with someone.

It seemed Regina had won her wager.


"It seems we managed to get through that."

Overwhelmed by exhaustion, Regina's body wavered, and a young secretary girl came to her support.

To be honest, she thought she might die, but somehow, it seemed she would be able to meet the girl's master.

"Sis! That was seriously dangerous!"

"I know, okay!"

The squad leader approached with a deeply fatigued expression. Although Regina had faced Eins directly, it seemed that Eins' overwhelming aura had a significant impact on the men who had been standing by behind her.

Pathetic men, she thought, especially when she looked at Eins.

"So, can you guys actually win against those girls?"

"No, it's impossible. Not only those black-clad people around them, but especially that maid called Eins is dangerous. She's clearly in a league of her own."

"That's for sure..."

Regina wasn't skilled in combat, but she could still tell that Eins' abilities were on a completely different level from the others.

She seemed like an ordinary commoner, but she had to have noble blood running through her veins somewhere—a high-ranking noble at that.

"We apologize for the delay. Our master is ready to meet with you. Please follow us."

"You guys will wait here until I come back, alright?"

"Take care."

"Alright, I'll be going" 

It seems like the conversation on the other side had ended. Instructing her subordinates to stay put, Regina followed Eins, who led the way into the building.

"We've brought Madam Regina of the Beehive with us."

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

They walked through the damaged floors, probably a result of the recent battle, until they reached the top floor.

Upon entering the room, they saw a man tied to a chair, several maids who resembled Ains, and the mysterious black-haired butler, who greeted Regina with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Madam Regina. I am Crow, a servant of a certain noble individual"

"I'm Regina, the leader of Beehive"

Regina was surprised by how cordial Crow, the infamous hero killer who had once thrown the slums into chaos, appeared as he greeted her. Could this really be the same person?


At that moment, the man tied to the chair raised his head and implored Regina for assistance. At first glance, he seemed physically sound, but upon closer inspection, it became apparent that some of his fingers and other body parts appeared freshly attached, as if they had been forcibly reattached after being severed.


"Roger that"

Crow was the one who reacted to this. One of his red-haired maids approached the bound man as instructed. She ignited her fingertips with flames and, without hesitation, thrust them into the man's eye sockets.


Amidst the smell of burning flesh, the man's screams echoed throughout the room. The sudden and gruesome torture happening right before her eyes left Regina stunned. Meanwhile, Crow observed the scene with an emotionless expression.

"My apologies, he was the boss of this place, but it seems he hasn't quite grasped his current situation yet."

"Oh, aah..."

Crow turned his attention back to Regina, wearing the same friendly smile as before, whether it was because the man had lost consciousness or lost interest.

With just that expression, Regina was convinced that he was undoubtedly the infamous hero killer.

"So, I hear you have something to discuss with me?"

"Yes, let me get straight to the point. I want you to hand over the custody of that man over there."


When Regina finally broached the subject, Crow chuckled.

His smile now was entirely different from the calm and reassuring one he had shown earlier. Regina couldn't help but shiver.

It wasn't the same overwhelming pressure she felt from Eins, but rather an oppressive weight that seemed to cling to her skin.

It was as if her heart were being held in someone's hand.

"We've also suffered considerable losses in this incident. Although the organization we originally intended to crush has been destroyed, we still need to settle things to save face on our end."

But they had come this far, and there was no turning back now.

Regina did her best to assert herself, not wanting to be underestimated, but even her words felt like they were being seen through by Crow's piercing gaze.

"So, are you basically asking us for credit?" 

"Of course, we're not asking for it for free. Yuna."

"Yes, Mother."

Regina offered her secretary, Yuna, to Crow. Yuna was Regina's biological daughter, inheriting not only her mother's beauty but also learning all the skills of pleasing men from Regina's time as the top courtesan in the slums. Yuna had acquired various knowledge and etiquette, making her the most sought-after courtesan in the kingdom. While she had no combat abilities, she excelled in every other aspect, even surpassing Eins.

"If you accept this proposal, then you can have this girl" 

"Please take care of me, Mr. Crow," Yuna said with a smile.

Regardless of Crow's status as a hero killer, as a man, he couldn't escape his desires. Like the other men who had fallen for Yuna before, once he experienced her charms, Crow would be ensnared. After that, everything would go according to plan. Regina would have the ultimate force in her hands, the hero killer.

"Sorry, but I already have that covered."


However, Regina's scheme fell apart when Crow showed no interest in Yuna. He looked at Yuna as if she were just an ordinary stone on the ground, not even giving her a second glance. It was the first time Regina and Yuna faced such a defeat.

Regina had a major misconception. She thought Crow was an ordinary lustful man, given the bevy of beautiful maids surrounding him. While it was true that Crow had some interest in women, his heart had already been captured by one woman, and he had no interest in any other. He hadn't even made advances on the maids who mistakenly thought he had a harem.

"Well, then, how about something else? Money or power? We have connections with nobles, so we can arrange that too."

However, Regina was unaware of these details. If even her trump card, Yuna, couldn't sway him, Regina would be cornered. They had risen to their current position by using their beauty to seduce and manipulate men, but that seemed to be of little use here.

"I don't particularly need anything."

"That can't be right. Tell me what you want. I'll provide anything you desire."

"Hmm, I understand..."

Another surprising turn of events was that, apart from sexual desire, Crow didn't seem to have any other desires. He showed no interest in the usual things that humans naturally desire, such as wealth or power. Regina, who had primarily dealt with avaricious individuals until now, found Crow's behavior quite peculiar.

"In that case, the throne."


"Hand over the throne of this country to me."

Regina was utterly taken aback by this unexpected demand. She initially thought it might be a joke, but it clearly wasn't. His eyes shone with a fervor brighter and filled with more desire than anyone she had ever encountered.

"T-That's... surely, you can't be serious..."

"It's a joke; I'm not expecting that much."

Despite his taunting laughter, Regina couldn't see any humor in it. It was evident that his recent statement was earnest. If Regina's organization had been more substantial, he would likely have used them to seize the throne. It was mere speculation, but the conviction in his eyes made it appear entirely plausible.

"It seems the discussion has concluded. Our guest should be leaving now. Escort them to the exit."

"W-Wait a moment!"

Perhaps realizing that there were no other options left, Crow decided to end the conversation with Regina and ordered his maids to escort them out. Regina, who hadn't achieved any results, desperately tried to persist, but Crow seemed to have lost all interest. He didn't even look their way as he was being led away by his maids.

"Please wait, Sir Crow."

It was Crow's subordinate, Eins, who stopped the maids.

"What is it?"

"Sir Crow, perhaps we should consider extending them a favor?"

Crow, who had lost interest until then, turned around to look at Eins, apparently unable to ignore her words. Without hesitation, Eins made a new proposal.

"We are, after all, a significant organization that governs this slum. In case of any trouble, their organizational strength could be of assistance. Besides, we are going to eliminate that man one way or another, so handing him over might not be a problem."

Considering Crow's previous statement, it was undoubtedly risky to owe him a favor, but sometimes you had to choose the lesser evil. Moreover, if they could establish a connection with them, it might not be such a bad move.

"If they refuse to repay the favor, we can deal with them at that time."

"Hey, hey, we won't do anything like that."

Regina made sure to emphasize that they had no intention of betraying the trust.

"...If you put it that way, then I suppose we can accept that proposal," Crow responded.

"Thank you"

Crow quickly accepted Eins' suggestion, indicating a significant level of trust. In response, Eins gracefully expressed her gratitude by bowing her head.

"You mentioned, your name is Regina, right"

"Oh, yes that's me"

When Crow turned his gaze, the maids releasing Regina. He then pointed to the man behind him.

"We'll give you this man. As a bonus, take credit for dismantling this organization as well."

"A-are you sure?"

Regina widened her eyes in astonishment. To give away all the credit for dismantling this organization, after all the struggles they went through, was excessively generous.

"I don't really care about destroying a small-time organization like this. If you want it, I'll give it to you."

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

Certainly, for them, who don't usually work in the slums, any accomplishments here would be unnecessary. Perhaps the debt incurred would be significant, but that can be addressed when the time comes. For now, they should be pleased with the best result they've obtained.

"We're leaving now."

"If you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to contact us. We'll make sure to settle the debt."

"Very well, thank you."

After leaving all the cleanup to Regina, Crow departed with his subordinates. They probably returned to their master. Regina couldn't help but be curious about the identity of the one who tames such a wild horse, but sometimes it's best not to poke the hornet's nest.

"...Good grief, what an extraordinary bunch."

In the end, Regina was left behind, looking considerably aged by the events of this incident.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...