Thursday, October 5, 2023

Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 43

 My lady is enduring things

While capture-target is crucial, one mustn't lose sight of the primary objective.

Maria Norton was reincarnated into this world with a dream of being surrounded by ideal men, just like those in the games, to live out her youthful days in a rosy romance. Therefore, Maria, beyond her capture-related endeavors, consistently keeps a retinue of enchanted men by her side, ruling like a queen.

Today, after finishing her lunch, Maria moved to her next class, encircled by the princes.


On her way, deeply engrossed in conversation, Maria inadvertently collided with something soft approaching from the opposite direction, resulting in a graceful tumble onto her backside.

"Maria, are you okay?"

Albert, too slow to react, hurried over to assist Maria, who had landed on her bottom.

Maria, rising with Albert's aid, gave her companion's face a scrutinizing look, her cheek twitching, primed to voice her grievances.

"Are you okay, Milady?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

There, Crow was holding Isabella. It turned out that the person Maria had collided with earlier was Isabella.


Isabella remained as irritating as ever. Maria clenched her teeth while glaring at Isabella's overly generous bosom, which had grown disproportionately compared to her own. What's more, seeing Crow embrace Isabella like that filled Maria with a burning jealousy. She believed that position should rightfully be hers.

"Where are you looking?"

"I-I'm sorry..."

But for now, she needed to hold back. After all, there was a high likelihood that the other person was also a reincarnated individual like Maria. She couldn't afford to be careless. Suppressing her anger to the point where she thought she might break her teeth from clenching them so hard, Maria obediently lowered her head.

"You should have a sense of dignity as a member of the nobility... Hyah!?"

Perhaps she had been emboldened by Maria's meekness, but Isabella's tone grew harsher as she continued to criticize. As Maria tried to endure it, suddenly, Isabella let out a strange noise and jolted her body.

"Mwhha.... Ugh, Mnhh.....!"

In front of Maria and the others, Isabella wore a shocked expression as she slowly turned around. Crow, who had been waiting behind Isabella, approached with his usual smile and leaned in closer to her ear.


In that brief moment, Crow's emotion drastically changed. The gentle smile he had shown a moment ago vanished, replaced by a sadistic grin that was completely out of character. Unconsciously, Maria took a step back in response to Crow's sudden transformation.

Crow was supposed to be the kind young man who was a capture target in Maria's favorite game. While he had a slightly yandere side, he was also the one who spoiled the protagonist, Maria. However, the look in his eyes just now resembled a fierce beast devouring its prey.

"Milady, are you alright?"

"Oh, you... of all places, to do this now... Eep!?"

"No, Milady, you shouldn't act so confrontational. Didn't we have a little 'request' earlier?"

"Kuh, hmph... I'll remember this later..."

Although Maria couldn't hear the content of their hushed conversation, Crow, who was supporting the staggering Isabella, wore the same smile as always. There was no trace of the frightening presence she had sensed earlier, which only added to Maria's confusion.

(Is that...? Did I just imagine it?)

Maria thought the expression she had seen earlier might have been a misunderstanding. She tried to convince herself of this, and reluctantly accepted it. Isabella, on the other hand, turned back towards them, apparently finished with her conversation.

"F-from now on... be careful... uh..."


"I apologize, but it seems Milady isn't feeling well. We'll excuse ourselves here."

"Ah, okay..."

Maria had been prepared for a harsh verbal attack, but surprisingly, Isabella merely offered a light warning and left. Maria couldn't help but feel puzzled. Perhaps, as Crow had suggested, Isabella was genuinely unwell. Blushing, Isabella exuded a somewhat seductive aura, which even caught Maria off guard.

Watching Crow lead Isabella away while holding her hand, Maria and the others were left in a state of bewilderment.

"What was that all about?"

"It seems like she wasn't feeling well, and it's not unusual for her to act differently when she's not in good health."

"I suppose that's true..."

(At this point, she's finally showing her true colors...)

While the princes discussed Isabella's recent behavior, Maria believed that if Isabella were a fellow reincarnator, it would make sense. She couldn't fathom her motive, but Isabella had shifted from secretive actions to suddenly becoming active, and there had to be a cleverly devised plan behind it all.

"(Alright! If you're that determined, I'll give my all to crush your plan!)"

"Maria! We need to hurry, or we'll be late!"

"Wait up!"

With determination in her eyes, Maria was momentarily distracted by the bell signaling the start of class and rushed to the lecture hall.


"Nn... ah, no..."

"Are you okay, Milady?"

"Who do you think's responsible for this...? Nghhh!"

In a rarely used girls' restroom, I found myself face to face with Milady. She stood there with trembling legs, but her gaze remained unwavering.

This was the very essence of the noble and determined Isabella, the lady I had fallen for. Despite enduring this all day, her unwavering dignity made me want to respect her.

Indeed, it's moments like this that make her submission so rewarding.

"I'm simply exercising my rights as the victor. And don't forget, Milady, you were the one who proposed these conditions in the first place."

"B-but even so, Hyan!  To make me do something like this in the academy...!"

The whole situation had its roots in a bet we made. Isabella had initially offered any request as the prize if she could beat me in a game. She lost ten times in a row, and this was the result.

Her current predicament was entirely her own doing, with no room for sympathy. She may complain, but she brought this upon herself. Isabella remained as willful as ever.

"I get what you're saying, but I bet Milady was secretly having some fun, weren't you?"

"Who's having fun here!"

Isabella immediately denied it, but I could see through her act. Even though she put up a tough front, there was a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes. In a way, Isabella was like a female in heat.

"Is that right? Why don't we find out for sure?"

"Find out...?"

"Milady, please unbutton your uniform."


I instructed Isabella, who hesitated and nervously looked around. Even though there was no one nearby, she seemed embarrassed to expose her skin in the academy. Her reaction was sluggish.

However, at this point, Isabella had no other option.

"How about using one more of those 'winner's privileges'?"

"Fine! I'll do it, okay!"

With six more privileges left as the victor, I playfully hinted at the idea, and perhaps remembering the humiliation of her previous defeat, Isabella confidently started unbuttoning her uniform.

Her graceful fingers slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing Isabella's cleavage hidden under her thick jacket. Even through her shirt, her nipples were erect, gently quivering, and her breasts swayed noticeably.


Isabella, aware of her actions, blushed crimson and hesitated midway due to embarrassment. But she couldn't bear being left like that.

I took a small magical device from my pocket, ensuring Isabella could see it, and adjusted the dial.


The effect was immediate. Isabella, with a startled jerk of her shoulders, continued unbuttoning her shirt, one button at a time.

As she proceeded, her unrestrained and ample bosom shifted, pressing against her arms and threatening to spill from her shirt any moment. Concealing Isabella's massive breasts with only her shirt was an impossible task from the start. As her arms lowered to undo the lower buttons, the shirt slipped, revealing her breasts. The fabric momentarily caught on her nipples, but with a slight movement from Isabella, it slid further down, finally exposing her beautiful bosom.

"I-is this okay?"

"Yes, that's right. Now, lift your skirt."


Isabella found herself in a ridiculous situation, baring her breasts within the school grounds. Despite her embarrassment, she defiantly held her head high, seemingly insisting on having her exposed breasts acknowledged, which only added to the absurdity of it all.

With a sly smile, I issued the next command while watching her in this state. Isabella, trembling with fear, cautiously pinched the edge of her skirt and slowly lifted it. As the skirt ascended, her healthy white thighs were revealed. Moving further up, her intimate area covered in golden pubic hair was exposed.

From the central part of her already moist entrance, a continuous flow of moisture dripped down, leaving multiple dried traces along her thighs.

Even though I had given the command, who could have imagined that the noble Isabella would spend her school day without wearing underwear? Despite my guard, her anxiety was evident throughout the day due to her exposed intimate area.

But that wasn't all. If you observed Isabella's intimate area, both nipples and her clitoris, you would notice small pink oval-shaped crystals attached to them. These crystals were still vibrating with magic, continuously granting Isabella pleasure since the morning.

This is a toy made in the Empire that was once mistakenly given to Selpan from the Libra Company. It works similarly to the communication crystals I have, but it's been made smaller and quieter using the latest technology. It even has settings to adjust its intensity levels. When I tried using it, it felt almost the same as the vibrators from my past life. Honestly, the person who made this must be a genius but also a bit foolish.

"So, Milady, are you not enjoying this?"

"Ah... oh, aahh..."

I reached out to Isabella's intimate area and gently inserted two fingers into her wet slit. Even this light touch caused lewd, squelching sounds as her thick love juices clung to my fingertips. In response to those sounds, Isabella blushed deeply and lowered her head.

Oh, what an arousing expression...

"However, you seem quite wet. Am I mistaken?"

"Uh... no..."

I grabbed her chin, forcefully tilting Isabella's face upward, and presented my fingers covered in her love juices right in front of her. Isabella couldn't tear her gaze away from the thread of her own arousal between my fingers, freezing in place. Despite this, she still tried to deny it, showing her stubbornness. It seemed I would need to persuade her a bit more to make her open up.

"Is that so? Well, I guess we can't help it... You mustn't remove your hand."

"Ah, ahhhh!?"

After giving Isabella an order, I operated the remote control of the magical device, increasing its intensity without mercy. Isabella, teetering on the brink, clutched her skirt tightly and trembled as she tried to endure the sensations.

But even a quick look at her expression revealed that she was on the verge of her limit. Her mouth hung partially open, drooling from the intense waves of pleasure, and her eyes had lost focus. She was just one push away from her breaking point, but ending it here wouldn't be any fun.

"Milady, place your hands on the wall and turn your bottom toward me."

"Fueh...? L-like this...?"

I temporarily turned off the vibrator, leaving Isabella bewildered as the overwhelming pleasure suddenly vanished. In her dazed state, she was likely disoriented and not thinking clearly. Nevertheless, Isabella followed my instructions, putting her hands on the restroom wall and turning her bottom toward me. The center of her swaying rear end, where there should have been an opening, was sealed shut by the toy.

"I see, well, since I've prepared all this, I might as well use it on you."

"W-Wait a moment! By 'use it on me,' you don't mean..."

"What are you saying? You've already had something like this inside you."

Ignoring Isabella's panic, I firmly held onto her buttocks and hooked my finger onto the ring emerging from the opening that was originally meant for excretion.

"See, I'm removing it now."

"Wa-wait... higuuuh!?"

With a gentle but steady pull, I extracted the anal plug that had been inserted into Isabella's rear. As the beaded plug slid out, one of the connected beads gently widened her anus on its way out.

Despite our gradual preparations, the sensation of having something removed from her rear end caused Isabella to grimace in discomfort.

"Relax, please."

"H-hold on! Seriously!"

"No, you can't refuse as the loser."

"You demon! Ahh! Nnnahh!"

With each bead being carefully removed, Isabella couldn't help but cry out, a mix of pain and pleasure. Her moans betrayed her true feelings. As proof, the amount of lubrication flowing from her crevice had increased since earlier, forming a small puddle on the restroom floor.

"Haa..... Haaa...."

"Hehe... to feel that way through my rear, Milady must be quite a pervert." 

"I'm not... I'm not a pervert..."

In response to the word "pervert" Isabella's rear end twitches involuntarily. It seems that just hearing that word is enough to arouse her. What an adorable reaction. It only makes me want to tease her more.

"You're dripping with such lewd juices, and yet you say that so easily. But if you're okay with it, shall we go a bit further?"

"No way, not again... Ah, no, please don't...!"

I insert the anal plug that I had removed earlier back into her rear. With each ball of the plug sinking into her anus, Isabella lets out sweet moans and arches her back.

"Ah, ah...!"


I try to pull the anal plug out again after confirming that it's fully inside, but this time, Isabella clenches her buttocks tightly, preventing me from removing it. Even at this point, she still has the will to resist. She should realize that such reactions only serve to further excite a man.


"Ahyan!? Ah, aaah! No, ah, nghhh....!"

I raised my hand and gave the insolent woman's buttocks a hard slap.

In response, Isabella let out a moan and released a bit of moisture from between her legs while her body trembled with small convulsions. But I paid no attention to her reactions.

Ignoring her, I pulled out the anal plug forcefully and reinserted it just before it could come all the way out, teasing Isabella's anus vigorously.

"I'm about to come! I can't hold back any longer!"

"You're still able to talk, so you'll be fine."

"I can't take it anymore! Oh, no... I'm... I'm cumming!"

With the vibrator switched on, Isabella could only scream as pleasure overwhelmed her entire body, her face wet with tears and saliva. There was no trace of the dignified daughter of a Duke, only the pitiful sight of a woman tormented by pleasure.

"There, you can climax now."

"I'm cumming... I'm... Ahhhhh!"

After thoroughly enjoying the moment, I turned the vibrator to its maximum setting and swiftly removed the anal plug. At that very moment, Isabella, who had been holding back until then, convulsed violently, releasing a copious amount of moisture as she reached the peak of ecstasy.

"Oh my, is it already this late?"

"Ahh... Ah..."

Watching Isabella's lewd display, which had soaked the restroom floor, I noticed her knees giving way as the remnants of her climax washed over her. In a rush, I grabbed her hips and forcibly helped her stand.

I tossed the anal plug I had been holding into my wristband storage. In the distance, the sound of a bell marking the end of the lecture reached my ears.

I pondered my next move, but with the lecture over, there was a chance that other students might arrive.

So, what should I do?

"Milady, please excuse me."


As I thought about this, I heard footsteps getting closer.

Certainly, I couldn't allow other students to witness such a scandalous scene.

With that in mind, I quickly embraced Isabella and hurried into a nearby private room, locking the door behind us.

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Listen to My Lady’s Story Chapter 93

 The ex-butler is being desperately relied on "Now, let's see how much Crow knows about the history of this country." The cast...